Thursday, September 3, 2015



The mother fuckers are inside our heads, and we are powerless to do squat about any of it. What I have gone through since my birth nearly sixty one fucking years ago is all part of what the world leaders are covering up for all our supposed good and there is more to tell than would fit in a thousand mother fucking libraries.

The main reason no one will or for that matter, can believe anything I say, is because I am asking people whose mind literally is similar to a radio set tuned to station 1234, and the dial is broken there, and my stuff is way across the band on station number 6789. It won't work, yet on I will go, for the record, if nothing else.

Cyberspace and machine mind, computers and internet, all of this is part of this massive woven super carpet called our cosmos. Think of it for a second just like that, forget individual shit from atoms and the shit they make when all clumped together into matter, such as worlds and stars, and so forth, just forget all about this shit. Instead, picture the entire universe as a large old style carpet, the kind of rugs our great great grandmothers all weaved together, in all of their individual complexities of so many parts and pieces of colors. Our consciousness is a bit more than all of the shit that these blogs have attempted to put into neat little boxes, from hyperspace, to phases of entities, to numbers of dimensions, and so forth. I am running out of time to tell you how this all works, and you would never believe me anyway. Steve the chanter told me something that blew me away until I experienced this very evening, and that is all I am going to say. He asked me while he still was able to speak, if I could tell him more meticulous details about June 21, 2008, after returning from my job at Cifaloglio and getting home and 'falling asleep' or 'whatever really happened'. I was not able to give any better of an account of that experience than I was when it was fresh and I had just experienced it, nor was I any less able to clearly account for each detail as I had written and blogged it. Then he asked me a question about my school that I have called Cooley Hall. This was just one building out of four buildings that were all quite large and scattered in an area about five acres or maybe a bit more, as I am not a farmer or a land developer, and for all I know it was ten dam acres. He told me how I had told him decades ago that right along Kings Highway, after the boundary separated the Haddonfield High school, there was a gate, and at this metal gate was a path that eventually followed parallel to the football field and jog track of the high school, with a thin small wooded area also following along the entire length of Cooley Hall. He told me that on the night that I figure out how my daughter connects up that area, since I told him that right inside of it, and five feet below ground; was a wooden crate, and inside of that, is a smaller container made of steel, that has all kinds of weird things inside of it, that only become visible to someone who is dreaming. He reminded me of how we both talked about the chain, the box, the great Sarah Krassle, the Steinmetz family, the Stern family, and the wild dreams containing ''That-Family''. I had forgotten this, yet he had remembered our conversation that took place in his Philadelphia center-city apartment on that day back in 1974, as if it happened a week ago. He reminded me of other things such as my eating some strange plant that was supposed to break the curse 'that I was under, and numerous other things from the weird three criss-crossed lined chemtrail in the skies over the county in December of 1969 on the very morning after I awoke from the powerful dream, where Sarah took the chain away from me; and on and on I could go with this.

As for making people sick, and even killing people, invisibly, this has been going on for the entire time that humankind has had its civilization on this planet. It is not natural to age and die and become sick and diseased. Even the Holy Bible talks about the Garden in Eden where originally, none of that was ever meant to happen, and only after certain things did go onto happen, that this all was introduced into the system of this very complex cosmic weave! But there is a lot more to this. First, nothing is quite as simple as people living in a waking reality, or even hyperspace and dreaming, or for that matter, Einstein and his matter and energy conversion with the speed of light squared, entering into the equation of all of this, literally. Even my wild attempts of understanding and passing down the concept of PHASE-4-ENTITIES is only scratching at a surface of complicated cosmic weave patterns, kind folks. Let me try and pick things up from here, as all of this quite literally, was merely a needed foundation that I laid down, before now going any further with the heart of this blog.

There is a truth to dreaming and hyperspace, and all things have their legitimate place in cosmos. Still, a bigger truth than anything Morianity has discussed thus far with you all; is this. Parallel universes are indeed there and we do dream into them for lack of a better or more scientific way of expressing this thought, BUTTTTTTT, big ass BUTTTTTT; there is still way way way more to this story.

