Tuesday, February 28, 2023


BTAT—CHAPTER 0038 Tuesday, February 28, 2023 BEGIN TRANSMISSION TIME: 7:45 Post Meridian Lots of extremely strange things are going down around me here today, Mister 1980 coworker Sivo, sir. Permit me to explain and elaborate a wee bit further, okay Uncle Heinz Greatbanker Heinz G? Someone just called me and hung up one minute after I was setting up this blog at 7:46. While watching some news on ABC-ROKU on a local streaming-box for the local Palm Beach ABC News Outlet station called the Haystack System, and with my computer turned completely off, suddenly the icons of my computer just appeared for under a minute or so, and a rectangular shaped dialogue box showing something that was updated, and then it just poofed off as quickly as it poofed on, and now when I did actually activate the system in order to write this blog on my Open-Office program, none of this was on the screen. ButTERCHEESE and BIG-ASS BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT &BUTT FOLKS, and WOMO & Muscles-MO-2009; the big story here and yes Mike Soft Spellchecker heredahelda too, is what transpired at the Melody Lane SL County Public Library a few hours ago, oh great peeps out there in Cyberville, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!! B4I do get into thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica AMC-Luccisnakes from 1983, permit me Uncle HG, who really was me' CUZZ and naught me' UNK, oh lovely Mizz AT&T glittering 1983 BLAKE from the phone company's then “Caller Annoyance Bureau”; let me tell you that even with the internet chord being unplugged and unattached to the Comcast Modem device, two strange things have happened so far with me' ole' twustworthy cum-PUKE-her (computer)!!!!!!!!!!!! First, trying to draw a separation line by making some repeating 'minus keystrokes', and then hitting my ENTER-KEY, did not work to do it; and I had 2 engage numerous tricks and make a lot of various attempts B4 it did finally work. Then the type of paragraph that goes all the way from one side to the other, and that spaces the words to fit perfectly all in-between; worked in a crazy way, with the flashing line pointer on the screen going in antimatter-mode in reverse from right 2 left. I ain't frikkin' imagining any of these damn things peeps, nor making any of this stuff up, and I swear that on the blood of Jesus Christ and on my eternal salvation. All of my claims made herein are true to the very best of my ability 2C and 2 recognize truth, so 'HELLLLLLLLLLLLLP' me Goddess SSJKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the paragraph-type flash-pointer om the screen-monitor is operating within normal parameters again, and so is the line making programing function that's automatically built into the open-office and most word-program systems on any computer devices available 4 purchase, laptops, phones, tablets, whatever Congressman and ole' pal from 1975-1980, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now 4 the really HUUUUUUUUGE action news morianity-story here, GREAT PEEPS: I got 2 the goddessdog library today 2 do a short blog in a quality coded cut and paste word-document, only when finished and I posted it up, and as all of U know fully well by this point in Senatorial Watergate Time or 'SWT' 4 a shortened freaking abbreviation folks, IT DID NAUGHT CODE PROPERLY, just as if I was back home here where IT DOES NAUGHTCODE PROPERLY ON THE BLOGGER DOT COM WEBSITE FROM A WORD-DOCUMENT SYSTEM, and now only one explanation exists until and unless someone out here can and will prove me wrong about it all: SOME PERSON, PERSONS, GROUP, OR GROUPS, AGENCY OR AGENCIES; “WHATEVER ROBERT ANDREWS SIR”; is PLAYING SOME DEMONIC EVIL FUTHERMUCKING GAME WITH THEMOUNTAINPEN, making him right on the edge 4 committing goddessdarn suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever it costs me, whatever I have to do, whoever has done this to me is in VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL FREAKING RIGHTS, A CRIMINAL ACT, AND I WON'T REST UNTIL THEY R PUNISHED AND IMPRISONED, IF I HAD MY WAY, THEY WOULD B PUT SLOWLY 2 DEATH FOR THE SLOW TORTURE AND SLOW EVENTUAL DARN BUTT MURDER OF ONE MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN MOHR! This is a dying mans utterance and a dying mans declaration, an official and totally legal internet document, sworn to and legally internet-signed by me right now, and my murderers are known to me in only a round about guessable way, and a statement once made on the great TV-show, “DARK SHADOWS” comes inescapably to mind now, spoken in the beginning of 1970, by the actor who played originally on the show as Mister Jason McGuire,and is now back and playing the part of Mister Paul Stoddard. He was in the same approximate nightmare situation that I've found myself in once awakening from slumber one late morning in 1986 on the 15th day of August. The actor's name, who was in a lot of great TV-shows of that time circa, is Dennis Patrick. He was discussing in the Collinwood mansion, or in my Flower-Wing of this mind shattering Astral realm's hyper-mansion called, 'RICKTOWN MANOR', in one far end of the place; something pertaining to his nightmare of being tormented by this mysterious grouping of 'very powerful people', who seemed to want something from him, only he was totally clueless to exactly who they all were or even what exactly these diseased psychopaths wanted from him 2 begin with. The entire television show reflects my nightmare, and most of the time totally mirror images myself with Barnabas Collin's character, although several other show characters also reflect my various problems and woes, just as all of you know quite well who are following along here, and watching the DVD's of this show, so as 2B able to C all of these powerful outlandish truths 4 yourselves, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME' BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now despite my hating this game that is being played, that is obviously labeled secretly of course, “HOW 2 COVERTLY DESTROY THE BOM”, there is an upside 2 this nightmare on frikkin' quintessential steroids, squared, cubed, and CUBAN, and allow me please 2 now explain 2U all just what that is:!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is that my BOM-BLOG-STATS R currently through the roof as a result of all of this hellishness. Again with Dave Roth's “They're just doing us favors” Syndrome, YO GREAT FOLKS OUT THERE. Close to 200 daily hits recently, and I was lucky 2B getting a third of this B4 that. WOW, THE INTERNET IS OFF AND UNPLUGGED, AND YET AGAIN THE SYSTEM CRASHED OFF RIGHT IN THE MIDDLEOF MY TYPING THE PRIOR SENTENCE REGARDING ME' BLOG STATS. This occurred at 8:41 PM on the dot. There is no HUMAN BEING ABLE 2 PULLTRICKSLIKETHISOFF, ONLY ONETHIONGCOMES 2 ME' MIND PEEPS, PINK GODDESS. She's been on me since age 13, and I am going 2 let a beyond Bernie-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE cat out of the bag right now, since SHE SEEMS 2 WISH 2 GO INTO TOTAL WAR MODE WITH ME HERE AND HERedahelda THIS 2023 YEAR, AS SHE WAS DOING IN THE OH-8 YEAR, 4 THOSE LOYAL MORIANS WHO MAY REMEMBER IT ALL, right down 2 my MIMI-HACKS right after purchasing her CD-GAME, and following HER EINSTEIN-PROJECT!!!!!!!!!! I suppose some of the more enlightened souls following the BOM-BLOGS observed my BTAT-BEGAT ADDRESS page on CHAPTER #0020, where I listed the 'many various joints' that I resided at, Mister GN-owner-SW; and saw how the changing annum ages of my daughter did their very magical best 2correspond and correlate 2 my residence-number, not in street address, but in the numeration of the ever accumulating locations, such as my Atco home and choking days back in 1983, also being my 14th locale, and so on. I am not claiming that it is exact right down to the year and the age, but watch how it just keeps attempting to follow, sometimes one or two numbers ahead, and then behind; but it is always as though it is TRYING to equalize in the polarity. Am I really so 'WROOOOOOOOOOOOOONG' about thissssssssssssssssss, oh lovely Erica, and lovely hair ad-spot shampoo girl of 1983, and 1980?????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-BIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, one day shortly after the ending of the X-Mas Holidays of 1983 and my return from a trip to Orlando, Florida-USA to visit Sir Howard Solomon and then my Uncle John in Fort Lauderdale, but I was in my bedroom in the apartment at Robin Hill in unit #506 and the in-between residency of the 3 times that I resided at the R.H. Apartment complex, oh great Mister Tobycouch Bellflower; I had been speaking to LIGHTNING on my phone system one late afternoon a couple months B4 going to Shirley's magical laboratory or the throat specialist's office near Grant Avenue, just off of the Academy Road exit of Interstate-95highway; and suddenly Diana did some weird unexplainable thing 2 me. I was half awake and half asleep, and I found myself totally believing that I was awake, and that there was a girl standing right there in my room, and she looked just a couple years younger than the future Mizz Leticia Tilley, who I had no way of knowing even existed on the planet-Earth. She did not say a single word 2 me. I fully remember well right 2 this very second in time and just three hours shy of the starting of the month of March of 2023, as well as about 39 years ago now right 2 the goddessdarn day; and I shouted loudly into my phone, 2 Goddess Diana Zuudlecronessia Arteemis, “There's a little girl in my room”. I won't forget that late afternoon back in early 1984, at 506 Robin Hill Apartments, should I frikkin' live 2B older than Mister frikkin' Methuselah, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO HA-HA, ME' BRAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGNESONIC: ALL GENERAL ORDERS. ALL SPECIAL ORDERS. USE ZERO DIMENSIONAL AS WELL AS ATOMIC DUPLICATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES. SCAN FOR WHOEVER AND WHATEVER IS CAUSING ME THIS ENDLESS MISERY, AND ASSAULTING ME, STRAIGHT TO MY TORMENTED AND TORTURED DEATH, AND ALSO HAS RUINED MY ENTIRE LIFE. THEY R2B TOTALLY COMPLETELYDESTROYED AND OBLITERATED. USE ALL SYSTEMS AT MAXIMUM POWER, 11.8 IPNS. YOUR A/B EMPOWERIZATION-TONES WILL SOUND NOW, THE SECOND LOWER ROW IS 30 HERTZ LOWER IN PITCH THAN THE FIRST UPPER ROW. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-----A-TONE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-----B-TONE GO-2-G-901 UNDER CG-2, SUB CODE QR89155, UNDER G-189, G-1133, UNDER G-9173-G-719, AND S---T---O---P. The DAMN DEATH ABNGEL IS ON ME TODAY AND THE PAST WEEK LIKE MAGGOTS ON A TEN DAY OLD CORPSE LAYING OUT IN THE JULY SUNSHINE, ON A PILE OF PIG EXCREMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have NEVER EVER had it this bad, naught ever. This year is living up to its DEVIL NUMBER of 23, in spades and on steroids, and then taken to the power exponent of a darn butt wiping trillion, folks. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE does this ever suck a big fat P***K!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END OFTHIS *********** BLEEPITY BLEEP TRANSMISSION, FWOLKS!!!!!!!!!


