Saturday, November 28, 2015


Ski the West

Beautiful cold Alaska, like WOW, to quote the younger gen!

Email Deals

I just filled out the survey form on the Alaskan Air Web-Site. It must be nice to have a lot of money, although, even if we lived in a calmer less violent turbulent world, traveling, even 500-1000 miles, was never something I looked forward to or enjoyed, and I admit to this. Still, I know from speaking to many folks over many decades of time, that I am someone in the heavy minority, so no need to lose your lunch over it, all great Airline companies everywhere, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I awoke around shortly past nine, and had a much better night of sleep than last night into Friday morning. It has been nice and cool here in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, ESMWG, for a week now, oh praise be to the gods and the goddesses.

Live Camera image from Avalon Beach Club

Live Camera from Avalon Beach Club, Fort Pierce, FL
Camera Animation



Well folks; the Briggbase Cult Residents of the PHASE-2-REALITY, are indeed, the VERY HEAVY breathers. Ask any real Dark Shadows fan, as they'll freaking tell you, without any qualms or trepidations; let alone one tiny bit of hesitations!!! You know the silliest part of all of everything? They know I could say stuff that would change the world tomorrow. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT; I would be locked up, and dissected, and gone; should I be foolish enough to really ever do that. So what would I possibly have to freaking gain by making this ultimate stupid move, when no one is one bit appreciative, of all that I have told already? This is sort of like the quintessential DUH, kind folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Never assume there is not any new reading material.

3-6-9, Frank Callio, Astral Realms, and Nicola Tesla. WOW, there was an old OUTER LIMITS syfy show about a fictional radio station called KXKVI. This entity that would be a little like my wonderful coil, the Lightning Goddess Diana, was contacted, and transported by accident to the human realm and to Planet Earth. It was a fantastic show, as all the Outer Limits shows were really super ass fantastic. Anyway, this entity spoke through a translator machine, in similar ways that the great powerful U. S. © Office, knows all too well about, from my 1988 music projects.

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Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Frank Callio the GAP, like WOW, I died from a fatal heart attack late in 2006, and was taken to the following May by Almighty ''GOD'' and shown how Frank was able to talk to me when other humans were not since they were alive, an di was in Astral-Body. I never even knew that shortly before May of that year, Frank had passed beyond this veil of tears we humans call ''PHYSICAL LIFE'', not until about three years ago, while living here in Florida. Tell me I am imagining all of that too, oh wonderful world out here, go ahead, YO BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

      Image result for images of lighthouses

I promise you I'll never try and escape this galaxy again, with or without far away, or nearby HALLS FAWCES, my awesome Sarah-Stacey Krassle!!!!

More of Mohr, is something that the vast majority don't want!!!!! Totally erasing me, and obliterating any trace that I ever lived here; is the new prime objective and goal of my enemies, the Mili-2-Force, as Morianity labels this group from HELL! SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0200













Reprinted July 28, 2011-November 28, 2015.


