Saturday, January 14, 2012









The truth about my family has never been fully told. On both my mother and my father lineage sides, there are wild and powerful true tales to be told. These are anything but positive stories, and they all have commingled together to literally suck the life out of me, as the offspring result of this garbage system; and I originally had it all planned out, so as to never leave any of my cursed DNA behind, Johnathan Livingston Birdbrain. I have figured out something blogged back in 2006 or 2007 somewhere on my now defunct old blogger website that was shut down by the covert authorities in clever ways, shooting up the mother fucking stock market, as perfectly foretold by me, by a thousand mother fucking points, and it is shooting higher every day and will go right on doing so. One day in 1997, I was on the beaches of Atlantic City, at Saint James Place where the great all mighty QM girl gang used to hang around in the nineteen-hundred-sixties, and a seagull suddenly just swooped down to my clothes area, and stole my hairbrush; and would not let me have it back. A man witnessed this, and he is most likely dead, or else he is alive and watching me and reading these blogs. At the time, I was convinced that I had not violated my great master plan to never leave any copies of my cursed self behind. The trouble is that I have no control over the great all mighty goddess of this planet, Sarah-Stacey Krassle, and she goes by millions of other names and identities throughout the ages and realms. What really pisses me off is that the greatest church ever formed that worshiped this being openly and in blissful ignorance to her unfathomable complexities; decided in their infinite wisdom, not to include into 'Holy Scripture', a book or a Gospel, that went into great details about the life of Jesus at his younger ages, mostly between about age five and age twelve. There is another great church that was revisited by the spirit world, many centuries later and much nearer to these present times, that is headquartered in Utah, that knew the major importance of finding out the direct lineage of families, so as to put together the mightiest and greatest family database on this planet. They indeed knew that there was no such thing as the lifelong virginity of Mary Carpenter of Nazareth, that messages from the spirit world indeed were more powerful in perfect vibratory harmonies, and that indeed, the haunting spirit of this family revisits this one lineage over and over and over again. If this was one or two or three hundred years ago, and even today in the wrong circles or areas, these words could get me killed. I do not give a Rush To Die fucking hell, I will SPEAK THE POWERFUL TRUTHS UNTIL I AM SHUT DOWN, AND ENDLESSLY FUCKING SILENCED; like Joe Mohr's Christmas nights. Yes Karen, I will cry at night, but not because I am all alone. I love being alone, and wish the entire world would blow up, so I could just drift alone for a trillion mother fucking ass years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But forgetting lost loves, lost tapes, and the Arista Recording Crooked Company of 1981 for a moment, let me get back on point here peeps, YO. The “A” was dropped eventually after the Stuart family of Scotland first became the Huntington's and came to reside in areas not all that far from London, England. Gee Whiz Cousin Barnabas, would I be casting a dark shadow on anyone if I were to dare to mention Kaduggan Square? Well, moving past the levity now, let us get serious and not fall in love here, as there is not a lot about my family to love; not on either side. On top of that, the greatest cosmic secret ever known on Astral Realms is just how much Apollo-Lucifer is madly in love with Sarah-Stacey Krassle. Naturally, this wonderful great 'angel', really another Astral Plane god, but yes, the most powerful one next to SSJK, is not all that keen or Keenan about me therefore, since SSJK and I have quite a wonderful eternity together there, so quite obviously, he is making my existence here in my hyperspace dream-downs, a living burning breathing fucking nightmare hell beyond what is fathomable in human thinking.

Somehow, the powerful fucking end of 2007 and as 2008 slipped into being, and so so did the PIPE MAINTENANCE GAMES EXPERT, so did some totally unexplainable quantum flux reality or merging into one or cosmic fusing, of two inconceivable things. Satan's greatest desire of all eternity came true for a tiny speck of human world time, and offsetting this as all things ride the pendulum and nothing can endlessly remain out of some type of balance in hyperspace reality; this was when I had to remember things and even know the darkest family secrets in their full awesome vivid ugly detail. Now even a retarded fucking thumb sucking three year old knows, that there is a connection between the hit television show called, “The Mentalist”, and my powerful late 2007 dreaming-interaction, with this 'GAMES-EXPERT', and to find all of this on the mighty internet, you need to access: and then search GAMES EXPERT, or just go to the December of 2007 time era, and search the blogs forward. I KNOW WHAT I KNOW, and even though I am not the great I AM, nor do I rule; I can still make the claims that I do make, and no more than that. The upside is that I do not need to be 102 stories up in the air to do it, YO.