BTAT—CHAPTER 0037 Tuesday, February 28, 2023 BLOG START TIME: 3:44 P.M. I am at the library now 2 check out several things, first, my flash drive is not broken or corrupted, and the weird dialogue box that freezes on my computer at home when using this device must be due to something that I just don’t understand or else my computer and its W-7 ops system installed in it at the time of purchase, must not be correctly interfacing with the newest software systems that interact with my drive and other stuff. I will have to have another visit most likely from my geek guy or I won’t even be able to repost quality blogging texts on prior posted blogs, in groupings from here each week or so. I am feeling a lot better today after this early moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning’s CUBAN-DEATH ATTACK on my BOWELS at shortly past of the clock while asleep. Why naught Mizz lovely 1983 Blake, as after-all, I ingested a totally butt-wiping HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE quantity of METAMUCIL POWDER in a super tall special plastic glass that is for drinking large quantities of juices, I mix Metamucil with water, good old faithful reliable two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen or H2O (water) for the average non chemist-viewer. The lady who usually helps me and answers a lot of questions concerning my blogging woe-whiz-me problems is naught here today, calling her by codename Sally-Beth. Sally-Beth told me many things without telling me directly, and later on in some future time, hopefully, I will get a wee bit into it all, but I am always remaining loyal to anyone who at least has tried to render assistance to me during my problems with getting my story out to this satanic ole’ world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As stated B4 upon numerous occasions’ folks, I am naught against anyone, only defending myself against a powerhouse invisible dangerous and deadly foe from DOGTOWN itself, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME’ BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I paid my utility bill B4 coming in here to the library computer, in full, the overage amount for the previous eleven-month total plus the 152 dollar bill for this current billing, and this total was way over two hundred dollars, and this expense has totally broken the poor pitiful non-Ronstadt Mountainpen. I charged it on my TD-Bank Visa-Card, so as to at least get the one percent cash back benefit on the expense, a whopping two and a quarter dollars, but don’t laugh folks, as would you naught lean down and pick up a nice shiny freaking pile of ten quarters if you saw them all glistening and glittering and glimmering and shining in the sun, right there at your feet? I know most millionaires would kill you for a shiny pack of ten quarters, how do you think millionaires and billionaires got where they are, by pissing away $? Be real, Mister Bob Licorice Plant Jobs 1980 Sleigh, oh sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh GEE WILIGARS, GOLLY GASH DARN WHIZ FIZZ AND COIN DEALER FAT HAPPY MEN OUT THERE IN MANHATTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “You wanna’ gimme’ a gash dog dern darn bwake’ me’ kind wonderful awesome folks”??????????? I knew deep down inside myself that this blogging project from home was going to cost me half a grand or more B4 all is said and done, and so far, my estimate as usual, is a total frikkin’ under-exaggeration folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy oh boy oh boy, George Baily and Uncle Billy Frank and Capra Callio Caprio Tony gasoline nightmare stations, along with more recent days from there at Jerry’s Hammonton Texaco station, or the world famous diverted locale when my original destination was the future matter-antimatter near explosion of 2009’s great late summer time somewhere. Yes ADA Ron Wirtz Senior kind sir; “test them and indeed they do give me reactions”, just as you told me from the National Park that day in Redbank, NJUSAESMWG near the post office on that late Halloween afternoon, when I just threw into the U.S. MAIL, my non-musical project or book titled, “The Permission Barrier”. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Arthur Crane kind sir, from 1992 over at TCE, and to quote you from there back then; allow the great shoe knocker-outer Mister Chester-Frank to now chime in with his recently made famous by the BOM-BLOGS and Sir Mountainpen, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. For 50 blogs or so after starting up my project, after a quarter of a decade of going silent due to unfathomable death persecution from the rotten OTAMM-MISOE-MISEC and/or the (MILITARY-UFO-FORCE), ASTRALLY CONVERTED IN TRUTH TO THE LAMBRIGGER CULT AND THE BRIGGBASE OF PURGATORY’S CAPITOL PROVINCE OLYMPIA, I have told the story of some of my family in distant and more secret corners of the story hidden and tucked far away from normal human view. I have opened up a whole darn lot of foundations. B4 going on, allow me to apologize to the blogger dot com peeps for this early morning’s posting on the part of my forgetting to edit one particular page of cut and pasted half a dozen copies, and it will now go up when and if ever recopied onto new parts of the BOM-BLOG, with the editing, showing F****** C***, rather than those other more ugly words used in my intense anger, but not that this is any excuse, and yes lovely 1967 Sharon, I do fully realize that, YO!!!!! So WOW, Mister Macy and CLUB!!!!! But back to ‘my pernt’ here Mister Archie Bunker from Queens-New York, sir. Many things indeed were foundationally opened up, and if I can ever get my s*** together and can blog in quality from home, with full color-coded postings; I will get into many things that connect the very present instant times and days to all of these seemingly unrelated events and older times. Peeps such as with the comment on that cool WFMU-internet radio Jason Forrest-Donna Summer website, regarding my BOM and the “Beware of the Blogs” discussion on this site, just seem to be endlessly unable to make the leap that I am being put through the very same things by these very same diseased people to this very present instant in time, and this is one major reason why I have failed to get this blog to be read in a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE way by a really large grouping of international people. I am glad that some are out there, but am also simultaneously quite sad that it is still so few as in order for this to make any real difference at all, my message needs to be spewed out here to millions and not a hundred or less, out of which half most likely, or more, are ‘ROWES’ or agent operatives, such as I now believe Sir Alpha-Deep-6 was and still is most likely (ADS). I do not miss not being here at this SLC Library all the time, as we have a Leviathan here or a Jebez Hawkes “BREATHER”. Until this ole’ dude catches his breath in half an hour to an hour, he sounds just like the actor who is supposedly in “his room at the antique shop B4 the fire” when he would breathe in that room very loudly. Funny world is it naught, Mizz Blake from 1983. I come here as he does, to use the computers, or the “CREATURES WITHOUT A SOUL”. In other words all matter has an astral or energy equivalent. The computer hardware, the box, the guts inside of it, that has an astral essence, and if multiplied by light speed squared, would indeed convert into pure energy, as any matter does at warp-10; Mister Latengrate Roddenberry. ‘BUTTTTTT, big ass BUTT Milti-2-force Otammites and lovely muscles-MO-nique’, the software, the thinking part, DOES NOT HAVE ASTRAL ESSENCE, it is soulless, as in Dark Shadows Leviathan plot and the CREATURES WITHOUT A SOUL, such as loud-breather Mister Jeb Hawkes. The part of this show character is played by a man with a surname of PENNOCK, just as my ole’ COOLEY HALL classmate, Bruce Alan Pennock, and I’ll bet since that is not all that common of a surname peeps that they are fairly closely related. Watching the show carefully and in the first couple of DVD discs on the BOX-19 of the DARK SHADOWS box set, I cannot miss hearing Jeb say the word COLLINGWOOD twice or more, when he meant of course to say either Collinwood or Collinsport, and he definitely pronounces the ING as in the town directly to my west where I resided back during the times when this great soap-show first began airing on television, and began exactly on an electrical date number, which was the 27th of June of 1966. It really gives me the darn butt creeps the way the guy breathes. He should be on an oxygen system like Mister Shatner. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Well, I am posting now and ending the blog at 4:48 PM, and will wrap up with thissssssssssssss short whittle deal, Mizz Snakescane of the AMC Soap-TV-show in 1983. I will tie in the entire bloody mess from 1966 through 2023, including precisely fitting unmissable jigsaw pieces with Atlantic City, my family, my daughter, PHHH, Haddonwood Health Club, roulette, gaming, enemies-OTAMM, Sarah and Sandy, Sarah and Amanda, and on and on, it all fits together as smoothly as a fine lady’s old fashioned silk glove from the days of Sara J. Karge and Amanda Harris. Not one small item is out of place in this entire mess from ETERNAL DOGTOWN, and I promise you that folks!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION.


