Monday, April 30, 2012






I would say Sunday was 'another' super mother fucking BOTBAR day, but it would not accurately reveal a deeper and realer truth. Since August 15th, 1986, every cock sucking cunt lapping mother fucking jerked off day is basically a mother fucking botbar day peeps. That as they say, Miss Whalehicks, is that, dinners with the Priceline Negotiator of the real future, notwithstanding. LITTLE FUCKING SILICON BABIES ARE ON MY SCREEN AGAIN. Fortunately for fucking ass me, they are not in it as they are many times, and cannot be wiped out with my finger. How I envy you all, livers in total darkness and ignorant bliss, the gods how I envy all the fuck of you. As with all my blogs from now on, we will not be beating around the bush for one miserable fucking second about EXPLORATRONS. If you read these words here, but did not check out this recent time travel situation with the great GOOGLE WOMO peeps, well, why then bother to read these words at all, paper squares? Even after posting all I have posted, NOTHING FUCKING WORKS ANYMORE, NOT WITH ME, ONLY WITH THE FUCKING CUNT EVIL ASS EMPIRE, NEVER WITH MY RIGHTEOUS EMPIRE, N—E—V—E—R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those turds, the Philly Flyers Hoickey Team beat my DEVILS. Every cock sucking thing with me since the seventies, this git bag spiritually dead cock knocking no good dick head prick, has fucked me on. He took over all the beauty contests because he knows I enjoyed watching them and no longer will, as I want nothing to do with this evil fucking rotten ass bastard. He has taken over the GONG-HIGONG-GONG, NBC Network with all his fucking evil ass stupid shit that peeps just love for reasons that amaze, astound, and mystify me in ways not describable ever. He fucked with Donna and my nickname for her in the start of the 80's, calling that ugly black tub of his, PRINCESS. His casino was the only one in 1986 in Atlantic City who ever called me over to the commission booth to have me tell them exactly what I do when I play roulette, despite never winning any large sums of money, normally two bucks was my hit abnd I was out. He knew somehow, not to get on that helicopter that day in late 89 or early 90, when it crashed with his team aboard it. He was instrumental in blackmailing somebody to do a dead that led to her distant cousins death within 2 or 3 years. The list goers on and on. I had endless car problems of a very spurious nature whenever he wanted the evil-trilogy to work in his favor and get me totally fried and fucked, this went on from 1986 and is ongoing still nearly 26 mother fucking years in the cock sucking dick eating future. When he opened up his Plaza in ACNJ, he totally had my car wrecked on my way down, and it was never the same, a real Dave Roth Zatman Music Store non drummers deal, if I do have to mother fucking say so my cunt eating self, folks!!!!!!! Now a mathematician reading this can believe I am a totally deluded grandiose psychotic in need of serious mental health care, and they would not be wrong. The only problem that I have with this diagnosis, of my complete GENERAL BREAKDOWN, SINCE AUGUST OF 1986, is that, with or without the great 'future' internet and YOUTUBE WEBSITE, the dirt ball behind my hell is indeed, one DJBT. I suppose I have lacking evidence to prove most of this, right down to the fact that I also believe that he paid a nice sum of loot to DJDS to create the HATE-PAGE about me, also on the internet, GOOGLE up, MARK WAYNE MOHR OF HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY. Oh, read all the comments. Am I the only one who also knows that this college shit head set me up at another recording studio, called Maxfield of Cherry Hill, so really, 1980 or not, just what is this thing about being TRAPPED in the FIELD, DONNIE BOY? I wish you would get fucking trapped in your sick twisted controlling nightmare, you rotten old ugly bastard. Getting back now however, to pure fucking ass mathematics and science and statistical fucking analysis, REALLY FOLKS, CAN EVERY SINGLE BIT OF THIS, ALL BE IN MY HEAD WITH THIS PILE OF SICK DISEASE, WHO PASSES HIMSELF OFF AS A HUMAN BEING? Let me take this fucking shit even further than that YO. I'll tell you one more note from back in Jersey from good old god dam roger, yeah, great name bud, that I never printed or told about. It's fucking high time, if for no other treason than to avenge Dawn's blood, as she was murdered cleverly by political forces in the state of New Jersey, once she completed the task she was given to do to and against me in 2008, but things don't fucking cunt stop there, not for a fucking ass long shot folks. You didn't really think I was going to mess with that fucking stupid ass shit last year, didja college clicker? You couldn't pay me fifty quadrillion dollars in fucking gold to do anything connected with you or your fucked up people or nutjerk-network, ass wipe. If you EVER, EVER, E-----V-----E-----R mess with or open up your mouth about, any Egg Harbor shit, or her secrets, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. Take this blog to your pals at the FEDS. I don't fucking care what you do, you've been told, Michelle, to quote my old coworker, now give me a moment to hurl and upchuck folks, YUK YUK, now for the Listerine gargle, and now we're back, and “in regular time” without being in any FIELDS. Where were all of you in 1979 when I needed you, H-2??????????????????? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITIT.

