Friday, March 16, 2012





© 2006-2012 BOM/MF-2/MWM/MWM


OK, this is a SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR ATTACKM A MAJOR SATANIC ATTACK OR ATTACK BY TRHE WORLD, OR HIOWEVER ANYONE MAY FEEL COZY IN VOCABULARY, USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO DESCRIBE MY SHIT EATING NEVER ENDING HELL. This mother fucking basketball shit is beyond fucking annoying with this fucking MARCH SADNESS, it has always been for me, SADNESS, never fucking MADNESS, and October and March are two months every year that always mother fucking end up being the ones that do me in. DAVID ROTH AND MYSELF WATCHED THIS FUCKING SHIT YEAR AFTER BLOODY YEAR AFTER BLOODY FUCKING YEAR, FROM 1986 THROUGH THE TIME OF HIS DEATH VIA HIS MASONIC ENEMIES in the first week of MARCH SADNESS in the year of 2002. When something starts in a certain way, and goes on that way, it is considered to be a hard thing to break, like a chain with every ling strong as shit. MARCH started out for me as a lot more than the time of designing wild speed boats named after eclipses, it also represents great losses, so I can surely expect it to always be a month of great sadness and loss for me, if that is a loss is destined to come. Well I had a talk with my cat GAGANU or Gawky, or whatever Bob Andrews of Oak Street in 1975, in HHNJUSAESMWG of the Albert Pileggi Music Band, where he sang great vocals in at this time, listen to him by clicking on the YOU-TUBE button and then KING NEBNOOSHOO in their search bar, and the name of the video I put up there is called, “LONG RIVER BLUES”, he was kind enough, for a small fee, to sing this for me, and the only copied that survived my trip to Florida and my escape from the dish Detergent King, unfortunately is ruined because it is a dub-over with my lousy voice singing over the original demo done at the Maxfield Recording Studio near the old Garden State Race Track at route 70, in REAL GOOD Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, on April the 30th in the year 1980. Speaking of REAL GOOD stuff, I made another sampled copy of Lois Foca last night, it is erased out again, my daughter would murder me if I used that piece of her to sing a song that bizarre, despite in the form that She really is, SHE knows totally well, the story is all true and that SHE sings this to many many many times at the great Monolazarium Square in HER Great City of Sahasra Dal Kanwal. Sure enough, sorry about the tornado. Oh well, maybe not sorry, not after this fucking shit that the fucking ass MILITUFORCE pulled today with me. I only did this because I needed to hear Her sing this to me, I always am very careful, and I only use my headphones. Nobody ever hears anything, or do they?, as I was told by the Condor/Falcon Club folks that any kind of speaker, ANY KIND, can become a transmitter, and even the greatest law TV show of all times, attests to this as a fact, in one of their episodes done more recently as opposed to a show with a twenty plus year run, wow. Anyway as with the tape made in the hypothetical Carnegie Hall to illustrate in prior blog texts; remembering ones dreams with clarity and accuracy; if this was transmitted, it will not be even with their teck, pirate ready material, also, I memorized the codes and never keep anything, other than what the world now has, DUH, but they do not have this little thing Zvonko gave me that I used in 1980 that poor Donna hated so much, and said so in that news interview, yes, I caught that, girl. I was 'online' in 1985 at Highview Apartments in WILL-I AM-ST-OWN, NJUSAESMWG; and the ATT peeps know it quite well, and keep a tight lip about it, but they know. As for my talking about this strange medical technician, one person has figured this all out and has slipped a note under my door in lieu of internet public hatter, smart move; asking me to explain the MP girl at the Harvest last summer time, who was not destined to live unless she could become the goddess that SHE really is, I speak of SKY of course, and not the Quakertown girl that if I spelled her last name, peeps would think it is a racial slur so I won't print it. All I can tell you is that there is indeed one special place where she does live and is very happy as a medical and laboratory technician, she is twenty seven years old when she and I spoke that day, and I intentionally did those things for reasons beyond human reasoning. Let me go grab a glass of water. OK, I am back and am on regular time of course, and all joking aside, no the tornadoes will just have to do their thing. Stopping me from doing shit over at PSL won't stop any of this, WOMO assholes. All I need to do is use cheap ten dollar stuff, once sound from sources that are transdimensional come out of one tape recorder and get taped into another one, it is run for fucking cover time. Oh well, at least you won't be seeing any UFO time tracks AKA chemtrails while underground in the freaking shelter, YO, learn as SHE says and has taught me over the fast few years, to see the positives and laugh at stuff, funny or not. Still, we disagree on the STG. You are a far better and stronger person than me, MI, sorry about what I did, but you know I know what happened, and am shocked that you too do not want to speak out about this, but no I am not stupid, I know exactly why you don't. You rock no matter what you do, and you know I'm always in your corner Brown Eyes. Still, I know you set all of this up in an atomic reverse, just as Interstate 95 north is really south in reverse parallel polarity universes, so where is the Star Trek and the movie Mirror/Mirror's when you really need one of them in your darn life, YO? So I turn left off of this road and get to GRANT, G-R-A-N-T, am I being honest here, Copyright Office Examiners? No it is not possible to travel in reverse time, only forward in a reverse atomic polarized field, which in effect when said traveler moves back into their original local areas of hyperspace, they will in fact appear to have traveled extra fast in reverse. Clever little parlor trick, huh Patrick???????? Are you going to let them fuck me over again with more B-BALL next week? This is ridiculous, why can't these sports fans have their mother fucking channels, and those who may not be all that huge a fan, have ours? Jeese Louise Congy Fonty Mack Kaiter of Northeast Maryland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You all have heard it said that a little knowledge is dangerous. Well, we all are destined to have a little knowledge, due to the double horizon barrier. The more we come to learn, the more we start to see that so much more is yet to discover that we were clueless about. We all will always be in the category of a little knowledge, and the human race will always be as Ollie North said in Chemtrails of 1987, the year, not the U-T video, 'DANGEROUS'. Probably this was the only thing he told the special Congressional committee of these times in the autumn of 1987, that resembled the Truth; while he sat there taking the fall for, and lying for, his great friend; President Ronald Reagan. I remember this shit from my residence at 1700 Woodlyn Avenue in Woodlyn, New Jersey, USAESMWG, like ten mother fucking minutes ago my friends and my fiends. But let us return now to the topic of Jessica Grant, Grant Avenue off of 95, and my second non-coming, trip to Florida, since my daughter became a teenager. She lied about me and told my peeps at the AARP that I was a shirking lazy worthless bum, threw water on myself to make it look like I was working hard and sweating profusely, and many other total lies. She hated me ever since we met, for reasons that she knows, and my daughter knows, but neither will share with me. No more notes under my door please, call me on the phone, my number is listed if you call the freaking 411 system. The wrong person is going to get a hold of one of these things someday, I do not even keep digital sampling codes not even stored with heavily password protected systems on my PC, the FEDS and FISA proved to me all ready that they not only will break in as they did when I was at the park years ago, but they will damage your shit and think it's fucking funny. This is not out daddy's Oldsmobile Captain Priceline Buttwipe, nor is it our free country. This has been taken over by the CHEMTERAILERS, the UFO CONTROLLERS, and on and on, stop living in the fucking naïve past folks, you are fools if you do, and you are murdering your children.