BTAT—CHAPTER 0037 Tuesday, February 28, 2023 BLOG START TIME: 3:44 P.M. I am at the library now 2 check out several things, first, my flash drive is not broken or corrupted, and the weird dialogue box that freezes on my computer at home when using this device must be due to something that I just don’t understand or else my computer and its W-7 ops system installed in it at the time of purchase, must not be correctly interfacing with the newest software systems that interact with my drive and other stuff. I will have to have another visit most likely from my geek guy or I won’t even be able to repost quality blogging texts on prior posted blogs, in groupings from here each week or so. I am feeling a lot better today after this early moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning’s CUBAN-DEATH ATTACK on my BOWELS at shortly past of the clock while asleep. Why naught Mizz lovely 1983 Blake, as after-all, I ingested a totally butt-wiping HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE quantity of METAMUCIL POWDER in a super tall special plastic glass that is for drinking large quantities of juices, I mix Metamucil with water, good old faithful reliable two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen or H2O (water) for the average non chemist-viewer. The lady who usually helps me and answers a lot of questions concerning my blogging woe-whiz-me problems is naught here today, calling her by codename Sally-Beth. Sally-Beth told me many things without telling me directly, and later on in some future time, hopefully, I will get a wee bit into it all, but I am always remaining loyal to anyone who at least has tried to render assistance to me during my problems with getting my story out to this satanic ole’ world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As stated B4 upon numerous occasions’ folks, I am naught against anyone, only defending myself against a powerhouse invisible dangerous and deadly foe from DOGTOWN itself, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME’ BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I paid my utility bill B4 coming in here to the library computer, in full, the overage amount for the previous eleven-month total plus the 152 dollar bill for this current billing, and this total was way over two hundred dollars, and this expense has totally broken the poor pitiful non-Ronstadt Mountainpen. I charged it on my TD-Bank Visa-Card, so as to at least get the one percent cash back benefit on the expense, a whopping two and a quarter dollars, but don’t laugh folks, as would you naught lean down and pick up a nice shiny freaking pile of ten quarters if you saw them all glistening and glittering and glimmering and shining in the sun, right there at your feet? I know most millionaires would kill you for a shiny pack of ten quarters, how do you think millionaires and billionaires got where they are, by pissing away $? Be real, Mister Bob Licorice Plant Jobs 1980 Sleigh, oh sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh GEE WILIGARS, GOLLY GASH DARN WHIZ FIZZ AND COIN DEALER FAT HAPPY MEN OUT THERE IN MANHATTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “You wanna’ gimme’ a gash dog dern darn bwake’ me’ kind wonderful awesome folks”??????????? I knew deep down inside myself that this blogging project from home was going to cost me half a grand or more B4 all is said and done, and so far, my estimate as usual, is a total frikkin’ under-exaggeration folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy oh boy oh boy, George Baily and Uncle Billy Frank and Capra Callio Caprio Tony gasoline nightmare stations, along with more recent days from there at Jerry’s Hammonton Texaco station, or the world famous diverted locale when my original destination was the future matter-antimatter near explosion of 2009’s great late summer time somewhere. Yes ADA Ron Wirtz Senior kind sir; “test them and indeed they do give me reactions”, just as you told me from the National Park that day in Redbank, NJUSAESMWG near the post office on that late Halloween afternoon, when I just threw into the U.S. MAIL, my non-musical project or book titled, “The Permission Barrier”. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Arthur Crane kind sir, from 1992 over at TCE, and to quote you from there back then; allow the great shoe knocker-outer Mister Chester-Frank to now chime in with his recently made famous by the BOM-BLOGS and Sir Mountainpen, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. For 50 blogs or so after starting up my project, after a quarter of a decade of going silent due to unfathomable death persecution from the rotten OTAMM-MISOE-MISEC and/or the (MILITARY-UFO-FORCE), ASTRALLY CONVERTED IN TRUTH TO THE LAMBRIGGER CULT AND THE BRIGGBASE OF PURGATORY’S CAPITOL PROVINCE OLYMPIA, I have told the story of some of my family in distant and more secret corners of the story hidden and tucked far away from normal human view. I have opened up a whole darn lot of foundations. B4 going on, allow me to apologize to the blogger dot com peeps for this early morning’s posting on the part of my forgetting to edit one particular page of cut and pasted half a dozen copies, and it will now go up when and if ever recopied onto new parts of the BOM-BLOG, with the editing, showing F****** C***, rather than those other more ugly words used in my intense anger, but not that this is any excuse, and yes lovely 1967 Sharon, I do fully realize that, YO!!!!! So WOW, Mister Macy and CLUB!!!!! But back to ‘my pernt’ here Mister Archie Bunker from Queens-New York, sir. Many things indeed were foundationally opened up, and if I can ever get my s*** together and can blog in quality from home, with full color-coded postings; I will get into many things that connect the very present instant times and days to all of these seemingly unrelated events and older times. Peeps such as with the comment on that cool WFMU-internet radio Jason Forrest-Donna Summer website, regarding my BOM and the “Beware of the Blogs” discussion on this site, just seem to be endlessly unable to make the leap that I am being put through the very same things by these very same diseased people to this very present instant in time, and this is one major reason why I have failed to get this blog to be read in a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE way by a really large grouping of international people. I am glad that some are out there, but am also simultaneously quite sad that it is still so few as in order for this to make any real difference at all, my message needs to be spewed out here to millions and not a hundred or less, out of which half most likely, or more, are ‘ROWES’ or agent operatives, such as I now believe Sir Alpha-Deep-6 was and still is most likely (ADS). I do not miss not being here at this SLC Library all the time, as we have a Leviathan here or a Jebez Hawkes “BREATHER”. Until this ole’ dude catches his breath in half an hour to an hour, he sounds just like the actor who is supposedly in “his room at the antique shop B4 the fire” when he would breathe in that room very loudly. Funny world is it naught, Mizz Blake from 1983. I come here as he does, to use the computers, or the “CREATURES WITHOUT A SOUL”. In other words all matter has an astral or energy equivalent. The computer hardware, the box, the guts inside of it, that has an astral essence, and if multiplied by light speed squared, would indeed convert into pure energy, as any matter does at warp-10; Mister Latengrate Roddenberry. ‘BUTTTTTT, big ass BUTT Milti-2-force Otammites and lovely muscles-MO-nique’, the software, the thinking part, DOES NOT HAVE ASTRAL ESSENCE, it is soulless, as in Dark Shadows Leviathan plot and the CREATURES WITHOUT A SOUL, such as loud-breather Mister Jeb Hawkes. The part of this show character is played by a man with a surname of PENNOCK, just as my ole’ COOLEY HALL classmate, Bruce Alan Pennock, and I’ll bet since that is not all that common of a surname peeps that they are fairly closely related. Watching the show carefully and in the first couple of DVD discs on the BOX-19 of the DARK SHADOWS box set, I cannot miss hearing Jeb say the word COLLINGWOOD twice or more, when he meant of course to say either Collinwood or Collinsport, and he definitely pronounces the ING as in the town directly to my west where I resided back during the times when this great soap-show first began airing on television, and began exactly on an electrical date number, which was the 27th of June of 1966. It really gives me the darn butt creeps the way the guy breathes. He should be on an oxygen system like Mister Shatner. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Well, I am posting now and ending the blog at 4:48 PM, and will wrap up with thissssssssssssss short whittle deal, Mizz Snakescane of the AMC Soap-TV-show in 1983. I will tie in the entire bloody mess from 1966 through 2023, including precisely fitting unmissable jigsaw pieces with Atlantic City, my family, my daughter, PHHH, Haddonwood Health Club, roulette, gaming, enemies-OTAMM, Sarah and Sandy, Sarah and Amanda, and on and on, it all fits together as smoothly as a fine lady’s old fashioned silk glove from the days of Sara J. Karge and Amanda Harris. Not one small item is out of place in this entire mess from ETERNAL DOGTOWN, and I promise you that folks!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION.


