Sunday, April 1, 2012



DATFILE: 040112.267











I am indeed one very angry up set disturbed person today, and with every good reason. If anyone reading these words was having any of my stuff happening in either their lives or the lives of those that they love and care for, they would be just about stark raving mad and insane by now and most probably a very long time ago. I fully expect this entire weekend to be off the fucking scales SUPER BOTBAR HELL FOR ME. When I get a weekend where the final day of a month is the Saturday in that weekend, and then the first day of the new month would naturally be the Sunday in that weekend, the entire weekend is usually inconceivably horrendous and monstrous for me, as my WOMO enemies know how to use two powerful black ops covert tools, one is OP-APE and the other is OP-AMP. These stand for OPERATION APPLIED PARALLEL-EVENT, and OPERATION APPLIED MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE. In past blogs, both these things have been talked about. Right now, I am discussing the OP-AMP, as on these type of weekends where last and first month days, fall into them, via Saturday/Sunday, as for example, this weekend is a magnetic percentage death weekend or a MPDW, as I may perhaps refer to this abbreviation in future blogs, the final 31st day in March was a SATURDAY, followed then by Sunday, the 1st day in April. All you need to know for now is this science of messing with me at particular orders in time, something known well by dick heads such as 60's rock star Billy Harner, who told me this in his basement many times, even while stoned out of his mind on pot, upon many an occasion, is termed by me, this blogger, with the name of Magnetic Percentage Technology. Very simply without any need for the Roy Rocket Science Men (RRSM) for another shortened abbreviation if you see these initials in other future blogging texts; and this MPT is a great WOMO tool to wipe me out and get their way on the DOW JONES STOCK MARKET, as well as the two sports teams in Philadelphia that work as sort of a sub-set system that by having the Phillies Baseball Club lose and the Flyers Hickey Club win, 13 angry jurors of the Fonda family with magic words said in the famous old black and white film; matching a precise quote said by my visiting father in early 1974. When I was not hearing Terry Jackson belting out his song, “Seasons in the Sun”, I was hearing dear old daddy-boy saying, “Fuck this shit”, maybe not so nice, but very powerful words, based on the fact that this was said on the film only done so quietly that it was never noticed, this is called an intentional history marker or a IHM, shortened many times to just a HM. HM's are all over the place, and HM makers (HMM) are all over the globe, making notes in library books, adding things to rented video tapes at the end of the tape where a small amount of tape is usually left to do so, and by just placing a small piece of scotch sticky tape over the broken out hole on the video cassette, and I could go on and on and on with this, 'BUT' let me attempt to remain on point for now if I am able, “I DON'T KNOW if I will be, or for that matter how much longer GOOGLE will allow me to post onto their You-Tube site hay it is their property, and thus their rules, yet still folks, my problem however is that I paid my money to, as the COPYRIGHT OFFICE LAW states, create these “FOR HIRE” works, I don't own any of these artists, but they don't own me or my music, despite intimidating jerk offs, such as the King's, the McKinnon's, or the Harner's, and the list goes on and on, as I have or had before losing a loot of things, dozens upon freaking dozens of artists doing demos that I FULLY OWN AND CONTROL THE COPYRIGHT ON, and they have no right to mess with me on the YOU FUCKING TUBE, SO LONG AS I AM NOT UP THERE TELLING LIES OR SAYING NEGATIVE THINGS REGARDING THEIR CHARACTHER OR ABILITIES. HAY, THE SONG IS DOWN NOW. I WILL GET ON MY BLOGS, AND AS LONG AS I TELL THE TRUTH SUCH AS THE FACT THAT I PAID TO HAVE THESE SONGS DONE, THEY ARE LEGALLY MY PROPERTY, AND I SEE NO REASON WHY THIS ASS HOLE WOULD BLOCK ME FROM ANY MENTION ON MY ACCOUNT TO CONNECT HIS NAME. I SUPPOSE HE HAS THE RIGHT, BUT AFTER ALL I DID FOR HIM, NOW I AM ANGRY, AND SINCE HE STOLE MONEY OUT OF MY MOM'S DAM COAT POCKET IN LATE OCTOBER OF 2000, AND THIS IS NOT A LIE, NOW I WILL PRINT IT, AND HE CANNOT STOP ME. If he sues, I will call the witness to testify who told me, that he saw this happen, and I do not think he will purger himself and risk years in jail for BH. All these peeps turned against me after I did so much for these pieces of pure wicked scum, Sally, Billy, and Paul. If they would just tell me what I ever did to make them treat me like total mother fucking dogshit after I did so much for these nasty crumbs, I would surely just love to hear it. If anyone can tell me this information and it pans out to be true, I will offer a reward, and I have ways of knowing if it is true or not, and will not pay for bullshit information, the amount is 300 fucking USD. Now my paranoia is up through the roof and I am believing most likely all manner of exaggerated truths, based on reality, that they all were either paid off, threatened by family injury, or any countless other criminal blackmail type of things, folks, this all just makes no sense. I admit I'm a diagnosed paranoid, I collect a grand a month from mu Uncle Sam in disability for this life-long 'mental' condition, but it is not totally in my sick mind. Very down to Earth realistic people who got to know me over time have said to me that SOMETHING IS DEFINITELY GOING ON WITH YOU MARK, THAT IS NOT EXPLAINABLE IN THE NATURAL ORDER. Then they start distancing themselves from me. Tonight, I feel that I've received my first racial attack, and this is really a major brand new experience for me. I never had to come out you know. I did it for a somewhat unappreciative daughter. Oh well, I have lived long enough to be able to see things through the other person's life and eyes, and walk in their shoes mentally. I forgive her, but it hurts. I came out and will now have ridicule that I would not otherwise had ever had to suffer through, just for her.

