Friday, December 14, 2012


Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Lads and Lassies and all else from cock roaches 2 floating shit molecules, let me B right up front and in your face by opening up here on this blogging text and saying that WOMO-OTAMM-SCUM-MILI-2-FORCE, PUT ME THROUGH THE WORST HELL OF MY ENTIRE MOTHER FUCKING COCK SUCKING SHIT EATING BASTARD ASS LIFE SINCE POSTING UP BLOG NUMBER SJ-0046, THE ONE B4 THIS ONE, YO, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But UC peeps, I know now that I struck some huge and hyper fucking time nerves, and when U drill a dental patient’s tooth all ready aching and infected without any Novocain 4 the pain, and put your face 2 close 2 his or her foot, don’t B super fucking ass shocked when he or she kicks your mother fucking teeth down your damn cunt lapping ass throat, at the speed of light squared, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, GIANT PUSSYS R climbing out of the woodwork, normally, a super indicator that much more than just this fucking shit is transpiring so horrifically around my damn ass, Jim Kirk Spok!!!!!! Yes, do not expect my cussing 2 just simply waltz away, not when this much mother fucking bull shit is happening 2 me, and peeps, I could type 4 a solid 10 fucking diseased hours and only scratch mere fucking ass surfaces, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was ASSAULTED AND PUMMELED AND REEMED TIMES TEN 2 THE POWER OF TWENTY ON MY 56TH FUCKING BIRTHDAY, Saturday, but this is not where this blog will begin, as this indeed is not the beginning of the story since my last blog ended and I exited this fucking library, YO!!!!!!!! However, when I left the library on Saturday, after not doing a blog as I WAS STOPPED AND PREVENTED FROM DOING MY BLOG, I came 2 a decision and a major fucking ass conclusion, and that is that I will B shortly purchasing a used laptop from someone I know here in Fort Pierce who sells used LT’s, and then have my COMCAST CABLE service upgraded 2 both service with cable television as well as internet freaking service, this fucking library fucking shit IS TOTALLY OVER, ENOUGH IS FUCKING Streisand-summer-1980 ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I arrived here at the library, the parking was bad but a bit better, but trashy mobs of peeps were everywhere, and giant sluts were really all over the place, and going out of there way from the very second that I stepped out of my fucking vehicle, 2 get all around me, and annoy me, and show off their enormous size and height. Then I finally walked into the library, and scum bags were all over ALL FUCKING 4 OF THE WORD PROCESSOR MACHINES, and were not going anyplace. The sluts upstairs thought it was funny as I walked by looking over 2C if space existed up there when none was 2B found on the lower level, and they instantly began giggling and making fun and teasing, and believe fucking me, I know when fucking shit is meant 4 me and meant 2B annoying and upsetting 4 fucking ass pathetic fucking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM IMAGINING NOTHING, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I decided then and there, I am saving now 2 purchase a used laptop and get an internet home service from the Comcast Cable Television peeps, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not only did this shit all happen 2 me on my 56th birthday, last Saturday, after 2 years from the fucking time that filthy fat ass Dawn-Marie King totally fucked up my 54th birthday, it is all on the fucking blogs of December the 4th of OH-MAROLA-ASS-8, YO, but this was only the beginning of the absolute mother fucking shit swallowing worst day literally that I was forced 2 live through and mother fucking experience in somewhere between 5 and 25 fucking years lads and lassies, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super fucking shit happened, and we will talk about the entire fucking shit, but not right this second, as first, I will get my fucking vengeance, whether Scylla-Jehovah gets pissed off about it or not, as SHE claims that SHE has full rights 2 this, maybe the Library of Congress can offer proof 4 me sometime, is there any symbol on your office records up there in DC, of a document such as, “VENGEANCE”- © SCYLLA?????????????????????? I am merely going by the writings of the OLD TESTAMENT.

Donald Trump despises my living fucking guts, and used 2 hate me a lot more until ‘my trip 2 Florida, number 2’. My opinion of your word on the street about me back in 1986, U and Richard Karpf and information 411 operators that do totally unexplainable things, and the entire bunch of roach swallowing fart sniffers that all think that they know me so damn ass well; and have made a billion dollars off of using my life 2 fund their idea-trust over 2 decades, impress me like a terra ton of pig shit mixed with the Grand Canyons filled 2 the top with maggots. U make me sicker than all of my bloody red shoes all put together. Still, one powerful shit thing happened just last night that works 2 vindicate fucking me a whole lot, and I will get 2 one of their great television shows, YO.

