Saturday, January 21, 2012







My two neighbors are in cohorts with each other, maybe it is an all night Friday party, but the sub box stereo attack is bad all night, and the dirt bag across the hall seems to go in and out of the music apartment and each time, the music seems to go up and down in sync with these two getting together.

There is no fighting this force keeping me miserable, folks. The night before my mother died in Blue Anchor, New Jersey in early march of 2000, I called the County Emergency operator 911 to tell them that I received a telephone call saying I would not last much longer, and I took it as a possible threat. The after result, in the television show “L&O” would have all come out, but in so-called real life or at least MY REAL LIFE, nothing at all was ever investigated. The week right before this, my caller ID showed the word BRAXTON on it and when I phoned back, let us just say, I am not at all shocked and surprised years later when I asked Gawky Gaukauk and I quote, “When BRAXTON popped up on my caller-ID that night in Blue Anchor at Guthrie Short's mansion where I lived from 1998 through 2000, what was all of this about”, and received the answer draw on the playing cards that created the root GAWNUM of 29. PCN-297 has many powerful items listed in my book, but one of them is more than revealing that situation. Is being some part of a murder that ruined my entire life ever since, part of your great values, there girls? We won't even touch why the powerful psychic lady, Paula Uwich from Glendora, New Jersey, insisted that these [peeps were all somehow involved with “SARAH”. I was in the process of trying to locate “SARAH” in those days, and is the reason that I responded to an item in some local press outlet where she said she could locate anyone and had great psychic abilities.

One thing is beyond certain. I thought my life sucked back up at the 26th Street Ghetto, but in a private house, you are always mother fucking better off than in an apartment, when you have a world of fucking enemies who know you abhor noise, and are endlessly and relentlessly using it against you your entire mother fucking ass life. I intend to send in tomorrow's mail, my letters to both the housing authority, as well as to the State Attorney General Office, as I have rights, it is going on all night long, and my lease promises me that I do not have to put up with this fucking horse shit. I totally know I am being fucking persecuted. Who else has stalking aerial surveillance on them all the time? I am not permitted any kind of a life, not ever. These monster mother fuckers HAVE TOTALLY WIPED OUT AND DESTROYED AN ENTIRE PERSONS LIFE, and it will not stop until I am either dead or find some way out of this evil fucking G-8 connected SCREW WEIRD ODOR!

Satan HIMSELF is behind this past half century of loud low downbeat sounds. If you study drumming history, Shamans, and all connected things about low frequency repeating sounds, you will know that indeed, there is a demonic kingdom, and it has hated me out of pure fucking jealousy for a very long time. It is so too ass bad that the world is kept from the hugest secret about GODDESS and the love triangle, being fed and all buying into the story instead, of a power struggle, and hatred. The truth is so ugly to Lenny McKinnon that he can't stand it told, not ever, not even to the mighty fucking Bohemian Club members. The most powerful number on Planet Earth, indeed is 363. Gee, DUH, is it really? Like, DURRRRR.

It is only a matter of time before MAGNESONIC wipes out the entire solar system if this hell on me does not back off, and it amazes me that fortune-dirt-ball-500, or whatever, does not realize this after all the fucking shit they've seen now since the mother fucking Mexican 1985 earthquake, YO.

I asked why the siege this Friday into Saturday is so bad, and Gawky Gaukauk has responded with the Private Cosmicoded number of 761. Even on this monster-ass fire-mall day of unimaginable and unthinkable deplorable siege, Mariloo Carpenter's Roulette system produced a unit and a half profit for me. I would have 'bet' a thousand dollars or more, that I'd lose on this SUPER BOTBAR DAY. Well, if I had, Ida lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM----Computer----YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO AND YOU KNOW WHEN TO DO IT, SNOTTY PUNKY KIDS AND ALL. Mister Patterson, you are a real loser with all your great success, and I am one of your fans and do not mind telling you this. If you did a fictional story of my life with lots of changed names and locations, it would be bigger than all of your other stuff all put together. I'm in the book, buddy.

Pretty soon, I am going to call the fucking police on this fucking ass sicko neighbor. Notice I say a few blogs ago that he is better, and then it starts right mother fucking up again. THEY MUST HAVE SCORED A THOUSAND POINTS ON THEIR DOW JONES SHIT ASS MARKETS THIS WEEK, using me as always, as their toilet paper to wipe their rotten stinking asses all week long, all month long, all year long, all decade long, all century long, all freaking millennium long, and all of this last one as well, tight Bob Barfer Barker, neutered and spayed pets and high rise Harlem building signs???????????? 

********END BLOG********

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