Saturday, January 14, 2012







DATE AND TIME FILE: 010212.106



The WOMO or SATAN or whatever you choose to call this nightmare I've been in since my first view of snow falling from a sky outside of a hospital room on a late afternoon on the fourth of December in 1954, the day I was born; struck me hard at about a quarter past two this morning. Yesterday on New Years Day it was relatively quiet for me, I did nothing, and nabes did not disturb me with unruly ugly behavior. All of this fits together with a lot more stuff, and I'll try to address it all now on this first blog of twenty-twelve, Mrs. Marola.

If you are not in the mood for powerful material, come back with coffee in hand later on, and do something else right now. This is fair warning. First, I did not forget on two occasions, to talk directly to the UC of humanity or the UCH for future shortened reference (Unconscious Collective). This is what subliminal activity is all about, knowing the way the mind in this hyperspace dimension, operates; and then using it in special ways. Now Mister Patty Jane does it one way, and I take it a little bit further into the esoteric, but notice I did not say psychic, as with him, I am for the most part somewhat leary, about those who claim to be a psychic. Unless they are one of the extreme few who know the real truth of a so-called psychic, it is nonsense. A true psychic does exist here and there, Pat, but let me tell you that they do use all your tricks in addition to their expansion of their sense of FEEL, and these folks learned early on in life that desperate folks such as myself back in the nineties, would and will pay dearly in cash, for assistance from them, and without even batting an eyelash, or balking a single negative word about anything. I remember throwing photos of Benjamin Franklin at Paula Uwich, in 1996, to help me reach SARAH. She knew about the entire situation with me, and then went and dug into it in the physical world, with real tools. Back then, there was no great All Mighty GOOGLE, but we still had great All Mighty Private Detectives. They can find out anything, should you be able to access the right one who is willing to go to the mat for you and your troubles, and of course; should you have the necessary capital; so I'd suggest to my readers, a PI over a psychic any day of the week. The handful of what I call the NPPO (Non-Phony Psychic Operators), indeed use them, but, they also have the rare ability to take the sense of feel or touch, and expand it a lot farther out beyond what their fingers can grasp onto and say, yes, it is hot, or it is a chair; and even blind, I'd know this. There is no 6th sense, merely varying levels of developed feel sensory. There are but five sensory systems, but this one in the five is quite magical, as unlike the others that can be expanded or exaggerated in tiny amounts for very quick bursts of time; this sense can be permanently enlarged, even to the point as with me, where you no longer have any desire to physically live in your life any more; as a result of achieving enlightenment. But for right now, I need to tell you what just happened; it is major, and it will dovetail right into the paragraph that will follow that one, and the entire rest of this and other future blogging texts.

