Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chapter 18, Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Universe

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Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet,


It really seems to take the installers and maintenance people a long time to complete this project on a 95 apartment total building, and they still are not done. They woke me at opening bell of the stock market again today. I don't care, as long as I know what is happening. For a long while, I was being given a lot of magical Jerry, Sue, and Mashell car theft run-arounds, and didn't know what, why, who, about any of it. I don't feel very well, and have had pain all night, dull but there, making my sleep troubled. I may not have a lot of time left, so it is time for me to pick up the dam pace to the story of all of Morianity, and AMP, and maybe beyond this as well.

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© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2015


The game of GTNOTG is quite different from Monopoly, other card games and board games, computer games, sports games, competitions, contests, even head games we all play, with my late mom at the top of that list, as President and founder of that society and club. But GUESS THE NAME OF THE GUESTS really truly stands alone, in a class all by itself, the quintessential suigenerous game of all games. The true FINDING ULTIMATE CLUES game if you will, and this even symbolically acts to vent some of my anger as a victim that this game has forced me to be. This king of all games, does in fact automatically crown itself to be the KING of any and all games, because all other things, as well as games; when you look hard on it all; are all rapped up inside of the ''GTNOTG'' GAME. So this FUCKING GAME or Finding Ultimate Clues KING GAME, (FUCKING-GAME) is quite an incredible entity, and hey why not; as it was given to me on 12/07/96, by quite an incredible entity.

All throughout my entire life, people who I am basically clueless about, have managed to alter my life in ways so huge it is not even bloggable by Motor-Mouth Mountainpen. The latest motley crew would be the people I lived with from middle late summer time of 2008 until the early middle part of December in 2009, when I managed to escape them with just the fucking clothes on my back, and thus, ended up in Florida, where ever since that, I have been trapped in and totally imprisoned. Even more recent taking me to very present time circa called the here and the now, was the wild employee bunch while I worked up at the Harvest Outreach place, on 25th Street and Orange Avenue, about a mile west of my building here, their web-site is as follows:

However folks, right now, as I may be almost out of time where I can type and use this machine, depending on just what I have, and just how sick I get as a result; I need to sort of move up a planned and slated schedule of my final blogging project, so to speak. Allow me therefore please, to proceed accordingly, kind ladies and kind gentlemen!!!

I have been repressing some wild memories of my previous trip to Florida, when I came down to Orlando, to visit with my old boss at RPL, Mister Solomon. I am getting some weird hacking as I begin this paragraph. I wonder fucking why? Strange FUCKING GAMES, from strange unknowable FUCKING GAME PLAYING PEOPLE, HMM! Yes, the first of three strange people, who I encountered as a result of being at three different places around Orlando, Florida; with Mister Howard Solomon, in December of 1983; could totally 100% fit the bill of being GUESTS that I wouldn't mind being able to correctly guess. I may have known who they were back then enough to carry on conversations, and properly be able to interact with them, but you know what I mean. Looking back in hindsight from the here and the now; I mean I wish I could somehow through gifted omniscience, have known just exactly who they really were, and what they really wanted in so far as their interactions with me, because this was no, hey, hows it goen, and nice weather we're having, kind of average conversations! Not by any stretch of the mind. And not just that, but there was a lot more going on than just me speaking to these three individuals, and how it connects things from just a couple months later in time in early 1984, all the way up to right this very dam ass second, YO!

The girl was the second of the three of these folks, followed the next day, by the dude who showed up at Howard's road-stand eats place. The very first was the very first night with Howey at his driveway, after purchasing some candy in a glass jar, and I klutzed out and dropped it all over his driveway, and he freaked as if I had just started another war between the dam states or something. But we are going to only concentrate on the middle event, and by the way, it was at the store where I had purchased this candy, a one pound net weight without the glass jar, of plain M&M's Candy, at a Publix Store, that only recently, I have pulled back from lost memories, the sign above it, saying PUBLIX, and it was an employee there, and what he said, but as I said; we will get to this as well as the dude at Howey's eats-Place, later. Fr right now, this is about the wild girl at a very wild office that seemed to combine a trucking place, with a life insurance company, and I mean that this was off the dam wall super dam weird; even with, and for my threshold, of 'weird'.