Now we shift gears and go into the yesteryear RATS TATS AND PLAYING REAL FOOTBALL just as the old blogs from 2007 go into in a major way. In a way, 2007 was my most powerful blogging, as it proved that WOMO would not let it go unchecked, and I was literally captured, nearly killed, all my worldly belongings were taken against my will from me, and my life was wrecked beyond anyone's greatest imagination. Today, we will talk a little more about TYPE-1, TYPE-2, and TYPE-3 EXPLORATRONS, as well as bring some powerful secrets to bare.

There are 'magical' ways of walking straight into the life of another person, but you must know how, you must be asleep physically in bed, and you must understand being no longer a 3-D person, because at the point where you can start doing this kind of shit, (miracles) a silly word and a relative word, but I'll use it to make points and keep your attention; this is the point where you also need to be absolutely aware in your mind, that you now are living in the fifth-dimension, awesome as it all may sound, you are not restricted to three-D any longer. Type-1 exploratrons are you and me while we are dreaming in normal night sleeping cycles, and nothing is out of the ordinary except perhaps some of the dreams themselves, and you do have occasional recall of parts and pieces of your many lifetime dreams, but that is all that is happening and no more. The Type-0 refers to the folks who say that they don't ever dream, or very rarely, they do of course, but the block in their conscious waking mind is great, think as hard as you wish, and you still do not remember or recall the last 30 days of the life you lived in and as the person that you were before the person that you are bow, it is basically the same type of conscious mind blocker, it serves as a protector as well. The more dream-open you become, the more these advanced 'dreamer-controllers' can and will target you, and this will indeed effect many if not most of the more important things and events of your current waking life. It is all connected, and the word for this connection is, HYPERSPACE EQUATION. This is an advanced atomic formula that attempts to explain with some reasonable accuracy, how dreams and waking life do in fact touch each other, over and over again. Going beyond that, if you set up part time existences in other lives in the hyperspace, via DREAM CONTROLLING, the more you do this and the more proficient you become at practicing this, the more the hyperspace equation will begin to come alive in your life here, and in your dreams, and also, this will compound and connect together and keep growing on a non linear scale after enough years of being seriously into this practice. You will find no dream-book out there anywhere that tells all these secrets that I know, none of them are where I am. This is because in this generation, the family on this planet that is in all truth, the main family where all else is operating around it no matter how it may not appear that way to any onlooker, are the HUNTINGTON'S, I am in this family, my mother was Grace Eastman Mason in maiden name before marrying my father Wayne Landis Mohr, and my mother's mother was directly on this line, her name being Grace Isabelle Huntington. Her sister was my mother's Aunt, her name was Ruth Huntington, and the sanitized versions of the GOOGLE and other family ancestry websites, are all sanitized over to never show Ruth as the first wife of the great Long Island banker from Germany, Mister Heinz Gottwald. They met in New york City a long time ago, eventually moved to the island to a nice home in Masapeaqua and when a so-called toaster oven fire destroyed their home which I am not buying into that story; they then went onto move into Babylon, at 175 Peninsula Drive, along the central southern shore area of Long Island, and not far from the world famous Jones Beach. Exploratronic activity is a huge HUNTINGTON GIFT, it is also a huge HUNTINGTON CURSE. I will get way more into exploratronic activity and the transdimensional DREAM CLUB called the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. For today, in the interest of a shorter blog however, let us say you are asleep and can suddenly become aware that you are asleep. You have the power to set up an identity in a parallel universe or in your dream. Other peeps from the distant future, in these virtually countless numbers of parallel reality universes of the 5th dimensional hyperspace, have a lot of dream-club members that are quite advanced. They dream over in their reality, come into our reality, and take over our machines, our people, and our world, an invisible alien invasion that no one can ever see let alone stop, as nobody has a clue in 2012 in these cave-person days of any of this stuff. We are going to leave this all right here for right now, lovely Lieutenant Van Buren. We have not touched this subject and how it has effected my entire life, and it effects many things in all of your lives as well peeps, so dismiss it all you want, and dismiss your cancer symptoms should they come to you someday, and be sorry as hell on both counts. Not only are there various levels of dreamers, but there are various levels of phased out of Astral life, or POOAL, and you can pronounce it as it appears in the exact abbreviation. We all dream all of our limitless hyperspace dreams throughout five wild dimensions, but we enter this hyperspace as numerous phased life forms. Normally born persons who go onto live in this physical realm, have fallen asleep off of the Astral Plane, usually from what and where the Catholics refer to as the Purgatory condition, and it indeed is not a place fixed into a time, but indeed is a condition of awareness, just as is the waking life in the 5th dimension in all of the many countless space-time universes of hyperspace. Phase-2 is existence on this ASTRAL PLANE while awake there, but dreaming down into the hyperspace and getting born into a body, in these dreams, becomes PHASE-3 existence. Now there are also some strange Astral Entities that come into this hyperspace in all of our countless parallel universes as those NOT BORN types, not physically, but born as the imagination of all ready existing PHASE-3 entity's, and these are the PHASE-4. To make this more complete so that no one thinks I skipped any numbers, there is a condition that we all are in, where we simply exist, and this is the void, and this is where we all exist as oneness, and also are termed by me, PHASE-1 type existers. Eventually, we dream out and away from this void, in a similar way that if were tied up and blindfolded and your ears were plugged up and you were in a silent room, you could not move and all was quiet and pitch dark, you would eventually dream out and away from this, and just as in that hypothetical room, you really are there and just DREAMING out and away from it, we too are always just in this VOID, dreaming out and away into our PHASE-2 existence on the ASTRAL PLANE, and then even begin dreaming further down to where we can exist in the illusion of tangible physical forms and have space and time that seems totally real and connecting our every event and piece of our life, here in these dreams of hyperspace. Many people throughout the 5th dimension, can merely return to the void ibn an instant, and re-dream out and away into an entirely different reality. Some have done this without realizing they have, I am one who did this on the night of the 15th of August in 1986. I left a fairly nice world and reentered this nightmare new universe and have been trapped here ever since. One day, I'll move the fuck on, one way or another, but nothing ever ever ever stops because it never ever began, it just is, and you just are, and all else is a lie, or said nicer, a parlor trick, an illusion.