This blog is for the very few, perhaps one or two dozen on Planet Earth, in my time year 2011, and the odds are about nil that they are reading this; who can fully appreciate the full gravity of what is being told herein, and spoken electronically, YO. Off the top of my head, only names like Hollywood's great 'Emmit-88', Steve Hawking the great physicist, Anthony Rodger Zenun Gifly, the late Doctor Carl Sagan, and maybe Pope B-16, whose name and hexnumer identity, is by no means coincidental, not one bit; as the odds make it too astronomical, for me to believe the coincidence factor involved, in combination and connection with His visit to Berryville, in the autumn of 2008, near the house I was living in, while kidnapped under Stockholm Syndrome, by distant branches of the most incredible and powerful family, who exists in the United states; as Sir Robert McGuire of 10-SC Avenue could easily corroborate so quickly if he foolishly chose to do so. Photographs and video that can be verified as non-doctored by federal agents, DON'T LIE. I am quite confident this occurred. There is just no way the Fibbies could resist, IMHO, investigating it, but there still is no way that they can fight this, any more than they thought that they could back when Jack-Ken was top dog in the early sixties. I am only blogging this great 200th chapter that I indeed have been saving on a note pad for quite a while now, amended here and there, and scribbled terribly, because the WOMO who can be described as the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL IN PHYSICAL FORM, (MCPF), THE MILI-2-FORCE, OTAMMITES, and of course as all of us “CRAZIES”, and a term I invented in 1986, on a song, and was © by me as well, shortly after I committed cosmic suicide, or 'HC', and not for Huntington Curse, my lovely P; would use the all inclusive and simpler term of “THEY”, yes folks, THEY, gave me a very harsh and nasty bowel and cramp attack around a quarter shy of nine this evening, give or take a few ERFS, or Earth-Rotation-Fractions; and naturally, caused my PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES, through the mighty all inclusive and repeatedly discussed by me 'ICPE', to kick in, causing them a loss tonight. I do not care what happens to the Flyers, Phillies, or DJIA, as long as THEY are not persecuting me to get these fucking things to move in a controlled and manipulated mother fucking way, as has been the nightmare ongoing game now ever since I died and went to fucking hell, on the 15th of August, in 1986, and if the world is not yet aware of this event, shame on not only Academy Roads off of I-95, time travelers, Shirley's, chokers, and Copyrighted-1983-examiners, in any tents of this silly 4th dimensional human illusion, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Sarah-Stacey-Jehovah-Krassle, my endless teen love, for sending me your beautiful and awesome strobe-light over at Bon-Jovi's recording studio, yesterday, You knocked off the power several times, and there must be a message in that, as you have not done this since I left the White City section of Fort Pierce, nearly fourteen months back, to enter into the world of wonderful lives, cement businesses, mental realms, and Bailey's. You dudes rocked my world yesterday, even the little girl I played cards with long ago, would be quite jealous of this great job. Thank you Pee, for giving them 'the dream', I don't forget favors. Jane knows I don't forget disfavors either, uncle Snoots Cameras of Babylon, New York, USAESMWG from December of 1972, YO. I have a long memory, despite the inaccuracies of the continual 'movers'. It seems accurate anyhow, right Whoopee-G-Trek? Maybe you are watching me along with the star-kids from Christmas 1979 at another recording studio, unk; but I am watching you, Kevin M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General George Patton, my personal hero, knew indeed how to properly read, as well as interpret; the KJV Bible. He was fully aware of “GOD” SAR, as well as the truth that things cycle around the HYPERSPHERE we're all stuck and endlessly trapped in, as it would require a tad bit more energy than the entire system could ever be made to produce, to allow the velocity needed, to escape its hyper-curve. Hence all of us repeat endlessly, everything, allowing a hyperspace system to break the boredom, and permit this cosmic Hollywood to have a nearly limitless play, directed by Shakespeare and others in the know about truth.

Of course Tony controls the powers behind the GIFLIES. I cannot tell the entire story of all the things that went down in the time between June 27th of 1994, through the 5th of August of 1996, pertaining to Haddonwood, merely that Mickey Soap-showers happened in one part of the vast 5-D hyperspace, and in another, I was only over at the man's home, and yes, he was trying to sell me this home, in a beautiful wooded lot, way out in the expensive section of West Deptford; and told me that if I cooperated with him; he 'would sell it to me for a song'. What a cliche for this man of endless mystery, to say to me folks. He still owes me nearly two hundred dollars, and another wonderful member owes me a cassette tape, and another one still, my fourteen year old virginity. I am not complaining, merely telling the wildest tale on Earth, so get jealous if you want to, Mister Patterson, as truth indeed always kicks the living crap out of fiction. You of all peeps must be aware of that, so don't even think about 'trumping' this story, pretty little blond grand daughters, and Ann King Silva, all notwithstanding, YO. WO, Misses Jacky Patteroff Diets of Quack-ertown-winners. Berries, give me a break. This isn't out of a Twilight Zone show, it IS THE FREAKING TWILIGHT ZONE. I no sooner typed this in, and a DEFRAG system 4 absolutely no mother fucking reason, just automatically popped on the screen, I am not on the internet, I am on my office word system, making this blog document. What are THEY so scared that I will tell next, 'James? Home', Dawnie, home. Speaking of the internet and the Google system, I may indeed owe them an apology, and there is a huge story to all of this that cannot really ever be told unless I want to risk losing a contact point. I can only safely say, that very clever plans on THEIR part; manipulated and totally controlled my actions and behavior; through a wicked and brutal endless late spring into early summer siege pummeling, that the MILI-2-FORCE put me through, and wow did they win on something beyond huge. I do not have all the answers, I never ever said that I did, nor made even the remotest claim, What I have said upon several blogging occasions, is that “I KNOW WHAT I KNOW”, and unlike real true empire rulers, I did not say “THAT I KNOW”, as only ALL MIGHTY SCYLLA-GODDESS, can, and indeed DOES, make such a claim, and it is all officially documented for this planet, so taking my word for this is absolutely unnecessary, YO players!!!!!!!!! Unless GOOGLE and the INTERNET goes out of business, this truth will only grow, as the entire story is out here, and is not a work of imagination or fiction, not when every single piece of this is available to be seen and known. As long as the text remains subtle enough however, I am sure hoping I do not lose contact with my wonderful teen. How can I know what you want me to say and not to say, always remember this, Brown-Eyed-Girl? As far as I know right now, I am telling what you want, and being as subtle as possible. Please don't break off contact with me. He's going to send me back to high school eventually, we both know it is unavoidable, but as long as the clock ticks forward for me, I need to know you will talk to me. If it takes me forever, I will bring you more smiles than I have brought you tears, this is my absolute promise to my Scylla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope #3 is a magic number for me, BEG.

