Sunday, May 17, 2015



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Some attacks are worse than others, and right now, the attack that I am under is about as mother fucking dark and demonic as it gets. If I was holy roller religious person the way ''mama tried to bring me up'' for the most part, I'd be bible in god dam hand right now, on my knees 'anda prayin' like a mother-fucker'. The nightmares last night were horrendous, after the fire alarm incident. I doubt I will be alive much longer. Between the mental and physical and emotional torture, and the psychic attack, being mother fucking perpetrated on me by BRIGGBASE resident ''human-beings''; no flesh was created to survive this much monstrous torment.

Ever since I was a tiny child, Satan has been attacking me and has hated me far beyond other humans. No one alive can give me answers, only endless mother fucking lies, bullshit, and more aggravation. I do know that California, USA; has a church that worships this rotten bastard, and that Anton Laveigh or however his names are spelled, founded them in the nineteen fuckiGN sixties. Most of my enemies are headquartered in New York City, and Hollywood, California. It doesn't take a genius to do the math on many things, and I've just done the best I can to figure out my most recent 60 year lifetime, and all of this around me, whatever it really truly is, Dennis.

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Morty Mortino the dirt bag death angel, has been bothering me again recently; after several weeks of a nice back off from his fucking buzzing bullshit. One side one ear, and then the other, it is continual. He is a fucking pain in my asshole. Take me, or leave me the hell alone, mother fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes sirs; you and Lennydev, ''perfect together'', if I may be allowed to quote my ex-Governor and later Chief of Homeland Security, and 1983 correspondent on my casino woes, Mister Thomas Kean. I always thought you were a great governor and a really cool dude, so the hell with what Dave Roth said and thought, kind sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Life has many things that make sense and many that do not, and on that first part of the great Judge Judy's famous saying here that all of her fans such as myself know about very well; I fully and totally agree with her on. I am a little sketchy and gray area minded about 'part-2' of her concept, but then no one thinks alike 100%, and most of us are the product of our life's experiences, for th every most part. Still, going with part one and things that either do or do not make sense being real and true; 3+3 is 6, and it will not ever be 58 or 24 or 19.393. The opposite of cold is hot, not red, not dead, not hair pins, and so forth. Only on that strictly held standard, do I fully agree with that two part concept, and here is why. My life has been absolutely filled with things that just make no sense, not to me, and not to very logical thinking people around me. But I am not imagining anything, and I certainly am not lying or faking or hoaxing. Some may then go onto say, I may be either mentally ill or emotionally disturbed, and this brings me a different view on things. But that theory all goes out with the baby's bathwater folks, and here is why. I wasn't giving you my spin on stuff with many things. It wasn't me who was all alone in the car that tells that story of the horrible piercing sound and Ed and Ann being in this car with me years back up in Jersey. I told you how Ed, Mister Logical Tyhinker and mister Normalcy, eventually told me, “Mark, there are things about you and your life, that I confess now, that I simply cannot explain”. But let me add this, good folks. When Ed says this, it is the epitome of any statement made, as Ed prided himself in finding a logical explanation for all things, including my mysterious weird and wild crazy mother fucking life, and he JUST COULD NOT, and that was straight from the horse mouth, and ass; great peeps out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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