Sunday, March 4, 2012



DATFILE: 030412.927.55555555







At the risk of rivers running away with my mind, becoming lost in the fourth dimension, or thinking that I know what life is about when in fact I do not know my diddly squat dirty ass from a freaking hole in the ground; let me just tell a few things before I am soon murdered, as the handwriting is quite blatantly on the mother freaking wall folks. No mother freaking human being can take this much unrelenting bull manure, it would cause anybody's death, and this is the motive and the goal of the filthy sick demonic WOMO ENEMY, this is obvious to a brain broken monkey at C-Squared.

Ann King never sent anything to me, and is playing a huge game. I cannot get anyone to send me my music, I have tried. The few things that I ever ask anyone for help with, including my own bastard mother, they never try to go out of their way a single freaking ounce to help me. All they do is play gamers with me and lair to me and treat me like I am a pierce of filthy diseased garbage. They all think I am deranged and sick. Well, if I am sick, why don't you want to ever help me? See the huge flaw in all of your theories, MOM??????????????????????????????

The minute I posted up the prior blog, the sky became a thick checkerboard of the worst CHEMTRAIL SIEGE that I ever saw in my entire life, be it in the skies of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or Florida. My heart and bowels were effected and I got quite ill. I will be dead and gone shortly, and be rid of these dick heads, but let me tell you that Timeless Satellite has indeed heard the one who built it, maybe the me in this exact signature of atomic reality did not, but some other more successful version of me in hyperspace did, and they came back here in transdimensional technology, and did all the things, including put this entire solar system here. You kn ow, fuck you if you don't believe me, that is your privilege, your right, and whether you realize this or not, your problem and your eventual funeral.

The nature forces that exist as they do, is an illusion. On this physical plane of existence, energy moves things around. On top of that, the mind or the 6th dimension is fixed to operate and 'play the cosmic game' in certain pre-determined ways. The PAWM-PIE-ETTOS is merely one small part inside a huge larger picture that exists in the realm of the subatomic, many more religious folks say, the 'spirit world'. On this realm, what we as is-ness of being become one and the same thing instantly with our 6th dimensional connectiveness or our thoughts abnd feelings and emotions, which are much more amplified on this Astral Plane in the subatomic realm.

I do not live all around 'PEOPLE' who hate me and want to do me in, but the illusion that this is so, is powerful, just as looking out to sea and it is totally visually obvious that if you go out too far, you'll fall off of the edge of the Earth. Illusion is KING, not you Dawn and family. You go anyway, oh great cleaning fluid, with any voice, or in any Chevy Truck. In the nineteen seventies, the Briggbase and the Lambrigg Cult of the Astral Plane, made contact with me indirectly and made me believe a powerful illusion that they thrust right into my face, the illusion that I am behind electronic-metaphysics and can control it in my human form from the waking Earth world. This is a lie, it is all a fucking cunt total deception and one of Satan's hugest Uncle lies yet, right up there with telling Jehovah in her then human identity of my 61st grandfather's uncle, the son of a carpenter, loved or not, Mister Joseph Carpenter of Nazareth. In olden days, careers of a family, generated most last names, and then sons many times quite literally took the name a step father from say Baker to Baker's son or Bakerson. The name Jesus however was planned in my family line for more than 3,000 years now. Still, it really was not, it will be planned and all sent into reverse from an advanced spin off of the world Laboratories of 2290, in New Jersey, just as Mister Roddenberry all ready seemed to know about after my chance encounter with my daughter a quarter century ago now. All of this can be further harped on at later times on later blogs, folks, YO.