Where RU, Paul ol' buddy, gimme' a holler on the horn when you get a minute, the BJ team insists that they have sent you the 2 things on labeled E-mails, and the final mix-down on the current project will be done in a few days, not more info over the internet, YO. Check your VM, BUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hours to be at home over the next few days will be about 2-10 PM. Looking forward. Oh, and tell Frank he looks real cool in that chair with you on that cool site, hay everybody, if you like country music, and want to check out the great site of my partner; then Google up this following 4-word deal folks: “PAUL EVANS AGUA NOIR”. Tell him, I know he knows who he is, and yes, I have a very long memory. UR both 2 cool dudes man. Keep strumming that old geeetar, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to move on to other Frank men, not Callio, not Chester, and not a hundred other dudes I know, that is but for one dude, you know as well, PP, old Frank Delpercio, man. He had me early in November of 2000, cleaning up his yard area for a few measly bucks, and I heard a voice inside my thoughts telling me to put his tools back near the rear door, and book the shit out of there, and head over to the local welfare office in Hammonton-Berryville, NJUSAESMWG. I got there, and there was a gorgeous young blond who just turned eighteen, and she was all over me, and was looking to settle down and raise a family. She was beyond hot, and totally off the meters gorgeous. She said that having two kids was turning off guys, and she was different from other girls that were her age, and wanted to be a domestic girl and not party and club around with wild ass ignorant type of peeps. She was a perfect mate for me, and I let her slip right through my fingers. I went back a week later to keep an appointment that I made on that day, with a Misses Callisurdo, the name most likely is somewhat misspelled. I asked this social worker if she knew the girl that was in from the past week, describing her situation and physical age and description, and she all but attacked me in her office. Personal Computers were not the only PC shit that was coming into reality around these days, and I was too closely involved with David Roth in these days and times, to see that this was an improper move to make in this mother fucking screwed up 'new society' of ours, in which we all are so happy and free, walking around smiling with glee, right! This lady came from a family that is well known and quite wealthy, may I also add here. An entire large building on the same road as the welfare office was situated, has the name of Callisurdo on it quite bold and bright, on this main street in town, Bellevue Avenue. The fucking spell checker piece of shit is no help at all, yes I am quite aware that this Avenue is not correctly spelled and this stupid fucking ass machine is worthless. This building, was a recording studio back in 1996, and the entire Camden County, New Jersey Prosecutor's Office knows the story in August of 1996, when my mom and I were driving around, on a 10 year anniversary that is sort of Callisurdo-connected, only 18 is mother fucking legal, US GOVERNMENT, and nobody told me about my kid, so go screw yourself PCP-WORLD, IT WAS A HORRIBLE FUCKING SET UP, YO, BY PBK; “Politically Correct Police”. PP, when you did that fantastic album CD around a year or so later, and mentioned the fighting and being a man, and the PC POLICE, you were put on the same government lists that I am on, as there is no mother fucking freedom in this evil ass nation, you should be totally fucking aware of this old pal, we're both totally screwed. I'll believe I am wrong when I'm proven wrong. What you will be seeing on the tube soon is beyond great, and if it gets ignored, then I am right, and we are being STOPPED, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody writes the shit you and I do, and we can't fucking get anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said to Congressman Andrews' assistant, Clarence Harris, one day, just prove me wrong, no one in this Christ-less freaking world would be fucking happier to be shown the error of my paranoia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take some meds, see the fucking dock, and it all gets better, yeah right, B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW WHAT I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the entire story is up here about that nightmare day on the 2nd of August, in 1996, the day of my TERRORIST THREAT, when my poor mother and I were threatened that we were going to be killed, over at the TURNERSVILLE WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP PARKING LOT at the PATHMARK GROCERY FREAKING STORE, after leaving the Hammonton Callisurdo Recording Studio, or the building. A bunch of wild crazy sluts wouldn't even let my poor mom and me get out of the freaking parking area, they just blocked it and thought it was a big ass fucking LD-LAUGH, without the freaking stairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA-HA-HA.