I went to go to sleep, and no sooner turned out one light, as two small lights were on near my bed, and I literally fell into bed and immediately said to myself, I'll get the other light later, I'm too dead tired to move, and then life in this world went directly into life in another one, even though when it all ended, I awakened from a dream, I do not remember falling asleep in the normal way, and this is another shared experience with those in UFO clubs that have so-called experiences that they term and label, “ABDUCTIONS”. I do not judge the UFO believers, but will tell you now, that I believe as follows. I believe that what they basically believe, is mixed up with intentionally transmitted illusions from some laboratory-like organized group such as what is discussed in a wonderful must-read book by Doctor Bruce Goldberg, entitled, “TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE”. Unlike the good doctor, I do not believe in the true existence of entire alien forces, but that does not eliminate an illusion that some force can, and I know does; indeed give to those whom they choose; so it looks that way to even a genius that does not know better, such as myself. For the most part, alien forces according to Dock-G, is our own air fleets and mostly military, and from our own future, just as the title to his marvelous book implies. Still, everything that is going on is part of one huge game, and if Amway-type chain of commands exist in down-line sections where this group is under that one and does not know this or that, still, it is one game going on, not 2, not 3, not 68, not 68 trillion, get my drift yet? Anyway, I went to bed, or whatever really happened, and I can tell you it is somewhat dangerous to wait for those moments of final waning energy where it is a struggle to take care of your final 3 or 4 things you need to do before you do plop into bed. This is in fact, when their tricks do get pulled on us, and this is a word and message to the wise, that may be reading these words and then saying softly to themselves, hmm, that explains that deal with me on such and such a day and time when this or that weird crap happened with me, and so forth. I do know what I am talking about ladies and gentlemen. I do not know a lot, but what I do know, I am indeed very knowledgeable on, and usually, part of the knowledge is merged with my personal experience as well. I thought I was slowly losing my worldly awareness, just as in a fantastic famous old black and white TWILIGHT ZONE ROD SERLING television show, when the man with the extremely bad heart walks into the downtown city psychologist's office, and instantly dies; only he sees it as him telling his nightmare story to the doctor first, and not just falling down and dying. In fact he remembers it as a twenty minute experience, and then eventually crashing through the window, and falling to the street to his death; when all he really did in fact, was sit down and die while the doctor went out for a moment, to get coffee or whatever. My waking and dreaming worlds merged totally, and here is the unnerving and outlandish experience. I was taken into a parallel universe, where everything was the same in all of them, right up until this moment; and then there is what is referred to by secret orders as CAI periods, and I happened to randomly just fall asleep at one of these exact periods. CAI stands for CRITICAL ALTERATION INSTANTS. At such an instant, in many many parallel universes, things all just happen to line up with all of the many YOU'S, and in even localized hyperspace, some force unknown to most, and even still being studied by me so I'm unable to offer details on this phenomenon as of yet; but they line up with precise events in so many, that it causes a deviation from averages in much the very same way that if the average temperature for an example in a given city, we will pick Austin, Texas at pure random, has an afternoon average high in May of ninety degrees, just a wild guess folks, then many or really, the majority of days will deviate quite a distance away, and for every 3 days in that month where it is between 89-91, a minimum of five days will be much farther off and away, with a lower high than 89 degrees, or a higher high than 91 degrees. The average will still work out to its otherwise precise monthly high-90. That will not be changed; and very similar rules as with this case here, exist in Hyperspace Mechanics. Studying the fifth dimension is brand new, no actual labs are doing it in 2012, and it is in fact years away before these type of things even start to be worked out with top think tank laboratory settings, where very accurate and intricate experiments begin being conducted even in what I think of as infancy stages. Nut-shelling this folks, if too many similar events happen in 5th dimensional pockets, quick changes need to start fanning off in more local parallel universes, and to lesser degrees as well, as the local 5-D area gives way to the more distant ones. Now you have a background into what really happened behind the Oz-Curtains-Scene, but you still need to know what actually occurred. As I was falling asleep, I thought my nabes were coming in, I couldn't be sure, they were not shouting, just quiet, and I am not even sure whether I was awake here at this point. Suddenly it grew louder and louder, and I put my earplugs into my ears that I keep in pockets of my pajama shorts, usually to help me survive the sudden intense fire alarm sonic blasts. I later learned that this was all in a parallel universe or as you would say, all dreamed, as when I eventually awakened, my earplugs were not in my ears at all, but still in my pajama pockets. In this dream that I was positive was totally real, and that I was trying to get to sleep and could not, it grew worse and worse, and then they began banging on my door and really acting wild. Then one man came up in the crowd who knows me and is always nice to me, and said to them, “Hay, you're disturbing Mark, why are you bothering Mark at this hour”? Other things got said and loud voices were all over. Then the nice man said, “Don't bother him, he is trying to sleep, it's late”. Then one of the rowdy bunch yelled out, “Isn't he the radio singer”? More things were said, and then things quieted down. I bolted up outright a few seconds later, thinking I was awake, and was not. I was blind. The light I left on was on, and I could see light, but everything was totally translucent. I could see only light and blur beyond it, nothing would focus in and it frustrated me; and I hollered out all sorts of curse words. I noticed things I did not own here, over there. I had a clock next to a clock where over here there is just the one, and both light up brightly, and both were off completely, as remember; I could see light. I went over to a regular clock near the bed on top of a book shelf, and it was nothing but a blur, I just could not focus. I went back to my bed again and laid down, and closed my eyes, and then opened them, only this time, I had finally really reawakened. No blur in vision other than my normal amount of myopia or nearsighted less than perfect visual focus, but not as though I was looking through a completely scratched out glass. I was awake, and then I realized, I never put earplugs in my ears, they were in my pajamas all along. Why the man said that I was a radio singer makes no sense, unless over in that parallel universe, I was, only, no one is called that any more. That is, or really was; nineteen thirties through fifties terminology. We now call people artists, singers, recording artists, or entertainers; not radio singers. When I was over in this other parallel world, things were horribly bad, even worse than here. I was totally aware of that in my 5th dimensional spirit or full soul personality as some paranormal researchers term this or things close to it, none of whom really fully understand the mechanics behind exploratron travel and 5th dimensional hyperspace. I was so up set by this experience, that I began to turn on the computer to do this blog, and instantly I cramped up severely. Then without any control whatsoever, I shit my fucking self. Then I needed to clean and wash both my pajama bottoms, and then my easy chair where I was sitting when this attack struck me from SATAN-WOMO. I have taken a huge Metamucil dosage to compensate, all is cleaned up, and now I am really angry, and intend to tell powerful secret shit that I know for certain, SATAN-WOMO definitely doesn't want me to tell. Here fucking goes folks, be braced, or come back later, because it gets bumpy from here, Engineer Lassy Scottie Humpback Hicks.