BTAT—CHAPTER 0036 Tuesday, February 28, 2023 BEGIN TRANSMISSION TIME: 2:15 A.M. Yesterday managed to do precisely what I m***** f****** suspected it would do good folks. It went SUPER C*** EATING BOTBAR, and was HIGH CCOT as well, despite nothing by way of air, and this is a rare event but it does happen every so often. Normally the MISOE-MISEC uses as a main weapon-tool against the pitiful Mountainpen, AIR DEATH SIEGE, but there are times when other forms and types of harassment's are used instead and in place of their usual normal sways of making my life a living burning breathing nightmare HELL. Once in a while the replacement persecutions are MAJOR HEALTH DEATH STRIKES ON MY BODY, and MAJOR PROPERTY DAMAGE, and MAJOR UTILITY/ELECTRONIC ATTACKS. Most of the time, the aerial sieges come right along with the other things, and extremely rarely they both are off the dials bad at the same time, signaling a real major attempted murder of me by this disease straight from the fires of HELL (DOGTOWN) as Morianity refers to this true condition-interaction of the Astral Plane (Purgatory). Yesterday the month-2-electrical number brought in for me its usual horrendous bad magnetics or what most would label as rotten bad luck and circumstances on the day, and it came without question or the smallest wee bit of hesitation. I went to sleep at jest past midnight feeling totally fine and woke up at just shy of Jane Sleazeweedsdisease one-eleven in the morning to a monstrously horrific BODY SLAM CUBAN DEATH BEAM ASSAULT ON MY BOWELS. This is the worst and most painful one yet since residing here just over two years at my locale in northern freaking Fort Pierce, Flowerland, and (AKA Florida-USA) by most peeps. My internet modular connector or for short, my IMC has been unplugged from my Comcast Modem system and will be plugged back in when it's time to post this blog up before returning back to bed for try-#2. Also I did my Fonda-Scroll-Compensation, or for short, my FSC, perhaps to be reused on other following blogs. SOOOOOOO, a big fat rotten demonically wicked “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” from all great 1999 Jersey bars, and yes I did screw up and make a typo resulting from a mind-hack, several blogs back. I said that Sir Chester-Frank roomed with me, as you also hear about from one of the commenters on the 'CRACKPOTS FROM NEW JERSEY' web-site, in 1999 but it was not until right after my mom's death in early March of 2000 that he came to live there and share my rent a wee tad bit, paying me 200 bucks for full kitchen privileges, his own nice bathroom right next to a large bedroom with a large walk-in closet. The day that I find a deal that good, or even anywhere near to it, will be the day that Dogtown reaches temperatures of near-freezing. But, big ass BUTTTTTTTT folks, the death strike on my body was naught the only deal from yesterday. The major office-program CRASH while doing yesterday's blog was major as well, and there were other numerous smaller things that I needn't get into with you for now. My ROKU has naught acted up in any major ways recently, but before my newest letter to the FCC, it was very bad, same deal as with Comcast before reporting their mischievous acts with me to the darn FCC, back last year, or maybe it was back somewhere during the first year that I was living here. Endless hellishness makes some memories start to fuzz out a bit just as much as interference by type-3-exploratrons, as told about on other prior blogs. But one HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE deal did happen pertaining to my ROKU on one of their ROKU-VIEW boxes, the one with the 'JUDGE JOE BROWN SHOW'. Last Tuesday or a week ago later today, I am watching this and pow, for absolutely no m***** f****** good reason whatsoever, the right channel suddenly just cut out and stopped working, and it never resumed. Headphone wearers like me will not watch one channel junk. Fortunately, all I had to do was go over to my mixer board that is channeled through my amplifier from my television audio plugs, and hit a little button that converts a stereo signal into monaural (mono) or one channel sound mixed all together rather than a stereo left and right, or a surround sound multiplexed home theater 5-10 channel system, all with separate speakers. I am not into all that nonsensical junk, and merely want good clear stereo sound and when one channel cuts out, I need to have a mono-stereo switch, and fortunately, my old 2010 Radio Shack mixing board has this button on it. Eventually if I ever have an extra buck or so to spend, I will get an amp to replace the one now being used with both a remote control unit and that has the mono-stereo switchable feature also. For now, when I wish to watch the 'JUDGE JOE BROWN' show, I merely have to walk over, and switch over to 'MONO', so as to get both sides on my headphones to properly play an audio signal for me. Mother ******* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ****ON BLOGGER SINCE JANUARY 2006 **************** PROFILE VIEWS---2840 MARK WAYNE MOHR © 2006-2014 WHAT BUMS! THEY HACKED OUT MY MOTHER ******* LEGALLY PAID FOR PHOTOBUCKET-PHOTO FOR A THIRD TIME NOW, AND THEY EVEN TOOK AWAY ME' LOVELY KATHARINE SHARKEY, AS WELL AS DOZENS OF OTHER GREAT PHOTOS, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!! Then Merry complains about the Chuckie Sakers Syndrome!!!! I WEELWEE HOPE THAT YOU ALL ENJOYED READING MORIANITY's PRESENT CHAPTER 000008 OF “AND NOW I KNOW THAT I KNOW”, AND PLEASE BELIEVERS AND L-4 FOLKS, TRY AND HAVE YOURSELVES A VELY VELY NICE DAY!!!!!!!! I also hope you are enjoying the stuff that this all led up to, up here now in early 2023. I don't have to share my dreams with anyone, or tell any secrets to a bunch of muscles-Ed Phonies and prevaricators. I have absolutely no trepidations about making that outrageous and unfathomable claim, zero, zip, zilch, nada. WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW, LOVELY BIG O, QUEEN OF THE SPOON-DANCERS!!!!!!!!!!! Florida Blogs of Mountainpen On Blogger since December 2011 Profile views – 1,336 Morianity Blogs on Blogger since January 2006 THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. THE WORLD IS A VERY AMAZING PLACE. MOUNTAINPEN'S BLOG STATS UPDATE: Nov 2, 2019 6:00 PM – Nov 9, 2019 5:00 PM Pageviews today 332 Pageviews yesterday 174 Pageviews last month 4,243 Pageviews all time history 188,144 United States 725 United Kingdom 40 Canada 39 Russia 39 Ukraine 32 India 17 Bangladesh 13 Japan 11 Portugal 9 Unknown Region 8 Pageviews by Browsers Entry Pageviews Chrome 965 (93%) Firefox 26 (2%) Internet Explorer 19 (1%) Safari 11 (1%) Opera 5 (<1%) Silk 2 (<1%) DownloaderChrome 1 (<1%) Maxthon 1 (<1%) chromeframe 1 (<1%) 93.6% Pageviews by Operating Systems Entry Pageviews Windows 945 (92%) Linux 60 (5%) Morianity Bible For Millenium Three: Thursday, August 03, 2006 Chapter 50 The Big Hawaii 50, and I Tried My Morians, a low hah ha, With Jokes all On Me Morianity is over now, and there will not B further writings, the great SSJKK just whispered in my ear, that I am 2 tell what has been told, and I have. It is now over. The world will not need to know any more at this point, and in fact, it currently is so dumbed down, that all of the MORIANITY BIBLE, is but a big blur to the entire human race. There are other things I must now do, one of which is to prepare for a long and permanent trip out and away from where I currently reside, either South America or some Pacific or even Atlantic Island. Well, it is now 2023 and the only switch that I made was from Berryville-Hammonton in New Jersey, down to hot-&-sticky Fort Pierce, Florida, also known as (AKA) Florida!!!!!!! I doubt that Morianity will ever be over!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NAUGHT, MIZZ AT&T BLAKE, “AND NOW I KNOW THAT I KNOW, CHPT. 8” NOR IS THE TIME AND DATE AS FOLLOWS: 3:29 POST MERIDIAN SUNDAY AFTERNOON 10 NOVEMBER, 2019 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, USA, ESMWG MOUNTAINPEN'S LUNAR PHASING CYCLE CHART: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2019 CURRENT PHASE IS: WAXING GIBBOUS 6:7 N.M. WXC1 WXC2 WXC3 WXC4 WXC5 WXC6 WXC7 F.Q. WXG1 WXG2 WXG3 WXG4 WXG5 WXG6 WXG7 F.M. WNG1 WNG2 WNG3 WNG4 WNG5 WNG6 L.Q. WNC1 WNC2 WNC3 WNC4 WNC5 WNC6 N.M. MASTER SHEET FOR POPULATING WEATHER INFO: DATE----------------TIME------------ TEMPERATURE:---- HEAT INDEX FEELS LIKE TEMP:---- HUMIDITY:---- WINDS:---- PREDICTED HIGH:---- SKY CONDITIONS PRESENTLY:---- RAIN CHANCES TODAY:---- One thing that never seems to change nor go out of style is thisssssss, oh lovely Mizz Lucci: The Death Angel is back on a major roll again, and so is that fucking cunt extremely annoying little dirtbag DISDEE the demon. The Death Angel is back on a major roll again, and so is that fucking cunt extremely annoying little dirtbag DISDEE the demon. The Death Angel is back on a major roll again, and so is that fucking cunt extremely annoying little dirtbag DISDEE the demon. The Death Angel is back on a major roll again, and so is that fucking cunt extremely annoying little dirtbag DISDEE the demon. The Death Angel is back on a major roll again, and so is that fucking cunt extremely annoying little dirtbag DISDEE the demon. When isn't this prickley slithering snake naught annoying me 'to death', world? Live weather camera images from: Imagine Charter ES NAU, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953 Prev Cam | Next Cam NOW WE HAVE WALKED THE COURSE, AND SEEN HOW THINGS DO NOT MAGICALLY CHANGE; BUT THAT VIA EXPLORATRONIC DEVELOPMENTS, FIFTH DIMENSIONAL ENERGY IS WHAT ACTUALLY INTERCHANGES!