We all live and our consciously aware of something that we perceive to be our existence and connection to a life or a reality surrounding and connecting us, and we appear outwardly as a body with us so to speak inside of that body-shell, and beyond this our ideas float endlessly into seas of nearly infinite possibility, and rarely do we all agree completely on any of this, with each other. If we do in part, we consider our-self fortunate to have found like-minded people to hang with. The bigger truth cannot be told, but like a total asshole dummy, I go on trying. Before I do, remember that if not for roulette and meeting George Belton in December of 1982, I would not be where I am at all in concepts such as reality-3, parallel-event, or most of what I term now, Morianity. Before I start discussing this topic, these mother fuckers that I will be discussing, get inside of our own self and mind, as we all become one with this source-force, and if they don't like you for whatever their reason, they will mess with you huge-hyper-time. For example, my chair while I was getting these images in my head over the past couple hours, was fucked with. For no reason at all, it began levitating. Now this chair has the ability to go up and down with a knob, but for no reason that is logical or discernable in any human way, while I was getting all this information in my head that I am now remembering and typing; the chair suddenly fucked up and shot me into the air like a fuckiGN missile. These things just don't happen to fuckiGN people, YO! Only to me, they dam do! Then after this bullshit happened, I turned on my compute,r and it too went fuckiGN nuts as all shit. Now I never said a fuckiGN word, but THEY DO INDEED GET RIGHT INTO YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care who believes me or not, because

I am not lying about one dam thing; mother fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not going to profit me in any possible way for me to sit in here and make up a lot of mother fuckiGN senseless horse fuckiGN shit, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things that make no sense to you, or to me, are only real if there is something going on in the tween-zone. This expression is just now being made up here in Morianity, or really in the After-Morianity Project, still, it is all Morianity (Truth from Beyond Life). The reason that no one can ever make things perfectly fit in so far as explaining rationally, anything down to the nth degree about our humanity and reality as the human species; is so simple it's fuckiGN totally ass-biting! The Tween Zone connects our waking-sleeping lives in all of hyperspace, into a higher phases truth (PHASE-4), and in so combining or commingling; a higher reality always connects shit we do and shit we are all a part of in one way or another, yet all the while, it is always out beyond or above us and our reasoning, even the reasoning of Morianity, as who am I to dare be bold enough to claim exemption and exception from any one of you? That would really be the quintessential act of huberous for a Webster's Dictionary definition, of either the words 'huberous', or 'quintessential'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve told me that on the face of things, it looks like so many things over the course of the past 35 years now, and when he said it it might have been 34, but in any case; that this incredible bunch of folks, that in my wild 1970 outlandish dream, while living by myself down at the seashore, at Tom Reale's house, that now is part of the Atlantic City Waterworks System, (ACMUA); called by them through some kind of dreaming osmosis and telepathic system, ''THAT-FAMILY'', has been following me in some out of or beyond normal reality all this time, and more than just following me, but in some way, doing things to me that defy reason and logic, by quadrillions of even the mightiest minds, such as Sir Professor Albert Einstein. In this reality, none of it makes one bit of sense, yet in the reality that is larger and that surrounds the lower one that we all live in and live by so to speak; things do make sense and fit patterns, but only in their higher reality. Now just as cyberspace has almost magical qualities in the world on the internet and the personal computer and larger computers and machine mind in general; so does the TWEEN-ZONE! But who are the dwellers of the TWEEN-ZONE you may be wondering about now, lads and lassies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PHASE-4-ENTITIES are the main dwellers here in this realm. We all exist as sort of a sideband, and only those who know and remember Citizens Band Radio, understand what I am discussing here. Here in our reality and in our present time, we humans are the main dwellers, and animals and insects and fish and fowl are all underneath of us in any meaningful connective truth to ordinary reality. But in this realm of the TWEEN-ZONE, we are like the animals or the other groups. We are far below them, because they have abilities that go far beyond anything we can even hope to imagine or understand. Still, we all get a chance to become a Phase-4-Entity, and exactly why only some decide to do this from Purgatory, is not my call, and I don't claim to know about this, and I cannot get the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle to ever impart details of this to me. A P4E (Phase Four Entity) is an Astral-Plane entity who tries to dream down onto the physical plane reality with special abilities that places them far above the control of the realm they are going down into, and the system in th e7th-Dimension has an automatic filter of a sort, that seeks out those who try to do this, and it prevents them from accomplishing it. What happens is th at they become the imaginations and the thoughts and the fantasies of those already dreaming inside of physical plane realm bodies, like you and like me. They once tried to be Superman and Spiderman right here in our ordinary reality, and this was prevented by LAWTRONICS. So now, these characters come to us through fictional systems. They come through inside the imaginations of writers and creators of movies and comic books, and all sorts of things such as these. But does this mean that they stop existing? Absolutely NOT! But in order to exist, they all need to come together in sort of a P4E-CYBERSPACE-HYPERSPACE that lays beyond even the ideas of Morianity, and this realm is like a CB-RADIO-SIDEBAND, to the other bands, and in these side band realities, as stated earlier, is the realm of the TWEEN-ZONE, and it is not exclusive of us, as they create all of us inside of there, and now, they can have us the way they want us, or the gods can play their games now with all of us, so to speak, say it any dam way you feel comfortable or totally uncomfortable, as truth is always truth, and cannot be changed or altered by merely wishing that it was so!!!!!!!!

