Monday, May 11, 2015





Attacks on me come in both short and long running spurts of stuff. Rapped up in this magic is why the entire thing since middle late summer of 1986 started all of this nightmare hell with me. For a quick example of things starting up, let me go with last night around twenty minutes before eight of the clock. A door slammed out in the hallway so loud I jumped a puke swallowing mile and a half. Then ten minutes later the outside car stereo boomer blaster made his appearance and debut. Neither attack was long, but there were continuing small incidents after that for a good hour or more, and then poof, it all went away and things calmed down. But little shit kept on going bad as a result of my knowing that I was under attack. Small dam spills, shit in general just going wrong, and not being able to get to sleep until well past my average time, and then when I fell into a nice sleep finally, a couple hours later, I was awakened to a horrific loud shrill smoke/fire alarm going off that honestly would the wake the dead of the Berlin 1986 cemetery residents. But I managed to get back to a deep sleep for another hour after this all happened, and ladder 15 came to deactivate the alarm, shortly after sunup. All I know is that this type of shit did not go down like this, before 15 August, 1986, and I know you're all more than sick and tired of hearing and seeing this over and over. So then think of this one, kind great peeps out here. Just how dam ass sick and tired of all of this since then, DO YOU THINK I AM?

There are some who want real details about this date, as well as just what I feel happened in this Harry Potter very mysterious and bizarre cosmic time line in the sands of my life. I would love to give answers to all of you. I truly would, but I don't have them. I know a few that do. I know Paula king does over at New Jersey's finest FM radio station, good old wonderful boardwalk of Atlantic City's WAYV. I know that Patty Hollister does also. And, I know if still alive, the great ears-nose-throat specialist of Grant Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia does. Now deceased, I totally know Sergeant Frank Callio of Atlantic City did. And I know the Almighty Sarah Krassle does, both in Her great city of SDK, as well as right here. I however kind folks, simply do not. But I am onto unmissable stuff after patterns keep happening year and decade in and year and decade out.

Here we go again with the new kinds in town, middle late seventies hit songs, and my slow-2-save word office document program being back again. Speaking of patterns over decades, it is just past half past nine on a weekday non holiday. Wall garbage Street opened just a couple of minutes ago, and they love to attack me right around both the opening times and the closing times, being 9:30 A, and 4:00 P.

The entire computer has been hacked again, Federal Communications Commission, Bob McDowell sir. The Weather Bug TWB and other shit is inoperative, and the entire system is trying to crash, Mizz Pam AG Bondi, Sheriff Ken Mascara of Saint Lucie County, and Governor Rick Scott, and ACLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TWB has been all hacked out, and no readings are up there. I cannot give any information onto the blog other than it is now 9:40 AM, 11 May, 2015, and we are just now entering the official middle of May, that runs from 8 AM today through 4 PM on the twentieth. The temperature reading on the screen icon shows 68 degrees but it is not a trustworthy reading because clicking onto the TWB-APP shows 0 degrees and all other readings show up blanks.

As you know, I was MIND HACKED when I printed the chapter number on my previous blog, it was not 115 but 125, and this is 126, but because I have put in parts of other additional sections that on my document files are sort of titled the 'B' to the other un-lettered A-number chapters, I have called this blog CH. 125/126---A & B.

Now the system saves immediately at a quarter shy of ten. Yesterday got very hot and humid and felt into the mid ninetyish range here in Fort Pierce. The weekend was another hot one. As you know they ruined it by destroying another one of my video machines that I will have to take to my new repair guy. Byut the story that led up to how and why it broke is even larger than just the event of it being broken for absolutely no good logical reason, ''out of th eblue again'' of course. I call this being BLUCRAN'D! It is nothing to joke or laugh about, so don't expect to see a bunch of Chester Perkowski stuff here, Misses Bassler and everyone else. We all had out lives changed by Tennessee Avenue of ACNJUSA, Chester, not just you. Only I do not in the very same sentence say both this, and then say all is fine and normal. I am wondering who is wilder in the grand scheme of al of this nightmare crap, you, or 1969's Secretary of State McNamara? PP also is on that list of who is really wilder. After-all, David Roth and I saw instantly the absurdity of his letter to me back in the late part of last century, yet PP read it and said, ''we were both whackadoodles''. I believe that's a direct quote. How people can be like that when shit is right there in black and white, can only be explained by the very same thing that explains rationally, all of the unknown mysteries that humankind has wondered about since its existence. This would be none other than the Exploratronic Supermind Society.