Yes GINA, I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PHILLIES WILL LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, THE FLYERS WILL WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN, AND THE DOJ JONES CROOKED STOCK MARKET WILL GO UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, RIGHT THROUGH INTERGALACTIC FUCKING SPACE AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as these dick head EXPLORATRONS endlessly have me to pick on and play with and persecute, basically said, I AM ONE FUCKING DEAD PERSON, DAVID ROTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are all ready dead, huh Barnabas, or Saint Hypnotized. The shit seems to fucking work either way BREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And either way, it is ugly, and it fucking ass stinks to high hell and back at light speed cubed.

For those not yet getting it, the internet is a tool, and like all tools, it is owned by the owners of the world, the WOMO, the dudes like Trump and those richer than him. They don't care about the money you know, they really don't, not when it all comes down to the full truths revealed at the end of the game. They want total control over the lives of me, and all of you out here as well, and they want you all to be nothing like me, but to remain ignorant sheep, or too timid to complain and speak out their hatred of injustices perpetrated on their slaves or us, by these wicked fucking masters, or them. No, I told all of you that the market would go back to record fucking highs and cross over and go right up to the stars, I gave some dates to be a funny man along with some wild prices, but in the end, I was dam close to being totally right, while all you dummies out here were scared of a crash and selling off like fools. I know how this fucking game is played because I am in with these players. Not in with them on this realm, we coexist on the Astral Plane, and I know this cult called the Briggbase Minority of the GMC (Great Millionth-Council). The reason I am so connected here and have so many run ins with this group that all agreed to come here and do this entertainment world shit with no awake or conscious memory of it while here, is because out there in the real energy realms, or the subatomic true reality or ASTRAL-PLANE, I am totally battling these ass holes, and am as connected with them and their evil cult of traveling trouble makers, as one could ever get. Fire is a powerful tool, and McGuire has machines and secret knowledge on that rotten street of his, as did his fucked up daddy before him, and so forth. He has all the state of New Jersey right in his miserable evil fucking pocket. They stole my website cleverly, they wrongfully refused to refund my 2009 state income tax money that was due me when I moved down here to Florida, and filed in the early spring of twenty-Marola-ten, and I could literally go on and on and on, making the list read like the length of Moby dick, War and Peace, and Morianity up to this point, all spliced fucking together. Don't think I am exaggerating here with this, not for a second peeps. Well, you all wanna' be cute as piss squared? OK, Mister Hoseking, in any of your family identities, dogs on the roof and all over the radio station, future Mayor Levy JR. Games, games, and more games, this is what these EXPLORATRONS live to do, play their sick endless twisted games. Fine. So let me guess a few names and guests that are somehow all caught up with all of this hellish nightmare shit with me for so long now. Let's take an honest fort Pierce stab at a few things before I retire for the night and wake up to begin another wonderful and lovely new work week, brand new, only without any skates or keys, or forty-one lost years of general break down or nervous breakdowns.