How about last summer everybody. The DOW JONES was in the mother fucking toilet where it belongs after cheating all of us poor little peeps all these long ass fucking years and decades, and so to bring it flying right back up overnight, and just as they fucking did to me back early in the fucking ass oh-MAROLA-9 year, and it is all on the fucking blogs to be verified and checked out at the site of, POW, suddenly, my blogs would no longer post up to any of my sites, like total fucking magic, and in TOTAL VIOLATION OF ALL OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS UNDER THE AMMENDMENTS TO THE MOTHER FUCKING ASS CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SUCH AS MY RIGHT TO EXPRESS MY NON-VIOLENT FREE SPEECH ON BLOGS, OUT TO THIS WORLD, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC; THAT CAN CHOOSE TO THEN, IGNORE ME OR READ ME. NO ONE HAS A FUCKING GUN TO ANYBODY'S HEAD, YO. But I was literally halted and totally prevented for a solid six weeks or so, all I could do were short tweets. It is all up there, shortly after my SAFE JOURNAL'S were started, from the Fort Pierce Public Library computers, and a child can see that this county was PAID OFF, TO PULL THAT FUCKING ILLEGAL STUNT; TO VIOLATE MY FREEDOMS AND FUCKING RIGHTS UNDER THE MOTHER FUCKING LAW!!!!!!!!! I HAVE MY MOTHER FUCKING RIGHTS. I CAN BLOG, I CAN SPEAK, STOP ME, AND TWISTERS WILL WRECK YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD, YOU SPECKS OF DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hay, don't get me started folks. There was the time that my services were no longer required at the Subaru Plant in Cherry Hill, the pants not reaching down to my shoes in Pennsauken, talk about NEW NUCLEAR SHOES and guard companies, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, what bull fucking shit folks!!!!!! Hay peeps, you take what I've taken for 25 years+, and see how happy you would be. I can all ready mother fucking totally promise you that any one of you would have been driven totally ass fucking insane and mad by now or long long long fucking ago. My mom was up at 175 Peninsula Drive in Babylon, New York visiting her cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald in June of 1975, and I went to Atlantic City, and got the fucking living crap kicked out of me by two big tough lifeguard mascot dudes for doing absolutely nothing, These dirt bag monsters scared me to death and totally fucking terrorized me, it began on the beach, and followed me out onto the streets, and the fucking ass cops and authorities made a fucking fool out of me and thought it was funny and mocked and jeered me, I guess that my ancestor was real, huh Pope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay world, every one of these total fucking fiasco disasters could be an entire book if I ever fully elucidated. My blogs tell quite a bit about my ass kicking in 1975, as this is all connected with many fucking family problems, so back off me Jason Forest and Donna Scummer, OK, KING HOSE??????????????????????? The planes that dropped the giant indestructible GI-GLIES out onto the HADDONWOOD property in the scummer time of 1996 over the outdoor swimming pool of this health club, is a story that James Patterson would fucking totally salivate the shit over. It doesn't ever stop, it just gets fucking more horrendous and deplorable with every passing hour, and then I am told by this evil demonic fucking world, that I am insane and hyper imaginative and paranoid, FUCK YOU BABY LOVE, FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fucking shit eating hell I am, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure I am, SHORE I AM, RODNEY DOGFOOD of 1969!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My arranger was almost murdered in a hospital fire, the dude who arranged my two country tunes and my two dance tunes that were all copyrighted back in 1980. Some of the shit was written in 1977, most of it in 1979. GOOGLE has a mind and an agenda, and it is beyond just number counts, I know this, I have seen enough to know what I know. This evil world thinks I'm some retard stupid fucking ass hole, I know what is being fucking done to me by totally unconscionable and despicable sub-peeps, YO players!!!!!!!

