Sunday, April 1, 2012



DATFILE: 040112.757







© 2006-2012 MWM/MWM/BOM/MF-2


As I all ready knew, this weekend has been about the worst one now since the year of 2012 began. I am not shocked by it in the least, it was dated wrong. It had a Saturday on a final month day, and a Sunday on a first month day, which of course, if Saturday is on the final day of any month, DUH, this will most certainly occur.

I was at the Patterson Beach house, and had many CHEMTRAILS come directly out of a clear blue sky right at me, as told on recent blogs. As soon as I grow up a little bit P, I'll learn how to operate some of this technology so that I can begin to record this stuff on a cell phone camera in real time, proving this, oh right, sure, I'll prove it. When people want to think you are a jerk, you could go and walk on water and it will prove nothing. The mighty Jennifer Washburn of South Atlantic City was right all along, and she needs to be commended for her wise genius, perhaps rewarded as well with a nice bowl of potato chips and a free ride down Hyperspace Avenue, AKA Route 561, in South Jersey. Before I left, I received four messages from P. I will not lie about anything that I tell. I was mad at you. I knew your personality well enough that I knew the multiplexing of P's would get your goat. You know in your heart of hearts that you have never been very nice to me, and if you can look at me straight faced some day and call me a liar for that statement, we can go to the woods, I will handcuff myself to a tree, and you can beat me sillier than loose shit, this is a promise. You know deep down sir, that you are not the loveliest nicest human being on this planet, not to me anyway, and you never have been. The truth is never pleasant to hear, and after this blog, I will not ever ever ever never never mention the following things until my blogs are on a safe private website, just there accessible to me alone, so that I can have more back up, and my life story cannot keep vanishing as has been the case now over and over, I have that right. But for now, hay, you enjoy telling me off and mentally getting pictures of kicking my ass from Atlanta, Georgia to Chicago, Illinois, so hay, be happy, leave messages, but let me in a nice way tell you a few true things, remember, the other stuff was a rant, we both know it, I don't want one red cent from you, because you do not want me to have it, and you know what; whether or not I may know this about you better than you'll ever admit it to yourself or whether I'm so full of monkey turds it would take nine Mack Trucks to pick me up and dump me, things speak for themselves. It is right on the message old pal, you know what you said, why now own up then to this truth all along, you would come and find me and kill me with a gun if I should ever make it, just as would Jim Burr. People all seem to hate me and want me to do nothing but lose and fail, well, you should be very very happy today P, because I am thinking very hard now, and cannot honestly think of one person who if they knew the score and the full details to the story, would ever ever want to change places with me in life, and this includes 8 billion folks, all the bums living under bridges, the dying cancer patients, ALL OF THEM, old pal. So laugh, smile, AND BE HAPPY, FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you read more than just the parts on my blogs that PISS U OFF kind sir, you would see how silly it is to tell me to do this or that or post this or that, when you know that I only have a few things from what I used to have back in Jersey, IT WAS ALL LOST, I CAME DOWN HERE WITH THE FREAKING CLOTHES ON MY BACK 'P', SO JUST HOW MANY TIMES DOES THIS FIRST GRADE INFORMATUION NEED TO BE REPEATED? I don't have the Den Park version of of LORDESS or SARAH, only the FLAG AND STRIPES doing it at the Pure City Recording Studio in east Philadelphia just a bit north of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge and all the night club hot spots around there, you know the area. I know another thing buddy and friend. If you were frail and short and weak and had been placed in the position and situation that I was place3d in with the King branch of this mighty wild beyond the stars KENNEDY CLAN, you would have not left those messages, not because you might not be inclined to, but because you would have perished a long time ago, so you go ahead with my total permission as if you need it, laugh, laugh; but you just judge your old fartner partner any harsh way you want to and that makes you feel all cozy, I promise you this, I won't ever hold your opinions against you, I'd fight on a battlefield for your right to both have them and express them. As for the one powerful thing you said, yes sir, I would very much like to take a pill or something. But right on my blogs that you claim to read, and seem to read as how else would you be mad right now; it is right on there, that I have been reduced in dosage. You of course have me in a no-win situation and wow, laugh on if you want. On one hand you say to take meds, when I tell you the doctors don't want me to, you won't even be understanding or begin to wonder if I might not be right about some powerful organized conspiracy to totally wipe out my mother fucking existence. I am not mad P, I am not hurt either, I am not that younger dude you knew who I used to let hurt me so often, you are totally entitled to treat me like total dogshit, and if this bolsters you, go for it. If I am all wrong, then I ne3ed meds, and they won't let me have any, so let me ask you something since you are so much more mature than I am, and so much smarter and greater, as I know you feel this way, abnd hell, it could be totally true, so I ask you sir, yell it and curse it or be a man and say it softly, whatever you want, but go ahead, just tell me your bright ideas on what I should do, I would like to take my meds, OLD BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let us address this electronic mail issue. I told you the truth. It does not work. You told me on the phone that you e-mailed me something. Well, someone was over here the other day and we got onto the comcast site, and either you are playing with me, or you should realize I am telling you that someone is playing with me, as sir P, there is no E-MAIL from you from right now going back all the