Thursday, April 19, 2012






SBT DATFILE: 041912.998.798



NEW DATFILE: CHSJ-0404-042012.004.955







A BIG DADDY TIN EAR MORON, KNOWS WHEN A BLOG IS BEGINNING, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was talking in a past blog, SJ-CH-0402, about 1986, American Express, roulette playing in Atlantic City casinos, and quite a bit more, all stuff that leads into automobile accidents that were not accidents, Hammonton, advanced virtual reality technology or (AVRT), pronounced as avert, and an accepted word to boot, to which I admit, and confess, 001, that I do not know the word's definition, so my dictionary will be used later, oh wait a minute, I cannot believe I am such a stupid freaking bloody shoe wearing mace can carrying childless moron right now, of course I know the word, as in someone averting a major catastrophe, DUH, I am losing it folks, along with everything else so it seems. Getting back to cases now, a book was written by me in 1994, called, “The Permission Barrier”, and was sent down to Washington, DC on Halloween day, October the 31st in 1994, mailed from National Park, New Jersey in New Jersey, if my memories are serving me at all accurately.

LSS, this book was only a rough dictation onto a small portable Radio Shack forty dollar cassette tape machine, but it did a good job making twenty-four C-90 tapes, containing my book, TPB. In it, I slipped, not needing Life Alert or anything, I mean a slip of the tongue and also a Freudian lip slip, and said the name Sarah Krassee. When Sarah Krassle identified HERSELF to me in what you all a vivid powerful 'DREAMING-INTERACTION', back in December of 1969, she even spelled her name. As with the Lord Jesus, and some of my songs, and other stuff in this world as well, because it is impossible to believe that all this could have happened to me, you all out here viewing it say, 'nawwwh', can't be, and move in. Trouble is, it is oh yeah butt wipe. Now in the same exact manner as with this, when I was just fifteen years old, and after this amazing experience occurred in that Oaklyn, New Jersey, NJUSAESMWG apartment that night, I awoke with a bang, found a gone-missing chain that a real honest GODDESS had come in the night and removed, with or without Melanie's keys or other things examined a while back when I was trying to rationalize what had happened which is KT Dairy Queen ridiculous to try doing; and also folks, an extremely clear observation in and with that famous present 20-20+ hindsight; but my point B4I totally lose it, is that because I searched and searched and could never ever find thae name of KRASSLE in the human world anywhere, a stupid idea since SHE is All Mighty Goddess and not a mere human mortal, Hyundai time; along with Hammonton forest fires and Hanging in there Huntington's but yes, moving the point along peeps, because I could not find KRASSLE, I assumed that I remembered this powerful “DREAM” wrong, when in fact and truth, I did no such freaking thing. HER NAME IS SARAH KRASSLE, or LORDESS of the mighty ASTRAL-PLANE KRASSLE FAMILY. The last name of all of them, is translated into the English language of 1969 times and still now in 2012, as KRASSLE, and similar names now are in existence, but I know nobody that spells it as SHE spelled it for me in that powerful interaction so long ago. Lordess or Sarah Krassle is part of a huge Olympian family on the Astral Plane. All the gods and goddesses we hear about in myths and on television documentaries, they all have this secret last name, not secret there, but nobody on this waking world Earth seems to know this name, their great name,m my blogs can say it from now to eternity, but I am just a nobody, who listens to me? Still, this IS the last name of all these cousins of gods. SSJKK is the absolute most powerful and greatest one of all, under a secret law created by the ever existing ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITIES, or the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL; and this is called the SCYLLA INHERITANCE LAW, SCYLLA MEANS “FIRST DAUGHTER”, all throughout the great capitol province of Olympia. Other surrounding provinces may have varying wordage differences in sort of the way we have folks in the waking world that my be able to speak many languages, yet have what we define as accents, as they pronounce things slightly off because it is not always their native tongue. When I could not find the name of KRASSLE anywhere, back as a young teenager, after a year or so, I figured I heard this wonderful lovely giant goddess wrong, and began calling her Krassee, after shortly upon my awakening from this wild experience, maybe a few months later in early 1970, I began seeing a repeated commercial for vision and eye care, and it showed a family in both an optometrist office and later on being fitted in an eyeglass store for glasses. The young girl in this commercial spoke a sentence,m and I only remember to this day, the part of that sentence where she said, “All of us Krassee's want to take care of our eyes”, this is either a perfect or near perfect quote, but the name is smack dab on the money. So I began for years abnd years, thinking of this special girl as Sarah Krassee. In my book from 1994, “TPB”, I slipped, and instead of saying whatever fake name I should have said, I said right on the tape, and it should be in the Library of Congress to this very day, while speaking of Jim Pratt, the evil character from the great Colony-256 far out into deep space, in this book, SHE was about to perform a great concert, just as SHE does do at Monolazarium Square in HER great city, called, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, owned in majority under the SI Laws, only I slipped and called HER by name in the book, only the name I was now calling her as a result of never finding the name KRASSLE any place in the exact way that she had spelled it for me in that power house dreaming interaction back in December of 1969, so I pronounced it Sarah Krassee. Hay, except for her very fave number of '7', the alphabet value in these names at the 5th letter out of the total 7, this difference would not exist. The one E changed to be 7 letters further down the alphabet would change KRASS-EE to KRASS-LE. So the magic of 7 worked on my mind to compensate my being to dumb to realize, gee, I am not going to be able to just look her up in some phone book or something, all though for many many long years, I tried so hard to find this magical girl, through many a long dark stretch of numerous winters, when my mother would go out on her dates, as my parents were divorced, and my dad was only interested in treasure salvage, but then, if he had not been doing this he might have been there, and I would not have been alone trying to pursue finding this mystical magical goddess of the dream world.