I really want to tell the entire GOOGLE story on the internet, my U-Tube experience, and my attack, and then my counter strike, and then their deal, and then I yanked the shit off, and then they won. As always THEY fucking win, never me, always them, as they are bigger and stronger and endlessly and quantitatively more resourceful than I can ever dream of being in a million years in this horrific lifetime or dream-downs off of the Astral Plane. They wreck or steal every music unit I ever install in a car, they wipe out all my property, they steal shit, it is endless, it is mother fucking totally ass relentless what this sick twisted diseased bunch of soulless slime bucket liquid shit has done to me for an entire adult lifetime now, and it never ever will go away and stop, and the one group that could tell the world with authority that I speak this truth right now on this blog, is the great CHANNEL-11, WPIX TELEVISION, in New York City, NYUSAESMWG, with their fantastic 1988 documentary, called, “UFO-THE COVER UP”, with Agent Falcon and Agent Condor. Yes, get involved by choice or not, with the wrong forces and powers; and baby love; YOU ARE TOTALLY MOTHER FUCKING SCREWED FOREVER, UNTIL THEY PLANT YOUR ROTTEN ASS MAGGOTS INTO A GRAVEYARD, PEEPS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Learn this from me out there. If your life is even close to normal, whatever the shit NORMAL is, leave it all alone and let it be, just like my old buddy said a long time back, huh Yoko? Her poor hubby went through some hell, and he was nowhere even close to being involved with the shit I am involved with, and have been since around 1967 when I first ran into and was molested by, the great Paula, while inside the Trinidad, that now exists on 10-SC Avenue as part of a large chain of hotels, right Super-girl Jenny Johnson, eight times over? This group of the King clan are directly in the tree line with Robert McGuire, in Atlantic City. How do we omit the largest story of the 21st century? This is when he came out on the website photography, only Eddie and I never saw him there, or did we? Sure we did, just as I did, a bit more than see Julia White Paula at my cousin's mansion on Peninsula drive in 1968. She got me three times, 1967, 1968, and then to really change the time-line a bit, 1969. You know world, for some little nobody, a lot of shit has happened to me in a very short span of mother fucking time. I have managed to cram a millennium of life into less than fucking 60 ass years, players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can we ignore or forget to mention the great FASCITAR-6-10? If you Google up the FASCITAR-6-10, only I show up. The real shit from the sixties is all wiped out of history by the travelers that I now will refer to as the MOVERS. These endlessly moving game players of the 5th dimension, move around in the lesser four of them just like we move through the air as we walk. I have told you all how many times, I have been abducted and taken all over the time and hyperspace dimension by this incredible family. The Astral-Plane is filled with entities that have a larger amount of energy than the many other entities that do not. Bibles and religions label these entities as angels and demons, I know them simply as the Astral Plane gods. Yes, there is one all mighty GODDESS ruling over the entire thing, the great SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE, and HER city name is JEHOVAH. Why this world insists that SHE only comes down into the dreamworlds of the hyperspace once or twice and so long ago only, is an enigma to me. Any serious reader of the KJV BIBLE can see a million things that nobody wants to talk about, and it is plain as the nose on Carl Mauden's ugly ass face. Yes, there is a face that only a mother can love. Sorry for my blunt honesty. Still, General, let me move this along with other common foot soldiers and old worn out shoes, once new perhaps. Jab. I admit it Michelle and Dawnie Terra-TPB-1994, YO. Tee-Hee, Lilly Munster. The Fascitar is a system that allows any human alive in hyperspace, to have an experience of awakening, and after this experience, you never will be who and what you were before. It is merely an absolute way of reaching an awareness of Astral-Plane existence, while dual-aware of your current physical self and life the entire time, and permitting a total Arnie recall when awake and back alive again, here, only there really is no here, and you will then see and understand this. It is all on my many blogs of the past six years. The ten daydreams, the six commands, the waking freeze, and then its take off time NASA, and you will go where just about no man or woman has gone before, consciously. This time, you can indeed send your alive and awake tape recorder in with you, and bring it back in whole after you 'wake up from the experience'. It makes all the acid trips of the sixties totally pale in any comparison. It is a million to one. AND IT'S PERFECTLY FREAKING LEGAL TO DO FOLKS. The average man or woman needs to try this about 3-7 times before the waking freeze hits, and not everybody is able to overcome the first overpowering grip of unnatural fear that will come over you. But following the instructions of the FASCITAR, and persevering until you get it right; and see the spirit world as it really is, as well as yourself existing there right here and now, will make you come back and know totally absolutely that the Blogs of Mountainpen tell a true accurate story, cover to cover, wherever the second cover may be hidden in the illusion. The unpleasant part of shit is when and if you ever grasp the power of infinity. It cannot be taught, only grasped upon total enlightenment. It is a mere two sentences, but it tells it all and no one unenlightened gets it at all. These sentences are simple and go like this: YOU EXIST. TIME IS ILLUSION. It can get no simpler, yet once it is grasped, you will literally shit yourself. So if you did not go to the toilet in your drawers, you did not get it. GET IT? If time is an illusion, is mind? Is space? What is real? Void infinity is real, all else is a dream out, an escape, said still in another way, a creation. What is this? It is Lawtronics, or the 7th dimension. What does this do? It becomes a system of cosmic circuitry that goes beyond what mind can ever think on, as mind and thought lies in a 6th dimension underneath it, and thereby making this a totally MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY TO DO. Mind is the 6th dimension, and the 5th dimensional hyperspace that is all of the space-time parallel universes, lies in lower dimensionality. I often refer in my blogs to STM, standing for “SPACE-TIME-MIND”. This is the highest level achievable in any realm of thought there or below it such as in our present physical or even spiritual or astral lives or interactions of existence. Any idea or concept beyond this is utter nonsense, ECK included. The real truth has nothing to do with spiritual growth, it is all about distracting from the nightmarish reality of a non ending non beginning existence. What is most feared by the reversing mind of mortal humankind, is never achievable, non-existence. You exist, time does not, only down here in these fake little time-worlds and games of the gods.