way into the autumn of 2011, and you are more than welcome to come down and if I am lying, we can go to an area of open wilderness and lots of alligators, and you can clock me and leave me for the gators, as buddy, you may not understand or believe this, but YOU WOULD BE DOING ME A HUGE FUCKING ASS FAVOR, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One thing about me P, I won't sit here telling lies to you. I am a lousy fucking liar, so I don't lie, it is not because I am a choir boy saint my friend, it is simply that I could not get away with it for a lousy ass second, and I know it. Hay, two dudes telling each other to go ef themselves takes a lot of anger and aggressive hostile feelings to a safe level, not bad when you think of it, I am a no good rotten cock sucker, and maybe in the occasional case, I'll freaking agree with you, I was mad, I don't deny that, and on top of that, you have this wild thing about over respecting people that, excuse me sir, but that put their pants on one leg at a time and I'll personally vouch for the fact that their shit stinks just like yours and mine. All this about the Cal lady or Billy, sir, I do not have respect for people who have none for me, and I have always treated you like a man and never lied to you. You have no respect for me and never have. I often wonder what would have happened if I had not done that totally rediculous stupid SARAH song in that silly tick tock version. It is the only thing I ever have dine that you liked. If only I never had done that, you and me would have met that day late in 1997 at the home in Somerdale, and by that evening, you and me would have been two ships tghat had passed in the night. I want nothing from you, and did not mean to insinuate I want any money back, this was a business venture, it lost in terms of pure business net value, and that as you said, was all written off, I knew all that, the only two things in your messages that I disagree strongly on is this over respect of ding dong ass holes, pal, I do not care if you are god all mighty, if you treat me like shit and don't freaking care about me, that's totally cool, but I am not Jesus the cheek-turner old buddy, that is all I'm saying, so don't expect your picture to be on my wall over my dinner table, a dart board with your outline perhaps, and lots of darts for when I'm bored, but hay, you feel the same way about me, so why yell and curse about it any longer with each other? When this blog ends, as far as I am concerned, I never wrote that absolutely dorky thing that you went ape crackers over, and we parte4d ways, and I am creating a new universe inside my head where things from there just never included anything else, it never even happened. I will not ever express any opinions or say anything at all that could provoke your anger. As for Billy, I don't know why you stick up for a prick that acts like he's god all mighty, he's a two bit wannabe, and you not only know it, you have said it to me in similar words, and you know it, friend. As for either of us taking action, we know we both get pissed and talk once in a while, neither of us have or ever are going to have much more than a bed and pot to piss in, and if we stay half lucky a window to hurl the nastiness out of. Once again, here is what happened yesterday, P. I found out that the great ALL MIGHTY WONDERFUL MISTER HARNER, had the YOU-TUBE block my channel from posting his website. No one can go up and comment in any way and use his website, This is the thanks I get for promoting his freaking album, paying for the project, and trying to re-chart this old has been. Wow, P, why are your loyalties so misplaced? I thought I was your partner in SPR in 1998, am I wrong, was it Billy? Why take the side of jack offs that have hurt a pathetic vulnerable person? Does this not fit the description of historical folks like STOL and HIT and others, acting in these manners? You are not even remotely interested in finding out just why he did this, and to us really, you know he freaking made our 2000 project vanish into the hats of the magicians. Pleaase don't tell me you paid for Harner, I remember you not wanting to do it, I should have listened to you, you were right and I was wrong, I won't freaking even begin to try and lie to you about any of that, hats off to you there, sir. But P, just know this. When you begin respecting me as another almost 60 year old man such as yourself, then pal, I will likewise begin to respect you. Until then, when this blog signs off, I won't say boo ever again about any of this, and that I promise on my word as a gentleman. Sir, if you ever do learn just what Billy did, why he trashed our 2000m project and blocked his name from the song I recently posted and now is taken off to keep this demigod whack head happy, all I ask is that you be the man that I know you are, call me up, and let me know the reason, only don't say this is an embarrassment to him. He sang that album, you produced it, I had no power to twist either one of your strong arms, all I did was empty out a wallet and then ate lots of shit from the both of you. If you want to tell my doctors that I need to have my full dosage medications, you go right ahead, as the name of my doctor is right on the blogs that you do seem to be reading. Of course I never forget anything and know why you do read them, remember that thing you said in the car that day to me, “keep your friends close, BUT---------”. Yeah, I am the BUTT, and the ass, for dealing in all this with so many music darlings all throughout my life. P, I'll say it for you. I am the biggest fool, the biggest dick head, moron, nut case, ass hole, fucking jerk off cock sucker and every other sweetie pie name in the curse book, I am, nobody pointed a fucking gun at me and told me to ever de4al with Lenny McKinnon, or anyone else, it is all my own fault, and you are not getting any argument out of me, nor am I being a smart ass sarcastic mother fucker either. I am saying that no one forced me, and yes, at least in my dealings with you, I got airplay around the world, royalty checks that I actually had to pay US Federal taxes on, I never said you are a crook or a phony. You are highly intelligent, and you tried hard with that SPR label. I am not ever taking that away from you. I am saying you are not a very nice guy, and you know it, and I know you do!!

