Saturday, March 10, 2012








© 2006-2012 MWM/MWM/MF-2/BOM



As the subtitle #4 implies, I'll be packing up and leaving for this wonderful place in Mexico, very soon. I am not going to remain here and play this game with these Astral Plane gods forever and ever, I am quite literally sick to death of the entire matter.

Friday, yesterday, was real bad, again however, not one of those horrific NSRB super bad days of Otammic WOMO siege, all though some incidents need to be stated and reported for my official record, as this life journal in one way or the other that all began on February the first in 1983, must indeed endure and and tenaciously keep track of all spurious activity. Otherwise, the future of the entire world is at a great risk of total extinction. Just because you may not believe this seemingly incredible statement, alters no part of truth and reality. I have come to realize fully and completely that only the gods are hearing me on the internet, humans can and ARE being BLOCKED, just as is stated in Christian scriptures when the SAR (LORD) Jesus Himself stated to his disciples that people have eyes and cannot see and have ears and cannot hear, it is right in there, get a bible and go through all of the red print, then tell me I am making all of this junk up if you still desire to do so, I do not blame people in the Ernie Merker Song Syndrome of 1983, I don't even blame the great Resorts Casino of Atlantic City for messing with me that day over their freaking intercom system. They simply were using applied Parallel Event to make Jim Burr and me lose money, and doing it in my humble opinion for the most part, on an unconscious mental level, and the power behind this is too awesome for any human to grasp, so it seems, no matter how many articles that have come out on legitimate science journals and magazines throughout the many recent years on the topic they label as “Subliminal Consciousness”.

Just a few examples are as follows, and nobody will have clue number one what I'm talking about, but “THEY” up there somewhere, or 'whatever' my old pal from Oak Street in Haddon Heights, THEY know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very glad first off that all of the federal prosecutors, as well as the entire legal system of these present times, both in the world, or most parts of it; as well as right here in the United States of America, do not see things any better than those near and around me, those who I work with, those that I consider my friends including P, not my younger daughter PEE, topic for other discussions in Hawking Lessons that do not include watching and waiting; but still, if any of these folks could see what is so in their face and plain that it gave birth quite obviously to the phrase of seeing or really of not being able to see the forest from the trees, but if the blinders and blockers WERE indeed knocked off, I would be in a holding cell awaiting some kind of execution or life sentence that would range in the Mininna-Kalpa numbering in years, this Astral Plane period is not a real item, but what approximately 888 Earth solar waking planetary revolutions would feel like in 24 hours of so-called human type of interactions; as a child can see that no coincidence explains the wild weather of the end of last April as well as the beginning of this March. I have explained over and over again, that electrons run all operations of our human technology, such as sound recording, and that these sub atomic particles do not exist in a limited three dimensional field, but exist in the five dimensions of all of time and all of the parallel realities or universes of the great unfathomably gargantuan hyperspace. All that is needed to cause a major disruption in weather patterns, is to take something that was heard in a 'DREAM', and record it in any medium, be it analog or digital, as long as sound is turned into electrical energy and then converted back again, or the simple process of recording and playing back, or posting onto a site such as a blog or a world famous website such as YOU TUBE. The more the two universes are connected, the more powerful the energetic disturbance. I have played with this since I have been twelve or thirteen years old, and Resorts hotel and laugh and mock me until doomsday, but deep down, they know on that subliminal level again, that none of these words are made up, untrue, exaggerations, or psychotic delusions. Anyone anywhere on this planet, has it within their hands, to pull of stuff any day of the week, as big or even bigger, than any nine eleven of oh-one. This is not to suggest anyone doing these things. I do what I must do, in order to survive and tell my tale of horror to a blind world. Not only can doing what was heard in a dream, cause these things; but playing with sound in general, in order to bring two universes closer. Again, all simple Patty Jane parlor tricks, and nothing to write home about to the Mason household of Philadelphia, in case any of my wild family is indeed reading my blogs, and I do have a wild, rambunctious, and outlandish family, of which I may or may not be the king, pun maybe intended. I loved what you said Pat on that way cool show of yours, YO; yes, that was really true and honest and real, a lesson for many peeps indeed, I speak of the 'chess pieces' and the recent show from last night aired for the first time, I'll remember that, my friend, you rock buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual, my idiot across the hall neighbors are making lots of their normal Saturday slam bang noise. I liked things a lot better with the dude who moved to another apartment. He could play a mean system from time to time, but in my apartment, it was not all that bad, whereas this is way more annoying, but hay, what can I say, Jay-Jay Evans? You rock as well, my pal, loved your fantastic television show back in the day.