Before I get into the powerful information counterstrike of this blog, it is really weird that in any parallel world, I would be, or even thought to be, a singer. I cannot sing. I have no talent whatsoever. I have about as much musical ability as a one year old sprinter at the Olympics. I enjoy doing amateur music, I copyright my projects, I enjoy singing on a karaoke, just do not listen to any of it, it is horrible; and I have no ability to write either; my stuff sucks. Now let us move on, as this is all now out of the way folks.

It is time I tell a little bit about time travel, parlor tricks, and yes, my rotten horrible music that I enjoy as a hobbyist; doing on keyboards, and singing with mics and mixers, etcetera. It all connects up, and I do not mean the audio apparatus, all though, that too, Brutice Shakespeare. Between 1982 and 1988, a lot of wild things began happening to me, but not in 3 or 4 dimensions. You need to at least try and expand your beingness for the purpose of getting the meat of this blog properly digested into 'your self-entity', for lack of a better description. Many billions of localized HS ME'S were all caught in a powerful part of the game around us that has various levels and down-lining chains of command. Just as tonight's nightmare experience, was not an isolated event, that was not independent of the horrific cramping and diareah attack; so also is the absolute connection of CHEMTRAILS to a powerful Astral Plane Cult, called the LAMBRIGGER CULT, who are one third of the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, the entire AWA or Astral World Authority. Then, both CHEMTRAILS and this deadly scarey cult of mass murderers and serious mischief makers to put it down right politely; are both mixed and merged and meshed all together and inseparably, with traveling in an extremely esoteric paranormal and outlandish way, in 4-D space time, using what biblical and religious folks, are unable to properly perceive, as well as tend to under appreciate in its fullness; a secret system discussed in and throughout scripture in KJV and others, but the main verses are SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES, POWERS OF THE AIR. The bible is talking about the truth and purposes of the GREAT MISTS, remember the name of the Astral Plane Cult, is indeed, the LAMISTS. In waking world human French Language, LA is THE, and this can translate in FRENCH to THE MISTS, or in addition, THE CHEMTRAILS. These particles that are placed in the air that spread out, and cause a lot of harm all the way from wrecking a beautiful clear day with bright blue skies, to making us all have various and diverse perpetual flu symptoms; as well as new psychiatric conditions, with our children being 5 times more susceptible as they are still growing, and glandular function is a great part of all of this that is way too complex for one lesson or one little blog tonight. You only started medicating kids for these attention disorders and other sike so-called disorders, after about a year or two into the start of CHEMTRAILS, and despite internet telling you it was in the middle nineties, it is not true because it was me who started this entire phenomenon from Mount Laurel, New Jersey in December of 1987, at the Gaither Road American Honda Plant, while working there as a weekend part time Security Officer, for the Guardsmark Company, HQ'd over in Philadelphia. Chemtrails are not there for the sole purpose of making you and me ill for the most part, all though they can study and experiment and do anything they want to; but mostly it is more than what anyone so far has a clue about. You have all heard of wormholes, but these jet-sky-trails are skyholes or really, timetubes. If anyone tries to fly into a chemtrail, and follow it, even after the aircraft that created it is out of the area; your plane will be told to stop doing it, and you will be told one time, maybe twice if you're having a lucky day. The third time you won't hear, as you'll be busy crashing and falling to your death. These are how this cult indeed travels back and forth in the 5th dimension, without using the exploratron-sleep-methodology. Long Story Short (LSS) with all of this peeps, they have tiny aerial covert crafts smaller than two large motorcycles cemented together side by side, and they hold either one or two persons, and they will hold a lot more soon, when they finish developing the SIZE-COEX system project, where their people can literally be shrunk down to 5 or 6 factors, and then this wears off after a gas is no longer breathed in, so it is mixed into the breathable air on these mini-crafts; or will be, when this is all finished. These MOVERS as I call them, need to catch a chemtrail, and ride in its path for between three and eight minutes, given the atmospheric and other pressure conditions; and this will send them as far away as twenty-three years. Add one year of time range with the passing of every additional year from the date typed on this blog, to their time-range. The quicker that the chemtrail that is forming scatters out, the more crafts are inside of them traveling. The slower the chemtrail scatter or particle break up; the fewer time mini crafts were inside of them, blowing them apart, and spending them. These chemtrail operations are used for other purposes as well as intentionally making people ill, and traveling outside the normal movement of light's counterpart; and this main other one, is the directing of signal and frequency systems to perform exact functions; usually to and on, all ready targeted people that are moving up on a system they have, that is quite similar to the ranking system of GOOGLE; that is based on page hits and views on websites, You-Tube, and on and on. We all move up and down on this 'watch ranking system', that is mostly random striking initially, but unlucky folks that go onto being low targets, and then are unlucky enough to be in UFO CLUBS, or doing any number of things that BLUEBOOK enforcers do not encourage; we then move higher on their ranking system, and take more and more observation hits, and in time, we get targeted for many experiments, chemtrail ops being the main one, and others exist, and you can most certainly be assured of that.