One of the many sidebands to a more real, or by their way of perceiving things in the TZ, less real realm; could be for one example, where I woke up into after the early morning of August 15, back in the year of 1986. Try explaining why so many world name recognized people are so totally connected with me, a total nobody? Unless this is all part of a wild PLAYFIELD of the GODS, or a TWEEN ZONE (TZ), it would make no sense at all. My entire life since 08-15-1986, makes absolutely no mother fuckiGN sense at all, FOR THAT MATTER, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact if we all carefully examine my daughter and all of this situation, it would be 100% ridiculous if this was not taking place inside of some really fucking whacky TZ or single, side band of CB-reality. Let me move on to further prove a point here. Steve said to me, what is the name of the road that the gate is on where the wormhole control box is buried five feet underground? I said it is called Kings Highway. He said, yeah, and at the gate. I said, yes. He said what is the name of your daughters movie company or the movie company that the 2009 movie was made. I could not get any more out of him ever, and I never figured it out, not until I was watching the last SVU-Law & Order tonight, and then for whatever the reason, this all just suddenly popped into my head. And then the chair totally fucked up sending me into orbit. Can things like this really happen in a real world?

What is real? Is it Israel? Bible cholars insist that my conceopt of th eend times being part of Atlantic City and not overseas in Israel, is ludicrous and insane, and they don't buy it for a minute. Still, how often are people right about major things that go down in this world? How often are they wrong? More than the amount of times that they're right; I promise all of you that much; kind folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a very very hot sticky day here in Fort Pierce. It felt about 105 with the high humidity and made it up to about 93, and tomorrow may be as high as 96 they say and feel like 110. Boy oh boy oh boy, I sure fuckiGN hope not, kind people out here, YO BRO!

Hey people; in playfields of the gods, or TWEEN-ZONES, anything is possible, and nothing has to make a dam bit of sense to our reality and connected concepts to logic. Again, it is like you are a broken radio set and tuned to channel-1234, and they are broadcasting on channel-6789. You are never going to get it, and neither am I. Seeing things along this line, sheds powerful new light on many things, folks.



Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)









And maybe these exploratrons of the TYPE-3 can indeed do all sorts of nasty little things to the rest of a less enlightened and powerful evolvement. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, big ass but; P4E are an even greater concern, because this is what explains the irrational craziness of all things including my own dam life, far better than 'T3E' can do!!!!!!!!!!

Now; ICPE-APE TECHNOLOGY my good viewers, even exploratrons need tools, such as the PAWM-PIE-ETTOS, ICPE-APE, and many more black stealthy super ass covert bullshit that we need not touch on with this whittle bwog, Elmer Fwudd. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! BUTTTTTTTT, P4E of the TWEEN-ZONE need nothing at all; not even a story that makes any sense, to anyone inside of smaller commingled realities along with them. This is the ultimate horror and nightmare IMHO, of eternal HELL; Mister Engineer Jordy sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cough that one up your ass, BRAHHH!!!


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