Scylla appeared to me this moUUUUUUUrning in a powerful interaction or “DREAM”, or 'WHATEVER”, CRA, Your honor. I got your incredible message. Where exactly is this cool place, Sky? It seems Dawn King knew her onions about Mister Bratt, wow, I am sorry that he cried that day as a boy, and if this here where I type these words is a local enough hyperspace to where if he was reading these words, he would go, holy crap how does Mountainpen know about this, well, that's 5th dimensional mechanics, it is just another parlor trick as far as when you are onto it, and then decide to interact with it, as our highly bright Native Americans did long ago abnd may still practice these Shamanistic belief systems in 2012. Our dreams are all nothing other than other parallel universes. All of this reality is equally true and real, but many folks will go their entire lifetimes and not give any of it a thought other than strange or extra vivid dreams being maybe resulting from too much cake and pie the night before. Not so folks, it all is a 5th dimensional reality, and the proof is my knowing before it happens, just what my doing something electronic with this knowledge, will cause as so far as a weather disturbance or in many cases, major tectonic or volcanic in nature. I cannot worry about the details, this entire thing must, that's MUST be viewed in a 'bigger-picture' scenario. Otherwise, human guilt and shame and conscience would destroy me in ten minutes flat. There is a bigger picture than any of us in these three dimensions, this is truth, like it or not folks. I am telling truths. My conscience is clear and clean, and I do normally sleep, just as Prosecutor Jack L&O McCoy claims to; quite well, thank you so much, Mister Robertson of 1980.

Here is another blinder blocker. P, believe me, if I'd known in 2000 what I know now, the last title I would have paid money to do, would be SUMMER OF LOVE. Bluebook forces far beyond us most likely stroked out and thought I'd flash-backed and broke PeeKay's hypnotic control over me with her exploratron experiments. P, in simple mathematics, all those responsible for all my nightmares in this life were all going, “Oh sheeeeeeeit” when we had Billy do that album on our label, SPR. They knew I was talking about Atlantic City and 1969, the rest was pure math and their guilty conscience for screwing me out of a wonderful daughter, and worse. Hopefully Sheilahair Franklin can go HA-HA-HA, I cannot. These type of things are why I do not have any shame for destructive weather that results from my little antics from time to time. Hate me YO, I am just being frank and honest everybody. Do you want me to be a liar? I am not planning to do anything for a little while, rest easy in the zones my friends. I'll give warnings when I indeed do another something that will be hazardous to the health of those in danger zones. Still, I never thought Mount Saint Helen's would wake up from Lost Love and TML, back in 1980, but as you all know, it did.

As for my moving to Mexico, this is a foregone conclusion. Next week is my last week at the Harvest Center of 25th and Orange. Good riddance. Charities, don't get me started people because I have huge secrets on millions of wild people, and I've learned for the most part to shut the ef up. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Let me go lads and lassies, and of course Lab Dogs, and then there was lovely Midge. I loved that beautiful dog. OYR, everything can be rationally explained and logically concluded, and there is only what we can see and know. Well, we would all be speaking German today if this was true, and the Von Man and the Stein know it, 'wherever' they are Congy. So9 where did Haddonwood fit into World War Two, well, does anyone have a few years? Like I said early in this millennium to the lady behind the pharmacy counter at the Eckert Store of Berlin, New Jersey, “Don't get me going”. I reiterate this now with an Italian passion, Frank Lombardo and Tommy Marris, oh those waking freezes of the Hollister gang, OYR, it is all made up. Where are you, oh lovely Haddonfield teachers from the Ides of March???????? Why P, was the first thing out of my mouth at the hypnosis clinic with Doctor Mark Wolf in early 1996, be all about Atlantic City and the Speed-ship Sunram, do you have a tennis match scheduled Goddess Diana, after-all, eclipses, WO. Oh, I want to be proven wrong so badly it smells to hell and back people, but the assistant to Congy could not do it back in 1998 and he almost punched me out from his state of utter disbelief and aggravation, and others did as well. I was actually asked to leave a church in 1975, because I was too possessed of the devil to be helped by these born again Christians, and stuff happened that was beyond their tolerance level. Yeah, again, with OYR. Speaking of Goddess Diana, thank you so much for coming to me yesterday and last night with lovely beautiful colorful awesome lightning. You are more beautiful than a million Manhattan fashion models all put together, my endless wonderful special love.


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