Saturday, May 23, 2015






MAY 23, 2015,





DAILY RANGE-----(H-86/L-69).


Memories are not really understood by people. I am no genius but I can shed some interesting light on the topic because of how it fits into my own unique personal situation in life here in waking world reality, whatever that truly is.

Those of average intelligence can take a book, let us use for example whatever state you may live in here in the United States, the study book per new drivers who get a permit for a driving license and then need to pass a written as well as road test. This and most tests are done in multiple choice answers. If you have read something and need to learn some new facts and information, your deeper mind remembers it all, and your most shallow mind remembers very little of it. The middle area inside of normal consciousness can be thought of as the retrievable when needed consciousness-memory-system. You may have totally forgotten the name of a person who you met recently, and yet, if given a multiple choice questionnaire where one out of the five names was the name you cannot pull up, boom, as soon as you see it written down, you will instantly go, ''oh yes, that was it''. But without seeing it, it is that so often experience of saying, ''it's right on top of my head''. You know the feeling, but you cannot pull it up even though it is right there. STM and many ways this cosmos was designed, is why our minds work in this way but that is too complex to delve into right now. When we try to remember a powerful dream that also is right on the top of our head, yet we can't quite pull it up; this is all part of that very complicated stuff. Before you think to yourself that this is meaningless dribble, I assure you it is not. But what really gets interesting is when you get into a powerful 'dreaming experience' where you realize that your dream has a past. To realize this, you first need to begin to remember you are not having some meaningless dream, but you are along for the ride, inside one of your countless doubles, in a parallel reality. Then if you think about remembering your past, rather than the past of your waking life, the past of that world begins to surface. When you awaken back here again, you can remember that you actually had that past, but in this other reality, and much of the time in-between also begins to surface in your waking mind, as time moves on and you are still here in waking body reality. This can be done mentally, and even electronically. I know this doesn't make sense to a lot of you, but without cursing or repairing any KFP or other MOOGS; let me assure you this is real and not a bit funny. It may very well be a large part of why my entire life has gone so wrong here in this world for so very long. Who can ever know? I never claimed to be Mister answers, and feel the need to keep repeating that to those who hate me so much out here. I am not saying you all do, many do not, but many do. Even a dummy knows a few simple little things.

I seem to have angered the Astral Plane gods a lot since leaving high school, and it all very well may be because of electronic stuff. I have no one to blame for my shit, not even Monopoly cheating Bruce from Barrington. Still, I have a great major respect for a tiny line in a scripted SYFY show from the sixties, later voted to be the number one episode of the original Star Trek television show, called, “City On The Edge Of Forever”. Mister Spock was telling the great Shatner about eddies and currents that appear to connect otherwise seeming randoms, all together, and would hopefully bring both them and Dock McCoy to the same area in or near a boarding house owned by a lady visionary named Edith Kieler. If nothing else is accurate in all of Morianity, which I find highly freaking unlikely; this one thing I tell you, copied from that old Star Trek show, I fully know has great value, and great truths, attached to it.

Last night, or somewhere close to dawn this morning actually; I experienced one of those dreaming-interactions, where I took control over my double, and began thinking about my past, and it was the past of that altered reality over there. This is not the right time to get further into detail about this, only to mention that it happened, will have to suffice for right now. When I am weak, it is not the time to get into major stuff, other than to say it involved numerous things, one of which was my fascinating trip in 1996, back to my old high school and the year of 1968, and telling some peeps back there that I came from 1997, not 1996. This is every bit as powerful, and I seemed to know this all along even back then in those times; as in th elate sixties when Sarah Krassle or whoever she really was, in Atlantic City; made those powerful two statements that stayed with me word for word, all these many many years, “Your friends are in the shop”, and “I'm darker than you are”. This is no easy topic to try tackling, and this was a decade before I was ever ''BLUCRAN'D''. I did not say I wasn't killed and appeared to be laser re-traced into some parallel very near atomic new reality, but I mean when I was TOLD this was happening. I do not want to turn this into a M.C. Blog, it is a lot more than this, but recently; I have come to terms with the fact that I would be lying to myself, if I did not admit to this part of things that simply cannot be ignored. It is just way too impossible to do in all honesty. Then of course I take that powerful scripture that talks about the three sets of fourteen generations, and then came the great incarnation of King Akoslem. I have tried to run away from this since Jim burr told me in computer school in 1973 and later on in 1974, all about this spiritual stuff. I only wanted a totally normal life, and to become a very wealthy entrepreneur and businessman. I was as greedy as the next mother fucker out there, and wanted to take over the entire world. But in 1990, Diana took me while I was living at 1102 Robin Hill, my third and final stay at Robin Hill, while in a deep trance; to a place where I was forever changed, and no longer had these goals and desires. Right around this same time, Sara J. Karge, expired. If I had a thousand years to try putting this all together like old Babylonian super-Sleuth of 1972, that night up there with my family; it wouldn't be enough time to begin figuring it all out. The reason why has to do with something that Morianity labels, a double knowledge horizon barrier. The more you learn, all it shows us humans, is that there is so very much more out there in cosmos to learn. It actually makes us all dumber, to get smarter, if viewed in a very relative vantage point to absolute truth. Again, I personally relate to all of this, due to my life's experiences.


That dam miserable water-witch-bitch Mizz Janey Sleazybags sleazediseaseweeds crap, just frikkin' nailed me with her dam ass page eleven of eleven attack. So here now is my five's compensation, folks, YO!!!!



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