Up until watching that great Tom Cruise movie back on Saturday; I know that things were different than they are for me now, regarding his being in a situation in the show where before firing in a dogfight, he said, “What's my excuse”. This has somehow been blotted out of reality, in the very same way that the Almighty claims in the Christian Bible, our sins will be blotted out, if we accept the Lord JESUS CHRIST as our personal lord and Savior, and then repent and turn away from our sins to become 'born again'. Poof Potter, it has been blotted out, just as in my suddenly being in different towns in 2008, chatsworth verses Hammonton, even if I am not a WZYV Hanging in there Huntington of all the great 2007 forest-fires, and secret magnification weaponry; Mister Archimedes. Where are you when I need you, John and Photeous of 10-SC Avenue? Only the ESS explains it all, and leaves out nothing. But it is too wild for people to grasp. Even the mighty and ever so wise CHINESE folks who knew first about all of this before any of its cohabitant populations anywhere; with their book of changes or the 'I-CHING'. Craig Mirrors and I shared a few wild talks about playing around with this wild tool and he was no ordinary person. I have an ability to see a more perfect truth if it is reflected. One day while he was over at my Somerdale home on Harvard Avenue along with his coworker, Fred Winstein; back in the summer time of 1997; I saw his reflection in a large bedroom mirror, as we all were in my room doing something with a computer that I had bought from them at their Radio Shack Store. He appeared perfectly normal to look at him directly, but when I saw him reflected in my large mirror, he looked like the slowly worsening portrait of the famous Dorian Gray. Who knows what I may have looked like to him through that mirror, as we both played around with the I-CHING.

It was shortly after this incident with Mirrors Craig that I had Fred Winstein over only, and the computer went nuts like in a horror fucking movie, and the power went off as well. In those days it was dial up internet, and so the phone was needed to go online. There was a horrible noise that was made and then you were, hopefully, connected. This tied up your telephone also. Really young peeps today do not remember these earlier internet days. A strange automobile was parked right outside my house, and there was no reason for it. Fred and I were convinced a bomb was in it and would be going off soon. It didn't, but the entire shit was right out of a Steven King and James Patterson commingled novel from hell! Fred said the same thing to me that David Roth went onto say a couple of years later. “The Callio's are too powerful. If we keep digging around, they're gonna' kill the both of us, and get scott free away with it”. You know, the Dawn King Syndrome of knowing that my kid would as well, if she wanted to ice me. But Dawn was a bigger issue. I don't need to be hit with a pile of bricks to know she was used from time to time by ESS, and my kid owns and controls ESS along with all other things. As she said from the top of the Empire State Building back in 2008, and it went over everyone's head bu mine, just as she knew would be the result, “I RULE”. And she does. A year after I ran away, twelve and a half months later, on New Years Day of 2011, Dawn died in the Atlanticare Hospital, and they all just let her die, to quote ann king. This was a very strong and healthy 42 year old woman, folks. Give me a break. I was born at 9:30, but not at night. Even if I had been born at night, this was not last night, and I don't buy into one nine hundredth of all of these crazy nutty unexplainable coincidences; ADA Abbey Lowtolerance Carmichael. Notice speaking of patterns and timing and coincidences and all of this horse shit; two weeks before last evening's attack, was the other strange voice in my head to turn on the radio bullshit. It is all on blogs from that time in case you missed it, and I am not planning to repeat and reiterate it right now.


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