First off, and in absolutely no order of importance, since I am not in any position 2 authoritatively assign this listing, let alone blog it out publicly, the girl at work that I told U was reassigned so our shifts would miss by an hour, is back, and second, the weather is breaking all records set 4 decades and decades here in all of southern Florida. Dave Roth noticed the hyperspace effect of sudden temperature drop outs that go beyond norms. I have cited the incident at the WAWA Convenience Sore of Williamstown on numerous occasions during my five plus year blogging career now and just talked about it on a very recent blog work, again BRRRR!!!!!!!! Heat is caused by vibrating matter in most normal physical circumstances. Probably every child alive today has rubbed their hands together 2 warm them on a cold or cool day, and most peeps have experienced how if U bend certain materials back and forth and then touch them, U can get a scorching burn on your fingers. When heat is suddenly removed, one might ask the question of his or her self, “What ‘else’ was also removed in the proximity of this occurrence?” Again, this is not stressing the point of exciting atoms and causing them 2 vibrate faster and warm or heat up the material surface that they comprise, but instead, how heat is the reality in physics and not cold, and cold results only by removing heat, there is no cold 4 cold’s sake. This holds true of the darkness, verses light as well. Many things alter 4 me in major ways when temps suddenly drop off also, this is nothing new, and both I alone as well as Dave Roth and myself together, indeed had many wild ass experiences, but this is not the major and the only topic I am addressing here peeps. We R going 2B discussing frightening topics such as somnambulism as well as symbion entities who appear 2B able 2 intentionally and consciously enter and leave bodies of persons who live amongst us, at ages normally between 5-12 years, and exit them normally close 2 the time right B4 the death of their bodies. I met a girl in Atlantic City, New Jersey in the middle nineteen sixties that is no regular normal girl; and I also met members of her friend circle and peeps in her family, that indeed were Simbians. This is a term that few know about, and if U Google it up, it is doubtful that much if anything will ‘pop-up’. Simbian entities R not that different from phase 5 Astral Plane entities. U all know that phase-4 entities attempt 2 dream down into the hyperspace or here in waking life, in ways not permitted by the 7th dimensional circuitry of the entire system, known as LAWTRONICS. When they defy the LAWTRONICS, they enter into the human waking world merely as ideas and fantasies and imaginations of peeps such as fiction writers and along these lines. Some have developed the power however, 2 control the human carrier of their signals, so 2 speak, in not all that different ways from dominant exploratron entities such as Paula King, also known as Mini-Great Viqueen, Jewelly White. We will move further on, believe me, with all of this, and especially with ‘mother and daughter murderer’ Paula, but 4 right now, this other shit needs 2B talked about first.