Yes I asked GAGANU or kitty cat Gawky today, why I'm under this fucking pre Saint Patty Day hell siege and death pummel, abnd the number revealed to me via a normal set of playing cards was GAWNUM ROOT #82, a powerful and very apropos number, especially with a cheated manipulated mother fucking Dow Jones Stock Market up near 13-2. I TOLD YOU,M I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, EVERYBODY, I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, I TOLD FUCKING YOU GINA MY LOVELY QUEENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO, DO NOT LISTEN TO WHITTLE WEHTAHD ME FOLJKS, DERR, I'M TOO DUMB TO KNOW ANITIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those who know, know the shit that works out to fucking Private Cosmicoded Number 826, the code that is derived from the root GAWNUM of good old freaking number-82, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't waste the worlds' time writing it all in the blog. DJIA is one of them, and all the others are every bit as fucking powerful peeps, YO. All that I am able to struggle to get in paper roulette during this horrific fucking siege is an average of half of one unit profit per day over the past three days, still, the previous 5 games played over the previous eight days before that were averaging me 4+ units, in-between coming off my prior siege of three aerial weeks of death persecution, and now again here we go, yet I at least do profit. When this stops eventually, I could go to the casino and make a lot of fucking ass quiet nice money and just keep my fucking ass mouth shut, too bad no roulette is around here yet, but it is coming folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