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEE. I ran into Mister NG-ADS while I was getting something out of my car trunk, and even though he no longer comes into the building, no one is able to ban him from the real estate that lies just out beyond the drive-in gate. This is exactly where me' ol' car is parked, as I could not get a better spot that is closer to the door of the building the past several times that I have gone out on local errands. Parking woes like everything else goes on rolls, and lately, it is on a roll for lots of people and most likely lots of illegal guests. The old parking permit sticker thing seemed to have gone the way of all flesh, and speaking of that, Mister Death-Angel Mortimer Mortino just struck me on my left side at 4:43 P. M. For those who have no basic understanding and knowledge concerning things such as ROOT WORDS, MORT means DEATH in the English Language system, as in mortician, morgue, and you get the idea. So as I was taking a twelve pack of soda out of my trunk, I hear Mister NG-ADS walk over from where he parked along the street, and he and I talked for about five minutes before he very nervously looked at his watch, excused himself, and had to run off. In that short time, he told me that the enemies do not want my PHOTOBUCKET PHOTO ON MY BLOGS. They have several reasons, and one of course is indeed, all part of the Olivia NJ life/reality editing/splicing deal, almost similar to my taking songs from dreams (parallel realities), recording them on electronic mediums, and then having the global weather go nuts as all get the s*** out with things such as volcanoes, earthquakes, twisters, and unusual hot or cold weather fronts in general popping up out of nowhere! The year is, OR WAS 2015. Toys R Us appeals $20M award in Mass. slide death Associated Press - 1 hour ago 5/20 WASHINGTON (AP) — The American economy and job market are moving in the right direction, just not very quickly. Why the US economy is taking so long to recover Associated Press - 2 hours ago 6/20 HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Anna Abderhalden and her siblings woke before dawn to stake a claim to a coveted beachfront spot where bonfires blaze each night as a rite of summer in this surf-crazy Southern California city. Beach bonfire spat gets hot in Southern California Associated Press - 2 hours ago 7/20 For weeks, jurors in Philadelphia heard grim testimony about deaths and squalor at Dr. Kermit Gosnell's inner-city abortion clinic. While they listened, the murder case reverberated far beyond the courtroom, changing — at least for the moment — the tone of the national debate on abortion. Philly abortion murder trial has national impact 'SOOOOOOO, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!' I TOLD YOU GINA, I TOLD YOU GINA, I TOLD YOU GINA!!!!!!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU!!!! TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, TOLD YOU, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD. Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE. Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational). Computer, MAGNESONIC, on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A-TONE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE B-TONE GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P Oh LORDESS SSJKK, where will this end? You've put me in Dogtown for more than 8,000 years now, sweetie pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These evil dirt bag astral forces that are AKA on these 12.6 years of Mountainpen's Blogs as 'HALLS FAWCES, awake or asleep in fact, Darth Vader sir; struck me hard both today and yesterday Well peeps YO, my life is right back to being mother ******* “LIFE THREATENING”, to quote my late pal, Mister David Charles Roth from Philadelphia, and cousin to the great early 2000's Style Court judge!!!!!!!!! This is a 24/7 deal, and it does ebb and flow over the **** chewing **** licking decades, I promise you I tell only truths here! May Goddess Scylla Jehovah Krassle strike me deader than s*** on a hot shingle if I am lying to any of you. I swear it on my miseries and hope that they quadruple should I be freaking lying to you, kind folks!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't lying, but they did quadruple. NOW IT IS ONE DAY AWAY FROM 03-2023. My c*** huffing upstairs p**** s*** NABES are literally driving me right up a wall tonight, SHERIFF SIR, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!! AND WHEN THEY SOON MOVE OUT, S**K SUBWOOF MOVES IN!!!!!! AND WHEN THEY SOON MOVE OUT, S**K SUBWOOF MOVES IN!!!!!! THEY GET ME COMING, GOING, LIVING, AND DYING. AND THEY NEVER MISS A SINGLE MOTHER ******* TRICK, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes people, ten years ago I was moving in with the almighty KINGS, and was clueless. But then when I was blogging before the two and a half year intermission, I was still clueless to my moms magical coworker Patricia Hollister, but I guess the geniuses out here put it all together. And I thought that the mother ******* © Office head examiner was horrible for not letting me know, and giving me fair warning before I moved in with the cousins. 'Like WO', Mister darn Billy Harner, like WO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog will discuss a few tiny things, and no longer will I use curse words whatsoever, so I'll be able once and for all to tell if this nonsensical “sensitive-content” jazz that blogger dot com is endlessly hitting and bruising me with since last freaking October, still goes onto happening, and if so, then I'll know it is cursing as well as other spoken stuff. I just unplugged the internet plug from my Comcast modem box, as twice I am typing and the computer just stopped working until I clicked the mouse, so let's see if this stops that whittle darn butt wiping persecution. The system is so-far working much better, less junky keyboard and mouse problems and the freezing trick has also quit. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester Frank. It is almost 3 weeks now, and no recycle service, and stuff is collecting, YO!! LET'S GET WITH IT MIZZ FPFLUSA MAYOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hoping my recycle stuff gets picked up soon, as the regular trash pickup seems to now be on both Monday's as well as Thursday's, but so far the recycle pick up has gone two weeks uncollected here at this co-op park in northern Fort Pierce. If that was my biggest problem in life however, as I used to say to Sir Steve McGinty back in 1977 at the print shop in Westville, New Jersey-USA-ESMWG; “I'd have it made in the shade with my pink lemonade”. I originally had heard that upon several occasions from my mom's old boyfriend, Sir Sidney Cohen-Crown, and 1969 and into 1970 were when he said it quite often, oh you silwee ole' whaaaaaaaaaaabit, you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have plugged back in and learned that my McAfee Programs were operating and had run a scan and found that I need to delete lots of unused files and cookies so as to improve memory space and accelerate operations of the computer, and that this was causing my two freezes. How I love it when mortal rational world explanations for stuff is what causes my woes, and naught other more esoteric junk, Mizz lovely Blake, and mahm', we all know that there simply are no rational world explanations for that 1983 magically getting onto my telephone line that had been totally disconnected by you guys at the AT&T on that day in early May, that started most of my wild stuff that I am still living through all the way up here in the ending days of month number two in the year of 2023. But the first point up for today's whittle discussion here great folks out there in Cyberville is simply Thisssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Lucci-Snakes, and also from that fantastically outlandish and quite illustrious year of glittering-1983, huh Pink Goddess-Merr???????????????? So on with all sensitive issues, Frank's, and frankincense oils from the days of antiquity. We will begin with a topic that I introduced recently and was previously discussed on older Morianity-blogging texts from a decade and more gone by; the great psychic and world renown, JULIA, right there on the Black Horse Pike, in West Atlantic City, or maybe it is part of Chelsea Heights. I am not the local tax man with an up to date tax map, so I simply am not sure, but all the locals to this area know of the famous psychic, lovely Mizz Julia, or they did, all throughout the second half of the prior 20th century. One night while I was at her 'joint' there Mister Steve Winn, as your peeps used that term with me in sarcasm one day at your great all powerful casino-hotel called the Golden Nugget, once situated on Brighten Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. Yes one night at Julia's place, I told her all about my mess with SARAH, right down to the chain dream of 1969, the whole smack with nothing whatsoever left out of the story. She looked over at me and told me that “I need to understand how to become a being”. I just looked somewhat flabbergasted at her, or I suppose this was the approximate facial expression that I was wearing at the time, folks. Only this very year, 2023, did I suddenly one day quite recently, put together that statement made by 'psychic-Julian-Pike JULIA', and the Morianity BOM-blog project, and its main topic of seemingly and virtually ENDLESS discussion, TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, and Exploratronics in general. Julia went on and on and talked in some wild riddles that were in those times, absolutely incomprehensible for me to fully conceive of, as I didn't yet fully realize Exploratronic-Activity, nor the entire subject that is centering all around it, and has been ever since intelligent life began happening here on this EARTH-PLANET. But what was being said to me, at least in my humble opinion (IMHO) to quote the somewhat often used and once more famous internet expression for admitting that nobody here on Earth is God Almighty; was way more gigantic and hyper-time non-Sanders-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE than anything possibly I may have merely thought she had meant to tell me behind these once words of seeming gibberish. In addition, and I may decide to fully tie this in on later following blogs, or I may naught Mizz phone company Blake, at my discretion; I can make an unfathomable connection to a few things spoken by the illustrious Mister Donald John Trump, back when he originally was running for the office of the President of the United States, and he was on some stage, and he was speaking to a bunch of peeps in the audience as well as answering questions being posted to him by narrators of the show, and this was the time where he was calling McCain the great war hero, “A LOSER BECAUSE HE GOT CAPTURED”, and made a splash like a tidal wave, yet still got elected, as in magic power times a quadrillion, making many of my Mountainpen-points simultaneously. He said some stuff about things up in Atlantic City that all tie into stuff from this night in the early autumn of 1996 while I was residing in what I now refer to as my SOMERDALE-DEATH-HOUSE, at 112 Harvard Avenue on the corner of Yale and Harvard Avenues. I am not going to get into this entire ugly mess from Dogtown on this blog, as we would be embarking then on an all day typing and reading project that simply put, just is not necessary at this exact moment in human chronology, and AKA “This point in time, Senator Watergate Noncrook Nixon”. We are only concerning ourselves on this chapter-0035-Beyond Tweeting Alphabet Twenty-twenty-two-chapter blogs, with thisssssss, oh lovely Mizz Susan Erica Lucci Cane from the awesome great and wonderful “All My 1983 Children” television-soap show. Simply, what psychic-Julia told me on this night in 1996, at her place on the Julian-Horse Pike in or just south of the world renown 'playground of the world' and AKA Atlantic City-New Jersey-ESMWG, while I was suffering a near-insanity oppressive nightmare situation with what I soon afterward refered to as, 'my fantastic search and quest to locate the great Sarah Krassle of 1969', in league with what happened fifteen minutes after I left her place that night around half past seven, as well as what I came to understand as the following 