The entire time that Howard was speaking to a man at this strange weird place, I was being asked questions about New Jersey from this girl who was employed as a receptionist there, an dshe was told that Howard and I were indeed from there, and she began inocently enough, but she was quite infatuated with me and practically asked me out on a date, maybe she even sdid. I was very imature at age 29 years, and I never dated. Also, even later in the autumn of 1984 or maybe early winter in 1985, I had a similar experience where I did not realize I was even being asked out, until months later, if not over a year. She had said to me, “Are you busy after work”. I thought that she just was curious if I was busy. That is how fucking socially immature, and life skills ignorant I was; from attending special education schools, and having no family or father or friends of any caliber, that would have helped me in that area; and so I was as ignorant, and totally babyish, as many six year olds! This is just the fuckiGN truth, so why fuckiGN bother to lie about it and act all ashamed of fuckiGN shit, that never was my fault to begin with? I never asked for my screwed up and totally fuckiGN twisted life; you know, folks!

So back to being at this weird place that haunted me in serial and recurring type of ''dreams'' and even still does maybe once or twice annually. So, after this girl flirts with me big time; despite Howey telling me later that I am fulla more turds than a room filled with food eating contestants; I never again said BOO about this to Howey. You all know me, I like to try to keep peacefulness around me as much as possible, unlike my crazy late head game playing mom. But moving this along now, after that girl finished flirting around with me like crazy, she told me she would be back in a few minutes, but when Howey and I left about ten minutes later, she still had not returned to her area where she seemed to be sort of like a receptionist, as in those day the ladies did a lot of that type of work in offices, just like many of my moms coworker-friends, such as Phyllis Hillock, and Grace Mears, and some others; up at her Philly company, called Lavino Shipping; that later became the Inchcape Shipping, after being taken over by a British firm, late last century sometime.

While I sat in this extremely comfortable waiting area couch, I dozed off after not getting much sleep the night before in Howey's house, and not being happy overall, and filled with usual life problems, you know, SOSO-WEIN-SSDD! Suddenly, I was awake (in my short burst dream), an da lady came out who was twice the age of the original girl who was at that front desk area, and she asked me questions that made no sense. In a super compressed nutshell, this place had turned into an insurance company. I was being canceled for having three medical conditions, and was there to discuss my life insurance. In reality, I had no life insurance then, not even that mickey mouse little policy that Bob Riches from the Prudential Insurance Company, would go onto talk me into purchasing in 1985. But things get very super ultra outlandish as I move this on from here. There are tons of things that connect the real life world with the dream that I had quickly fallen into, and this can be attempted to be tackled at some later time. I was told to come in, and I sat down at a desk and given the name of this lady who I remembered very well, but never will be able to consciously pull that name up, I just feel it so strongly that I'd be willing to bet a million bucks from the dam mob to place book on it, a very stupid move I'm sure.

This lady agent went onto hand me three large bright yellow manilla envelopes, and each one was a very official looking item, with the words life insurance cancellation, written on all of them. I do not know why this was being done like this, as it was not three policies, merely that I had three medical conditions that warranted my being canceled on my life insurance policy, as per some kind of regulation and agreement that I had obviously originally signed when I bought the dam policy. Eventually, I came to learn that I was working for another branch of this company, as a security guard, and that I was due in that night for a work shift from 11P to 7A. I appeared to be driving some weird electric cart that only went maybe 35 miles an hour tops, like one of those golf carts, and I never ever play golf, other than as a kid, going to miniature golf, driving ranges, or even big-miniature golf. I went often with Jim Burr, back when we were friends/associates/or 'whatever' we were, Huh Bob Andrews, turned future Congressman!