Now my problems included my amateur music, things I sent down to the Copyright Office including numerous telephone conversations with many various folks, even hyperspace lab technicians, and many other things all bundled together that caused my ranking to quickly go super viral with WOMO or what I termed much earlier in my blogging works, as simply the MILITUFORCE. I know for a fact that my poor daughter, not in money; has tried to come to conclusions that bring her to relative levels of sanity with a lot of things I have been forced to do. Unfortunately, she herself; in her larger cosmic beingness; is why this all had to happen. The proof positive and total kicker for me was when I came to learn just last year in eleven, that Diana the Lightning Goddess, is really, her strobing light, and hence, something totally under her control. I think she does remember even at age two years, insisting that I follow her, and push myself through a broken fenced in area in her yard, and into her house; where I witnessed the horrible stair-chase-game, just as in her later made movie with WOMO without the WO; as well as when her step dad hit her for showing me the strange strobing light in that brightly lit up hallway off of the living room. Why she did all this, only she knows; just as only she knows why she claims to rule the empire, as she did in that magazine, foretold to me by a pulsating star in the sky; and while awake, or was I? I would sure swear to it, but then there was the incident just a couple hours ago, so who can really ever trust our feelings and senses 100%, YO? In any case folks, the problem with many things is that I have gone through these chemtrails many times beginning in 1983, and this is what poisoned me, and made my glands swell up in ways that no expert physician; has a clue about, nor how to properly treat me; Shirley Grant. But as Jim Rockford would say about things here; we can always get back to this if you don't like what I'm saying, back in that way super cool TV show known as the “Rockford files” where he played a PI in California, and lived in a trailer along some beach, and got into more trouble than the son of god, leading me now into the ultimate and final story that I'll now open up on this blog, and that will close the blog after it is discussed a little bit. The only difference here between old Rockford and me, is that we can always get back to any of these topics that I either continue or open up, but for right now, what I'm about to say is necessary, very powerful, so be braced; or you will wish you had been, as that is a promise friends and fiends.

Morianity would be taken about 6000% more seriously, if more truth had made it into the Holy Bible. I disagree with the experts that say that All mighty God decided what would go in. I know that the influence was there, but man always can act on his own will and make his own overriding influences over any given item; just as he always has and always will. There are many other books that should have made it into the canonization of the system, besides the basically accepted KJV-66 books of this Holy bible. If one book had made it in, all of MORIANITY would be believed now, and this 3rd millennium would be taking off with levels of enlightenment, that would replace our having just mere technology. True futures all have a combination of both technology, and paranormal enlightenment; all merging and commingling together in perfect harmony, right along with Stevie Wonder and his keyboard of white and black keys and notes. Maybe he had two messages for us folks, so ask him. Let me for right now, just talk about one book. I will not give the name of it, I encourage folks to find many other books and read them for themselves, and then make up their mind about me and my MORIANITY. All of the powerful religious leaders, I'll bet freaking dimes to donuts right now; know exactly where I'm going with this; and are belching tricycle wheels up out of their mouths. Well, get the Bromo out, and read on, YO.

