Tuesday, September 15, 2015



Sensible people call others crazy and insane for believing that mind-energy is more than physical brain, that there indeed are forces that are positive and those that are negative, all around us, that continuously use brains and people to interact in and through, and that the world has indeed been just that all along, some weird game-arena for these two forces to play out. You all know that I totally believe that the bad force has used the entertainment industry, the free press, and certain powerful people, especially a large percentage of the super-wealthies amongst us, to accomplish their side of the game from hell, literally. Concentrically, a few decent people exist who are being used by the more benevolent forces, acting in ways that I may call them, the game from heaven. My belief system is not based on anyone else or anything else. It is a logically concluded system of believing wholeheartedly what my life has reflected back at me for nearly sixty-one years, in my present form and persona. Another thing that needs addressing quickly but promptly would be this. For more than three decades, I knew deep down that one of these monster-people was wiping out my life, and I would sit around either in solitaire or with a close friend such as David Roth, or my own mother, and share many a heated or moderate discussion and debate. But it has taken until another type of debate, that is more world recognized, all the way up here in the present days where I type this blog; to see fully and completely, just how this evil rotten monster has indeed wiped out my entire life. I still don't have a clue why, but I have come to see in perfect crystal clarity, just how, and the funny thing is, I think this rotten son of a bitch wants me to know each and every thing, finally. After-all, what could I possibly fucking ever do to stop his death siege on me since 1984? Still, I do know that if there is an answer to this, it lies in the knowing of why 1983 and 1984 all happened as the did, and to me, and to him; and also, what I may have possibly done within the few years preceding and leading up to these times, to him, or to someone he cares for. The closest item that fits the revenge paradigm in any small number of possible parameters, is that my uncle who really was not my uncle but a man who married my mom's cousin, and became a top NYC banker after the great WW-2 was over; and denied a loan to the father of this person. This man is not where the distant relationship of family lineage lies, as that is within the lines from the woman he married, my Aunt Mizz Sharkgloucester Shoutout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My health is totally shot, and I doubt that I will even live to see the great election of 2016 take place. I believe I am destined to not only soon expire, but to die a horrible monstrous death, so as to make these horrible fucking monster demon people happy, and bring them more great success via a super secret stealthy weapon that only my blogs talk about on the entire internet unless I am wrong, and that would be using and applying the science of statistical technology, or as I call it and label it and have been since the middle nineteen-eighties, ''parallel event''.

My 1983 medical condition could be easily addressed, but the word was put out by those who caused me to suffer with this agonizing hell for a lifetime, or die, whichever; and no doctor is immune to these powerful people, who New Jersey realtor, Scott Ransom, told me about, in my car that I bugged up, back in the late winter time of 1988; and said to me, and the great United States © Office has a copy to this day as I made all of it a part of my copyrighted music project, “Epitome of Harassment, Part 3”, and this tape has this man saying to me, powerful people are disgruntled with you Mark, and my boss, Kelly Jackson, was told not to sell your Kramer Hill home, or else. This is all real and can be fact checked ten times over, but the free press son't ever do one thing to help to rightfully take me out of this hell against this monster that very soon, we all may have to wake up and face, and address as Mister President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think of what he will do to me when he goes into the WH after taking his oath. Wiping me totally out should I still be breathing, will be his absolute total number fuckiGN one goal and objective, and that I do promise all of you!!!!

I woke up an hour or so ago not only breathing hard as sleep apnea patients do, but literally gasping for breath. I am a very terminally ill person, and I know it, yet no medical person will help me one iota. This is the most nightmarish horrible monster mother fuckiGN nation, in my opinion, in this entire fuckiGN part of the galaxy, or in any part of it, or for that matter, the entire universe, because quite frankly and simply put, this planet is the only one containing any life whatsoever, and I promise you all that one as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Camera image from Avalon Beach Club

Live Camera from Avalon Beach Club, Fort Pierce, FL
Camera Animation



© 2006-2015



8:52 AM, Doris Plum's 'fifdeeeenth' of

September, only not 1979; but rather 2015.


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