Thursday, March 15, 2012





I had a very fucking bad day today, but then folks, really; what else is new, same old same old, 'SOSO-WEIN' for short. Short is a word I relate to well, as I have always been short in height, in net worth value, and in personal credibility. You can think what you wish when I make the following statement, but I'll make it no matter how it may in fact be psychologically judged by humanity, or the lack thereof: For every meter I'm short here in wherever this really is, I am long in some other locale or reasonable facsimile thereof to the descriptive concept of a locale. In the fifth dimension, it totally balances out, and all of the known equations in the scientific advanced community that side with the latest theoretical quantum mechanical philosophies applied on a full cosmic scale, agree with this argument, yes, there are many in the same community who vehemently disagree, that is ODF course their choice and I would have it no other way. NOT ODF HACK, but OF COURSE, you pricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is quite immature of me to act out violently and curse at this force doing all of this to me, it is as inanimate as the computer itself, it is all being done beyond the hyperspace or the Astral Plane, in the higher mental realm or the SIXTH-DIMENSION (D-6). I know all this and choose to act like a big mother fucking baby, I should stop all this bullshit. AS WITH OTHER TIMES IN YEARS IN MY LIFE BAQCK IN FUCKING JERSEY, I AM IN A PERIOD OF MY LIFE WHERE I CANNOT REMEMBER LIVING WITHOUT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OR JUST ABOUT, BEING WHAT I LABEL AS A SUPER ASS BOTBAR DAY. Just the sound of this ugly made up word based on an abbreviation from Bottom-Of-The-Barrel-Already Rated, is nauseating for me to mother fucking pronounce.

Today and tonight, my scum bag dirt balls across the hall had another wing ding of a fucking loud party, shouting in the halls, setting off the fucking fire alarms, and bing bang booming away. In any real world, or said perhaps better, I totally know that if it was me doing this, it would NOT BE PERMITTED. I WOULD BE STOPPED, EVICTED, FINED, AND WHATEVER, but because it is someone who is not me, silly and totally fucking cunt absurd as it ma appear to sound on the surface, THEY ALL GET AWAY WITH CONSTANT AND CONTINUAL FUCKING MURDER, AND THEY ALWAYS WILL!!! But this party, bad and wicked enough, is by no means the huge highlight of my day, President Obama, and yes, a letter to the White House is on the way regarding the AARP and how I feel I got screwed. Yes, today was my last day. I was there from the June the 8th of 2010, through the 14th of March of 2012. These start and stop times are very much a resemblance to the employment I had from 1979 through 1981 at the sound recording studio in Camden, New Jersey, right down to the final digit of the years, off by only one on the decade. YES, THE DOW JONES WILL SOAR NOW, UP 500 EVERY DAY UNTIL IT REACHES 20,000 POINTS IN EARLY APRIL, JUST AS I CLAIMED THIS WOULD ALL MOTHER FUCKING HAPPEN WITH THESE WALL STREET FUCKNG CROOKS. KEEP FUCKING MARCHING MY LOVELY OCCUPY GROUP, MORE POWER TO YOU, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are fighting SATAN straight out of hell, and this is not some pitched fork nonsense with horns, and fucking screw the religious nonsense, because tonight, I am going to tell the story that just might put this planet on its fucking ass temporarily, if I am not totally shut down, and of course THEY do have the power to silence me and we all know this, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This entire Chri8stiabnity is a hoax and utter nonsense, but that is just the start of shit folks, because, it also is totally real, by the way folks think and live, hence, there is little real difference in what is real and what is imagined. Any idiot knows that whoever any of us are, big or small; we all must first think and imagine anything, before we can bring it into reality. Not all things can go as high on the scale in this process of bringing our wants and desires and dreams into any sort of as so-called 'reality'. Head shrinkers would have a fucking field day with all of this if they would be honest for a minute with themselves.

Peeps, this world of ours was taken over and invaded by our old fashioned concept and idea of what being invaded abnd or taken over, really is. First, society has been totally taken over and occupied quite successfully, by the microchip, and the transistor, and things along the lines of the electronic doo dads that are all inside all the circuit breadboards on all the things we all own and use and could literally NOT LIVE WITHOUT, so thus we are quite THE SLAVES of these things, AND THEY HAVE INTELLIGENCE AS WELL, yes sir, artificial perhaps; but that is only the beginning of all of this. The electron is a highly intelligent sub atomic particle and every top think tank Quantum Physicist knows this, after doing numerous and extensive, even exhaustive experimentation with this, to realize that there is indeed an interaction with what we think and do, and how these sub-particles behave on that level why we are thinking things, and then reality springs into the post atomic size worlds as a result of both of these things interacting together in perfect collusion. This is not some psychotic nonsense, it is powerfully covered up shit that top think peeps know would drive normal society totally fucking nuts if they were ever allowed to know any of this mother fucking bullshit. You really want to read powerful fucking shit people, fine, read it. If I could get the creatoer of this weorld to admit just a few things that she has done to me directly in the past fifty months, folks would come around me and get down on their knees and call me a god. I would not want any part of this, but this would happen. If I could prove some of it before I literally would get stopped by the authorities, people would yell hoax and not believe. I could jump through the sky and wear a big superman cape, and they would all yell, you have nuclear batteries. I could take a new series of laser beams and resurrect any one of your loved ones who died years ago, and you would still not believe a thing,. This is how dead set this entire matter is, it is literally written both in the stars and in stone, that I must be this generation's chosen suffering HUNTINGTON. There is not one thing that I can do about it. Jim Burr told me a powerful thing in 1989 when I told him about a dream that I had in 1980 about how in a parallel universe, the song that I wrote in 1979 titled, “THE MORNING LIGHT” was a big hit in this universe, and was playing continuously, and you heard it on your radio and freaked out on me in a jealous rage. His exact words to me nine years later were, “You're some realistic dreamer, as I probably would have”, this is quoting him verbatim. People all hate me, they want my blood spilled, they want me to fail, they can't stand the fact that I kn ow and have known numerous celebrated personalities, and the list reads on.