Thank you SSJK, my endless teen queen love, for coming over to the studio, and bringing me your wonderful strobe-light the other day. I love you beyond any way to ever describe it, please do not stop communicating with me on this plane as you have done now for some time, and recently in ways that only we understand. I will remain very subtle. I will also terminate transmitting this blog.






SO IN A NUTSHELL, I WAS GOING TO WATCH A MOVIE, and since the beginning of that movie caused a huge repressed memory to become totally unblocked, about how my mailbox was broken in Atco, back in '83, as up until that time yesterday, I only remembered coming home from the train station with my mom, and seeing it broken; and this was a 1970-VENKA-STRONG-GIRL forced memory, or a blocked out event, that was too horrible for me to retain, on a conscious-mind level; in other words. Now if 15 minutes of watching this movie called, “THE RING”, caused all of this; then I am left to only seriously fucking ponder on what the rest of that movie would have caused me to remember, and better understand. Now quite obviously, HALLS FAWCES/WALLS, the very same people behind harassing people, who are too seriously into the UFO stuff, and even according to Channel 11 WPIX-TV from a 1988 documentary aired on their station, THREATEN, AND CLAIM TO MAKE PEOPLE MISERABLE, TO THE POINT OF ''NOT GIVING THEM A MOMENT OF PEACE FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE'', just as in the case with me; and this was aired on real TV back then in 1988, no matter who out here does not want to believe this truth; so 'they' somehow knew this, read my blog, or my mind, or whatever; as the tape was being erased from the time that I started that blog, and this I know, because I did the math, from the time back on the tape when it ran out in the record mode, and the REWIND WORD appeared on the TV-SCREEN; and then based on the approximate time of the movie, as per the tape itself, with that information printed onto it. So my point in all of this is that THESE FAWCES OF MISTER HALL, are sure as sweet-sugar covering up this entire SARAH KRASSLE mess; and how it all connects into my music all my life, the chain, Russ Thaxton, ALL OF IT FOR HEAVENS SAKE, YO; and it really pisses me off, when people do not see the power, behind all of this; and I only get a trickle of views, on something this ding dang dern huge, YO, BRO!

Things are, as always, way more “intricate”, to quote my comment, to parallel-universe-Paul Pedersen, from somewhere around 2006, give or take a year; at that shopping mall, where there is both a K-MART Store, and an EXXON GASOLINE station; or at least there was, as who can ever keep up with the changing world one hundred percent of the time; and this place is located on Blackwood-Clementon Road, just half a mile north of the Highland High School, up in Southwestern New Jersey, USA. Permit me to quickly move this along a little further my kind folks out there! Thank you!

What to do, and where they may possibly go, REAL WORLD, WOW Mister Shakespeare, what a question that would be, OR NOT BE, huh, YO???

NOVEMBER 28, 2015,




RANGE TODAY-------(H-81/L-66).