Now this is only a tenth of a percent about the story of how this search for this great goddess went on, and then suddenly around the time I turned legal age or eighteen, it was becoming slowly a memory of silly childhood fantasy. This would be a proper way of operating and if anything an overdue incident, but not in this special case, because folks, and 001, this is no fantasy goddess, it is the great all mighty GOD that your world has been worshiping for thousands of years now. It took me until the end of the 2nd millennium to realize that, and then nearly another decade B4I was really starting to see the all encompassing total truths to all of this seemingly impossible and irrational stuff. It seemed irrational when Jesus walked on water, or was laser retraced with LTDDT, from World Labs, and it seems irrational that (walking on water) is a powerful intentional clue to it all, as it was at WATER and WALKER STREETS, where this powerful thing happened to me that concerns how I first learned about the World Laboratory up in the future.

NOW MY WONDERFUL MORIANS, here is where it gets a little tricky, and PHASE-4, confessions and all.

It is all on the blogs that I know led to the great TV show that 001 is connected with. I know I told how I was too old to, but did it anyway, laying in bed, creating this wonderful super girl goddess, SARAH, not that she was not first in Atlantic City in waking life, and not that SHE did not come to me in a powerful dream, take a chain out of my apartment closet strong box and then in waking life it really was gone the next day, and not that the giant asterisk chemtrail was not in the skies all over the county the following day, that is all real life waking world history, that happened, no question about it. I am saying that I would roll up some blankets and in the darkness, pretend I had HER with me, and then drift off to sleep in a fantasy, and this created a lot of what is now happening. Well, this may have been spoken as an old confession on old blogs, but there is a higher truth, and that truth is called PHASE-4. Let me try and explain this. Phase and Type are not the same things now so please do not get them confused, or do what Dawn King would tell me not to do in vulgar lingo. I will now explain the phases.