This cracks open the doorway to phased astral existence and the 7th dimension that controls the way things all work, the lower mind realm that first moves through the Astral Plane where unlike mortal world existence in physical caporial form, interactions are required first, we think one up so to speak, a place, an encounter, anything; and poof; it is just one and the same with those thoughts, and time and space sort of just tags along so that the interaction can work and be; totally in reverse to physical world interactions, as they concentrically first require that both space as well as time exist, and then and only then; can the interaction take place. This is why the spirit world or the subatomic astral plane (SAP) and the human hyperspace waking world or physical plane or realm (PR) are two ships that will forever just pass in the night, they cannot merge, they are endless water and oil, they cannot ever connect because they are so intrinsically at odds with each other.

Instructions have been given several times for using the FASCITAR to reach what is called by some, THE WAKING FREEZE, and since my mother's coworker in 1974, after my father left from his visit and returned to an oil rig out in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana, working as a Chef's Assistant; cleverly made sure that I would stumble onto these magical cool instructions for using this FASCITAR, abnd since the name of this coworker was Patricia Hollister, for short I have now been referring to the FASCITAR as the PAHOFA, Pahofa merely being the first two letters of these three words, PA-HO-FA. I'll be reexplaining in the next several blog texts, just exactly how to make this magic work, how to get to this waking freeze, and what to do from that point, should you be bold and audacious, or have the guts to try it, for the 8th graders reading this.

For now, I bid everyone ado, and a fond farewell. David Roth told me all throughout the 2nd half of the 80's and all throughout the fucking nineteen-nineties as well; “Every time either you or I do anything at all that pertains in any way to MUSIC, all hell breaks loose around us”. Neither one of us have ever been able to figure out exactly why, we only know it's mother fucking sadly true. I do not like to brag, but his good friend, drummer Hal Blaine told him he had great drumming talent, and also, that his friend, Mark, ME, had special songwriting talent. I have been complimented by many name recognized folks, mostly by having them steal my music and make many many millions of dollars. I know you're out there Data Sarjenka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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