Saturday, December 22, 2012



Beginning here, I will do what I said I was going to do and now wish I had, as I should not tell everything that I do, even if nobody is reading any of it except for my lovely and wonderful government, who really, I have nothing against, and suppose if the positions of them and myself were reversed, I'd be doing pretty much the same thing to me, after all, they seem to all ready know the future somehow and know I would love to terminate this entire choir, multiverse, cosmic totality, or whatever name you may wish to assign the situation of physical existence.

I knew the Doogie Howser thing would get somebody's attention, and it was not a last second thought. I put it together around the time that I may have been industry contacted by someone who had reason to be anxious and wondrous about the Astral Plane, as of yet, this is not known to me, but as for my “BLOGAUD”, I no longer care who they are, or that they could care less about my music. Being an artist, we are all very temperamental people, and tend to get up set about things that seem unfair at times, regarding our talents or lack thereof, and this is always something that is in the opinion of the present time collective of humanity, as Vincent Vangough knows only too well, or sure did, ouch that must have hurt. I love ignorant Microsucks Spellchecker, I know both Vangough and temperamental are not correctly spelled here, and this rotten thing is of no help at all.

One thing is for sure, after time of calmer reflections, and that is that the NSA would not e-mail a comment to me or post it directly to the Wordpress, asking me about the Astral Plane. I believe that whoever is interested in my words, may just be beyond my ability at this present time, to properly understand. Of course, until 2008 began, look at what else was at that time and before, totally beyond my furtherest ideas and grasps. I do know how to add two plus two. I know that Doctor Howserfiction was fiction, but at the same time, based on a powerful piece of knowledge, the same powerful people who back then in 1989, all ready knew the future, in this parallel universe, of myself, and all of THAT FAMILY, AKA “TAWF”. So whoever is out here, you just go on being real mysterious, and maybe you think you have won something by seemingly ending MORIANITY. Here is what you really have won, after more Sidney Crown Mirror Time. I now can blog anything I want to, make a cut and paste copy on my Office 3.1, and cross not over, but OUT, what cannot be safely said publicly, right Mister Billy Graham, old pal. You of all people know what is going on and has been since that crusade, and about my own wild distant father's side family of bizarre cousins, and you were no different than all other public figures, doing the Detective Ed Green thing, I suppose, or really, what he was railing against to the person who did not want to cooperate and was afraid of losing a job situation. I know that the physical world has rules and regulations that most folks follow. I don't. I am not from this world, even though my body did experience a birth in this miserable place. Any real powerful EXPLORATRONIC part of this BLOGAUD knows this only too well. I managed to get the attention of the largest financial institution on this planet, but I already had it, as anyone with half an ounce of brain matter knows unless they have no television. I did my best to do just that, Mister King, and it did not work all that well. Now my question and I know it will go unanswered, Mister McKinnon, and admit to lying to all ready knowing everything, but hay, it is hard to tell a twenty something person that they don't know everything, come on, let us all be a bit honest here folks. But as for STAR TREK, TNG, and Counselor Troi, she said it was like being blind, not having her extra sense, and I am just left to wonder how more than seven billion folks out here can live with such limited FEEL-SENSE. No on has more than five senses, but the sense of FEEL differs in major degrees between us, and mine seems to be a million times more than all of yours. I do not let things go past me. I experience it all, and really in total honesty, ENVY the hell out of all of you blind people out there. The cosmos is shouting so loud it is deafening. To you it remains silence. One tiny example if I may, from my kid's great 2009 movie. The talk in her office when Gabby is asking about her heritage, after less than two years of the time that I told about my leaving the CHECKERS in Atlantic City, directly 'across', hmm hmm, from the water company, the ATLANTIC CITY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY, or the ACMUA if you wish to GOOGLE it. I specifically told how I ran into a worker from there, and asked him about the great SARAH, and David Roth was with me, and how he said, “Oh, Mizz Martinez”, after I said CALLIO. To all of you, this whizzes over your heads, and a million and ninety four other things as well, but NOT TO ME, and I only wish that I, like all of you, COULD indeed, TUNE THIS SHIT ALL OUT, but I CANNOT. Now that my feast is on and crossed over, I hopefully made my point and explained how my sense of FEEL is a bit higher than yours, whoever you are out here, or is it, as I do not know what powers are indeed, out here, as whoever you are, you are and choose to remain very mysterious, and it leaves me to ponder the great mystery, along with all of the others, and remember, I have the GAWNUM, and I have not stopped blogging, and I will go on keeping files and records of my entire life, to pass down to the future of humanity, no matter how much someone or something appears to be trying to stop me from doing just mother fucking that. Oh folks, I know you love the word coincidence, and that is fine and well, but my question back to you burns eternal. Why are the LAW AND ORDER show, people, the prosecutors, allowed their opinion that coincidence is bull shit, and I am a tin foil hat crazy for merely agreeing with them. Hay, I may be wrong a few times, but I will bet my go dam ass hole that, that I am right a lot more than I am wrong, and you know who would agree with me if he was one of the magic folks in the BLOGAUD, a man named David Leigh Smith, from Haddonfield, New Jersey, in 1970, right Mizz Zenkiss Blackboards?????????

