Friday, November 13, 2015

Chapter 21, Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet

People who have limited lifespans and limited intellect, judging a person who remembers thousands of years, is about as unfair as bully teasing some poor zit faced over weight teen every day in high fucking school. Those who need to get this message, get it. Let's leave things right there on this issue, shall we?

OK, OK, OK, OK John King, and Paula King????

Live Camera image from Seaport Hotel

Live Camera from Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA
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Arthur Huntington, hung himself in a basement of his home, after murdering his wife and mother in law quite brutally with an ax, in their sleep. What a dam ass LOVELY FAMILY I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEEEEEEEEEEZ-LOUISE IF YOU PLEASE!!!!

Gorgeous inmate Alice Ciminelli said it all; on the greatest mother fucking dick licking law show, to ever grace the lands of television; Dick Wooooooolf's Law& Order. She said, referring to the prison guards (Correction Officers or CO's for short), “They have all the power”! Folks, fuck the dam CO's. The people in this classification and category, can be thought of as the quintessential anti-bums. But it ain't the dam correction officer people who have all the power; only all the power in the prison system. The billionaire's have it all, and that lovely teen girl protester, who spoke to President Nixon, suddenly seemed to gain that revelation. Watch the great movie; another great Ollie Stone production, called, “NIXON”. This sudden coming upon her, while speaking to the true most powerful person on Planet Earth, or how true might be a bit relative, but still; this knowing something suddenly is a very serious and quite mysterious matter. It is called, MORIANITY. It finds us, we don't create or find Morianity. Cosmos decides literally to single out pieces of itself, to make revelations clear to them that would otherwise remain absolutely mysterious and ever-unknown!!!! What is this suddenly knowing something just as sure as if you were sitting in a classroom and being taught by a dam teacher? Many have labels and names for this, while many others simply believe this is a psychotic delusion. Well, fine, they're entitled to their beliefs, misguided as they may be. What it is that is literally landing on you, should this happen, as real as an airplane touching down on a tar mack, is called by Mountainpen, “MORIANITY”. But is this one of the items on Sarah Krassle's GUEST LIST, that needs guessing; you may wonder? Well, I just told how many wonder, and how I know it is morianity, just as I have had a lot of Morianity strike my life, ever since the summer of 1974 after making direct contact with that strange man on the beach of Atlantic
city, right near Ziggy's Jetty and Central Pier.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet,


Yes, for many eras in human history, people have these strange and sudden ''knowings'', for lack of a better way of saying it. I just call this Morianity. I did not invent nor find Morianity. Morianity, as with so many others before me, FOUND ME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally know that is the truth, as that too is a knowing, or just more of MORIANITY.

Is there anything in the world of the natural order of humankind, that is not part of Sarah Krassle's great KING of all GAMES, “GTNOTG”? Maybe, maybe not, and who cares? I only am concerning myself for right now, with things that I totally believe indeed are a part of it. If something is not a part of it, cool. To quote my pal from 1975 over at Albert Pileggi's basement one night during his band practice, Bob Andrews, “whatever”!

So we suffer and we suffer, and we wonder, and I wonder; why then is no one ever EVER in any hurry at all, to go to HEAVEN, and be rid of “THE DEVIL”?

Color me mine, Ann King, all kings; and all finding-ultimate clues-KING GAMES!!!

I cannot speak for flower power, other than to say that the sixties were trying and violent times. The hippies for the most part were very gentle souls who were simply against a lot of political bullshit, even back then. They just were clueless to how far the tentacles all went, in their fight against inhumanity and corruption. You cannot fight the world, not and win. Then along came the great and powerful Ron Reagan with his Reaganomics and other stuff. The love generation rapidly transformed and morphed into the greed generation. From here, it never ever looked back, and even the aging hippies began to get all caught up in it, seeing that expensive homes and automobiles and lots of material things, made life easier and so very luxurious for them and their once flower power children families. This was the ultimate example of everyone turning traitor and turn coat, and enemies hiding out in our own camps, waiting like hungry lions to devour anyone around them who thought differently than this new age establishment.



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What a world. I know what goes on. I'd have to be stupid not to see it. I only take offense that they think I am so stupid, not to fuckiGN catch on. WHAAAAAA!


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