Monday, November 23, 2015


Three stores Mountainpen likes a lot, and there are some others, but they are Publix, Walmart, and KOHL'S. I used to love their old advertisement where they sang out ''KOHL'S'' on some high pitch note but they only ran that a short time, as TARGET only ran that cool TARGET-DOG ad where some dude with a booming loud voice would sing that. Still, to this day, every time either of these places advertises on television, and if I am alone, as I wouldn't want to get put away in the booby hatch, I always sing TARGET DOG, or KOHL'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE.


Great folks, it stayed fairly cool for November in Fort Pierce, with a high of seventy degrees, and holding under it at 69, at 3:47 Post Meridian. I was out on shopping errands that I was too dam lazy to get off of my big ugly fat old shithead ass to do back on Sunday afternoon. I put twenty dollars into my nearly empty vehicle, and filled it up at just over two bucks a gallon, praise Goddess, something good about something for us struggling poor people, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I went over to the PUBLIX and overspent my shopping budget. I won't be able to take a piss in the woods until my birthday runs around, or actually the day before that on the third. My dam PHA building will be testing electrical equipment on the second, a week from Wednesday, so power will be off and on all day. I'll probably use this time to go to the Law Library, and research numerous things that I've been putting off. WEEEEEEEEEEEE, again, YO!

Folks, this was an overall 1903 type of day, praise the gods and goddesses of PLANK. I typo'd something on the prior blog; so sorry Mister Ambassador of 1941. I said LANE, I meant of course to type in ASTRAL PLANE!

Yes Mountainpen really loves KOHL'S, ladies and gentlemen. WOW THAT!

Have a nice day folks, and I need to borrow Mister and Misses Budget from those cool TV ad-spots. DEEDEE HAWK needs to watch me so that I don't keep over-spending, but still, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, PUBLIX!!!

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