Thursday, February 9, 2023




Thursday, February 9, 2023


(And looking at the time, Sir DCR and © Office)



WOW-WEE WOWSER WO folks, I am still here at the ole’ library, and the trip in here today was Dogtown on steroids, cubed and CUBAN!!!!!!!!!! A bad accident, a stopped railroad train like that day of 2019 summer time jury duty, and all sorts of cones and roadwork everywhere to boot. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever arrive here today. Hey folks, I did though, and that’s all that counts, the famous business worlds ‘BOTTOM-LINE’, to quote WALL STREETERS, huh world??? As Chester-Frank may say real well at some local New Jersey bar back in summer time of 1999, “WEEEEEE”!!!



Someone or something great Captain Shatner Kirk sir; did not want me to get here to this whittle ole’ library today. I have no earth shattering stuff to tell today, just some basic things. I am researching all possible new blogger sites to use and be rid of the blogger dot com all together, as well as the 16 dollar WIX website. I refuse to continue 2B intimidated by some new enemy that I have seemingly picked up since last year’s shy of Halloween time who is unrelentingly attempting to destroy this blog, the BOM forever. I have calls and letters into numerous internet policing and government authorities and I plan to get 2 the bottom of who this is and then go after them LEGALLY, all perfectly and totally ‘LEEEEEEEEEEGALLY’, CUZZ DONNIE BOY. They have no right 2B endlessly interfering with this major globally important project, and I will do everything in my damn ass ‘puker-power’ to protect and defend myself AND MY LEGAL RIGHTS TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a real powerful suspicion when this began late last year shortly after I began 2 start up this BOM project after a quarter decade off-time that this wouldn’t just quietly go away into that good night. I fully believe now that SIR SWAP hit it all smack dab on the nose years ago telling me who is behind my “woe-whiz-me’s” as well!!!! If I’m wrong, please accept apology-#2, as I can only go with what is presented and given to me by those closest to me, and no one is God Almighty. Things like this prove that the entire world is a HUUUUGE joke, huh great Senator Sanders, sir?????????????



Speaking of politics, I enjoyed the State of the Union speech by President Joe R. Biden a couple nights ago. BRAVO buddy, great job. You showed all of them, and anyone who doesn’t think he is on top of his game found out how quickly he managed to turn the negatives into opposing polarities; a very clever trick to maneuver by anyone on a really quick off the cuff level, as he did. He turned the heckling into forced ownership. Now you guys on the far right OWN, just like lovely OPRAH, all the junk. Real cool wonderful awesome job, Mister President Sir, I am very proud of you. YOU KICKED BUTT oh wonderful sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, if anyone tried to tell me four decades or more back in time that the world would devolve into the type of behavior that I saw during the address, I would have slugged them in the nose for trying to insult my intelligence with a tale that utterly fantastic, only here we are today, oh world. To quote my kid and the talking MIDGE; yes I found their behavior totally “disgusting”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I do have a newfound respect for the new Speaker, mister KM.



Okay, I am holding BOTBUR and I am pretty damn fucking sure this will be a major BOTBAR day. It seems when I went to check to make sure this flash drive is saving the blog, it not only is not, but it is entirely broken and whatever you would call it in the computer jargon. Two computers were used and it seems to be totally dead, so hackers must have done something to wreck it. This library is filled with hacking MISOE enemies, and even though I have several friends who help me here, all it takes is one secret enemy who could be anyone of these employees. The reason I am still here and not at home is because my geek-guy came over Monday and the connector system that he told me to purchase at the Vero Beach Best Buy store back last year, is a reverse system for sending a signal to the ROKU jack from the old computer that I bought in 2010 at the Walmart store. He will be coming back later B4 the end of this week, and that is all I will tell you. He will have switched the old stuff with the ones I will need to make it all work, saving me a damn trip back to Vero Beach. Yes I fucked up and said STAPLES on several prior blogs (PBHE), WEIN-SOSO? Not one thing is working out for me folks, it is truly one of the worst goddamn mother fucking years of my entire life, and it is not showing any signs of reversing for me. Also a lot of loud aerial harassment is ongoing. Then the road and traffic woes when trying to get here today is off the dials and scales putrid and monstrous, like nothing that I have experienced even remotely in all the time since I started up this project last autumn. Some scum bag ROWE enemy of the MISOE obviously managed to put into all of the machines here, something that would erase and ruin my flash drive. This will all stop once I am home blogging again, and I will have a switch to completely turn off my internet while doing the blogs on my word-office programs, turning it back on only to post up to the sites.