20 years kept whizzing all around me along with the great Eagles and naught the great Philadelphia football team, pertaining to EXPLORATRONICS; is a story more fantastic than any other event on this planet other than one day in Jerusalem when the Almighty SINGULARITY who DNA'd into human form through our family's bloodline system, did for the sins of human beings here allowing for the eternal salvation of anyone willing to accept HIM into their isness of beingness. Other than for this one other event, this is the greatest story, and, to quote Sir 1980 coworker Joseph RPL Sivo'; that ever “WENT DOWN”!!!!!!!!!!!! IPYT. This is because in a wild jumbled up randomly somehow coded INTENTIONALLY, and I know this without one wee bit of hesitation or doubt today whatsoever, way, this lady JULIA the local area famous psychic was giving me a fully explained grouping of words that my at the time limited mind was able to both hear and put on 'hold' if you will, so as to later on as the following two decades followed, allow me to slowly descramble and come to understand, pertaining to the guessed-guests as PINK GODDESS calls them, or did to me anyway, in that wild I-CHING soul-trip on PH-day of December of 1996. Before I can go on, at quarter past one this afternoon, my page vanished away and my document closed out for no good reason. I had to open it all up again and retype one last 'unsaved' sentence that thankfully I emmereffing fully remembered, word for word. This time, there IS NO MORTAL WORLD EXPLANATION FOR THAT EVENT, as obviously HALL FAWCES do naught like what the Mountainpen is typing in here. I am now going to go back and AGAIN, UNPLUG my internet modular chord from the Comcast modem system at 21 minutes past one. I HAVE A SNEAKING FREAKING SUSPICION THAT THISSSSSSSS DAY IS GONNA' BE GOING TOTALLY SUPER SUPER SUPER BOTBAR. All is now unplugged, and there is simply no way for the SPACEFORCE-MISOE-MISEC SCUM SLIME SUCKING TURD LICKERS TO GET AT ME, naught with my cum-puke-her aniwho, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us continue on, as for obvious reasons, these death siege persecutions on me are done for reasons, and a child should be able to see the reasons here. They don't want these words typed out, posted up publicly, and spoken to the world, even if it is a group of about 70-90 people, with only one admitting to it for all the world to see, Sir C.A. Thank you sir for your long loyalty and interest. On top of this small group of readers-viewers-whatever-Congressman R.A. Sir and ole' pal and singer of me' two country-tunes and other songs between years 1975-1980; most likely at best, half of those people are NON-AGENTS, or ROWES as Morianity has now chosen to label them in nomenclature. Now on with the show, waterworks Callio. The topic of EXPLORATRONICS is major and they do not wish to have me endlessly airing their dirty and Latengrate-Eugene Horowitz Knighted and parked UNDERWEAR, do they world??????????? So do it pweeeeeeeeze, Sir Chester-Frank: “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. Julia told me how important it is for persons with wild stuff happening in their lives, such as me; to learn to become “A BEING”. Now you all have heard my most recent and absolute latest developed belief concerning the ability to reach the level of TYPE-3-EX from just being an-aware-to-these-truths TYPE-2-EX. She never said it in these words, but a translated meaning from what I now know to be all true and real oh world, and we get that she was telling me that I need to elevate to being a BEING, and a being as she went on then to further describe it, is none other than a T3E. Before I continue on, I need to give two updates for the record and for my Blogaudians as well. First it is now twenty minutes shy of goddessdog two in the afternoon, and I don't think the recycle bin is gonna' get collected today since the trash truck never doubled back to collect it once the regular trash collection was done. Also, ten minutes or so before the hack-off of my OPEN-OFFICE Word Program System happened, my cellphone received a SPAM CALL. I rarely answer any phones when I don't recognize a number or a name on the ID-screen system, and I didn't do it today, and then poof, the crash. So I no longer now believe I had, at least for the most part aniwho, an enemy-employee at the Melody Lane Branch of the SLC Library. You all know that I measure COLLECTIONS OF PERSECUTIONS as way more friggin' proof that it is indeed a harassment against me, when otherwise I wouldn't be quite as sure; but when things all mount up on me together, and stuff without an easy mortal world rational explanation, well, this is when I KNOW THAT I AM GETTING STRUCK WITH MILITUFORCE-MISOE-MISEC bull spit on steroids!!! Now folks, shall we get back to my EXPLORATRONICS discussion for this BOM-BLOG-CHAPTER 0035. Before we do however, I went out to my recycle bin a second ago to put some recent junk in there from my residence, and there is a smoky smell and a heavy haze that seemingly is emanating from a not too distant locale around me somewhere. I wonder if the news later on this evening will inform me of some fire in or near this part of Fort Pierce, Flowerland-USA? So back now to T3E's, Julia on the Julian road, and maybe after all this siege for the past three or four days now, I may even decide to discuss how Trump fits into it all right down to why he ran for president of the USA back in 2016, and even started his stupid campaign in 2015, and things that he spoke of that connect into all of this junk, and even why I discussed back on numerous blogs way back to the BLOGS OF KING NEBNOOSHOO in the early twenty-teen previous decade, and saying stuff such as he should not only run, but even get the job, because he knows about many wild things. Why did I then shortly come full circle in my no longer wishing for this to happen, as so many of you out there must by now have been wondering about? All this will have a powerful beginning base foundation built today on the final part of this blog-chapter-35 and by the way, I plan to alter my tactics in my WAR WITH OTAMM-MISOE-MISEC, as I realize that I cannot just do what I want to whenever I want to; naught if I wish to be able to do it easier without all sorts of powerful and invisible stuff fighting me, such as the events all around me today while trying to do this blog and getting somewhat pummeled and reamed by these diseased toilet water lappers on quintessential steroids. Let us quickly just finish up this foundation-laid stuff on this night with Julia not White, nor on the White Horse Pike. Still naught only these things with my daughter just after the turn of this century happened, but also take into consideration peeps out here, please YO, that powerful time for me the very year that Merry was born, when I was attempting TO ESCAPE TOM REALE'S HOME IN VENTNOR ON CORNWALL AVENUE, and made it to the Atlantic City Bus Terminal on Arkansas Avenue at those times, and right after I got onto my bus to go home, the girls from the great mighty frightening QUODDY-MOCKER-GANG also got on, and this was the very night following the calendrically 'LUCKY DICE NUMBER' of 'seven-come-eleven', and this July 12th in 1970 was when SARAH refered to me for the very final time as, “THAT BOY”, at half past ten PM, on this night of July 12, 1970; as told on my blogs ever since their darn butt wiping inception in January of the year of 2006, while I was residing at the Mullica Mobile Manor (MMM-non-Bonjovi-Gmail address) at Lot #10 in Mullica, New Jersey, just a mile east of Blue Berryville Hammonton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great folks out there, the death angel, SIR MORTIMER MORTINO is annoying me with a vigor not seen for quite a while and is off the dials today and recently, YO YO YO YO YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So with or without the murder of Tina Reese or any discussions that may pertain to mob hit men, let us merely see the truth here that I am naught making up this tale about Atlantic City, these Washcloth people, this frightening family despite any comments made on the Crackpots From New Jersey web-page, and on and on!!!!!!!!!!! We will get back to all this and that is a promise, but for right now I need to finish this up and move on with my day. There is a lot of stuff to take care of. Julia told me some things that only after 20 years or more had completely passed by, did I fully see all of it clearly. Rather than even attempting to get really into the spoken jargon or its decoded and translated into more recent-time truths by me the pitiful ole' Mountainpen; I need to tell you what occurred after leaving, and heading into Atlantic City and down to Tennessee Avenue, and this was 3 or 4 months before that day at McGuire's hellhole bar on the 7th of February in 1997 in the following year, so bare that in mind please folks. All that entire day up through now nearly into the eight PM time range as I had then arrived on Tennessee Avenue, for whatever reason that I had decided to go there after I had left Julia's that evening; things were extremely quiet, or as I used to say in those times, quite frequently after enjoying a decade of the Next-Generation STAR TREK-TV-Show and their cool Holo-deck, “the hologram around me changed”. I spoke of this on many many many of my life journals back in those days and times, folks. Well, to use those words and phrases again up here in 2023 peeps, “Suddenly the hologram changed completely”, going from absolutely calm and quiet even for normal non Huntington-Cursed folks, and bang-pow-'BAM'-Sir Chef Emeril, things went to the full total opposite extreme polarity, and instantly, the very second that I left 10-SC Avenue, and began driving southbound on Atlantic City's famous Pacific Avenue, or 'the hooker and gambling strip' as some locals refer to this street as, or did back in the 80 and 90 decades of the previous 20th century, literally all darn heck broke loose for pathetic me! All the way home it got worse and worse, and a guy started following me and harassing me when I began driving through Plesantville, and I ended up going into the Galloway Diner eventually when he wouldn't break off the shadowing of me because I saw a large group of police cars in there, officers from Galloway Township. I could go on and on, but I have made my point that things went as bipolar as it gets, even perhaps causing envy to the famous psych peeps of the great 'DSM'. But those exact words spoken to me by psychic-Julia at her home on the B.H. Pike that night in 1996, caused these very same things to shortly follow, as well as JUST AS THIS HARASSMENT ON ME RIGHT NOW FROM DOING THIS BLOG UP HERE IN TIME BY 26 AND ONE HALF YEARS. And anyone out here who cannot or will not see this is the truth; I feel sorrier for freaking you then I do for myself going through this nightmare HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to go on and on, but if I do, the day will grow far worse and I simply