Monday, November 9, 2015

Chapter 13, Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet

AMP--------CHAPTER 13


Trying to live and survive in HELL is no easy task. I am the only one here who seems to know they are in this place. A good possibility for this, Mister Carter sir, is that all the players around my Shakespearean arena are merely what the Hollywood crowd would call, 'EXTRAS'. Still, I have heard it said for thirteen thousand years, near or not near great wild fences, that there is no escape from this 'condition', notice I didn't say 'place'.

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Most of you can relate very well to one particular thing in my life, and don't even think about god dam lying to me about it, anybody, please, at least have that much respect for this pathetic piece of total turd eating shit! All of us have things happen in our lives, should we live long enough, that we remember way more vividly in our conscious mind, than other larger collections of other biological mind data (our human memories). I may have a few more than the average person who have also lived six plus decades on this planet, but the one that springs t mind right now is telling President Jimmy Carter that I was dead, and then jumping over a boardwalk railing and down onto a beach, in a dream of course. BUTTTTTTT, one hell of a wild and vivid one, if I may add here, my great people.

It has finally dropped under eighty dam degrees, holding at 78, at 13 minutes shy of midnight, as I come towards the end of a Monday, the ninth day in November, of 2015. The day after tomorrow is one of Darius Evans' fave days. Visit his great site on Youtube by hitting the search box there, typing in “DEEZY SLIM”. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Don't ever say I never plugged you, old pal D.E. And then there was Benjamin Caplan from Philly, and the other DE, back in 1976. Now that is something that is beyond unbloggable, just like a lot of shit between me and my kid is, if I want to stay healthy at all.

I will be saying some things about my time in Florida and how in my opinion, this BAD-25-TRIP was planned from decades ago, when I was here before at the tail end of 1983, in Orlando, with my Chief Recording Engineer, Mister Howard Solomon, from the RPL SOUND STUDIOS, of Camden, New Jersey! Several mysterious things happened while I was staying at his Orlando home for about three or four days. One is a memory fuck up, as I have almost a perfect photographic memory of my entire life back to the very day I came out of my mom's dam loins and saw the snow coming down outside of th eBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania hospital window! Yet, I do not have much clear recall to that trip, other than when I spoke to three individuals. One was a strange man who 'popped up' at Howard's little roadside restaurant. Another was a Publix Employee in town, when Howard and I went shopping and I purchased a one pound bag of plain M&M Candies. The third was an awesome gorgeous young chick at an office, who fell for me like a ton of bricks, yet Howard insisted she did not like me at all and that I had imagined it, and told me with some decent amount of fervor. When I feel like telling this, you will know more about a connection to the great HOLLISTER HIGHWAY HOUSE, from back up north. But, as with heaven, this can all wait, to quote most mortals. No one is ever one bit to anxious to go to heaven. I never met a dam soul who was. They believe, but they are not in any hurry to get to this dam awesome place. This reminds me of a lawyer who was one of the clients of my RPL job while I was employed there between late July of 1979 and middle March of 1981. He said and I quote, “Pain is a window into hell. Suffering is the work of the devil”. Why does this make me think of that, you wonder? In a very brief and condensed way, just allow me to say this much for right now, please. Faith in a Supreme Entity is sort of that window, only we substitute hell with heaven. Life for the vast majority, here on this Earth, entails a great deal of suffering. Only a hand picked few on this planet have magical lives like Donald Trump. He knows it, and we all know it. So we suffer and we suffer, and we wonder, and I wonder; why then is no one ever EVER in any hurry at all, to go to HEAVEN, and be rid of “THE DEVIL” forever and ever and ever? Hey, don't ask me, and I won't ask any of you for dam crissake. Another WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!


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