Monday, April 9, 2012



2 PM, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012



The entire reason somebody is making my life hell, is because there a gigantic Olympic game going on first, then this game translates down here into waking mortal life, as my persecution and the method behind it has a name also, the EVOL TRILOGY. On an earlier blog, a screw up happened when I was on a train in February of 1969 and told about heading from the Westmont Station eastbound towards the Haddonfield Station, it came out westerner, instead of WESTMONT, to further throw off the power behind the reality of me and this blog of more than six years. This evil trilogy is the events of two Philadelphia sports teams, and also the great Dow Jones markets. When the Phillies are not doing good, normally in a long run averaging, the Flyers are doing good, as is the Dow Jones, and concentrically, these tend to work in long running averages in the reverse mode as well. Also they all commingle as a unified system with me, so normally it is Phillies Lose, Flyers Win, Dow Up, and I am DOWN, or the occasional reverse of the Phillies Win, Flyers Lose, Dow Down, and I am UP. These recent days in Florida ever since the markets tanked back to around 8000 in the early summer time in OH-MAROLA-TEN, TEE-LILLY, and Congressman Munster Shipyards Andrews of long long ago and far far away with the rest of the song I wrote in 1983, the first time for the great SARAH, whom I feared yet revered, and right in the era when I blog posted/published the OTHER THAT FAMILY TWO LETTERS, this time Curtis Sir, from your friends Ann and Dawn in the distant King family branch, but yes ever since this tank to 8000 after it shot back up after tank number one in late winter of 2009 before the attack on the way into my job with the plane and the motorbikes in tandem with each other, both times, this ICPE technology of messing with me and persecuting me, brought their evil trilogy system back like a rocket shot, and BOOM, each time, and on my back, the WOMO made trillions of dollars in profits, TOTAL ILLEGALLY GOTTEN GAINS. These profits are all CHEATED, because injuring a United ?States citizen covertly with stealth black covert operations for 26 years now give or take, just to win, is unethical, immoral, and so totally inhuman ACLU, and my grandmother on my father's side was a slave in the mother fucking Carolina's someplace, so this is also fucking now a racial issue, as I am speaking ass the fucking proud black man that I am. My six plus year blogging project includes this entire story, right down to most of the individual things done to me, even that day in early spring in 2009 when the WOMO attacked me huge monster time on the road that day while I was driving to my job at Cifaloglio, and from there, the markets reversed in the middle 6500's in basis points, and shot all the way up back to nearly double this value within just one year, an unheard of historical gain. Same gain again happened while this enemy called the MILITUFORCE OF OTAMM, struck me in Florida after I posted those (2-LETTERS) onto my blogs from the local town library before I had my own internet and computer; their markets have nearly doubled again, an almost double gain and within one or two years, on two separate occasions, this is beyond manipulated and controlled, and far beyond the normal channels of illegality such as insi9der trading and other pump and dump crookedness done by this team straight out of the gates of hell, and with their co-conspired and paid off SEC pals taking the ride to wealth right along with these no good rotten crooks. Last Friday and Saturday was the worst and most vicious attack and assault on me with black ops covert 'Fortune-///' “whatever”, nobody really knows the accurate number, it is somewhere between 30 and 600, but this is to get the market this week, AND IT WILL JUST AS I FORETOLD AND PREDICTED, GINA AND OTHERS; go to these ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS THIS WEEK, and then press on up and up and up hundreds of points weekly, and thousands quarterly, until it hits 20,000, 25,000, and way more points still. It will keep doubling in a long term running average in basis points each and every period of eight years, just as I showed, based on this graphed chart on a near-recent blog where I break down this in a way that cannot be denied by anyone alive with half a mind. 1979, 1987, 1995, 2003, and 2011. these five year slots are all eight years in time distance apart, and if we take averages that come close to falling along the guideline of this eight year doubling or 10% annual profits, double what they would have without me to endlessly bounce off the walls and persecute to death in unthinkable torture and torment; we take the 1979 time and put in the rounded basis point number of 750. So double it every eight years, yes you do the math, as this becomes 1500 points in 1987, 3000 points in 1995, 6000 points in twenty-oh-Marola Travelers three, and 12000 points in twenty-oh-Marola Travelers eleven. This is not some joke, not in the market point system, and certainly not with Misses Marola, who somehow she and only she seemed to know the real way that the years would be pronounced after 2000 rolled around, this was a very wild and strange teacher of mine back in 1969, and she is the one who insisted I do a school play in 1969 on May the 30th, on Memorial Day, before I then could go down to Atlantic City, placing me in a precise stellar time position to be on the mighty 10-SC Avenue there, with the great SARAGH and her lovely GANG, actually in truth only one girl in this group was there on both that day and a little later on when she made those two historical statements, not to me, but to this one friend who was there with her, but it was most definitely meant for me to hear, and remember for all eternity. More relevant information exists about all of this and would fill shelves and shelves at any local or big city library. We will get back to many things, this MORIANITY-PROJECT is so way far from being close to being over, it can and most likely is being measured in hypersphere orbits, sort of a 4th dimensional escape velocity as is 25,000 miles per hour, the approximate escape velocity for leaving this Earth's orbit and head out and away from it. All these things in one way or another are printed on the original EPITOME OF HARASSMENT, INTERNET VERSION BLOGS, at but use the URL without the part “continues”, or merely type in this precise URL internet address as follows: and a lot more elucidated and elaborated shit will be told very soon. I have little time left before they send me back and turn me into a teenager all over again, as this has been happening to me for more than 200 times now, and there is nothing I can do to stop it, my own close peeps laugh at me and will not believe me, and should be totally mother fucking cunt ass ashamed of themselves for being so stubborn and obstinate. OK fine, swell, cool, I'll openly admit that my story is not exactly some ubiquitous thing you'll hear every day while out strolling around on local errands, but then, does that make it totally impossible or the delusions of a suffering person in endless fucking ass hell? Shame on every fucking son of a bitch out here that calls me a nut-case or a liar, SHAME SHAME SHIRLEY GLANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all dance, I will sit this fucking one out, 'THANK YOU', Mister Pat Hurricane Cassette Storyman Robertson of Virginia Beach, SIR!!!! Wow, maybe this explains why Gawky Gaukauk and his many fans would rather forget everything and just sit around all day chasing automobiles. You know, dots are not that hard to draw lines from, we all did this as children, wow, we forget a lot as we put the world of childhood away, am I correct anyone, or is this another delusion of fucked up MOUNTAINPEN???????????????????