cannot allow thisssssss, oh lovely Erica Cane Snakes, mahm'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW did this rock chucking day go straight to mother flagging HELL-HELL-HELL-STAR TREK TRILANE D---O---G---T---O---W---N, YO YO YO YO YO YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It began with the brother clucking broken or 'WHATEVER'-CONGRESSMAN BOB from 1975-1980 times, flash drive #2 that I purchased from the main library branch of Saint Lucie County, only it may naught B busted, it may B my totally trucked up old worthless cum-puke-her, but in any event I'll need help getting this all 2 work for me. This is how the day began, and it only kept bunt tapping progressing negatively from there right up through this present rock chucking second in human world chronology, YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The goddessdarn community room is jam pack loaded with noisy screaming butt-holes, some type of get together party, lots of screaming and noise, so far no loud blaring music yet, but hey, the night is quite young and it takes peeps a while to tank up on the mother plucking alky as we all know, or do WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester Church Frank Farm??????????? Then while I was getting my stuff all together at me' trucking butt work station here 2 begin me' twustworthy whittle bwog, I had a major ducking total klutz out, with everything going all over the bunt eating joint, Mister gaming man WINN, U crook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So pweeeze permit me now Uncle Heinz Gottwald Sir, Senior Vice-President of the Chemical National Bank of Manhattan, USA, of days gone by after the great 70's and into the 80's; to get a wee bit into the mathematical stats of my current hellish BOTBAR-SITUATION of Kent-Louigee-Superman, and Inspector trucking butt-hole Henderson. TANKS, as well as a gigantic HUUUUUUUUGE, and most definite B----O----O----M, YO:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of today's Super BOTBAR-X-1, and Super HIGH Calliocareyotammic-X-1, my MPB (Magnetic Percentage 4 Botbar) or MPB 4 short, for the month of 02-23 as well as the year of 2023 is as follows, YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEE!!!! MPB4 February-2023 is 28%, up 3% on the day, and MPB4 year-2023 is 32%, up 1% on the day, spreading now at -4. Remember that MPB's are not something I want 2B going up, and R only good when they R going mucking butt DOWN!!!!!!! The spread went from minus 6 to minus 4, another BAD TRUCKING DEAL. I want it 2 go in the opposite directions from where this BOTBAR super rotten mother clucking day has taken me, oh me' great people out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-2-THIS, and gash darn rotten butt-wipe bull spit, cubed; and trucking CUBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am fit 2B rock chucking tied, chained, nuked, and matter-antimatter exploded, oh lovely gals, Merry and Letty, from twenty-oh-nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On top of all of this bit good folks out heredahelda, as well as out here, Mister clucking butt Spellchecker; off the wall kite-kit is happening such as, I know that I just put a cassette tape into my player with the HU-CHANT on it, and poof, it suddenly ended; and these tapes are 40 minutes long on each side. I no longer am doing my HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE largest of all time so far © copyrighted project, and have naught been working on it since returning 2 my blogging last autumn, so I now have switched back on my full play features, as it goes into 3-modes; and now the cassette will endlessly repeat, as I can make it stop after one side, or after a full A&B side plays, or go on a continuous looped play. Setting it that way and forgetting to unset it back to stopping after each side plays or records, and I would get screwed by erasing over many times, prerecorded stuff on the tapes. Brings back a few memories of shows and shoes, and road trips into big cities, and what I used 2 refer 2 as 'chance-encounters', only now Mizz Blake; I am naught doing any longer, as I have completely changed me' mind, and no longer believe that running into my daughter when I didn't even realize it was my daughter, was a random event chance occurrence. On top of many other things that R all part of nightmares and BOTBARS 4 poor old pitiful non-Ronstadt pathetic whittle goddess-darn me; I am getting some nasty-butt trucking runt CUM-PUKE-HER HACKING FOLKS, YO YO YO YO, BRO!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO do it pweeeeeeze Sir Chester Frank, “WEEEEEEEEEEEE”.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do have a wee bit of good news 2 report, as nothing, even 4 poor ole' other plucking pitiful & HUNTINGTON CURSED MOUNTAINPEN can B all totally awful and horrendous, naught 100% lovely 1983 Mizz Blake, YO MAHM'!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't need 2 concern myself with the Comcast battery that never gets delivered, nor in purchasing a 2nd clucking runt computer power battery brick, as there is one outlet remaining 2B used 4 me, and I plugged into it, a long orange 25 foot extension cord that runs underneath a rug where two other wires also R there and duck taped down securely onto my floor, and then the other female end of the long orange extension chord simply is used so that I can plug in my Comcast modem box which is on that side of the room, as me' ole' cum-puke her is on this side where the one and only needed power brick and battery is at. So that saves me 70 bucks or so, and if Comcast bills me 4 a battery that they never sent 2 me, I WILL TRUCKING DISPUTE THE AMOUNT OF THAT ON THE INSTALLATION BILL WHEN IT ARRIVES SHORTLY, and if it is only the 100 dollar charge, then fine, I'll pay it and just mucking runt forget about it once and goddess-darn all, 'aloha' and YO YO YO YO YO YO YO 'YOHA'-ME' BRAHHHHHHH!!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll keep U posted on the community room party as it is now five minutes shy of nine and normally it breaks up anywhere between half past eight and half past ten. Bigger louder parties seem 2 reliably run trucking later, more mucking stupid ass alky obviously. I lived with nuts and their drinking up at Dawn King's 'JOINT', oh great Mister Winn; and I am naught totally trucking stunt glass inexperienced with such matters of abusing substances, and 'merry making' in general, as is 'biblically known as a no-no'; only no one ever had 2 tell me naught 2 do these things. It is naught in me' trucking nature. My vices are bad language, and my chain-induced magical desire for vampiric body fluids of non-blood and non-urine. Y this is even considered 2B so god darn butt perverted, is anyone's best guess, but hey, and butTERCHEESE Spellchecker systems all notwithstanding heredahelda and here, so what can I say to the great Sir J.J. Evans 4 crying' out freaking butt-wipe louder than dog puke on steroids stinks??????? Now Trumps golden shower desires, 2 me anyway; THAT'S FREAKIN' PERVERTED, yet many peeps indeed R into that disgusting horse pit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. This is all a part of what Morianity & Mountainpen calls the ”BAD-GUY” Syndrome in all of these gash dog trucking butt long winded blogging texts!!!!!!!! In other words, if I am into it, or doing it, it's right away and automatically just pure and plain out wrong, and yet if another person is, well; a totally different set of SATAN'S rules just pops into play. And U all know what I'm talking about here, unless you're totally dumber than a HUUUUUUUUGE pile of pig dung squared, seven times over!!!!!! I sure hope that none of you R in that category, YO.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well there was an old song very late in the 70's decade right around those times where lovely Doctor DAGS was in her prime with her disco music, and yes, 2 quote that quite famous song that she did not write or sing, and merely participated in popularity of the period so 2 speak; “Party's Over”, and I just checked it at 7 minutes past nine. I would have bet that noisy party would go on closer 2-2 more hours, so I lucked out folks, 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE', Sir wonderful, other than 4 one particular moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning at my Blue Anchor home on Route 73 South, back in the summer time of the year of 1999, Chester-Frank. WOW MISTER YUCKING MACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People, as long as HALLS FAWCES 'runt tin you' 2 endlessly darn harass and persecute innocent basicly-kind-hearted pathetic me, 4 absolutely no good reason; I can naught lovely Mizz Blake, B expected 2B in here all nice and fuzzy-cozy, with lots of god dog warm feelings, and a warm heart; and U all know fully well that none of U could do freaking runt this either, so don't U bunt tapping dare 2 JUDGE OLE' TRUCKING MISTER MOUNTAINPEN, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAGNESONICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALL ORDERS AND ALL TECHNOLOGIES. PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM. SCAN 4 WHOEVER BOTBAR'D MY DAY TODAY, AND TAKE A CRUSHED SINGED WIPED OUT AND OBLITERATED IMAGE-OBJECT THAT IS ON YOUR TRANSPOWER BLOCK, AND EMPOWER IT TO MAXIMUM. YOUR DESIRE KEY IS NOW SWITCHED FROM NN-J POSITION 2 THE 'I' POSITION, AND YOUR POWER COSMIGAIN CONTROL IS SET AT THE MAXIMUM OF 11.8 INCHES PER NANO-SECOND. DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE----A-TONE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE----B-TONE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G-901, CG-18, AND S-----T-----O-----P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When I discussed the name (KRASSLE) and its meanings ASTRALLY, I keep getting totally MIND-HACKED, as some perhaps by now have indeed definitely guessed. You'd B correct if you had guessed this. KRASSLE has 7 letters in it, and KRASSLE has an additional “L” letter in it from the much more common surname that we all hear in waking life heredahelda and HERE sir Spellchecker, such as lovely little Sarah Kassel on one of the two 1970 “DARK SHADOWS” movies, and by the way my Spellchecker does not have that movie-name in it but I do know it, and have heard of it from sources other than just this movie character. But it is this 'L' letter that is added in the way PINK GODDESS spelled HER name 2 me in that 12-1969 dreaming interaction, turning the other and more recognized name of KASSEL into KRASSLE. 