The topic I want to address now is a pure revenge tactic in my rat-tat-football new age times that sprout from olden days of new blogs back in oh-Marola-6 and oh-Marola-7. I thought that was Misses M who called and said, “Hi Mark in the fall of 2009, and I mean the FALL, as well as the autumn, as I indeed took a fatal header fall, without being beached by Egg Harbor's finest, & AKA Leticia Tilley the great. Let's keep flying under the radar, I will be checking on you soon, Paula King, and yes, as Whitney said so well, IWALU-990. Still, I need to move quickly on now and just break open the surface to something that most definitely will be further examined and explored by me in upcoming future blogs in much more detail. Some 'New-Agers' that are still alive and well, and this movement was MILITUFORCE crushed by using their OPS-911 back ten plus years ago; but for the few remaining fans of the New Age and its revelations, with many great authors such as Goldberg, Castaneda, and Redfield being just three randomly selected out of many more; there is a subject called LOSS. This as with many things, is a bit misunderstood in current times, and I can make this claim because I have seen many parallel universe future's, and know how a basic knowledge advancement will bring humanity to something far beyond what it is aware of as of yet, this is in universes that peeps get together, organize, and fight off and wipe out the MILITUFORCE that planes to destroy this world and its entire civilization. The irony that my kid knows all this too and yet needs to do what She is doing for reasons I am not able to tell the world right now in total detail, and thus will deny all this is asked about it; but this irony is that in universes where SHE does decide it is more important to join the fight against this force, we all get to live on past this century, instead of dying off in a mass extinction of plagues that no amount of medical breakthroughs, nurses, doctors, or lab technicians can ever prevent. I do know all of the major branch offs in humanity time-lines, sorry if this steals your spotlight, Mizz Whoopee Gynan Karue. I tell truth Mister Chen, girls for money, give me a break. Is this where I need to retype the words SOSO-WEIN? Let me talk now about this occult thing called LOSS, and in the scientific worlds of Quantum Physics, it is referred to as Hawking Information Loss. In the occult circles, peeps have for centuries come to know that what modern day world medical folks call brain diseases such as Early Onset Alzheimer Disease, is sort of all related and really the very same thing, merely perceived one way by one group of folks, and another way by the other group of folks, YO. Loss in the occult world is when peeps soul trip around so to speak, it is called Astral Projection by the Robert Monroe Fan Club of the middle and late 20th century peeps, and also has other names ranging from bi-location states of consciousness control, dream-travel, even soul travel, this last title claimed in ownership by the famous religion of sound and light known as ECKANKAR, and maybe this is true, many do use it and have for a long time, as they as well do, this is a judgment not for me, but for the Copyright people someday I suppose. The case studies have all been compiled by many private as well as institutional level researchers and numerous experimenters for a long time now. Some people have come back from dreams that were very wild and vivid, and in rare cases, the stories go along the lines of one wife walking out on her husband, as she was not willing to live with this 'stranger' who claims to be her husband. Things do happen like this, but the medical community insists on seeing things through careful experiments with everybody wearing bright white lab coats and the room is filled with machines, Bunsen burners, test tubes, electron-microscopes, and substances and apparatus of all conceivable types. All I know is that on the night of August 15th in 1986, something whack indeed happened to me after 'waking up' from a powerful 'whatever' CONGY. Also, you can lose, and you can GAIN. You can pick up stuff, things can be lost as well as things can follow you back from where you were just interacting. Hawking the great mind of the QM world, for a long time had a theory about information loss, and later after it was disproved by his very upset colleagues, he went onto realize indeed, that the truth is in the next higher dimension, the 5th one, just as you read about in the great Bruce Goldberg book called, “Timer travelers From Our Future”. This is a MUST GET-MUST READ books folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My next series of blogs, AS I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD ALL FUCKING HAPPEN, OTAMM and the MILI-2-FORCE ATTACKING ME BAD AGAIN, despite incredible continuing PUSSY-COMMAND; so when my next series of blogs go much deeper and further into powerful fucking elaborations regarding 'MOVING COSMIC INFORMATION' or MCI; and without any telephone companies; they will not spare the feelings of anyone that does not have the fucking ass stomach for this, so my advice is, 'DON'T READ IT', if you throw up too fucking ass easily, YO. Stuff is lost and gained through galaxy hearts. We need to have galaxy hearts, or the outer parts of galaxies would drift off and things could never support a carbon based life, this is not the way the sixth dimension is programming things, it wants to have one place with sixth dimensional receiving points for its powerful thought energy to transmit down into, first onto the sub-atomic or Astral Plane, and then down further from its true signal energy, into individuality existing inside of unique and varying carbon based life forms, animals, humans, etcetera. Galaxy Hearts are also known as large black holes. Things do indeed come and go, and even though the photons themselves cannot escape this, thought energy is beyond this photon energy or light, it can and it does move throughout the hyperspace, and thinks nothing of transferring all around. Very weird shit happens from time to time as a result. This has not even been touched on one millionth of one millionth of a percentage fraction, but in future blogs, I will at least make an attempt to get all of this to make some sense that peeps will then be able to wrap their own heads and lives around and remember some shit in their own life and go, “WO, that fucking ass mountainpen, shit, this dude has something here, Shit man”. We WILL reach this point, but it WILL TAKE TIME. “BUT” 4 RIGHT NOW, this bloody freaking shoo from relative Babylon, has other pyramids to build, and beside that, I need to cook my fucking dinner and relax with a DVD movie, hay network TV always sucks, and so does cable for the most part, fuck it, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO BYE-BYE evweebuddy, whaaaa.


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