Last night and this morning, loud strange sounds came through my telephone. Loud screeching noises, singing, groaning, even the voice of Ray Curtis Bratt. I was wide awake, it was no dream. Then suddenly he appeared to me as a fully grown man, not as the small boy as he was in the last interaction. Before I tell more, the other night before this, Dawn King and her mom and my mom, were all living in a different home in Hammonton, New Jersey, and I was somehow back with all of them, and being treated like a slave and inhumanly all over again. Parallel universes are no escape from problems in the one we think we are in now, normally one basic 5th dimensional reality is going on, and just is happening in different ways in different parallel universes. So how does this BALANCE law fit it we are perhaps left to ponder and wonder in a great query? Well, my idea at this point is that it may not balance in a fifth dimensional space, but in a total mind energy. The exact amount of hell and heaven, pain and joy, sadness and happiness, success and failure, is done only in the sixth dimension. It has an equal and exact even amount of energy, it has to, this balance has to exist, as otherwise, things when reduced downward into 5 and 4 and 3 dimensions, would see planets and stars colliding together, and all things would be out of whack, hence, we would not even be here and so-called-alive to see or witness this horrendous unbalance in the first mother fucking ass place, YO. Now I am not saying that some things that lay closer to perfect 6th dimensional balance do not attempt to reach this magical parity of a sort in the 5th dimensional hyperspace, but what I am saying or trying to aniwho; is that only in the circuitry of the system that permits the escape out and away from the great zero-dimension or the VOID, has perfect balance, or (PB). As it creates a MIND ENERGY in a lower dimension, the (6th-D), it like all things, begins losing the exact perfect cohesion of PB, and then as each dimension falls lower, more and more of this PB is lost, so when we get lower still into a one or two dimensional system, where Silicon Intellect is, its idea of the importance of this PB is way off the mark, and not at all important. Taking this hypothesis further, and down to a singularity of a one dimensional point, how can there a balance of anything, when there is only ONE THING, so this theory supports itself quite nicely, at least on its open face, now withstanding blackboard math equations month after month by Hawking and Einstein types, well, that will lead then and later, to its own conclusions on all of these ideas, but this quite naturally is also topic for those future times and not for now, as how can we know for sure until the math is done and bares it all out or dispels it all?

Sunday was quiet as hell, and I enjoyed visiting my pal at the mansion beach house out on Hutch Island. Still, I woke up to those horrendous unthinkable nightmares where I was back trapped with Dawn-Marie King. She was making me get dressed at all hours of the night to tale her places, it was like reentering the fourth fucking circle of hell all over again. My mother was in this universe and living with us and laughed at me when she told me she never wanted me to know about my oldest daughter, who lots and lots of powerful evidence seems to point to me fathering in the first week of July in 1969, Glad-Brad. Oh well, that's the way it goes, huh Ziggy? I do not have all the facts and figures, and nobody wants to even get close to getting to the bottom of things so what does that tell a sleuth type of thinker? Om top of that, let me add in something here and now, Lieutenant; that I have every right to add and say, what it is this for crissake, fucking cunt Nazi Germany in 1943? What I'll tell is somewhere in 2006 or 2007 on a blog on my original blogger site where it all starts there in 2006, done at the Hammonton Library, where I met Ed Lynch, and then from there went onto meet the entire CREW from the 4TH CIRCLE, MIZZ CARMICHAEL HARMON KARDEN; and in reiteration the internet address is: , and this being the brutal senseless horrific treatment that I received at an automotive stereo installation place in Oaklyn, New Jersey, USAESMWG, called at the time, “SUBURBAN RADIO”, I believe this HM (History-Marker) has been messed with by the usual main way of doing it, changing names, but in any case, let me tell you the story now again, and just exactly how it fits so perfectly and is so evenly cosmically balanced with what is going on right now on this first third part of the April 2012 month of these present times.