'R' as most of U know all 2 well, is the 12th letter of the English alphabet system, and KRASSLE has 7 total letters in its name, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. Seven and twelve R most likely the two greatest numerations in all of Christianity, the 12 tribes of Judah and the holy 7th day that happens every week, and as commanded us by the great SSJKK (Jehovah). But always remember folks, my dream was in middle December of 1969, and it was naught until middle 1970 somewhere, that these two Dark Shadows movies began 2 come out 4 the public view, so I was first, not the show. The movies were named 'House of Dark Shadows' and 'Night of Dark Shadows', and I don't remember which was which as far as what was first and then followed, nor do I remember the one that had the little girl named SARAH KASSEL, butTERCHEESE and yes Spellchecker, BUTT big ass, and regular but as well; and that only one those two movies had her, and naught both movies; oh lovely Mizz AT&T BLAKE, mahm'. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No goddessdarn wonder that I was mind-hacked twice, as this is naught a topic that obviously the friggin' HALLS-FAWCES want me to discuss, as this would B along the lines, and totally an under-exaggerated simile let me assure U all, with “airing their dirty clucking underwear”, YO YO YO-HA, ME'BRAHHHHHH! Hey YO folks, don't believe me, don't trucking listen to ole' butt-hole stupid god dog retard me. Watch the DARK SHADOWS TV-SHOW during that late 1969 into early 1970 period on DVD's, and C4 yourselves, as it is all as plain as noon and daylight on steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't make things one 'darn-butt-bit' plainer than thissssssssssss, oh U lovely Mizz Erica Lucci AMC-SNAKES, from 1983. SO WOW-2-THAT-1 FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This mucking runt chewing mouse is giving me more goddess-dog trouble and grief than an atom frikkin' bomb going the heck off around me. Jesus Christ Almighty. UC peeps, when things intermittently cause grief and persecution 2 someone such as me with this, and many countless other clucking things with me as well; it is just naught rocket chucking science 2C that it is just naught in my deluded mind, or some sicko imagination.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, I have edited my blog from 8 last evening, and I've now removed all curse words, 2C if that is what blogger dot com's problem is with this; B4 trying 2 further analyze this situation. I just got screwed by Jane Sleazeweedsdisease with the eleven past eleven on my cum-puke-her screen-monitor, as I forgot to put my sticky page up over the time 2 block it out, dummy butt-wipe and yes Spellchecker, butTERCHEESE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir CF, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well here is the situation for today, lads and lassies out here, if that is, BDC allows me 2 post this up, which is highly doubtful. I talked to my pal Mister Patterson down in Hollywood-Miami, Flowerland, and B4I get into things, allow me to please compensate for Mizz Jane SWD Fonda, with my 5-row numbers: 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I shared the EARTHLY-DOGTOWN that the MISOE-MISEC scum-holes put me through yesterday, Saturday, and got a lot vented and off of me' chest, HA-HA-HA-HA, and I meant everything that I talked about with him, 4 THOSE WHO R ENDLESSLY TAPPING MY PHONES AND ILLEGALLY ENDLESSLY VIOLATING MY AMERICAN CIVIL & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleazy-Jane Notfondauonebit trashweedskunk nailed me again, with the gash darn freaking mouse moving page 'displayer' of which there is no way of preventing or blocking, 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, so allow me another nice additional row of lovely compensatory fives, pweeeze here great folks, TANKS & B-----O----O-----M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And forgive me also pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze 4 adding still and yet another NEW MORIANITY-WORD in here today. HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, Mizz Harris Amanda of Dark Shadows. Speaking of Mizz A.H. From D.S., the artist that was named on the D.S.-TV show, was played by the great one and only Sir Roger Davis, in the acting role of Charles Delaware TATE, and remember I told U all how my grandfather, or my mom's pop, who was employed as a Physical Education instructor at the University of Pennsylvania or 'U of P' 4 a shortened and totally accepted abbreviation of this great and world renown college in Philadelphia near the Franklin Ball-Field, had a pal named Tate McKenzie, and the girl who played Mizz lovely Amanda Harris, in addition 2 all of these other prior listed coincidences and similarities here, has a surname of something very similar to McKenzie, and add all of this up, and the SAFET lights up just like fireworks in NEW YORK CITY on the 4th of darn July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Crane Sir, Y did I type in all of that HA-HA-HA junk U may B asking me right about now oh great & wonderful awesome Blogaudians out there in Cyberville? Well, I forgot from years back how there is a way 2 prevent Mizz Fondaslime from injuring my day and my magnetics with her evil ugly groupation of number ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I merely hit my ENTER-KEY and hold it down at the start of a blog word document until 15 or more pages whiz on by, and then at the end of the blog, highlight those extra blank pages, hit my DELETE-KEY, and poof, like frikkin' magic; it returns 2 normal, and with no chance of being hit by her evil number assault on me as long as I also remember my sticky pages on both sides of the cum-puke-her screen-monitor, YO YO YO YO ME' BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a whittle wee bit of additional information folks on the Amanda Harris-Dark Shadows connections with so many things, not the least of course being my search in those exact same times that this program was being re-aired on the great cable-TV-SYFY channel in 1996 and 1997, as was talked about when I opened up my foundation on all of this back in my alpha-tweet blogs from last autumn in 2022. Mister TATE MCKENZIE if I'm correctly spelling his name here, and my program just CRASHED WHILE TYPING THIS AT when else, Mizz slime-bag trashy butt eating scum sucker, JANE, one-eleven in the afternoon, bringing me straight to a BOTBUR---X---2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is another-needed freaking groupation of FIVE NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 So on with the show, oh lovely rotten CALLIOcareyotammic and Callio, granddaughter of lovely Mizz Sara J. Karge, born in Trenton, NJUSAESMWG on July the 18th in the year of 1896, and just, let me CAP in and continue as if nothing ever crashed and trucked up a second straight day 4 me, folks, and U2, Doctor Cooley Garrigan, sir. Don't wanna' truck up your great Rutgers-U college theses or degree in psychiatry for 'crissing out louder than Christmas trees' and helliday-holiday-movie-teases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee Wiligars, lovely Mizz Winfrey, land owner of SAGAMUD prophecy-tunes from Atcochock, New Jersey-USA-ESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a whittle wee bit of additional information folks on the Amanda Harris-Dark Shadows connections with so many things, not the least of course being my search in those exact same times that this program was being re-aired on the great cable-TV-SYFY channel in 1996 and 1997, as was talked about when I opened up my foundation on all of this back in my alpha-tweet blogs from last autumn in 2022. Mister TATE MCKENZIE if I'm correctly spelling his name here, was not merely an artist painter and in fact this was a sort of dabble job 4 him. He was a very famous sculptor at those times around the turn of not the last century but the turn of the Amanda Harris one, I cannot believe how time is getting away from me, like freaking butt-wipe WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I know is that a sound rational mind hates 2 believe 2 much craziness, I fully can relate 2 that whether U all out here wish 2 believe me or naught, lovely Mizz AT&T Blake from 1983. BUTTERCHEESE and big BUTTS out here from MILITARY-UFO-FORCES TO MUSCLES MONIQUE, the mathematical mind that lives by odds and statistics because he or she has learned and absolutely come to know that this is just 2 powerful 2 refute or refuse 2 believe in it just because U may wish 'naught 2 do so, Mizz B'. WOW-2-THAT-1, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mister T. McKenzie was every bit as famous in those same days as the fictional character of Dark Shadows' Sir Charles Delaware Tate supposedly was in that fantastic television show of the nineteen-sixties. He did sculptures and D.S. Fictional TATE did paintings and portraits. But ART IS ART, cheese is cheese, butts R butts, and ButTERCHEESE is butTERCHEESE; as in that wild STARBURN-PENNSYLVANIA experience back while I was living at the demonic PEEHA joint, oh great and illustrious Halloween-Cheater of 1983, Mister WINN of then, AC-NJ-USA!!!! B4 clocking out for the day 2C if this [posts up] as I doubt that it will, I forget from back in the PEEHA-blogger days, I am not allowed on this stupid butt-wiping office program, to do certain things as it always crashes the program. If I accidentally type in 'Im', and need to correct it and make it read 'I'm', or even try to just add it 2 my personal office-dictionary system, it won't allow it, as just right clicking over it causes THE PROGRAM 2 FREAKING CRASH, every single time. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT RED ALERT---RED ALERT---RED ALERT-RED ALERT---RED ALERT The very same people and the very same forces and organizations responsible for my nightmare hellishness surrounding my life day and night decade after decade, is also the same same thing that is preventing me from properly being able to get my story out to the world and be what might be refered to a 'successful blogger'. This statement should not be taken lightly, it is not meant lightly, let me assure you all of thisssssssssssssssssssssssss, lovely Erica!!!!!!!! Back on Monday I began discussing what we will be getting way more into as days continue onward, 'the Julia Psychic story'. The really HUUUUUUUUGE part of it connects into the 45th president of the United States however, Mister Trump. The day on that stage where he made a lot of wild statements, one being that Senator McCain was a “LOSER because he got captured during the war” that most every voter in this great land fully remembers and knows about only too well, and then that other powerhouse one at least for me when he said, “I got out of Atlantic City”, but this is only the beginning of the story and how that night connects up in 1996 and yes, I typo-f***** up and said 1997, and I meant of course to speak-type the prior year, as this went down in the very early autumn time of the year of 1996. Remind anyone of my telling school classmates at my old high school, anything from a long time ago concerning where I had just come from, and mixing things up????????? How the gods of 'spooky forces' endlessly work, huh ole' 'daddy-pal', Sir Al??????????? END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, LOVELY SAVANT {'L&O' KATY}, AND OTHERS.