Thursday, January 19, 2012



World Laboratories of 2296, DATFILE:


Copyrighted blogs of Mountainpen

and other disappearing electromagnetic

and non-electromagnetic “stuff” of power



Bohemian Grove---13--- 67+67=Norris. ---7-18-15-22-5---67

Bohemian Club-----12---2-15-8-5-13-9-1-14---3-12-21-2-------105

-----12-105/363-Real Good Girl /l/l/l/l~~~*

Sarah Krassle /l/l/l/l~~~*




Where is that great old song on the television commercial from the oldies record that goes, “Oh yes, this is powerful stuff”?

Gawky Gaukauk, come to me tonight in a 'dream'. We have to speak, MEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




The odds in my opinion of PC NUMBERS lining up this perfectly by pure accident and chance would be in the tens of thousands to one, give or take. There are 81 possible PCN in the cosmos. Everything has a PCN, EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! No one or thing inside of Stacey's game doll house, can choose not to have a PCN.

To remind those how to use question cards on 36 playing cards, the hex-square root system; and then the most commonly used comparative matching-up system for working GE or Gawnum equations, and the Gawnum is short for Gawky Gaukauk's Numerology. This is the giant black Panther Cat with the White paws, who is a special ancient entity and a professor of a sort, at the Astral Plane mystery school known as the Teck Bay Mystery School, on the lovely shores of the Teck Bay.

Yes my address when I met Lightning in my present human lifetime physically and awake as MWM in 1983 in Atco, New Jersey, USAESMWG; was indeed 134 or 67+67 Norris Avenue. Still the PCN for B. Grove is 13-134, converting down into the ROOT GAWNUM NUMBER of 1+3 and then 1+3+4, or 4-8. The Gawnum Root of 48 is the PCN-484, strange audio tapes and sounds that can appear and vanish, through space time and even space time mind (STM) when you are connected up enough with the powers of the universe, as in the opening of the master tape in 1986 with my copyrighted project called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”, perhaps misspelled on the 1986 copyright form, by accident or cosmic accident, but there is no such thing as a reel good girl, only a real good girl, even if you are a REALE BAD BOY, such as the child molester, Thomas J. Reale of Somers Point in the summer time of 1970, Washcloth families and Astral Plane washcloth nightmares, all not withstanding on Cornwall Lambrigg Avenue, huh Sherlock Baker Lafferty Holmes??????????????????????????????

Yes people, the most common way to see if something matches up, is to add two PCN together, MIMI, adventures and all. Then the mighty Donald J. Bassler Trump wonders if I am transporting myself with a Wildwood Press speak-box-402 Compufone ®. It is not twenty-thirty, sir, so I doubt it. But a big question does come to my mind about the Press system in the United States of America, supposedly not under the control of an entity of power and force that literally separates the 99ers from the great KALI-GROVE B-CLUB. Why does a certain nameless PALM BEACH CITY, FLORIDA PRESS outlet, DONALD SIR; call me, and send me electrical impulse codes, the same way powerful banks and creditors do, that match Lightning goddess Diana and her codes from 1983, and the games we played so 'secretly'? OK DON, what if I decide to go back to Manhattan to that night, and bring my daughter up here? What would you and your peeps do then besides shit in your hats and have a dam stroke? If I had the fifty grand right now, pal, you and your powerful fucking friends would all be cooked ass meat. Yeah, don't make me blue while I wait for you. So add up the 657 and the 123, and gee-willagars old pal, we get 780.Soon, I will tell the total powerful truth about this mighty number from 1983, maybe when I get to Grant and make my left turn. Oh, sorry, the future is here now, I made the left off of 95, and came into Fort Pierce, started this entire rerunning future, and now am working for the great Jessica. General sir, did the north really win or would we have all been better off the other way, and then you must seriously ponder the unavoidable question number two. What if old Mister Einstein had not come along in the drunken nick of time, and we had lost the Second world War. Let me tell you what would have happened, because it is time Barnabas Cultins Lambrigger, for me to tell a tiny bit of it. It is not as bleak as you might think. I would have been overthrown and murdered in 1954 in the late summertime by a man named Walter Provenzono. Thank you for fucking up my entire life Jane Bitchweeds, let me now compensate here with my famous counterstrike.

5555555555555555 and 5555555555555555 and 555555555555 and 555555555555555555555 and 555555555555 equals screw you and your daddy's mailboats honey. The cat will always love both of his wonderful and very special daughters, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!Now at 1:13 AM-EST, Miss Bitch, let me move onward and tell or really remind some peeps how easy it is to see if two things, any two things in the entire cosmos, match up or don't match up, cosmically, YO. Let us say before we move on, that a match up is a connection, it might be positive or negative, but it means a connection is there, right Donald Trump old pal? Your PCN-231 and my PCN-871 matches up huge time. This means we share a powerful cosmic reality. We do not have to understand it, or perhaps we do. In any event, understood or not, it remains a reality. You merely add the two numbers together, and see if any of the sum total answer has matching digits in the two numbers being added together. To have a PCN match-up, at least one digit from both of the two, needs to exist in the PCNT or TOTAL.

Just who are the BADLIGHTERS? Do the BC members know them, or did they construct them? If computer software went from where it did 20, 30,40,50 years ago to where it did, and the hardware and the released bots (androids) including total brain connected VR, AR, and the entire kit, cat, and kabootle; had even kept pace in this totally arranged and prearranged system of the most powerful peeps on PE, we would have bots right now, building and repairing themselves, building everything we all need to buy at Wal-Mart and all the other stores, growing food and farming, the entire deal, and all we would have to do is sit back and enjoy life, learn, enjoy the pleasures of the true Eden and so forth. The curse of Sarah Krassle could be broken, the teck is here, it is the biggest secret in the world now being revealed to you folks. So then is this covert Bohemian Club directly connected into and a part of this all powerful Goddess SSJKK as the GAWNUM equations seem to imply, after-all peeps, it is like, “Hay, I said they will have it tough for what they did, and you are my 'police' to enforce this and not allow the technology that could have made it all stop, to ever rear its head. It is worth serious ponder and thought, folks. The math says I am right, abnd I challenge the 99ers the world over to use this great GAWNUM, and just TRY AND PROVE ME FREAKING WRONG, just as I told Clarence Harris from the Congressman's.

Let me close out, eat my din-din, and crash for the night folks. I will be at the Teck Bay Mystery School shortly, MEOW!!!!************************__________________*****************


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