So what's the scoop, Clark Kent? What's up doc? silwee wabbit, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I mean really folks, not just the Warner Brothers, but all of us, we all are pawns in the hands of advanced dreamers who know how to activate the ultimate time machines and mind control over all of humanity. There are no space aliens that are real, or time travelers, it is all a great parlor trick of EXPLORATRONIC ACTIVITY, this is gospel truth, take it, don't take it, SAWN YOU, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Pearl Harbor Day of 1996, 69 magical number days after I wrote the song called, “SARAH” from my apartment in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, called the “Highview”, where the great and lovely Paulaxploratron, paid me a visit witnessed by maintenance man Sam, only I to this day have only the memory of her ringing my bell, and then she was just gone and I lost twenty minutes of time, a real similar story of UFO encounters by so-called abductees. Yes, she came over about one month later around June 12th give or take. This all happened right after young punk Nick, gave my hubcap a smash up job outside of a psychic shop just a mile down the road from the HADDONWOOD SWIM CLUB of Deptford. This pattern in time is a wee bit too perfect to be just a bizarre random series of happenstance coincidences, in my book at least, and this blog, IS MY BOOK, YO! I am sick of this fucking key that hacks itself off. Let me retype. It was fucking 69 days since May 12th and December 7th in 1996, and then in 2008 when I bought my computer at the Staples Store, it was 69 days again that I was off the grid and not blogging. These looping digits are indeed quite fucking magical. Yes the great December the 7th in 1996 was the day that I woke up with a powerful bang at 5 in the morning, out of this, NOT ODF HACKER SCUM; but OF THIS powerful dreaming interaction, where SARAH KRASSLE said to me and I'll quote the All Mighty Goddess, “Let's play a game boy, guess the name of the guests”. We were out on Tennessee Avenue on a bright sunny warm day, and Mary Tyler Moore was standing on a balcony over looking the street, and was staying in a room at the Trinidad hotel, where Sarah Callio admitted to me shortly thereafter in February of 1997, that she indeed did swim at this hotel pool frequently as a young girl as she never swam in the ocean. I have not forgotten my super-soaker days and theories, or the three connect-points in some wild tri-gate warped FIELD, one being at the RPL Studios, one at the Karge Hotel owned by Estelle Andersen Bassler next door to Robert McGuire's Pittsburgh Hotel and Erin bar, and the third point being in the Cooley Hall of Haddon-(FIELD), New Jersey, all three points are in New Jersey, and the asterisk chemtrail was made up of three crisscrossing lines that had six points, the STAR OF KING DAVID, my 92nd great grand father in this family lineage, and on top of that, me as well, directly. Yes, I am my 91st great grandson. Here is Psalm 152, no music will be put to this at any time, you can hear Psalm 151 on my YT Channel. Title, “Deal with this Another Time”.

The hands of time as do the stars, race along, and for what? To bring me endless misery, endless agony?

Darkness surrounds me at every turn, no matter how the clock reads noon and the skies be clear of puff.

I wait for thing that I am supposed to do. I long for the time that my god says well done faithful servant, come back into my great city and to my great party, with exquisite colorful brilliant lights all around everywhere, and happiness abounds, laughter, no sign of disaster. I long for you and wish to be no more attached to this world of bleakness and enemies at every turn, hungry for my soul, thirsty for my blood. Oh Jehovah my lovely one true god, I will never let you out of my sight, we belong together as one and I will promise in return to never be a shellfish. I will be your great fish, great and worthy of your infinite all powerful divine love. I will do what you ask me, then please, take me back home to be with only you, the only one I will ever love.

When the spirit leads me, I will type in Psalm #153. For right now, the topic continues regarding this fantastic encounter where the All mighty told me she wanted to play this incredible game. Mary Tyler Moore was standing on a balcony that never existed in this world. There never were any balconies facing the street here, only the pool. Right after I blogged in 2006, that one of the girls in Sarah Callio's gang told me if I told my mom about what happened in room #323, that she would pick me up and throw me off the balcony to my death. This giant teen could have made good her threat, she was well over six feet and well muscled. I was under four and a half feet, skinny, flabby, and weaker than most four year old's, at age 12 and a half. This is shy both my mother and I took one very large secret to our graves without ever telling the other about it. I never told about the gang r the threat or the rape in the room, she died ignorant of that; as she only knew that Tom Reale had molested me sexually, in late June and early July of 1970 on Cornwall Avenue, in Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG. But she kept a doozie secret from me, and gave me that wild hypothetical daughter every time I up set her in the nineties. She also told me that she didn;t care that she would not be a grandmother. Nobody says shit like that to an only son, not a mother alive. She knew she all ready had a lovely granddaughter, oh well, now at least I know she had one as well. Let's go out and purchase a Hyundai car, like DUH!!!!!!!!



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