The great VOID, or zero dimension, that is a collective of existence that is beyond your mind to grasp, and mine, as mind is an unknown energy source or type that comes out of this void by way of a special trick that can actually reduce the void to a sub void and then burst out by literally cocking a spring-coil that would be more powerful than a vigintillion universes to the vigintillion power of googalplex universes, and just as a child loads a dart gun by pressing the dart into the gun that is a big spring that then clicks a gear that can only then release by the button or trigger of this gun. At least in my day these toys were at all the local toy stores, remember I am coming up on 60 folks, I do not think with this new PC, most of you even know what the fuck I'm talking about, but them that is also standard procedure most of the time I've been told, AHA AHA McNulty. So as with this dart gun, this force of less than nothing suddenly opening back up to nothing, would create an unlimited reaction of escape, dreaming out of this void and existing as an aware universe, or a powerful god as carbon entities later come to be, and in their mental infancy, see so many misconceptions and false ideas. In any case, phase-1 is this void. Phase-2 is where this void dreams out away and into, and that would be the next possible largest thing than its previous void state, the SUBATOMIC realm, or ASTRAL-PLANE. This is where entities later on, not in time later but in interaction later, don't try and get it, you won't, but they then dream further down into this life, a series of dreams into this 5th dimensional hyperspace of virtually countless space-time 4th dimensional parallel universes. This awake life in tangible physical caporial life, in this here and now, is PHASE-3. Phase 4 is an entirely different situation, as it comes as a result of two things. First it has to do with Phase-2 entities or Astral residents/entities attemting to enter this dream down here, or waking normal life, in ways not accepted by a set of built in regulatory systems, in the 7th dimension above the MIND REALM itself on the 6th, and this set of rules from this 7th-D is known by Astral entities while there, as LAWTRONICS. Lawtronics prevents vampires for example from existing in this waking world as PHASE-3 beings like us, but instead, it alters them into PHASE-4 entities, meaning simply, that a phase-4 entity is simply the energetic counterpart of the imagination and fantasy of Astral Plane beings. So when the great James Patterson gets a brainstorm new idea next month or the one after that, and writes another book, well, these ideas that he 'thinks' are his own ideas, are really, PHASE-4-ENTITIES who tried to break the LAWTRONICS in the D-7 circuitry, and ended up as a result of getting into this waking world as a fictional character or even an entire television show or whatever. All of this is energy of the Phase-4-Entities, all the music, all the movies, all the books, all the ideas, all of it, it wanted to exist here, Sherlock Holmes, Jack McCoy, all of them, they are actually real, and wanted to come here, but instead, the LAWTRON WORLD altered them from going Phase 3, and into PHASE-4, where we can enjoy them, but they cannot effect us, well, not as much as they want to, but yes, of course, you all guessed it, there is more to this story for other times, as we all know how shows have effected peeps and made them do way out things, even commit murder. So relating all of this back now to my being in the dark in bed with wrapped up blankets, thinking I am creating the great Sarah Krassle, remember, that all fantasy, is real energy on the Astral World that was only able to make it down onto the waking world as PHASE-4, or the imaginings and ideas and so forth, of an all; ready awake PHASE-3-ENTITY, such as you or me. I did not create this future from those past fantasies. Phase-4 energy came here and used me, and for reasons that are only starting now in 2012 to make any kind of possible rational sense. This is why that Speedship I designed right at these times, all fits into this, along with my later learned abilities to swim with Lap-Lane Joan at Haddonwood Swim club, without swimming. It also is why the hypnosis done at Mark Wolf's clinic in early 1996, made me remember Sunram and Atlantic city, and then after that, poured out all the repressed shit about SARAH, and the forgotten childhood past, that was not meant to be forgotten, but then your entire family seemed to know this would drive me crazy, Mister Butcher of five minute quiet on Haddon Avenue. I'm only joking unless your family has similar secrets as mine does, but I know that horrible thing you did to me that you need to be confessing about if you are not all ready dead and it's too late for you. But all of this does not come close to how it interconnects with 1986, 15-17 years in the future from the asterisk chemtrail days of stolen motor cycle chains and burned BOBS. Roulette in 1986, began teaching me the biggest secrets of the universe than ever, way greater than any of this shit spoken of so far. I have magical secret information that if I ever really confessed totlally to, sir 001, I would be taken in the dead of night to A-51 or wherever you end up, buzz, buzz, buzz, DJDS, and it would really get hot for me, so I am limited to pillow talk as well as the entire story to 1986 roulette, even rediscovered wonderful daughters, who I fully understand are scared to death of all of this horrendous stuff. I don't blame you one bit, lovely Labber of any time, and if I were talking about another lovely labber who dances the disco more than the tango, I would be forced to say I suppose; lovely Labber of any time or place, right Mister CAMDEN COUNTY PROSECUTOR 1989, SIR RONALD WIRTZ. Hay, you tried, you did your best. But I do not appreciate what Doctor Housel's cousin pulled, I definitely remember the law changing overnight in my sleep, as Ed was all;owed to have a computer and just not an internet connection, originally, and then pow, it changed overnight and they took his machine and since I could not keep up the dues and it was not a free website, that was the end of my great first website, the MORIANITY FOUNDATION. They still have this laptop and on it is my on a CD-ROM-DISC. I paid 150 dollars for this job, ACPO, and was never informed that Mi9ster Lynch was not allowed to do this for me. Also, not only did he never tell me he was on the sex offender registry, EDWARD LYNCH of Georgia Avenue in Atlantic City, but the Parole Officer who I spoke with told me Ed could have a computer and do this website for me, then poof, one day I wake up and the entire laws have changed. This is what I speak about folks when I talk about the real Harry Potter magic, this EXPLORATRONIC activity that can in no other way explain any of this, right down to the vanilla and chocolate cupcakes from the great Leticia Tilley Egg Harbor, New Jersey Incollingo Grocery Store, on the Julia White Horse Pike, near the train station!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow do twins run in this powerful family, right Cuzz Sandy Mace???????????????

555555555555555555555555555555 to compensate for again being on fucking page eleven of eleven, yes, 55555555555555555555555, my beautiful McLovely number five, speaking of Sandy Mason, daughter of my wonderful long lost uncle Stuart Huntington Mason, who was the son of Grace Isabelle Huntington, who was the 5th grand daughter of founding father, Samuel Huntington, Governor of Connecticut until his death in 1790 and signer of the great wonderful awesome document known the world over, the Declaration of Independence. Hopefully my kid will be proud of her great heritage someday, after the Harner Syndrome dissipates one day, perhaps. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!


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