I was living at 506 Robin hill where I was living real-world, in this wild ''dream'', and worked somewhere in Jersey doing guard work in that ''dream'', only I did not work at all while I went to Florida to visit with Howard Solomon. Later in the spring time in 1984, I did to security guard work on Petty's Island, while still living at 506 Robin Hill, and then moving over to Cinnaminson, on Highland Avenue. I remember the lady saying that if I called off one more time, they probably would fire me. I told her I doubted that I could get there with my cart, and she told me that I needed to make the call to the guard post, and then just hope for the best. Suddenly, she followed me outside and took the manilla envelopes in her hands. Then she placed them in my back seat of that cart. Immediately, there were play blocks like in kindergarten, that were there, and someone had made them spell S-A-R-A-H--------K-R-A-S-S-L-E. She asked me who she was and I told her it is not important, that all I could think about was my job and my dam canceled life insurance policy. Then suddenly she said to me, “Oh wait a minute, my husband is here, and he told me he wants to talk to you, and that it's really important”. Right away I am thinking, “I don't even know your god dam husband”, but I just cooperated, and kept my big mouth shut, and waited for him to come over to where we were standing, near to an outer doorway, that led out to a good sized office type of parking lot. As he approached however, he beckoned me to come out to where he was, and I looked at his wife and she motioned for me to go out to talk to him, and she then remained inside. This man, and this was in late December of 1983, was Professor Michio Kaku, looking just like he does in these modern days and times that we all see him on TV or know him if we attend the NYU. He is a professor of Theoretical Physics, but I never ever put that together until very recently, even after seeing this great intellectual man now, for several years on my TV. In that wild interaction, he stands there very intent, listening to me telling him how there are two 5-D hyper-space directionality events that move into each other to create singularities, abnd how this is the eleven dimensions in String Theory, that are needed to complete very complex formulas that only work in eleven dimensions, and I was explaining to him why indeed this was so, and he was listening very intently.

There is a lot more to this, but I am leaving it all here for right now. But yes, I had this happen in the time span of about ten minutes, or what some call very short vivid dreaming spurts. I woke up to a hand on my shoulder and a loud voice from Howey, saying to me, “Up you go you schmuck, it's time to go now”. Howey loved to call me a dam schmuck, all the dam time. I didn't fucking like it at all. In fact, he treated me so badly, that when my Uncle John Leonard Mason and his son John Stuart, came to the eats-place to rescue me out of this hellish nightmare situation that I'd gotten myself into, my uncle who was always an easy fighter and loved to swing on lots of people all throughout his life, and who had been a boxer, and was 6-2 and very athletic and strong; wanted to punch Howard's lights out; but my cousin John Stuart and I managed talking him out of it, and we just got onto the nearest on-ramp in that area of Orlando, for the great I-95 highway, and we headed back for their home, somewhere around Northwest Eleventh Avenue, in Fort Lauderdale, FL-USA-ESMWG.

The reason I do not believe in supreme power, and other worldly intelligent dealings and interactions, with us dinosaur people of today; is because I have no reason to ever NEED TO BELIEVE. I beg you all on my mother fuckiGN knees, not to take this as a brag, as the gods know it is not. It is a mother fucking unholy miserable burning endless eternal nightmare fire. I do not believe, BECAUSE I ABSOLUTELY KNOW. I am going to tell you just one tiny item that you must realize that if this was the only one, then I would not feel the way I do about all of this. It is not. This kind of fuckiGN shit happens to me week in and week out, year in and year out; and ever since leaving turd chewing fucking high school, and people, that's some ass collection of fuckiGN years. 1973 through almost 2016, think about it, do the math. 2016-1973=43 solid ass fucking years, YO!!!! Now I will tell you what happened, that fits directly into how I know there is some intelligent super advanced WHATEVER, god, entity, alien, demon, you decide which fucking word works best and most comfortable with you, the reader; only don't pick sick, deluded, psychotic, crazy, and nuts, as I DON'T MOTHER 'FUCKIGN' WANNA' HEAR IT, YO!

Remember; the same people in 1984, were there around me, in 1983.

I told you that I started to watch a movie tape purchased from the Fort Pierce, Florida, Good Will Store, on Route 1, at the Virginia Avenue Shopping Mall, maybe a year to two years ago, that I had sitting in a pile on top of a credenza type piece of furniture filled with shelves of VHS videotapes. This movie is called, “The Ring”. I began viewing it, and about 15 minutes into it or so, POOF-POTTER-ALAGAZAM, Simon Says, and all sorts of other names in magic; I suddenly was struck hard, by a repressed memory that came back to me; all the way from late May, of 1983; when my mailbox was screwed with, outside the home that my mom and I were renting, in Atco, New Jersey, USA, at 134 Norris Avenue, in Eastern Camden County; owned by the owner of the nearby Atco L&S Nursing Home, Mister Gerald Pliner! Now if you thought you needed some anti-fainting smelling salts before, you will need a much fucking larger supply of it now, if you choose to read on here, lads and lassies! THAT, I totally promise you all, my BRO!

NOVEMBER 12, 2015,









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