This is definitely the worst SPACEFORCE ASSAULT that I have experienced since the previous century. Let me tell you something great peeps out there, YO. Hackers are making this machine switch back and forth on many screens while typing this, making me keep clicking the “HOME” prompt on top of the page next to the “FILE” prompt. Yes, getting back to telling you something. ROWES know that Sarah Krassle and I have had a very special interaction ever since my boyhood days in Atlantic City on 10-SC Avenue during my 8 VACA-stays with my mom at the Trinidad (TRINITY) Hotel. These 8 VACA’s were late June and middle August of 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968, and I screwed up on a previous blog and said I went back to my old high school to the year of 1969, and meant to type in obviously the year of 1968. But getting back to me’ ole’ pernt here Sir Archibald Queens Bunker Sir, these ROWE pricks know more about me, and the shit shared between Pink goddess and me way back then; then I know about it all myself. As I speak, THE DEATH ANGEL IS ON ME TODAY LIKE FLOATING TURDS IN A TOILET BOWL, kind wonderful great folks out there!!!!!!!!!!!!! This prick Sir Mortimer Mortino has been very bad around me for years now, and it never ever mother fucking quits. These miserable ROWES are limitless in their abilities to screw with me. But the reasons behind it is beyond secretive and not even shared with their bosses. They do know in the offices that I have exposed what is truly going on, but they do not wish for any of this to ever become known by the global population. When you are in Purgatory, the most horrible thing beyond what mortal man’s mind can begin to ever conceive of is ENDLESSNESS!!!!!!! Your mortal mind is telling you that I am full of shit. Peeps here think ETERNAL LIFE is some great fantastic gift or heaven, and it is anything but that. The only way to make some of you get this truth is by telling you all to watch a particular TWILIGHT ZONE TV-SHOW from the 60’s, the original shows done, and the episode with “PIP”, played by Mister Sebastian Cabot. You need to get that show, watch it five times straight, and only the final ten minutes of it should UB pressed 4 time. The ending of the show is where Sir SC says to the little shit head criminal who was shot and killed by the police during a robbery that he had just committed, and he said to him, “This is the other place”. Only in the great capital city of SDK is the awareness of endlessness removed from us by SSJKK-Pink Goddess SCYLLA!!!!!!!!!!! What is used by HER to accomplish this, if I am naught mistaken here Mizz Blake, is my motorcycle CHAIN; given to me by ‘BBO’-Sir John Henningsen. When I tried to tell these things right at the very beginning of this BOM blog-project, I was ruthlessly persecuted back then up in New Jersey. I had all sorts of powerful crazy wild things happen all around  me but I kept fucking persevering with this project, just as I am doing right now all the way here more than a decade and a half later on down here in Flowerland, AKA FLORIDA-USA. I began to discuss EXPLORATRONICS and the three types of exploratrons, type 1, 2, and 3. We are all type one, we are soul, and we dream and we travel. As soon as I got into this more and more, the world began to change in major ways. At first, when I Googled up EXPLORATRON, the system would take me to my blogs and only there, nowhere else!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly however, I vanished and the Google Gods would take anyone who Googled up the topic, to numerous other places having nothing whatsoever to do with Morianity and the Blogs of Mountainpen (BOM). How was this done? I-CHING and various types of other methodologies for inducing controlled trips (time travel) so that the enemy TYPE-3-Exploratrons could first get back into something tangible whereby they could begin to launch other things and the send huge high traffic quantity BOTS to their sites and then use the Google-Ranking System (GRS) to intentionally make my story vanish magically away and only have the giant google gods take peeps who may search for this subject, to entirely different topics and stuff having nothing whatsoever to do with my exploratronic realities being taught on these BOM-BLOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was intentional manipulation with hidden illegal overtones to shut my freedom of speech rights up and get totally and completely away with it forever. No goddamn questions ever asked. It is no different at all than whoever is trying to shut down my blogs ever since the Alpha-Tweet 2022-O back last October, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME’ BREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



How do I know all this? Well, I know that I-Ching really works, and it isn’t merely some ‘DARK SHADOWS’ TV-SHOW fantasy, as I have worked it three times; once in 1969, once in 1986, and once in 1996. It really works, and anyone who doesn’t believe this should get themselves those 6 wands and toss them, and do just what I did. The last time in 1996 was on Pearl Harbor Day, 12-07-1996. I tossed them and threw the Hexagram of Deliverance. Then I stared at it for half an hour sitting up on the foot of my bed in my room with a dull 25 watt lightbulb on. The next thing I knew was being with Sarah on 10-SC Avenue, and having that wild experience with HER concerning the magic game SHE wanted to play and the great Mary Moore and her green dress while she stood on a balcony that did not exist here in this world overlooking the street and the area of where Sarah and I were standing right outside of Robert McGuire’s BOTBAR-BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did this just past midnight and then awoke from this wild experience at exactly five in the morning. This sent me racing down to 10-SC Avenue two hours later in my Saturn car with my mom in a futile attempt to get to the bottom of my SARAH KRASSLE nightmare search!!!!!!!!