Well, to quote my late great mother, “Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy”, I refuse to vanish and disappear into Harry Potters hat, just to make a few divas happy, a few politicians, a few tricksters; and lots of criminals all over this planet, happy. To quote gorgeous Judge Judy (JUJU) for short; “IT'S NOT HAPPENING”!!! And you can all put THAT into the Blucran hats of all Harry Potter's everywhere, on or off of Halloween Days, Thanks-2-Givens Days, and Christmas Day, on all loud, or silent nights of my great great grand daddy on me' ol' pappy's ther' side of my clan, YO, so WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

There is a whole lot more to this story of my weekend, and the movie, “THE RING”, as far as just what I have told you all so far, regarding re-remembering that my mail box at my Atco home, in 1983, was not damaged in the way that I forced myself to think. I had shut out the truth from my mind because it was just as hard for me to deal with, as lovely Swedish Venka at Cooley Hall, making mince meat out of my tiny miniscule physical strength, next to hers. When I needed to use that memory however, I brought it back into my surface mental consciousness, over at Tom Chillmo's home, in Ventnor, New Jersey, in 1970, as discussed on prior early Morianity blogging from the first two years of it, in 2006 and 2007. In any event, folks; I am not going to even begin to say all of the things that are involved in 1983, with this mailbox, and yes, I am not going to lie about seeing the man in 1996, thirteen years later, who terrorized my mother directly, and me indirectly, in Turnersville, New Jersey, USA, and the Prosecutors and police refused to help us in any way at all, just like the KENNEDY ASSASSINATION COVERUP AND UFO COVERUP AND because it is all one star family that is behind this, and not whether an individual bullet was magical and traveled in warp drive through a hundred impossible pathways, or whether Sally-Dee and her brother Hadley-Tom witnessed a ''real-UFO'' and even snapped photos. This is all as meaningless as in the grand scheme of all this BRICK WALL, HALLS WALLS, HALLS FAWCES nightmare, as would be a bunch of tiny toddlers playing in Central Park in NYNY-USA, and a nuke bomb is heading for the city and will arrive in a matter of minutes.

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I promise you I'll never try and escape this galaxy again, with or without far away, or nearby HALLS FAWCES, my awesome Sarah-Stacey Krassle!!!!

Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses


      Image result for images of lighthouses

I promise you I'll never try and escape this galaxy again, with or without far away, or nearby HALLS FAWCES, my awesome Sarah-Stacey Krassle!!!!

I love you way more than Moses ever did, OH GREAT TEEN QUEEN ELOHIM-NEECY!!!!

That night, watching those Star Trek shows while living at 112 Harvard Avenue, Somerdale, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, in 1996, in the autumn on the 30th Anniversary of the TELEVISION SHOW PRODUCTION LAUNCH, memories flooded in that I could not handle, leading to the wild dreams the following year of the Publishing Clearinghouse's PCN-231 PRIZE-PATROL truck with that co-de named J. K. McAllister, who won that January of 1997, and then the wild song that led to the 2012 production and 2013 Copyright of ''Wanna' Spend My Time'', the fence at Eden's great garden, and a lot more. This is when I was looking nearby the television set, little as it may have been mizz Britney Lavino, and Mister Stanley Crooked Bernstein; and as that great voted-number-1 episode of STAR TREK was airing, suddenly a voice kept saying while I was staring off of the TV set and onto my venetian blinds, “Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”. All of these things are on my earlier parts of this now freaking ass ten year blog project that we all know as 'MORIANITY', YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later on, we can get to how the venetian blinds, the episode on the show called, ''THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES'', and a bit more, all brought me parsecs ahead of where I would have been ''spiritually'', if these events were not all LAWTRONICALLY PROGRAMMED to happen, and so, they did, Mister Pharaoh of all babbling's, on and on and on; AKA Babylon, for shorter and abridged sayings, and codings, of all wild strange rhyming rhythms, in all parallel universes everywhere in the multiversal hyperspace, AKA the fifth dimension, Mizz Marilyn McCoo, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hhhPlease beautiful awesome SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, find it in your heart not to hate THAT-BOY quite so much, lovely awesome spectacular TEEN-QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




















