There is a book that talks a lot more than the accepted bible does, about the younger days of our great LORD JESUS, between the ages of about age five and age twelve years. Just as in other lifetimes, he was a bit wild, and even misused his great paranormal abilities. But he learned and grew, and soon came to realize that using the powers he had for good and for 'GOD', as HE was GOD; and this tells a missed powerful tale, that humans really did need to hear about and know about, as without it; many throughout the centuries have chosen to live without Jesus Christ as their absolute Lord (SAR). Many peeps will not have a city pass to go legally, and reside in the great SAHASRA DAL KANWAL; thus remaining in the great Purgatory system of the vast Astral Plane; knowing the glorious heavens they missed out on, and the unfathomable great Jehovah Goddess they never can be with and know. Sarah or Lordess Stacey Jehovah Krassle, takes this game of her Jewish people and time-line very seriously. Imagine telling an all powerful teenaged girl on Earth, how to arrange her favorite dolls in her own dollhouse. She knows what she wants, and none of us will ever change it; not even her very special 'THAT-BOY'. This powerful entity comes to Earth as a young person on several occasions, throwing friends off roofs, drowning friends in weed sucking bays, and doing many miracles, via the combination of technological secret devices; and the wisdom of total enlightenment; and the commingling of these two items, as was spoken before a while back. Many people would know my MORIANITY claims are totally real, right Pope Benny-16? Yes, but you guys knew centuries ago that this was so, on your smoking exploratronic chemtrails, and all manner of other miraculous parlor tricks, to kill any chance for the spreading of MORIANITY in my lifetime, where it would have counted, and eased my Terrance Mann pain a little bit; huh Mister Costner? Yes the Q-Daughter story of the great TNG-ST television show of around the ninety time range, good fitting time, with the great one getting started and all. You have no idea how it pains me to see those looks on your face and in your eyes, MI, and in my opinion, you could not possibly act that good. I am so sorry I never knew, and was never told. I would have fought for custody of you, and you know it. But as they say, this is all water under the bridge, and long passed New Orleans and even Cuba by now. Don't be mad at me for being a dummy and a fool, that is who I am, and don't blame P. Women have always been treated rotten by men, and it eludes my small mind why they never seem to appreciate the few good men that would be good to children, loving with their mate, and never look to the left or to the right, not because they want to do the right thing, but because they are completely satisfied in their marriage, and would not even want to do this. Men like me are always passed over like trash cans. I have no wisdom on these kind of things, not one bit. More and more women and girls want the tough bikers, and the thugs, and the cool bad dudes. Well then, they better get ready to really want the consequences that go along with that mindset and foolish desire, these being, a rotten messed up life. I know that whoever said that good guys finish last, was a way bigger genius than Weird-hair Einstein and his E=MC-SQ. Anyway, I am signing off for the present time being.

These topics being opened up are the topics for discussion in this great MAYAN CALENDAR FINAL YEAR. There of course will be plenty of others as well.

One more time, there is no way to explain my three photos. They all are on legal government documents, and taken by government officials or employees. How can I look young-middle aged on my 1997 passport, and young middle aged on my 2011 Florida Drivers License, and also on the 2010 photo that was taken for the Harvest Website, click into the 'stories', at while in-between in late 2007, I appear around 80 years of age on the passport photo taken at the Hammonton Post Office??? Not even someone as wealthy as Donald Trump could pull that off as some kind of a hoax, and if he did; he would be in serious legal trouble. There would be no reason to do this. Only my true tale of abduction on that day where I spent 29 years in a giant version of the Somerdale, New Jersey, death house, as I came to call it after my mom was struck down with that supernatural voodoo spell parlor trick of PK Exploratron Somnambulist; hopes to explain this. No one could pull this off as a trick. Some one should really see that stuff like what happened in October the year preceding that one down in Atlantic City, on 10-SC Avenue with Robert McGuire, that day when Ed Lynch and I were trying to snap a few photographs for my website that came to be known as not only adversely effected innocent pathetic me, and my life ended up wiped out and totally destroyed; but if this can happen to me, then who is anyone of you to tell me you can be certain that these dirt bag “whatever's”, will not someday target you, or worse; your lovely children? Wake up folks, these blogs are real, and they are here to warn this world of the impending doom that no human will be able to repair once the claws are deeply imbedded, and then, it is as my kid might put it, “2-late”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE folks, YO.


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