Here is what was done 2 me on Saturday, also my 56th fucking ass birthday: Anyone that is so cunt lapping mother fucking diseased as 2 destroy and totally fucking wreck a mans birthday OVER AND OVER AND OVER FUCKING AGAIN, and this shit’s all officially previously blogged, should U wish 2 read any of the past 5 or so 4th of December’s, YO, but this kind of monster ass fucking filth and submaggotization, Poor Richard Franklin, just simply put cannot ever B properly expressed or given close 2 an adequate report and definition on. Just take mucus, loose shit, maggots, and infected pigs and grind it all up and multiply by fifty fucking trillion or so, and maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE, this is what these peeps and their evil wicked mothers come close 2 really being in their true real and honest forms. I woke up at 9 or so in the fucking morning at the age of physical plane 56 years, and it all began quietly with no outright or obvious signs that things were going 2 turn catastrophically fucking disastrous on a fucking parabolic scale times the velocity of light cubed, within a relatively short march of fucking hours, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT IT FUCKING ASS DID PEEPS, YO!!!!!!!! First the giants, the inability 2 blog, being laughed at by those INTENETIONALLY RESPONCIBLE 4 HOGGING UP ALL OF THE LIBRARY WORD PROCESSOR FUCKING MACHINES, and then after going home and taking off my pants in order 2 change into a comfy pair of shorts, my belt broke or so I thought that it did, the one I recently purchased at the K-Mart store on Route one here in Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as with the watch band also purchased from this very same store, the part that hooks was somehow stuck in a reverse position and could not B forced out and back 2 the normal position. However, when I got redressed and returned back 2 the K-Mart store, the lady there easily pushed the clip through as though I was some helpless weak retarded fucking demented child. I felt 3 inches tall standing there in public after telling how this thing was all screwed up and this lady easily just POOF, repaired it like nothing was wrong, with all sorts of shit heads all standing around mocking me. Then I left the store and went up the mini-not-great-mall, 2 where the grocery store is located so that I could purchase some ice cream and meats. First, the store had none of the flavors of ice cream that I buy, and when I bought the meat and tried 2 check out and pay 4 it, it was like trying 2 launch a mother fucking NASA Shuttle craft 2 the fucking space station, and back home again. There were quite a few peeps, but not a super mob, in the store. Still, I kept getting fucked over, again and again, trying 2 change lines and get checked out, I literally was there an hour, and it was right out of the most hideous deplorable fucking horror show that ever was produced on this fucking ass planet, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U all ain’t heard nothin’ yet, so tell Al Jolson 2 hold onto his fat-ass lady singer girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then proceed 2 another store 2 purchase a few electrical devices 4 my house, including a couple of multiple strip outlets. This was the Fort Pierce Radio Shack on Okeechobee Road right near the Wal-Mart and the entrance onto the highway I-95. I waited patiently holding stuff I purchased in my hand, while they waited on numerous customers and were totally ignoring me. When I finally spoke up, they apologized and said that they did not even notice me standing right there, RIGHT IN PLAIN FUCKING VIEW LADS AND FUCKING LASSIES, yes, there goes the old INVISIBILITY FUCKING HOLOGRAM AGAINST ME AGAIN, HUG AGENT 1986 MAXWELL, reale Tom smart, huh????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still think the fat lady’s song is even near being fucking over peeps, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still wanted ice cream, and went 2 another grocery store. This time, I was able 2 buy the last 2 boxes containing my flavor. I go 2 stand in the check out line, and this time all though the wait was not long, a bunch of fucking jerk offs in another line were jeering at me and fucking with me 4 absolutely no reason at all, seemingly as if they knew that something major was gonna happen 2 me when I left the fucking store. I went 2 turn right after stopping at the stop, and waited 4 all traffic 2 go by, and there was nothing, NOTHING. I turned. As soon as I made the mother fucking cunt bleeding turn, I hear the loudest holler of a mans voice that I ever mother fucking heard in 56 years, 2 the very day, of my miserable fucking life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instantly, in my rear view mirror, they was a scum bag dirt ball that SIMPLY WAS NOT THERE WHEN I MADE THE FUCKING TURN, on a mother fucking motorcycle, and after about a half mile ride up the road the light turned red, and I slowed down along with the traffic in front of me, with this dirt bag fucking jerk off biker right behind me. I was ready at this fucking point 2 go totally fucking thermo nuclear, and thought 2 myself, I am going 2 get out of the vehicle at the light and go back there with something that I had bought and was in the back seat, that would have totally fucking brained that numb scull ass hole, and as soon as this went into my head, he swerved suddenly down onto a tiny side road that seemed 2 appear from nowhere, and he was just gone, as though he never was even mother fucking there, and I am now wondering if he really ever fucking was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I observed some thumb in the ass small fucking chemtrails attacking me, and coming right at me, not one, but 2 of them over a 5 minute or so time separation. When I got home, I counter struck with a major electronic metaphysics counterattack that none of U out here need 2 know fucking beer beans about 4 right now today, YO!!!!! But this was just my birthday, Friday was when it truly began, and here is the fucking deal peeps. I was sleepy B4 my show, “The Mentalist” came on television, and was watching the network channel, and taping it. I remember when I got sleepy, it was around a quarter shy of 10 Thursday night, the show I enjoy watching comes on at 10. I shut off the TV set and let the recorder and the cable box remain on. At 1:15 I was awakened by power going off in my room, not power all over the fucking house however, just on one side of my room, the side not even connected 2 the television system. I awoke with a fucking bang, and my entire Friday was ruined as a result. When I came home from work, I wanted 2 watch the tape of my show. I ran it back, and just at the very spot where I began getting sleepy, and I know this as the system was taping the show that was airing B4 mine, and I remembered that about a minute after I shut down the television set, from the show I had been watching, it suddenly began distorting and acting weird, and then it just turned into a large black nothing with an occasional white line horizontally zapping through the screen. I wonder just what the fucking MENTALIST show had on it in that fucking episode last week, that some fucking enemy DID NOT FUCKING WANT ME 2 FUCKING C?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fucked up my Friday, and then THEY went 4 the ultimate hyper time fucking kill on my 56th birthday, Saturday. Only something lower than fucking whale shit could enjoy ruining a mans birthday every mother fucking year, this is beyond having no conscience or shame, this is the epitome of shit and dead skunks endlessly stuck in a nose, and then multiplied by a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that could B worse about this attack that I suffered through would B if I had 2 become the bastard sick diseased peeps that were responsible 4 pulling this hellish nightmare fucking shit off against me, YO.