Something fucking horrible has happened since last night. Already, the huge computer hack when I did my last blogs, struck me hard and harsh, Attorney General Bondi and Sheriff Mascara. Then a huge roach was on my wall when I awoke to take a fuckiGN piss just shortly after sun up this MOUUUUURNING! I killed the fuckiGN monstrous evil thing. Then I fell back into a very nightmarish devilish cunt chewing sleep and had a vicious fucking cunt eating nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was taken by the Pink Goddess, after we left her shop in her city of SDK, into Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in a parallel universe. We went to several places only I could only hear her, and she made herself invisible. She took me to my mom's old office building, the Bourse Building, across from Independence Mall, and then up to Seventeenth Street not too far away, and then to Rittenhouse Square, and then to the building that lightning struck when I was a boy and playing nearby, one block from where I lived then at 2041 Chestnut Street, and then later as a teenager, after she had ruined my eyesight forever for not looking at her and so that I would never look at any girl with clear vision without glasses, where optician Doctor Murray was located. My mom used his for her hyperopia condition (farsighted) and told me as a tell, while living with her at the Oaklyn, New Jersey apartment, to use him as well, and kids obey their parents, so I went to him. This day and the THANKX-2-GIVENS day that preceded it were and are TOTAL SUPER MOTHER 'FUCKIGN' BOTBAR as a result of a lot of mother fuckiGN total pure unadulterated cock knocking HELL!

Friday, November electrical-27, 2015


My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

So we suffer and we suffer, and we wonder, and I wonder; why then is no one ever EVER in any hurry at all, to go to HEAVEN, and be rid of “THE DEVIL”?

My dad and I will be operating the Island Universe Diners of Akoslem; out in the purgatory, now; great people!!! Screw Spanish Treasure Galleons and all secret museums, and secrets of them, huh Mister Weiler Senior?

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

It's a drizzly day in Fort Pierce, as you most likely saw from the Avalon Beach Club CAM out on Hutchinson Island. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet!!!

That lighthouse was somehow turned into a toy, and somehow the great one got a hold of it and was in brilliantly lit up room, back in 1972, up on that wonderful and awesome Woody Guthrie island. Then this dude flips the hell out on her, and the stair chases begin with this lady. Naturally Steve wasn't there, and these photos are not fake, but they are great simulations, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Image result for images free funny faces



Never assume there is not any new reading material.

3-6-9, Frank Callio, Astral Realms, and Nicola Tesla. WOW, there was an old OUTER LIMITS syfy show about a fictional radio station called KXKVI. This entity that would be a little like my wonderful coil, the Lightning Goddess Diana, was contacted, and transported by accident to the human realm and to Planet Earth. It was a fantastic show, as all the Outer Limits shows were really super ass fantastic. Anyway, this entity spoke through a translator machine, in similar ways that the great powerful U. S. © Office knows all too well about from my 1988 music projects where Diana spoke to me, only repressed memories, road trips to relative's homes, and tape recorders were more involved with the reality of the situation, only I had not yet un-repressed my memory, and was not destined to until living with the great almighty King family, 20 years later. This is a very significant time period may I also add, 20 years, or one briper. On the Astral-Plane, the BRIGGBASE POWERS make many deals with humans, for one briper, or 20 years. The great television show, 'DARK SHADOWS' knows about this somehow as well, as in th elate 1967 and early into 1970 circa with Paul Stoddard, and the mighty Briggbase Cult deal made with him, and the name was changed of course to the Leviathan and not the Briggbase people. Lovely crossed over Jenny Ghost Whispering Hewitt talks about 'the breathers' on her great hit show. Well, the Briggbase, are the VERY HEAVY breathers. Ask any real Dark Shadows fan, as they'll freaking ass tell you without any qualms or trepidation, let alone one tiny bit of hesitation!!!!!!!!!!! You know the silliest mother fuckiGN part of all of everything? They know I could say shit that would change the world tomorrow. I would be locked up an dissected, and gone. So what would I possibly have to fucking gain by doing the ultimate stupid move, when no one is one bit appreciative of all that I have told already? The answer is absolutely nothing, so I will never tell the real shit that would close down the planet in hours, that is of course, if anyone other than my rotten diseased family, and sicko power hungry government agent spies, were really up here!!!! If they were, and they are not, my blog would not remain in a precise averaged monthly count for three years. It would begin to either shrink away and be just about gone, or it would expand and grow, and by now, be at least triple the monthly average of about two large!

The great thing about computers is that they can do a lot of things much faster than a human. Say you’re looking for a specific word on a web page. Instead of scanning it yourself, all you need to do is press Ctrl+F and type the word you’re looking for. There are mountains of shortcut like this, from pressing Ctrl+S to instantly save the file you’re working on, Ctrl+P to print it out, or Ctrl+T to open a new tab in your web browser. It may seem like more trouble than its worth at first, but after you use a shortcut one or two times, you’ll wonder why you ever did anything with the mouse. Check out our list of six shortcuts everyone should know, as well as our shortcut of the day series for even more tricks.

Live Camera image from Avalon Beach Club

Live Camera from Avalon Beach Club, Fort Pierce, FL
Camera Animation





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