Now my last blog a few days earlier told how my Comcast Cable and much more, all went out while I was trying to view this television show back on Monday night. It had just been switched to Monday nights on the TNT system, Jane Bitch Oneswitch Monsterslapper. Tell your dad I said, “Fuck this shit”. Make this thirteen angry men tonight, and count me as the angriest. Tonight, an hour before this show again began on the CBS Network, Channel #12 in Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG; Mister Loudman Stereo Boomer next door started his 90 minute or so music blare. But I'll admit, that other than for this, it was not a particularly bad day, but it was a bit eventful; and this needs to be addressed, folks, right here and now.

I was finally able to complete a tedious process of switching over to an HMO from a now extinct medical plan that I was on and suddenly found myself off of one day, and by the way, this is why I was having so much trouble obtaining my medications on that prior month that I also blogged about, only nobody tells me a fucking thing, since you are supposed to just know shit as if by magic in this mother fucking world peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss Cuntbitch just nailed me at one fucking eleven, she is on a mother fucking cock sucking roll for this shit lately me' peeps!!!! Please permit me Uncle Gottwald Hauntington, to compensate here with this little typing, 555555555555555555555555555, thank you so much. I weelwee do appreci8 that evweebuddy, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 555555555555555555555555555.

So just to let you know, oh great Catholic Church; as you really think you are pretty slick don't you, with all this cover up shit for 17 hekka-years or so now, well, I am here to blow the lid off this bullshit at light freaking speed. If you had allowed the details about what this incarnation included at these ages, all the shit I've gone through when this SPIRIT-ENTITY returned on 10-SC Avenue and again in family territory, would not be alien and foreign sounding, right up to and including the miracle on the lake with the frog, the girlfriend, and the weed sucking. Still, remember how in early-mid 2009, Ann King was throwing rocks off of the high balcony LAKEHOUSE, at AL in his incarnated form, and he chocked me, as he did in 1983; and not only still is choking me, but is continuing to mess with my ability to treat this fucking nightmare medical condition that HE HIMSELF FUCKING INFLICTED UPON ME, OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE? Not one soul will believe any of this or take pity on me, AND I BLAME THE FUCKING CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR THIS ENTIRE NIGHTMARE. YOU ALL SIT ON THIS SHIT, AND YOU KNOW PERFECTLY MOTHER FUCKING WELL JUST HOW REAL AND HORRENDOUS THIS ALL IS; AND YOU LET ME SUFFER IN ENDLESS FUCKING TORMENT. WHERE ARE YOU ELDER HAIR AND MISSES HAIR? I MOTHER FUCKING NEED YOUR GODDAM HELP, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for enlightening me so much Cable Channel 116 in my area if memory serves me correctly. I learned a lot of major shit, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Several days were major filled with CHEMTRAILS, they were very bad on Monday to the north of me in Vero Beach, and then an hour later with a strong south wind, I was coughing my fucking lungs out. Then again on Tuesday morning if I am remembering right, if not then it was Wednesday. This time they were to my south, and yes, the winds were blowing this filthy fucking poison to the north on that day. Again, I was coughing my lungs fucking out. Keep throwing rocks and telling lies Ann, as you warned me just like Paul fucking Pedals did, both of you said right to my face; you are very mean nasty people, you said it. I am merely echoing your words, SO NO fucking phone calls, PLEASE!!

Well, I thought George Bush was bad, but WASHINGTON POLITICS will never fucking cease to amaze me. This is why I let the huge cat out of the bag over and over when persecution is on this gargantuan kind of a roll for so long. In DC peeps, the legal female age of sexual consent is THIRTEEN. I wonder why? Gee, could it be to accommodate the worst devious persons on Planet ass Earth, and could it extend into worse; incest? Well at one time I thought this was true, and after years and seagulls of time passing, I learned that I had a mirror in front of me. Sometimes I am the biggest fucking dirt bag in the entire club. Still, again, nobody ever tells me a thing. I should have pieced some of it together, but there was no way to know about that early August night in 1986 in the Big Apple. Yes my mom gave me that shit about how would I like it if my daughter said or did such and such, and she did it relentlessly through the fucking nineties, and also she smirked and told me she has no regrets about not being a grandmother, like any mother would ever feel that way. Still, I am through taking all the blame for all these horrible people in this mega nightmare family. I am not perfect, and Bruce Allen Pennock of Beaver Drive told me that in the early seventies and it is blogged 5+ years ago, in detail and over and over again for the world to see and read, YO. Still, as bad as I am, there are a lot worse. I will go to bed and sleep like a fucking ass little baby tonight. Will you, Donald?????????????? Well knowing your sick twisted mind, you most likely will out-sleep me. Say hello to your big black boat for me, you sick piece of crap. You may not believe this pal, but I hope you do become the president someday, and get a real taste of DC politics; you might just fucking learn something, Mister Ego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leticia says 'hi', and as for Ann; we both know she's a phony, don't we old Haavaad pal?????????????????????????????????????????


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