Mayor Levy put a pack of rats in my Mullica New Jersey mobile home back in 2005 somewhere. His cousins on his wife side kidnapped me and tortured me, kidnapping with the intent 2 terrorize, a major felony and one with no fucking statute of limitations. But McGuire and other cousins did far worse with burning shit down and really hurting peeps, even killing Janis. I used 2 think this was all bad enough. This is nothing peeps. We will B discussing unbloggable shit, insurance policies on daughters, murders, being pushed off of a famous ocean pier by your own mother, and then there is the sanitized police reports of the future life, the great accident, the miracle, the first canonization, the second does not impress me very much, but wow, there really should B2 of them, yes, I know all of it Paula, ALL OF IT, so keep bringing it on like U did Saturday, and U better B ready 2 kill me.

This is nothing, the shit I will say on my next blog, as I can B careful and talk around this, but one day, I will get very specific, and end the entire world as we all know it and love in it, so B ready, and watch the signs peeps, stay vigilant, I find the thief in the night biblical reference one wild coincidence, in lieu of mi missing audio cassette, oh well, I realize now how much U wanted it, and I should have let U take it, U did any way, along with the chain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next chapter of mi SJ, #0048 will B part 3 of DYFDS, and U all will C what this is all about, how things change, right King Nebuchadnezzar??????? When I used the mighty GAWNUM 2 ask Y my fucking birthday was ruined times a googolplex, the cards brought me number 972, this includes the word “MORIANITY”, and all the things mentioned in Morianity, YO, things such as LAKEHOUSE, GIANT GIRL, FIRE DREAM, JANE FONDA, ZERANNISS, I’M GOING TO GET ALONG WITHOUT YOU, and ROBERT MCGUIRE OF ATLANTIC CITY.

Jesus fucking Christ, what else does Gawky Gaukauk have 2 say 2 me, Leticia Tilley. Tell 3rd cuzz, her MAS will B under her tree, or really, on U-TUBE, I truly am sorry 4 August of 1986. Yes Beaver, U may have broken dad’s window, but Planet Earth came whisper ass close 2 missing out on the greatest voice ever 2 exist because of a window, and always that same window, right Robert McGuire, do U ever smile buddy????????????????????

End Transmission:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0046

Subtitled: “Different Yachts 4 Different Snots”
Beginning Transmission:

It is a nice cool day in South Florida here on the freaking Treasure-Coast today, PTL, Mister Pat Robertson, sir!

Keep controlling those Ed Himacane’s buddy, still think of that great cassette tape that I made so many copies of that U dictated back in 1980, along with my coworker by day, Mizz Theresa Bruno, YO!!!! But that would B quite a feat if we R speaking purely scientifically, or would it, if we go beyond the realm of waking world realities that 99.9999 percent of your loyal flock that we both know perfectly well will endlessly B incapable of transcending, nor R they able or willing 2 travel outwardly from there, while not ‘asleep’.