Now it is time to tell a powerful thing, and it will be believed by a small group of my readers, because deep down in their groaning freaking spirit, they'll hear a voice telling them in a sort of inner wisdom, that there is really no denying my words of wisdom, so let it be. CHEMTRAILS are the UFO phenomenon, this is all one and the same thing. First of all, anything not known or recognized or identifiable by a ground onlooker, is indeed as the very word implies, UNIDENTIFIED. Also, none of the posters of videos or owners of websites pertaining to CHEMTRAILS seem to know that they were around and bad, around my area, from December of 1987, right on into the middle nineties when they all claim to know it began, and this is just not the case. Even saying that it began in late 1987 is not accurate. I saw a giant CHEMTRAIL over the Westmont and Haddonfield, New Jersey area, in December, somewhere in the middle of the month or earlier, in the year of 1969. It was a three way perfect asterisk CHEMTRAIL, where three jets criss-crossed together at perfect 120 degree angles, creating this awesome gorgeous thing that had the entire Camden county staring and looking up, and my lovely friend Donna would put it so eloquently in following years on her great music. Now this thing was not just there people. It followed a major powerful DREAM given to me by the ALL MIGHTY GOD OF YOUR WORLD, she goes by SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and why anyone calls this wonderful energy being by the stupid name of 'god' when there are billions of other gods but all put together, none or all, would be any comparison to this lovely being that is not describable. Still, SHE came to me in a dream and took a motorcycle chain away from me and said that SHE needed it for HER great city, I am quoting HER from this unspeakable dream that nearly drove me as insane as the next one that came more than a decade later in the first week of the month of June in 1980, about 125 and a half months in the future. The World Laboratories in the future exist in the same space where back in the nineteen sixties, the Haddon Hills Apartment Complex existed and still does today in 2012, in Westmont, New Jersey, USAESMWG. I lived at Apartment number 125, in the A apartment, each number block had A,B,C, and D, a total of four apartments in them. This coincidence and clue tells me it is not a random happenstance, it is another just too perfect thing here like Welch Grape Juice and PCN's of the great kitty cat GAGA. I do not know all things about Gawky Gaukauk, but I do know he respects anything that is abler to fly and told me as much, and whether he was 'born that way' or not, remember, my blogs about Gawky were up on the internet in 2006 and 2007, quite some time before the great 'lady' came along. Cool puzzle anyway, Mister Welch, you make the best juice in the world in my opinion, my daughter of course enjoys the Cranberry juice. Moving this on and back on point with CHEMTRAILS appearing in the skies of this planet before the nineties and the YOU-TUBE came to be, this 1969 one was a doozie, it was a beauty queen of a CHEMTRAIL, and I only wish I had my 16 millimeter movie camera on that day, but my pal, the perfect Bruce Allen Pennock of 2 Beaver Drive, in Barrington, New Jersey in the early nineteen-seventies; had not bought his yet, nor let me borrow it yet. I call this the great ASTERISK CHEMTRAIL OF 1969. This chemtrail followed me from a powerful dream, just as all of life seemed to also follow me from a powerful dream on the night of August the 15th in 1986, 17 and a half years later. 17 is one of Sarah-Stacey's very favorite numbers, along with 7, 12, 23, 40, 70, 1000, and 144000. These all have unknown powerful meanings for this wonderful awesome being that Christians call Jehovah. To my knowledge, before I came along, the last person visited personally by SSJK, was Joseph Smith. This is a huge story in itself and no time exists right now tonight to even begin doing any real justice to it, so we'll save the topic for a future blog text.

Now before the start of CHEMTRAILS in late 1987 and before the one isolated asterisk one known about by me in late 1969, a long period went by where there was no activity from this UFO phenomenon. However, late in the 19th century in-between the Civil war and close to the beginning of the 20th century, there are a few photographs taken, and yes, up in the sky, were CHEMTRAILS. Now, this will not be talked about further for a little while. I will say that when I need to use these horrible things to transport myself through time, I do. However, doing this is hazardous to the health. Certain folks such as myself need to begin right about now to think of ourselves as retired astronauts from the NASA Program. After a certain maximum limit of time in space due to radiation's harmful effect on biological cellular structure without the inclusion and connection into cyborg technologies a thousand years from now in most parallel worlds, as Streisand and Summer would put it in their early 1980 song so well and accurately, “Enough is enough is enough”, I agree with you, ladies. You have timed out as well, Ding-man, so rather than leave my grand-kids fatherless, please stop messing around with this chem-box. Many wonder what a chem-box is. Well, I do not have the time to get into this right now, but will later on. Some out here all ready know why me life was thre4atened that hot early August day in 1996 in egg Harbor, New Jersey, and Turnersville, New Jersey. Some may know a little bit about Sherri-Lee Pote and the Saturn Automobile and why she was so diligent and persistent in selling my a car that day, so se could get the magic box hidden in the Saturn car.

I hope you are not angry at me for anything P. I know you were really sick as a dog the last time we spoke on the telee. I will be working all day over the next three days at my hell hole job, and have a lot of local errands to run as well, so I hope towards the end of the week to hear from you.

In closing this out tonight peeps, let me say that all things are on the blogs. The early blogs are on the website. The URL connections after typing this in, are either “theansweristheqyuestion, or drunkenrussell, I believe. I am no computer geek, so all I know is that if you Google up BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN or KING NEBNOOSHOO, shit will pop up from the old blogs, and from there you can access shit all the freaking way back into 2006, with the OLD TESTAMENT of the original MORIANITY BIBLE. These words at the start of all the blogging, match word for word, what is on the 1995 tapes that later on, one was sent to the United States Copyright Office around early into 1997 somewhere from my home on Harvard Avenue, in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, where Paula King used her mighty Exploratronic powers of somnambulism, to enter my mother's dream, using waking human mortal language, and after that, my mom never was the same from the moment she woke up until the day that she died in early March of 2000 after 26 months of tortured suffering, from something no health care professional anywhere could ever get top the root cause of, but we know what happened, right PEEKAY?????????????????????? Where is my commercial, I love seeing you, my love. 1969 and 1996, wow, Mayan Pee and Harry Callas inverted Phillies Champions digits, can the clues jump out any better than these synchronizations, Mister James Redfield, YO??????????????????

I KNOW WHAT I KNOW, SSJKK, DO NOT BE MAD AT ME, I WOULD NEVER DARE CLAIM TO RULE YOUR EMPIRE, NOR THAT IO KNOW THAT I KNOW. The clues are all there, and I can follow them, my brown eyed Goddess Scylla. I am so sorry for being a shellfish so often, disappointing you and not obeying you. I know this is shy you had your distant cousins kidnap me in 2008, I know what you wanted me to do and I disobeyed, and wow, it became Jonah City 4 me, like dog, when am I ever gonna' learn that you are the boss? I'll always love you in my own special way here on this Earth, Scylla, you know that, 880-880-880.


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