I changed cars or else I had wanted some stereo upgrade in my car, I admit I forget, and even forget the exact time, but think it was around the time that was just shy of the great blizzard of New Jersey in the early spring of 1993 about 14 months or so before I moved and returned for my final 3rd time living in good old 'WILL-I-AM-ST-OWN', NJUSAESMYG, MacAfee, Stacey, Stacey again, admittance to ownership, yes, I break the word down so you can see these unmissable and mega monster ass powerful symbols that are all going on here and all throughout my hellish, outlandish, and unfathomable life.

I was told after the job was finished for no reason or cause whatsoever, not to ever come back, that they do not want me as their customer. I had done nothing but sit quietly reading magazines in their waiting area while this installation work was being done, I did not complain about their exuberant prices and they were folks, I did nothing other than bring them a 200 dollar install job. For no reason, discernable in this world of the natural anyway, this was said to me by the owner of the joint after I paid for it and was shown to my car outside. I was given no explanation. I was told that the cassette tape that was jammed into the old player was ruined. That is it, it was not a matter of changing cars, just stereos, as a tape had jammed permanently into the mechanism. At this point I was rancid and nuclear, I had done nothing to warrant this blatantly brutal evil treatment. On top of this, they said the old unit is kept by them to keep prices down, they can use the parts in some recycling system that some other shops as well as themselves had made some agreement together to do. I was refused my old tape and told it was ruined beyond repair, I knew it wasn't and I knew it was why I was being told to “GET LOST FOREVER”. On this tape, as Jason Forrest and Aquarius Records both know only too well from around 6-9 years ago somewhere; was Donna Adrian Gaines singing her version of the songs from the Broadway hit musical 'HAIR'. Then some dance tunes were on there after this, and no more music was on that side of the tape. However, on the flip side, without the song of course as I just recently recorded that right here in Florida in April of 2012, and added in the long intro opening part before the music began to play; but this was the little edit laugh job from material I all ready had for several years and some dating all the way back into the very early nineteen eighties, such as the song done on that little keyboard from the Wal-Mart, titled, “657 BLUES”. It might have been bought at the Deptford Mall Macy's Store, a mile or less down the road from the great HADDONWOOD SWIM AND HEALTH CLUB, owned by tony Zenun. In any event ladies and gentlemen, this tape was quite obviously listened to and it caused me to get that horrendous mother fucking hostile reaction right before the great blizzard of '93. These things all belong to me, and I can do what I want with them, so FUCK YOU. I do not need your crummy instal services, I left them and went to the CIRCUIT CITY OF DEPTFORD,A also down the street from both the mall, and also MACY'S and HADDONWOOD, so HA-HA-TEE-HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still why did that cause so much friction? Well, I tried doing it again last fucking cunt Thursday evening from the Avalon Recording Studio in {Port Saint Lucie, Florida, USAESMWG, and wow, the next two days were off the scales persecution. So just who is so pissed off, and why? Mommy, you will answer to Jehovah for keeping these abominable secrets from your own flesh and blood, so I ask if any support group exists like AA, only for those with parents who love to stab their own children in the back, the front, and any other place they may deem fit, for unknown reasons. I all ready know that there are no such groups, nor will anyone out here be willing to tell me where such a place of comfort may in fact be in my local area. I tried talking put these things with the Harvest, and Eric, and the list goes on. The only nice person in the entire bunch was the wonderful black girl from the SAFE SPACE. She believed my horrible plight, and genuinely took pity on me and wanted to biota help me and keep me safe in case these horrible family members strike with gas cans or other mental and psychic tortures.


It is time to post this up and try and relax with my favorite television show, what else, but “Law & Order”.

I have said this before and it is a promise. Anyone out here who can get to the bottom of why this all happened to me since the late nineteen sixties, and bring me court ready evidence of the greatest injustice ever perpetrated on a single individual in the fucking history of human kind in this entire present ice age cycle, and I will make you a billionaire in three years, I will give you powerful; secret knowledge, and you can try it out first and make your first ten million, then if you want the real money, then fork fucking over my information. THANK YOU, PAT, from 80 and 69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE-YO.


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