Now we will discuss the topic that we tend to discuss, when things get real fucking dangerous and bad for me from time to time, on a real true honest life threatening level; and this would be the forbidden truths of the EXPLORATRON, and the 'EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND', or dream-club of a sort, in the future; that takes the great Carlos Castaneda books and concepts, literally from their solid rocket fueled propulsion, straight to Zeffrum Cochran, and his warp driven star-ships. There is no such thing as anything. We all exist. WE JUST EXIST. We do this in a non-place, called the VOID. OUR MIND is too limited to properly fathom this void, how can we be in a void, shit, we are here, what are you talking about you dick head Mountainpen? Well, you just cannot GET IT, so I cannot give it. If you don't want my ten dollar bill, I cannot give it away, not to any of you, not to the coal minors, not the mountains of gold, and certainly not to the real good girls who may not always have been just that. It amazes me to death that Sky has punished me for not doing something she wants, not the disobeying part, that is Sky's normal self to command obedience, but I am talking about what SHE wants me to do, as I have all ready pieced a lot together without even doing this thing, and why SHE seems to want me to know this hidden secret, is far beyond me, JESUS, literally; don't we have enough secrets between us that endlessly exclude the outside world????????????????????? sheeeesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, my last blog talked about the whale and the city of Nineveh, and yes,, today it appears that I got Nineveh'd real good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a real great fish whale of a super BOTBAR DAY. Ain't no doubt about this one Lenny-601-Miss Chillie McKinnon of 1980. Hay for all I know, unconscious collective of humanity, the strobe-light might over heat, who knows. It is better than worrying about who may be at the bottom of Huntington Bay, not that that great volleyball girl could not be roof reversed and resurrected, right Mister Pope? Hay, you want me to do this SKY, fine, even now with way more limited funds, I will get this movie, and watch it. Heaven help the entire future, you know I get angry and I blog. But before we get heavily into what even you may not know all that much about, as per my You-Tube channel, let me discuss the ES, or the EXPLORATRONIC-SUPERMIND a little further, as this can only be done in this six plus year blogging project on a gradual scale, a little bit here and a little freaking bit there, and so on. Wow, I still do not believe the toaster oven thing with my 'cousin' Heinz Gottwald of Babylon, oh great King Nebuchadnezzar with the New Shoes, AKA the new age KING NEBNOOSHOO, AHA-AGHA-AHA, Michael McNulty from 1971 and Exton, freaking Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all honesty, I am not consciously asware of being a member of any particular future dream club, but I may indeed be in one, just as I know for sure, Sky's present hubby is in one, NASA choppers all notwithstanding, with or without Humpty-Dumpty and all the King family men and women of all counties, especially the one in sunny hot Florida called INDIAN RIVER, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch that table throwing, girl. I like you better as a dish washing detergent, YO. Imagine not programming spell-checker dictionaries with the world famous fairytale of Humpty-Dumpty, wow has this world been dumbed down to compensate for this upped, and hi-tech-bull-crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving on with ES, my blogs all throughout 2007 and 2008 and 2009 discuss ES, but not on the present blog that you read now at the site of You need to access the older ones, and you can do this by typing in KING NEBNOOSHOO, at the GOOGLE, and one of the numerous pop up items will take you to the original blogs that I kept until some wild hack struck me back last December during my major helliday-holiday assault that has never looked back once it hit pathetic innocent little imperfect me, but at least I try, and I don't wish badness on anyone, only that justice be done, and of course, wishing for justice my friends is a major criminal enterprise on this planet in this evil G-8 empire system of this awesome and frightening 'NEW WEIRD ODOR'. No0w onward with ES, and the number 20, and the great descendants of Ulysses S. Grant, residing right here in Florida. Grant is on our twenty dollar currency in the United States. Try to give this amount of money away, and you might end up on a song, right there with the song that has done me in forever from 1986, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Copyright Office Library of the Congress, should know precisely what I am talking about,m unless they have gotten rid of all of my stuff, conveniently, as the world has been on a mission to consistently do now for a decade or two. There is no stopping them, DIANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO HOW NO NOTHING, with or without any OZ WIZARDS or OZ CURTAINS, YO!!!!!!!!!! What peeps think of as the dream-worlds, is no more than other realities, or parallel universes. The mind is always awake and conscious, and the truth is that unconsciousness and subconsciousness, are a gigantic freaking illusion. This exists only as a beingness of relativity. Still, in the most powerful case of a vividlt recalled and remembered dreaming interaction, it still is going to operate much like slipping a hidden tape recorder into a rock concert. You are only going to get a fraction of the true quality, and a small amount of the total time and