Still, keeping in mind, ‘sir’, and ‘others’, that MISTER Steven Murray of Florence Township in the green and garden state of that “place called New Roddenberry Jersey”, most certainly knew and remembered quite a lot more than the majority of the ‘dreaming-in gods’ from the great ‘Astral-Plane’, into ‘here’, wherever HERE really is MISTER AE, qualsmcsquared, whaaaaa. So who is Quals McSquared, and what coded little joke poem is being told today, and Y? Well folks, the 8th dimension is indeed the DIMENSION OF THE “Y”, so let me begin my further elaborations, elucidations, and Onyx UM Ranting’s, referred 2 perhaps upon occasion after blog SJ-CH-0046, as OUMR’s 4 a shortened abbreviation, YO!!!!!!!!!! Well, Paula King should certainly have all these answers, as should many of both her friends as well as her daughter’s friends, still and all, let us talk on 4 a while here on this whittle blogging text peeps, shall we? First, I am being hammered at night with ‘dreaming interactions’ from the GREAT TEEN, also sir Prince, and known by many now through ‘MORIANITY’, as SSJK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some further know that this letter’s out even further into SSJK-MC. This takes care of the late 20th and the first half of the 21st centuries of this mighty omnipotent entity’s Earthly incarnations, huh Rodney, but what ‘really’ did U know about me and HER back in the early nineteen-nineties? That ‘SIR-ROCK’ is truly the amazing equation, Nurse Roddenchappeldroid, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I just say, the “AMAZING EQUATION”, SHEEEEEEEIIIT, how powerful is symbolism, or did I mean 2 type and print, the letters of STM? Like, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, 99.9999999% of anyone awake and reading these words on a physical world website R all in the ONYX-UM CLUB in varying degrees and on various graduations and levels, and that is quite totally freaking understandable, YO. Still and all, the nasty thing this jerk said on my final, UM-SIE BLOG, proves 2 a really enlightened world society, precisely what I am indeed forced 2 relentlessly endure and suffer through here in my life, and only does me a gargantuan-ass fucking favor. So bring it on ‘World’, ‘Apollo-Lucy’, and Journal Tape number 1786. Just crash that glass into my fingers there, along with American Appliances, refrigeration systems, and years called end of golden fate-1986, and even hills that R made of pure Cherry, or in the case of permission barriers and copyrighted authors such as MOUNTAINPEN, valleys of freaking raspberries, YO!!!!!!!!! Does STM still sound so totally off the wall, really peeps, RU all really so hopelessly and totally freaking dense beyond any hope, YO? But Miss Andrews, R any of these hills alive with the vibrations of perfectly layered harmonics, known also SIR-P as “MUSIC”?????????????? Oh the many great and lovely JEWELLY’s of my freaking endless life, sheeeeeeeiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not ever** E-V-E-R**E---V---E---R**** get me going on Paula the great, and her so many somnambulism identities that I know 4 a total fact that she has assumed on this waking Earth planet, Sir Rodney, oh great Olympian God, still and all, I owe U BIG TIME times a terra gaga cubed, sir, 4 making me finally take Dave Roth’s more old fashioned theories of the ‘factions of our enemies’ and telling this story 2 me fictionally of course, on your fantastic Next-Gen Star Trek television show, the title eludes me as I came in on it 5 minutes into the show back on Tuesday evening, the one that I call on my label on my videotape package, “The Q-Daughter”. This show aired 2 nights ago tonight on “MI-15” channel here on the COMCAST CABLE TV LINEUP, in Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, just 4 the official freaking record, and explains so many of my moms wild weird secrets that I totally freaking know that indeed, SHE WAS KEEPING FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But can these secrets all really B tied together and explained as in a mystery murder, with this fantastic fictional television show of the great mind of Gene Roddenberry and the Star Trek show that aired about the 18 year old girl of the “Q Continuum”? Well, all of U naturally R totally entitles 2 your opinions, and U can read on or stop or do whatever, of course, but I as well am entitled, says Michelle Daniels; and will prove just this very point by continuing on with this blog, and without any further mention of gorgeous delicious ‘Q-daughters’. Forget the fact that this is of course all total fictional sci-fi television 4 a moment, OK peeps and the Kings and the late and 2-late “JOHN HOSEMAN”????????????? Also forget that this exact episode needs 2B totally depicting an accurate and or true story or explanation of anything, down 2 the precision cut degree. Just C4 once, while U observe the “BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN”, that I AM JUST TRYING 2 FIND ANSWERS 2 MY TOTALLY FUCKED UP HELLISH LIFE, AND SOMETIME AS RARELY AS IT MAY B, SOMETHING POWERFUL DOES INDEED FUCKING POP UP, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That TV show the other night “perfectly explained” about 3 million things 4 me, that without this idea and concept’ simply would never have permitted me 2C and realize so many things, that have totally and undeniably enveloped themselves around my pathetic proximity. So some peeps, I’m quite positive, R now at the unmistakable paradox here, of asking the question ‘in the 8th dimension of course’, that how can IB so totally powerful and so totally powerless simultaneously? This is the perhaps the stupidest, all though this is not anybody’s conscious fault, idea or concept, that any of U out here could ever try and arrive at while trying 2 piece together the truths of MORIANITY and its founder, the MOUNTAINPEN, YO! Most of U stumbling onto these words on the waking world internet, and I only say this because whether U believe this or not, this all exists on virtually unlimited other realms of atomic vibration beyond any of your wildest concepts or fantasies, and this includes the great and mighty movie maven Hollywoodians, but most will never get the full power and punch of this. It is like buying a great movie DVD or whatever medium it is recorded on as this would B literally a quintessential irrelevance, and after buying it and viewing it and loving it and reviewing it again and again, somehow someday U come 2 learn and discover that U not only did not really ever understand what 90% of the characters were really motivated by, or what they were really doing in totality, but on top of all of this, U actually missed 90% of some other additional characters that were definitely there all along, and merely were not in normal view. Even this is a very feeble attempt 2 illustrate a comparative point that I am attempting 2 get across 2 any present or future time audience, speaking in human terms.