While watching the State of the Union speech the other night, Tuesday night, I was knocked off and taken back to the ROKU-homepage TWICE. Fortunately I was able to get back to the speech. Recently the ROKU is running slow and freezing again, and my letter to the FCC will be shortly followed up with another complaint telephone call. I am a paying consumer who HAS LEGAL FUCKING CUNT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yes world, Sir SWAP is totally right and I fully realize that now, Mizz Payne. Golly gash gee wiligars great peeps, YO YO YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time that one of my blogs is deleted by MISOE’s newest follower OTAMMITE, notice that it has major shit that exposes any possible benefit of the doubt to any deniers out there that PINK-RODD-GODD in present incarnation is actually the physical product of Patty HHH’s poor deviant behavior back on the 28th afternoon in June, of 1969, underneath the great Schiff’s Central Pier of Atlantic City, New Jersey-USAESMWG. Let us carefully peruse the three blogs that were deleted and then placed back on again by BLOGGER-DOT-COM after my MISOE-OTAMMIE-ENEMY struck me hard all 3 times!!!!!! We are speaking here of Alpha-Tweets-2022 “O”, “W”, and then the BTAT-0015 chapters. A child can see why these were attempted to have removed by concerned parties, so now I ask my loyal following Blogaudians out here to please try and apply some great logic here in my favor for just a moment. How can the rest of you out here even start to legitimately doubt the sincerity of this information of the 17-year BOM project for crying out louder than dog shit stinks???????? This is now the tenth mother fucking DEATH ANGEL attack in the two hours so far that I’ve now been here at this library today, kind folks.