interaction, such as in my day with cassetter tape, if you snuck in a small battery recorder and and a C-90 cassette tape, you would get 45 minutes, a gap while Lenny Pissman changes the tape over to side two, and then another 45 minutes, of poor quality concert music. Let me not exclude the risk of getting caught and the consequences, as just as with Dewitt at the Radio Shack, many things do in fact have prices to be paid, am I correct in these assumptions, dick Wolf-Wolf-Wolf? Speaking of Dick Wolf, these bastards today, on my worst mother fucking day in about a hundred fucking years, not only screwed me out of my “LAW & ORDER” with B-Ball junk this afternoon, but they did it again on a different television channel tonight, with the only other show that I watch, “THE MENTALIST”, with more fucking sill B-BALL. I do not see why you cock sucking sports fans, cannot have your channels for your stuff, and leave my channels alone. We are all not huge ass enthusiasts of sports. I am a weak, tiny, frail little person, and would be lucky if I could throw a ball five feet. The average four year old could most likely kick my fucking ass at the speed of light squared. We are not all meant to be twins of Mister Charles fucking ass Barclay, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never in the history of my time in Florida with television, was I screwed out of both my fucking shows, and this just FUCKING HAPPENED TO BE THE DAY THAT I GOT ROYALLY SCREWED AND FIRED, OH YEAH RIGHT FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But getting back to ES (Exploratronic Supermind) folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA, when we DREAM, or when we WAKE UP BELIEVING WE REMEMBER ourselves interacting in something when our physical self was in bed, living in a total delusion to the so-called truth, I mean we are in bed, how could we be at the shore or fucking somebody or getting pushed off of Mount fucking Everest, come on, speaking of the ultimate psychological fucking delusion here peeps, sheeeeeeeeeeit; but yes, we WAKE UP, and just where were WE? Well, today's science says roughly what the world all said and thought, 100 and 1000 and 10,000 years ago; but that does not make it written in stone, not quite anyway. We were not in a parallel universe either. WE ARE in parallel universes all over the place, all throughout thiusm gigantic unfathomably huge and great 5th dimension that contains all of time and all of the universes where Einstein's so-called Space-Time exists in. The 5th dimension takes this truth into the SPACE-TIME-MIND, all existing first as thought energies in the next higher reality or the D-6. We did not just come from anywhere, we are there, we are here also. Stop trying to think you all have so many truths,m because you see, I am just a little dummy, and none of this was my information, nor is it, nor will it ever be, it is TRUTH, it belongs only to those it chooses to contact. In my case, SSJKK, QUEEN of the Astral Plane, and who most Earthers just call GOD, some say Allah, short for Elohim whether they realize it or not; some may even say one HER great names, in fact HER CITY-NAME, JEHOVAH. Still Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle gave me this knowledge, I am only special because I happen to be the genetic present-time part of her game, that Christian faith peeps call SALVATION or perhaps a few other things as well. Now, in parallel universes where our time period is more like our future in say 500-1500 years give or take, clubs do form and call themselves in many that I have been contacted by in the past hundred thousand years or so of multiplexed existence in an awake-me physical world of tangible mortal concepts; and these clubs do call themselves the 'ES', as our present initials in the English tongue would so reflect. This Exploratronic-Supermind concept was known quite well, subconsciously of course, remember the Carnegie Hall tape recorder deal again folks; when he did that STAR TREK-TNG show with the old weird looking man who traveled out to the ship from his world. This is a prime example of future ES Clubs, YO. We will continue with this later on as I know the enemy will be begging for more later on as the weekend approaches and as we get moving onward into next mother fucking week, peeps. For right now, let us talk about a copyrighted cassette tape from late 1983, a trip to Orlando, Florida on the famous East coast American Amtrak Train System, a strange invention that I brought down to Florida on that train, Richard Karpf who I rented his dirt bag house in 1986 in the Real Good Girl days, who seemed to know in advance that another trip to Florida was inevitable for me, and the strange conversation that I included intentionally with my music, to the © Office, as I knew something beyond wild was up, just did not know the details, but then there is always whoever is supposed to be in those details, right Jason Forrest and ESNC Sports-fan? You know what my fiends and my friends, I see I am on page freaking ten now on my word document that I'll be cut/paste inserting into my two blogger websites, so let me realize that peeps do not want to spend their entire lives reading my many words of woe, this is why Goddess Scylla created tomorrow, and yes, Rett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara as well. So yes folks, we will put this all on hold, and continue marching along with all of this later on. For right now, brown eyed KALI-O, and all others, let me bid you a fond farewell for the time being, YO.

END: *****WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAABIT***** This is all folks!

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