Monday, March 12, 2012



DATE AND TIME FILE: 031212.975







© 2006-2012 MWM/MWM/BOM/MF-2


In the near future, this computer will merely exist to produce my journal for me and only me, no more postings onto this internet or outside world of eight billion totally blind people, who have no desire at all to ever wake up, thus they will exist endlessly in hell and not ever even know it, as none of them are named Mark Minor from Princeton, New Jersey in 1966. I know when to say fucking UNCLE.

This blog will tell a true tale of recent powerful transdimensional experiences that are taking place in my life and not being done at all by me. This has all been done TO ME. Also, at just past three, at the doctor's office today, a super loud HELICOPTER ATTACK STRUCK ME. Other than for this the skies are relatively quiet recently, just this and that airplane that coincided with those church bells playing the hymn called, “This is my Fathers' World”. In physical truth I am a runt, but I would never know it, as things gfo right over everybody else's head, fsheu, it is beyond amazing. It seems that a problem existed in the computer program over at the studio back on the evening of March the first. RI told me early this evening over the telee that it never went up and from now on he will check and never just assume it posted if we shoot something up onto the YOU TUBE SITE. Well, do not hold your breath folks for an apology to anybody, because I know this was not part of a parallel universe, or what you might call something remembered from a dream. I KNOW it was right here in this waking world right here, that I viewed all 8 videos, I saw the word 8 videos, and I saw the orange color in the background on the song from 1980 called, “THE MORNING LIGHT”. It was up there, yet RI said it never got up there. When things like this happen, no matter how many Steve Hawking or other so-called science geniuses out there say, I totally know that someone or SOME SHATNER PRICELINE BOSTON LEGAL TREK THING, Mister Rock Equation of 2007 blogs of Mountainpen; IS PLAYUING AROUND WITH TIME TRAVEL. Let me tell you why nobody came to your party, Steve Hawking, and why nobody seemingly helped me when I buried countless time capsule soda bottles back in 1986 with HELP-ME messages inside of them. You will not believe this, but I'll tell it to the world anyway right now tonight, and nobody can stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY DID come back, but they made stuff worse, they did not help me, they looped a problem worse like an endlessly feeding back audio signal. Just as in these science channel documentaries, of course no one can ever go back into reverse time and remain atomically in the same dimension. When movement in time, forward or backward, at any rate or speed, is done; it readjusts both the 4th as well as the 5th dimension. If you killed your grandfather as the paradox goes, this was not the grandfather that was biologically atom-precisely responsible for creating you. It may weaken you, it may cause a cancer gene, or a million possibilities, but you will not vanish or whatever. This world is back in the cave days in their knowledge about this stuff. I am not bragging, but my hell is all about being directly involved with this crap for a very long 'time' now. If you could remember all of your dreams, Steve, you would remember that indeed, you and your science friend all enjoyed one hell of a party. There is a simple reason no one will listen to my words, and my mom said it after he was resuscitated from being flat line dead for a half hour over at Kennedy Hospital in Stratford, New Jersey back late in 1997. She said, you don't belong here Mark, you are from far ahead of this place, go home, this was an accident. Now if this is not creepy squared to have your fucking mother die, get brought back, and have these as the first words out of her lips, then what is mother fucking creepy folks, or is it that she knew this powerful truth for the first minute back here in her waking wife? You all quite obviously know what I believe, you go right ahead and believe whatever you want to, as soon, there will be no more of this posting, just a saved onto disc journal, and a back up on a free website when I get my friend and computer guru Carla over here next week, YO. This stops right here my peeps. I only did all of this because I was told by Chris and Ed that it would be the fucking answer to all of my problems, and all it managed to mother fucking do folks is exacerbate the shit a million times fucking over, YO.

My blogs on the first original site at that can be accessed at any GOOGLE by typing in KING NEBNOOSHOO and clicking on any pre-December 2011 blog that pops up on numerous pages, and then when inside there, you can navigate into any of the 6 or so years of blogs, even dumb little me can do this, so I know none of you will have a problem, but in many blogs of 2008, you will see if you carefully scrutinize the entire thing, how forces began coming together in a cosmic family that is ten thousand plus years old on this Earth. One of the powerful interactions involved my being in the house of Mariah Carey when she was only a small toddler, and seeing horrible unpleasant fights and people running after each other up a set of stairs, and it was no friendly game of tag. I refer to it on these old blogs as the SCG or the Stair Chase Game. Within less about a year and a half or so, she was suddenly in that movie called PRECIOUS, get it and see for yourself how this fits together with no chance of any coincidence here about anything. I am only telling truths, I did not initiate all three things. I did not initiate her dad visiting me at Haddonwood in the middle nineties, 'step IMHO', I did not initiate the dreams, the 1997 one where she sang the “Wanna Spend My Time” song to me right before the KJ McAllister deal in Somerdale at the death house of horrors, the dream shortly thereafter with the two letters sent to me with nothing inside them, and then all the dreams eleven years later on oh-eight. Finally, I did not initiate the complex maze of her distant cousins all making this outrageous and unfathomable plan to get me living with them at Judge Raso's Hammonton home near the Wal-Mart store on Middle Road, and believe me the great Pope B-16 knows this entire story and checked it all out for himself, before publishing a major article from the Vatican that many religious leaders worried might lead to the eventual end of the Catholic religion. This is how big all of this is, but folks will not even make the small attempt or effort to believe me, even calling me a fucking liar. To this I take major fucking offense, as what would I have to gain by making up a story that makes me sound like a total fucking space cadet, think about that folks???????????????????Every single thing that is happening before and after 20078, all has its base and roots ***** IN 2008*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This much I do know, Mister Steve Hawking. No, you did not 'miss one hell of a party', not in your full 5th dimensional self, but am I ripping off old Richie Ryan Highlander here, by making that bold statement one may be left to ponder?

One minute I am being too direct. The next minute I learn that peeps who I think are reading my story have no clue what I'm talking about. I am left to wonder very simply people, TELL ME HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO WIN, oh I forgot, I'M NOT, DAVE ROTH!!!!!! Look, I would love to come right out and tell why I chose to do the song called, “CHEMTRAILS”, I thought people were a little bit more with it, only to find that indeed,, they get the government that they deserve, because they really are not smart at all. They look for words in a blog to take offense at and don't care in the least about the power house message that the blog is trying to tell that just may in all gods honesty, save their own children and grand children from a fate equal to any sci-fi horror film. Look, Whitney Houston was a great person and a great vocalist. She married a total dirt bag who got her on crack cocaine. This is what ruined her voice. Other people had their voices ruined by CHEMTRAILS. How obvious need I be, WAKE THE FUCK UP FOLKS.

I am not doing all of this because I enjoy the sound of my own keyboard clicking away, Jesus Fucking Christ, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for the 8th video, it will be properly posted on the 5th when I am back at the studio, but this is only the beginning. I for one would not wanna' be living in the tornadic zones around this time. I must do what I must do, I am not enjoying one dam bit of this, Admiral Whalespock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well folks it is ten past midnight and time for me to get ready to crash out. Soon, unless you go to my website of you will not be reading any more of the BOM, BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN. On this site will be videos, music, the continuing blog, and for a while it will be public. When I decide things are at a point where I need to keep special stuff both safe as well as private, then it will not be accessible. Toddles folks!!!!


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