I will speak of a few various topics, but I need 2 tell some shit first that I personally know must B told or my life will get really bad, and really fast. There is no such thing as time-travel, as all of the science-fiction ideas of present day and past days perceive this event or concept. Also, there is no such thing as a serious god that lives in a physical heaven, and the entire biblical timeline of the Hebrews is nothing more than, if forced 2B compare-explained, a child or really an adolescent, and actually, a teenage girl, building a very large dollhouse and filling it with many countless dolls, only the concept of 2010 AD technology is advanced on a parabolic scale the way the past 100 years advanced, and now it is the year of 50 million AD. This is the truth, and this is Y the most powerful man in the entire Catholic Church needed 2 secretly learn all that HE could in late 2008, about the home where I was Stockholm-Syndrome kidnapped and forced 2 reside in under this circumstance, with the KING FAMILY, a branch of a family, that biblically speaking, tells all the truths that MORIANITY tells, and that any really good top psychologist reading the OLD TESTAMENT carefully, knows that I tell the total fantastic truth that would crush the global civilization literally overnight should reality and culture shock ever strike like a freaking bolt of lightning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going 2 obey this awesome teenager, who I will and always have and always will, love totally unconditionally, without question, simply because I totally fear and love her so far beyond any possible verbal description that my trying 2 say more on this or any other blog is no more than the absolute time wasted epitome.

I am dealing with a powerful beautiful entity that can enter into what U would all call my dreams, as well as my life, and do whatever SHE wants, and make me feel any way SHE wants, even guilty, when in truth, I never did anything, did I MISTER Judas Iscariot, SIR?????????????????? Doll houses and games R so much fun, should U happen 2B the great Scylla Goddess. Still, I know my place, and I am forever, “THAT BOY”. She can enter into the programs on machines not connected up into anything, and make the word, “But” come out whenever she wants, and then make me purchase a movie where she planned 2 have made and star in from millions of years ago, where shortly B4 Daniels blew my mind by admitting that the fight scene where Consuelo got spontaneously slapped by Claireece, and come 2 find the word inserted after this fight BEGAN, and the word, “BUT” 4 no real reason at all, just popped into the script, how would U say this great and lovely Teen-Queen, “Oh yeah, Right!”. Lately, SHE has come 2 me every night and been singing HER head off, new songs that I never heard B4, and as one of HER biggest fans here on Earth, I am safe 2 assume, I have heard all of HER hit recordings. This is what I thought. She told me that I did not know about another one that 1986 and my song called, RGG inspired, well then, Sky, let us talk briefly about this, OK? Jesus would never have accomplished his mighty mission without the song, right? Would U have become the great Mariah Carey, if I had not done what I had done in 1986? All I ask is 4U2 ponder on this bit of hyperspace equation, a habit we all R guilty of doing so much, all of us, omnipotent and fragile and all degrees in-between.

