Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Chapter 17, Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet

The game of GTNOTG, is quite different from Monopoly, and Sorry, and Parcheesi, and Chess, and more physical ones, such as Baseball, Football, Tag, running in competition, and so forth. This is because this game was given to me, IN A POWERFUL I-CHING TRANCE, on Pearl Harbor Day of 1996, or on 7 December, 1996, while residing at 112 Harvard Avenue, in Somerdale, New Jersey; in a split level home that I purchased; and was made about as miserable, as was humanly possible, by terrorist neighbors across from me, by the name of Mike Stozny and his dirt bag family and friends; who also are and were, President of the Frank Sinatra Fan Club, if I am correct, and I think very strongly that I am indeed correct!

If I were to ever go into full detail, about how all of my Jersey gambling, my music all of my adult life, and even as a teenager starting at age fourteen, with two songs written then, ''That's The Way It Goes'', and ''Burn With Fire''; we would have a blog about five million pages long or more. I guarantee that. So naturally, I will try endlessly to shorten, to abridge, to compress, to simplify; and to keep my audience's attention, as best as I am humanly able to dam do; my great folks out here, YO!!!!!!!!!!

I said this before, that lots of people, my readers as well as others, and there are about nine hundred if my tedious calculations are at all correct; think they know a whole dam lot about my life and my story, and Morianity in general, such as the huge misconception that I created it, and not that IT FOUND ME, and indeed seeks a few folks out in cosmos, throughout the dam ages. Some think they know the real truths about me based on psych knowledge, as well as numerous things collected on me by them such as government files and way more, and they truly believe they know some big truth behind all of it, and that I for the most part have taken a lot of things, blown them all out of proportion, and have been driven totally mad and insane by certain events of my personal life of so many dark fucked up secrets. They think they have my daughter and my ties to her all worked out too. So does she. I would fight and die on any dam battlefield on this screwed up twisted planet for all of your rights to think and do and believe whatever th edam hell you wish to, concerning me, these blogs of ten years, my story, my life, the whole mother fuckiGN dirty rotten twenty-seven foot unholy mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all are about as totally pathetically god dam clueless, as wall hanger Poolroy of 1995, at the Haddonwood Health Club, of West Deptford, in New Jersey, USA, ESMWG, YO BRO! And why not wall hanger, after-all, 100 years ago, I was wall paper hanger AH, and they say fifth dimensionally that dots all connect, like opposite magnetic polar fields of electromagnetism?

      Image result for images of lighthouses

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet,


Yes, you got it people; the great and powerful non-OZ Copyright Office, has all of this evidence tucked away in my music project files, UP THERE in good old wonderful WASHINGTON.

My Photo

On Blogger since January 2006

Profile views – 3046

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2015


Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer may cause one or more of the symptoms below. If you have any of the following you should see your doctor:
  • A change in bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or narrowing of the stool, that lasts for more than a few days
  • A feeling that you need to have a bowel movement that is not relieved by doing so
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Blood in the stool which may make it look dark
  • Cramping or abdominal (belly) pain
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Unintended weight loss
Colorectal cancers can bleed. While sometimes the blood can be seen or cause the stool to become darker, often the stool looks normal. The blood loss can build up over time, though, and lead to low red blood cell counts (anemia). Sometimes the first sign of colorectal cancer is a blood test showing a low red blood cell count.
Most of these problems are more often caused by conditions other than colorectal cancer, such as infection, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel disease. Still, if you have any of these problems, it's important to see your doctor right away so the cause can be found and treated, if needed.

Last Medical Review: 10/15/2014
Last Revised: 08/13/2015

My dad and I will be operating the Island Universe Diners of Akoslem; out in the purgatory, now; great people!!! Screw Spanish Treasure Galleons and all secret museums, and secrets of them, huh Mister Weiler Senior?

Whatever you need, Spain has it.

What are you looking for?

To copy this nice whittle photo, Elmer Fudd, for me whittle bwog!

OR ''WHATEVER”, huh old buddy Bob Andrews???