Dream-worlds are real to the characters there who then go onto perceive all of us here as part of their relative dream-world. After my 1995 rip current ocean drowning in South Atlantic City and immediate retrace on the photon wall by whomever has not permitted me a physical death now for a very long time, the first major thing that I found in my newly switched universe was my SATURN CAR, and how it was now parked two or three spaces from where I absolutely know I had parked it back in my previous universe where I had been drowned in and perished. There were other things B4 that back at the beach as I know I was wearing ‘other clothes’ than those I now had from this new retraced-universe, but the main topic recently is the McFly Saturn circuit in my car. Remember how in 1980 from a dream-world, I was at some university in Egg Harbor City where Merry was just happening by while I was speaking to a professor pal of mine, and she said two powerful sentences to me in response to my saying to the professor that she too has transdimensional issues, saying this above the volume from what I had been speaking until she came along, and also while pointing at her. In this wild experience she was only ten and it was 1980 and I know that for sure, and so she would be ten at that time, at least in most of localized hyperspace. As things branch farther out into the 5th dimension, these things do in fact begin to vary, but this was close-in enough to keep most things within relatable logic. Extreme distant hyperspace are those realms where reality appears 2B totally breaking down. This is where one second we are talking to someone and then POW-BAM, without any assist from Chef Emeril or his wonderful tasty foods, suddenly the persons face becomes a large pizza pie. This is what the BOM refers to as the Toby-Couch realm of very distant 5th dimensional hyperspace. But back to the dream a few weeks back where it was summer time of the year 1980 only instead of living at the Robin Hill Apartments, I was living in Egg Harbor City, and was working at a food manufacturing plant, where here in this waking world, is a potato chip factory. The college was off to the north towards where here there is a large lake, only there it is a college. This is all quite a ways to the north of the Julia Horse Pike, AKA the WHITE. The real psychic JULIA is located in waking world reality here on the Julian horse Pike, of course. A whittle wee bit of humor and HA-HA-HA, for lovely Mizz HUUUUUGE-Tits Sheila Franklyn Hair!!!!!!!!! Now the car in this powerful waking life experience after my drowning-retrace in August of 1995 at South Atlantic City, had the great circuit in it and it was definitely not the same car that I had B4 the drowning and re-trace on the photon wall. But do these ROWES make these magical car circuits or do they simply use the MARY CARTER PAINT COMPANY magical covert paint that allows all sorts of invisible control over anything that is painted with it? Forget about Mister Mervin Griffin, or the great first gambling establishment of Atlantic City that started this whole entire fucking miserable mess back in 1978, and is called Resorts International Hotel Casino. Did the car now given to me after the drowning and retrace have hyper-dimensional effects between dream-worlds? Hey, anything is always a possibility, and we all know that this is true unless we’ve been hiding deep within some cave for the past three plus decades now. Did this new SATURN car somehow begin to affect my character in a parallel twin reality of cosmos? This is where he or I really, lived at Highview back in the 60’s rather than at 125-A Haddon Hills apartments, and not only that but he/I not only attended the great ‘HTHS’ (Haddon Township High School), but graduated, or at least was there and driving a car which in this waking world, I never drove a car while in high school. I was living in this alternate persona at Highview while back at the high school in 1968, and was someone who was in his late teens, so most likely was in the 12th grade, a senior. Here of course I only attended the illustrious HTHS for the 7th and the 8th grade, and then I was tutored for a few months, and ended up shortly thereafter at the one and only COOLEY HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in this persona where Nick Cannon and his pals managed to steal away from me this LAPTOP or TABLET or shoebox as I used to call it for years and years; and I was driving down the JULIAN HORSE PIKE (BLACK), and drove from home to school. By the way I did not live in Blackwood, NJUSAESMWG on Cressmont Avenue, ‘so sahwee’. I lived at 220 Hillcrest Avenue. I remember this as Frank Wonder from my Mars Graphics printing job mailed me a check for a few bucks from money that he owed me on a loan that I had made to him, and he was crazy enough since he was pissed off at having to pay it back, and he wrote on the envelope “Hellchrist” rather than Hillcrest. My old pal Sir Bill Griggs was on Cressmont Avenue a few blocks away from my home in these same Cherrywood Estates. This amends my begat-btat address list from a prior recent blog, I think it was Chapter 0020. Also Doris Plum’s apartment building was 7 East Main Street, and I now have forgotten my apartment number, but it was at the very rear of the place facing west; and of course she applied Hebrew-Landlord-Lightning as some still say if not worried about being PC, to burn the place down a long time ago at the start of 1980. Thank the gods that my mom and I had moved away from that nut case by then and into the Mantua, NJUSAESMWG home that we purchased at 112 East 5th Avenue. Back now to the SATURN CAR and the time trip with Mister NC. This was not one of the I-Ching deals, I merely went off to sleep one night, but that circuit in the McFly car had a lot to do with it. I know it for so many reasons, the least of which was the dealership who insisted on my trading the car in for their Plymouth Breeze car early in 1997 was not only about this item but the major attempt to fix me up with a Spanish goddess who looked precisely like a character in my dream-world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But when I had this Egg Harbor 1980 dream with my daughter at age ten a few weeks ago now, she said that incredible thing to me about “We have your shoebox now McFly” and that made a really gigantic impression on me. It most definitely effected my waking life from the second that I woke up out of it too as you all know only too well. One thing I know and that is I refuse to keep putting up with this new blog intimidation from some total scumbag. Look for me soon on WIX website and possibly a new blogger site as well, as I have been researching the material and there are a couple of places out there far less strict about what seemingly is thought of as “sensitive material”, and I still do not even know what that TRULY MEANS. Well, the SAFET may have just spoken for itself, right all fans of my daughter????????????????? Hey, I am only able to go by what SWAP is telling me and now some real powerful common sense to boot, YO-YO-YAH, ME’ BRAHHHHH!!!!



Yes, I’ve been dealing with McFly time travel circuits as well as magical MISOE-circuits in many of me’ fucking ass automobiles now for three plus decades now. As I stated B4, most of the time, they don’t have the fucking balls to screw with new vehicles, but the SATURN already was screwed with after the drowning-retrace incident as they already had given me this vehicle via dream-exchange or what I call being retraced & switched, Professor Kaku, which can be done due to just falling asleep or completely dying. Either way, normal human realm consciousness is lost, and then a switch can be and often is MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So without worrying right now about subatomic paint chemistry and other stealthful and covert shadow-ops in the global control over all of us; we will only open up stuff for now that I can get much more into proper elucidations later on when home-blogging, hopefully by next week if nothing else goes mother fucking too damn ass wrong in me’ pitiful poor non-R life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester-Frank. I could type for a thousand damn ass years and not ever get into all of the possibilities involved in my nineteen-nineties days of utter monstrous fucking hellishness, YO YO YO YO ME’ BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