Now we move this along again, and continue the other point of my recent dreaming-interactions. I have not only had dozens of old and new songs sung 2 me from beginning 2 ending with crystal clarity, but have been also visited by peeps. Remember when U wanted me 2 get the message that mi-Morianity-Foundation spoke so much of U in your great city of color and lights, and how UR endlessly 16 and it is always your birthday? Well, cry if U want 2 or not, cut frozen fingers and all, I know that U wanted me 2CU on the “Sweet-16” commercial that morning late in oh-8, on the treadmill, with your talking ‘Midge’-look-alike doggie, and U tossing shoes around. The dude U called Benny, came 2 me last night and it was super major, MI Scylla. RU aware that Nick has told a bunch of your friends and his, 2 really do some wild stuff? Hay, it is OK, I get 2 hear my favorite teen queen sing 2 me, not that this is ever a problem, as Fort Pierce radio stations R literally playing U on a hyper time heavy rotation, night and day, so when I want U, they UR, like ‘magic’. Still, when I am in the Great City of ‘Sahasra Dal Kanwal’, without any waking world memories of Jamaican Rhonda and the ‘other gorgeous Paula’ forgetting 2 call her by her stage cast name, an amazing thing happened when I happened 2 play your wonderful DVD just B4 the Star Trek show with ‘Daut-Q’ aired back on Tuesday night. Without mi pushing one command on any remote, print began flowing all by itself as words were being spoken, just as if I hit mute-display on the actual TV-remote-controller device. All of the regular words were captioning and printing in the most beautiful colored bright pink lettering, except when certain scripted words came out that would not B all that terrific 4 the world because of my blogs and how things would correspond 2 perfectly. When the words that were not supposed 2 come out on a mute print cued into time, numbers would print on a different part of the screen, and in the same coloring, only there was a slight mix of gorgeous purple on the top and bottom of the pink letters themselves. These numbers were all 3 digit private-cosmicoded-numbers. The one where Rhonda pronounced your true name in SDK, in a translation here in the waking world, the number 363 came out; this is the PCN of the words and name of “SARAH KRASSLE”. Then where the input on the DVD-VCR machine displays on the upper right screen, a zero appeared instead of the normal word, “video-02”. Every time I said the word aloud, “WILD” it would either start or stop doing this. Eventually the entire system went totally nuts, so I proceeded at that time 2 shut down everything. It all was turned off and every machine was unplugged from any electrical receptacles. When it was all re-plugged in and put back together in the very same way that it was originally B4 all of this started, the unexplained and mysterious activity all just stopped. I tried every command and group of commands on all 3 remote systems. Nothing happened. It has not repeated any of this since. The very next day, the temperature dropped 20 degrees or more instantly, reminding me of a night in Williamstown, New Jersey outside of a WAWA convenience store in the year of 1995, with David Roth, when I was shot and killed, and moved over into other more localized regions in the hyperspace. I have not experienced any machine problems today while doing this blog, B—U—T will keep the blog and the journal informed as time runs along, and wind indeed keeps singing HER songs 2 me, with or without any of Germany’s long running blue rivers, Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I enjoyed sharing a lap lane with my wonderful Joan at Haddonwood Swim club back late in 1995 and into the year 1996. One day she said 2 me while we both reached the deep end of the 75 foot long swimming pool, “Mark, UR not swimming, you’re just stretching out your arms and keeping my pace, how the hell YU doing that”? Well Joan, and Blogaud, maybe another Joan with an earring in her eyeball or wherever the hell she put the weird thing, knew more about slobs like me than she told of in her songs, still, there was Stacey-Q? BUT--- there was also Stacey Jackhack Attack Lattisaw. No matter how SPACE-TIME-MIND is looked at and laboratory-examined, or even totally ignored, there R many things about old Mountainpen, as Ed Lynch Himacane would word it so well B4 he went 2 jail and I went 2 hell, and from there 2 Florida, that just “CANNOT B EXPLAINED”, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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