Yes, you can believe this entire internet is fixed by these world owners that I have labeled the WOMO, or you can believe that it is one huge life long 40-50 year straight coincidence, that I am for reasons totally not important and never will be, good enough to be stolen from, good enough to be despised and hated, good enough to be used and used all up with bright or dim lights, good enough to be judged, condemned, copied, ripped off, and destroyed totally; just not good enough to be acknowledged as someone who exists in this world with the same equal rights to express my free opinions in an open forum, or simply be a free and oppressed co-citizen of this planet. The collective of this planet has made some wild choice, in the eighties, maybe even before that time, I do not have enough data to make a really informed total judgment call here, but I know what I know, and will admit that when I don't, then dam it, I don't!

No matter what I post, most folks that I do know tell me that they can never even get up to may sites, at least this was true until mid way into 2012 or early in the year. Four people from the HARVEST place all told me that and swore to it on their parents present or future graves. They did not like me asking them to do that, but they did it. People in this time period have their superstitions and I will make the most of this and use it as a weapon when necessary. I am left no choice from this behavior when I am under this wild and unexplainable life long attack from an all powerful and all encompassing invisible enemy, with no resolution or possible reclamation. Now for the good part, and this has been told and blogged before.

This proves that, and this is just your words and your ideas of present times, either died and gone into hell, or some other thing of equal power and value, has indeed happened to me somewhere in the neighborhood of three decades ago give or take a little bit. What I will say proves this. In the early and middle eighties, when all of you who lived back then, were wondering where your transistor switch was hiding behind your elbow, and your cable wires were wrapped around your butts, I was online with two systems that most folks are clueless about even today. One I have jokingly referred to on blogs as the original telephone internet connection, and the other was the Magnetic Sound Computer System. I was able to do things that still cannot be done, and was envied, and many asked me how I did things, even the great © Office was amongst the group who asked me HOW certain things were done. Suddenly, I fall through this wild time warp, and find myself in a reverse reality, where everyone else can do all these wild things, on these new computers and this new world order internet, that IS OWNED, and anyone not able to see that is in a real deluded little fantasy along with candy canes, lolly pops, and the Elf club of Santa, Easter Bunnies, and the whole dam smack. Suddenly, the entire world for me flipped up side down, and right as this was all in the stages of forming this switched reality of a sort, there was my priceless adorable mother, in the mix. She would continuously hassle me with that ridiculous,l or so I thought at the time and no longer do; “How would you like it if YOUR DAUGHTER said or did such and such”, whenever I would say or do, something that displeased her. This too, has been 'previously' blogged, and I very carefully made sure I hit the 'correct key' there, as cosmos loves to screw with me at all the precise wrong times, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Well people, I have read this over, and have decided that it posts up, as is, but should I ever wish to tell things too private, I will be reading a COPY VERSION, and you will then be reading it, and suddenly will see, without having to buy any music at the Walmart Store, something like this, blah-blah-blah, and I then went over to the ******/**************/*************/************/ and so forth and this will allow me to type any blog I want, and post up an edited version with ease. So far, I am being bold and audacious, and I don't give a fuck, so there. Good night Doogie. Good night NSA. Good night, all other kind folks.


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