Sunday, November 1, 2015

Chapter 00023, The Bum Classification

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So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

So who is Sarah Krassle? She is the absolute GOD OF YOUR WORLD, and mine; ladies and gentlemen.

Project Bluebook/Blucran ended in 1969, during her most recent tweencarnation-time; if we perceive time to be real as mortals, as we seem to do. It isn't of course. Neither is space, only MIND exists, and connects us to interactiveness, on any and all realms of the three heavens.

It would take me centuries to write down what I already know about Sarah Krassle, as my memories of her and myself go somewhat extensively. If forced to translate this into your waking world time realm, maybe about just over thirteen thousand years straight. I am going to give one tiny tid bit, not to this ungrateful blog-audience presently here, but hopefully to a future one tuning back that most likely does not effect things such as counter hits, due to very complicated shit. Before we can tune back to old radio or TV-radio broadcasts, or to an actual area so that a powerful nowhere near yet invented laser-printer can make a copy of an entire reality such as a room where a person is in and alive, who died the next day, but you are a year in the future tuning back through distance-delay; please; don't get me started here, Misses Eckert Pharmaceuticals, YO, but yes, before we can do any scanning of past time, a lot of distance needs to be synthesized, in an actual controllable real-world distance, and this is accomplished after a string of LUNSAT or lunar satellites are all strung around the moon. In a major compressed nutshell, the round trip light second distance (RTLS) distance being about three and a half RTLS from the moon to the Earth, give or take; needs to be beam bounced through ezxtremely sophisticated laser systems mixed with major electronic gismos, so that this runs in a controlled field-area, many times, trillions of times, so that a distance of months and years can be virtually created without ever using more than this approximate 3.5 or so RTLS distance, and this will become known in many universe futures, as are already, as reverse-time-field-scanning (RTFS-technology). I know because as an occasional TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON traveler, I have visited some parallel universes, and seen these things. But my point for now has nothing to do, or little anyway, with that particular type of high super tech of the near tomorrow world, perhaps, right here in this universe. When I tried t get up on this machine, and had that mouse-freeze-up hack; I was thinking of both hacking that I have been giving, as well as machine-mind and its unknown control and effects to present day science, and even how the mouse was screwed with on my 1997 computer, over at my Somerdale, New Jersey death-house, as I used to refer to this place as, when those three Tandy employee dudes were all over there with me, and later one afternoon with just Fred Winstein and myself, and he called this a 'biosing hack', and he told me that only top billion dollar shit, can pull this off; you know, as in the Black File Agencies, (BFA). But there is a lot more to MACHINE-MIND and its interface with human mind. Many folks will tell you, computer software engineers and the great geeky gurus of all hackers club and know-it-all societies, that in fact, there is a lot more to the interface than is being released. This is the hugest secret I could ever let out, and am going to scratch a surface right now since they just won't fuckign ever leave me alone and quit mother fucking persecuting me, 24-7-365.2422!

Computer Science and all sorts of related laboratories from the most famous ones up in New England, MIT, and others; all know one huge thing, and I mean the top dozen people who shut the fuck up about it, and I am out here now daring to kick this noisy can at midnight, so all can hear this poor old Fort Pierce town crier of present days of tears and jeers!!!!!!!!!! Fiction shows do the same thing as the real sciences. They try and imagine a virtual reality, or an artificial intelligence; and ways that a MACHINE MIND can hopefully someday create such a thing. This all naturally comes to be, but only after our technology grows quantum leaps and bounds ahead of right now in these cave age days of toy computers. With some slightly altered advanced tech, one item being the Q-Chip, and there are others; all present computers, even the best of them, will be like a ten dollar Walmart calculator adding machine, for sale at many check-out counters, in a comparison. But just because we will have machines that can self adjust into interactions or ''THINK'', and even be later placed into bodies so that they can feel and sense their environment and interact with outer stimulus, it still goes further than this. These dam secrets are beyond fuckiGN huge. An automatic link exists inside of MACHINE-MIND, that will automatically permit these androids, and not some silly small phones, to do all sorts of things, without limit, like the Star Trek Borg sort of, and also mixed with machines talking to each other, you know, one cell phone or computer, speaking to others all over the world, we call this internet, you know. Well, we and these droids will automatically become part of a very powerful cloud, or have we already been inducted, without our knowledge and permission, and does Bluebook Project, and Wright Patterson Air-force Base and Area 18, and all this shit; already know, that the great Star Trek Next Generation “GAME” of Wesley Crusher? WE most likely have all been indoctrinated into this ?Wesley Crusher game long ago, and only a handful of people who travel the hyperspace such as myself, and Patty-Paula King Hollister, would be immune to some degree to its effects, and even PP SENIOR uses a cellphone. I of course only use this computer, and basically, just to do these blogs, and fight these Astral plane forces of BRIGGBASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that it has gotten me very mother fuckign far in ten straight solid goddess dam ass years, YO BRAHHH!!!!


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