The main deal is that ROWES are of course T-2-E’s and as a result of being that, they know the hellishness of endlessly, Mister Sebastian Pip Cabot. The simply reality here great folks out here other than whoever is trying to wipe out THE BOM; is that there is only one way to attempt to compensate for endlessness when we cannot resided in the great capitol city of the Astral plane (Sahasra Dal Kanwal). GAMES, challenges, struggling competitive games. This is where the Olympians all come about in our myths on this Earth-Planet. It is where our love and desire for GAMES to this very moment all stems from. I’ve told and imparted this ultra-power-house secret ever since these blogs all began back 17 years ago now. I’ve never made one small attempt to hide this incredible information from a single goddamn soul, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is only known for sure by the very few who have real true honest memories of their Purgatorial existence of whom I am one of this grouping, or said Astrally, “one of this groupation”. The ROWES know it only too well, and they never tell the guys and gals in the offices (secret agencies who believe wholeheartedly that they are the ones in control and naught the operatives). My simple point that if the masses of the world came to see and believe this 100% today would end life as we know it folks, is that indeed, the only thing truly behind all of our religion, all of our goals, all of our need and desire to remain sane and survive, all the reasons why we feel competitive against each other, and anything else you could ever even think of if you racked your brains until fucking ass doomsday, is the need to block out from our knowing the truth of endlessness. Animals do not need the great KRASSLE-CHAIN or 2B residing in SDK. They have an insufficient total amount of astral energy, about one-one-thousandths of a human. Without our degree of this energy, one cannot even recognize anything beyond in-the-moment existence, and with no clue ever about tomorrow. When peeps say an animal has “no soul”, they mistakenly are wording it that way, and in truth they simply are saying and meaning, that they have an insufficient amount of Astral-Energy to be cognizant to matters of that type. There are a total of nine levels of energetic entities on the Astral-Plane or the timeless-Purgatory. Some mistakenly believe that SDK-city dwellers are, as the animals, literally lessened in their energy. But the great SSJKK told me that this is not the case. Most entities of Purgatory or most Purgatites have way more energy than we do, all the way up to the coins and the coils, and many psychic and mystics who have attempted to explore Purgatory and come back here with memory and awareness, fall under a false belief and misperception that there are 9 levels of the purgatory (after-life) and that is total bull shit. Just as on Earth, the insects have nothing to do with the animals and the animals do not live on our level buying cars and homes and boats and stocks and bonds and soon. In the timeless purgatory, there are 9 levels of entities and for the very most part, they simply rarely have much to do with each other, but there is one purgatory, not nine of them. It is like the other great misperception about the astral realm having unpleasant odors. If you are recalling a stench, then you are way too close to DOGTOWN. That does stink to high shit and back, but the rest of Purgatory has the same normal aromas that we are used to right here.



All the things that I typed in here today are openers only and will be expanded on, IPYT people. I wish to close out with a small bit about the Landlord named Sir Mike Gutherman, and the story that I have told 2U all recently as well as on several of my blogs throughout the 17+ year BOM-project. Why was it okay for mister MG to come to me months later out of the blue, and ask me wild stuff about his personal woe-whiz-me’s, yet when I have tried to contact peeps upon several occasions to do similar things, and request just a wee bit of decent human interaction; I get treated like pure unadulterated mother fucking pig shit at light speed squared? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????? Just why is that fair, world????????????? I cannot help but to come to the conclusion that it is just like my mom’s Hollister-Buttons that I used to push so often back at 1802 Robin Hill apartments in Voorhees, Township in the beginning two years or so of the great 80’s decade. When peeps want shit 2B endlessly covered up and suppressed, they will go to virtually any means to successfully accomplish that goal, will they naught lovely Mizz AT&T Blake, mahm? Games are behind everything and the desire to cover up the nightmare of endlessness. I am the only one who knows tis and others who read this insist it is somewhere between nonsensical total gibberish and complete fucking ass insanity. I of course totally know better. I can type on forever but would rather quit while I ma seemingly a wee bit ahead, and just come back and begin this really powerful shit of connecting a zillion dots from home beginning next week, an dyes, eventually move onto to bigger horizons and leave blogger dot com behind in the dust. If peeps do not want me around then I will leave and not darken their doorsteps again, as we Huntington’s tend to tell people. When Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin” a long time ago, she did it from a home owned by Sir Herbert Huntington, father of the dude who married Mizz Chicago native Alice Gallagher, Sir Arthur Huntington, my mom’s cousin and brother of old Hollywood screen-play reader Mizz Maud Huntington Benjamin. One day when the prodigal son came home, just as in the Bible only with totally different end results, his dad told him to do a Michael Jackson and beat it, so he said right back to him, oh lovely Mizz Hillary Duff Lizzy McGuire; “I’ll never darken your doorstep again”. My mom was a little girl when this happened just under 100 years ago. This house where this all went down mister 1980 Joe RPL Sivo, was where Mizz HBS was visiting and writing that great world famous book, UTC. WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!





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