In bringing this blog to a close on the worst mother fucking weekend of my life or just about and in there somewhere; let me tell now that I cannot worry any longer about not telling stuff. My life is in major danger, and I am at a sustained #2 now. If next week brings me to level fucking three, I will spend all night one night, making dubs from transdimensional music and vocal conversations, from one taped source into another one, and let me tell you something, I would not want to be in a fucking ass tornadic zone, and there is nothing that any present day and time law enforcement agency can do to stop this. Many thousands will perish if this does not mother fucking back the hell of of me, YO, that my MO and my WOMO, IS sir Rock, a total dick eating guaranteed promise, from here to 10-SC Avenue and Tahren and Rieka Gandhi, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, no single view or even ten of them causes a major weather pattern of disaster, so it is not like making you responsible for causing the next big set of soon to arrive devastating twisters out in the alley. It happens when enough times, stuff from the dreamworld, is electronically reproduced in this world, but it is also like a lottery or a traffic ticket. You most likely will not be the one along the road with 60 other drivers in a three block section that gets the ticket even if you are speeding. It can happen, I have read stories about a large section of speeders on a highway that all got pulled over and ticketed, this still is indeed a rare event. The winners of the six plus hundred million dollar jackpot last night is also not the best example, as I assure you that I do not need to have anywhere near a hundred million or even thousand or even a single thousand of these things done, in order to cause a major fuck up and disaster as a counterstrike. But a view here or there, hay, all likelihood is that your view will not cause 200 people to fucking get killed. So in lieu of this, you all do need to go up onto the YOU-TUBE, look at all of the fantastic sites on the topic of CHEMTRAILS, and then listen to my *******somewhat******* transdimensional song, click onto KING NEBNOOSHOO, and then click into the video titled, “CHEMTRAILS OF 1987”, you'll be glad you did, and so will I. Happy lottery winners. Don't spend it all on one hooker, Stanley. Oh, I checked, she did not write my apartment number on the security report, or did someone read my blog before this afternoon arrived, and 'sanitized' the security logbook? Oh that fucking ass paranoid schizophrenic MARK, what shall we do with this dick head ass hole, YO? I know, burn him in hell, no, where do you think he already has always been and always will be? Don't feel sad for me oh P, you don't have it in you, and what shocks me more than anyone else is how such a soulless dude can write such tear-jerking heart-wrenching great country music, it is unfathomable and it boggles my mind!!

Yes, my word as a gentleman when this blog signs off until my blog is on a secured and totally private website that is all mine, there won't be any more mention at all, of P, and yes, I knew that would push your buttons, and I rolled around on my floor earlier today laughing when you got pissed about it. The gods, Ida bet a billion bucks double or nothing that you did not like it.


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