Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Let me tell you a little up front shit, great people. I along with many others have been placed on the CRAZY-LIST. This is merely something like another of many cover-events figured out in the White House Situation Room or the Pentagon War Room, all the Emergency Station of Fort Meade, MD, USA, Never Say Anything Club (NSA). All of what modern day psychology was supposed to evolve into, after the giants in their field and pioneers, such as Dock Freud; became quite intentionally perverted. Those keeping great secrets figured out a very powerful way of dealing with those who threaten their control and might by way of exposure; are merely ''crazy people''. All anyone has to do is ponder a small amount of time on this deadly truth, and they cannot help but to see this nightmare is all real and true. Going on and on with this, serves absolutely no purpose. The media does not believe this,a nd thinks I am about as crackpot-city as it gets. The problem with a few of us out here, is that we learn how to show that they an go on with their antics all they want to, but stuff we claim is real, cannot be totally discredited. This is why my meds were taken away from me. Think about it. I thought the AMA and this industry wanted to push meds on people, not to take them away from them.

MAY 26, 2015,





DAILY RANGE-----(H-79/L-75).






Memories are not really understood by people. I am no genius but I can shed some interesting light on the topic because of how it fits into my own unique personal situation in life here in waking world reality, whatever that truly is. A little tiny adjustment to what you all think is real about life and memories and so much stuff relating to all of that, and you would see shit that would change the way you live and conduct your entire life. Probably, this Joe Paget Syndrome as I have come to call it, is why no one ever tries to make that adjustment. These things are built into the very circuitry of the system we all live inside of, or the realm of Lawtronics, AKA the 7th Dimension, by Morianity's teachings.

I also wish to make another point clear. There is not a whole lot of difference between using the I-Ching Meditations as was shown on the great television show of the sixties, “DARK SHADOWS”, and the Exploratronic Supermind Society. All of these I-Ching users, as per the show and not what you will read in library books; are individual dream-travelers. Count me among this great and really cool group. But many have organized, and since travel means travel, any time ahead of us or behind us in any parallel universe in hyperspace, has many of these organized folks, and for all I know they are called the Zulahatians, but I gave them the abbreviated name of the ESS, on my particular blogs.

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© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2015


So for those billions that don't know what a GAME-OVER-DEMAND is; let me put it in a unique way for all of you viewing this. It was 1974 in July somewhere, and I was approaching the end of a five and three quarter year stay and second longest stay anywhere in my 121 semi-annums of life as present-me-MWM, at the Dellway Arms Apartments, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG. I went down for a three night stay at a rooming house near where today, the Tropicana Casino stood after being built in the eighties and I know the building is still there, even though I have heard numerous casinos have shut down since my coming here to Florida late in twenty-OHM-nine. Some family company you have here Dancer Shirley Crows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi yourself, kiddo!!!!!!! So I am staying on Stenton Place in Southern Atlantic City at age nineteen and a half, on a mini vacation, in a rooming house owned by a lady named Selena Dada. Not GAGA, but this is enough to make someone go a lot more than gaga at the go-go bars of pre-disco days, and all pre-doo doo doo days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now let's move this along. A man came up to me out of nowhere, and told me things that were beyond what any human being could ever know even today, let alone four dam decades back into time. For those too young to know this, it was a another planet back there, if you were not in the fifties through the seventies, you really are on Planet-Next. There just is no way to get through and explain it. You know or you don't know, and to quote John Redstatehail Henningsen; “It's just that simple”. So this dude of about age forty-five give or take, not only knew stuff that was beyond THE TWILIGHT ZONE, but seemed to make it a point to tell me a lot about it; and he also seemed to come and go, out of nowhere. I was on a beach near Central Pier in Atlantic City, near what I used to call as a youth, Ziggy's Jetty. It is physically not possible from where I was to come and go in the wink of an eye. Suddenly he was there, then telling me wild shit, and then just as suddenly, he was gone. I turned away a couple seconds, and POOF, Mister Harry Potter again. How I wish I could enjoy Hogwarts the way that all of you out here can do. To me, that shit is just a normal part of my every fuckiGN day life. WOW that fuckiGN jerk off door slammer is on a roll to fuckiGN annoy me since he got back around five last evening. He is really slamming and it is not even barely eight in the dam morning. It has been going on a good half hour, Sheriff Ken Mascara, kind sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it doesn't end here. I went back a short while later to the room I was staying at, at Selena Dada's place, and suddenly, this entire huge thing just revealed itself to me out of nowhere, and it called itself, the “LAW OF ONE”. This is where I just learned about ZDT, or Zero-Dimensional-Technology. The knowledge just came into my head, and all psychiatrists insist that believing things like that is delusional and that this is merely a psychotic break with reality. Hey, call it whatever you fucking like, head shrink industry, IT HAPPENED THE FUCK TO ME!!!!!!!!! But during these times, where this man appeared out of nowhere; my mom was working with a wild coworker named Patricia Hollister. She is the reason I was able to learn the secrets of the great FASCITAR. She put me onto so many things, and the joke of it all is that if someone were to ask her, she would say, I hardly knew the little prick. She would be right, but she would be wrong. This is my version of the Temple of the Dragnet and the Expanded Mind. Maybe Julia White and other ater-egos of this great lady (Paula King) has her red and white version of all ideas, and books, and bobs, and goddess help me after I post this, and this is only 1% of the truth, and if I say more, I will be killed in here, TODAY, by THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me now go and wash my hands, OK OK OK Cousin David????? And W—O—W THAT, Lenny McKinnon!

I have a super minidroid invasion, but that is to be expected. Every time my disgusting trash nabes go away a few days, and then come back; they bring the roaches and drunk bugs and other gross shit back with them; and it never fucking fails. I only get up set because I am always told I am not clean and I stink. I cannot help my glandular condition from 1983, as the GAP WASHCLOTH INVADERS FROM DUBLIN know only too well is all true. But I at least try and do all I can, to keep a nice apartment, and to keep myself groomed and smelling right. All these cunt chewing mother fuckers attack me, and say that I AM THE BAD FUCKING GUY all the time, when it is the other way around; and this has persisted for an agonizing dick licking lifetime now, and I am sick and tired of this fuckiGN dam ass mistreatment. Animals don't get treated like I do; and that is why I turn off the ASPCA commercials, as I am sick and tired of these assholes, trying to lay a guilt trip on poor people, to part us from our tiny little few bucks we need to survive; and give it to some fuckiGN ass animals. God says in the bible that humans are first. But what God says in America does not matter any more, and around the world. We all know how God feels about unnatural love, and I am not going to go there. I don't give a fuck what any of you do; I am quoting scriptures. Yell at Sarah-Stacey fuckiGN Jehovah Krassle, don't call me up and scream at fuckiGN cunt eating me, YO YO YO YO!!!

This is all just reality, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Image result for images free funny faces

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

Why don't I ever feel merry, Merry????????????????

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