This is a really cool website folks; check it out, YO. Hey daddy, screw those secret museums and secrets. My wonderful daughter will have your treasure to worry about soon now; not that she needs it! But hey, Karma!

I managed to squeeze through the BOTBAR YEAR DAY of eleven-eleven, AKA the eleventh day of the eleventh month or November 11, without ant mind bending fucking disasters and catastrophic cataclysms. WEEEEE!

Yesterday, while heading over to the fucking lab to do some blood and stool tests, I dropped a bottle of water that I was drinking, and I could not bend down to retrieve the fucking mess, as it happened exactly where a fucking cunt police car was parked and in a school zone where all cars are very carefully watched. This happened around three yesterday god dam afternoon. I am absolutely positive that as a result, and because of this nearly thirty sold year fucking parallel event between me and that god dam fuckign stock market, that it spiked up at three, just when this shit happened to me. I'll bet a trillion fucking bucks on it. All I know for sure it that it was up on Tuesday by 28 points, as this was on th edam fucking television when I was trying to watch the Republican fucking debate last night. I almost did not watch that either. I desperately tried to get it on channels that I normally watch, and since the dam fuckign lineup goes from number 1 to number 1499, I was not going to flick through 1500 channels. I do not get them all of course, but unlike my service up in Jersey with Comcast, the Comcast Remote device does not skip you past those channels that you do not get, and instead, it goes to all of them where you get either a channel, or a screen that just shows some type of unauthorized sign, or some pay per view info, and along those lines. I tried then to get the info on fuckiGN line, by going to and when I clicked around on their web-site to try and get channel line up info, I eventually ended up with just a fucking rotten page that said, ''this page could not be displayed''. Then finally, I called Comcast, and I spoke to someone who put me onto FOX NEWS way up on my lineup number, 106, here in Fort Pierce. I never ever would have found it otherwise, not in a million mother fuckiGN cunt years. I figured out that this must have been what I needed to tune into on th every first of the four debates, and thought it was only on th einternet, and I DO NOT WATCH TV ON TH EDAM COMPUTER. I was not raised this way, and I am NOT GOING TO 'FUCKIGN' CHANGE MY OLD WAYS NOW AT SIXTY FUCKING ONE, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Professor Michio Kaku, of NYU, up there in the great state of New York, and all empires; if anyone gets this message to you, it will possibly lead to a true advancement in humankind over significant time, and I know this to be a fact, because of my own personal dam life's experiences, sir. The study of the mind and its so-called illnesses is very valid on its face, despite having some powerful side effects to its main effect, as do all things when playing around with curing and treatment problems of the mind and the body. My quick point here, is that if you open up any book on the topic of psychology/psychiatry, you will see that if a patient were to tell his doctor anything about Quantum Physics, that patient will be exhibiting numerous psychosis's and psychotic features; and there is no way that I am telling anything untrue here. I am giving it to you straight. You can prove it for yourself, Professor. But we both know that there are things that, despite people like me saying they are real, causes us to be labeled insane and crazy, and maybe some politer words. What you guys in the world of Quantum dynamics and Theoretical Physics need to do, is somehow have a third-party merge group, a combination and collusion of both you quantum guys and gals, with those familiar with psychiatry. This is a must, in order to truly help not only a lot of mentally needy people, in this nation, and around this globe, but it is vital in order to stop many things, or even to put a small dent into things, such as America's very recent parabolicly exploding crime wave and gun violence. Take fuckiGN me for a prime terrific example here. No one into quantum dynamic truths can tell me, that these ten years that I have been blogging my now 61 year old story as the current me-life Mark Wayne Mountainpen Mohr, is not REAL. Psych doctors will say that to me in a heartbeat however, and try to medicate me with tropic drugs that would fuck me up twenty times worse, and they cannot help people like me at all, many who eventually snap, and then pow, bang bang bang, a place gets all shot up. Even when I beg for help on blogs for ten straight years, I am ignored, sneered and jeered at, mocked, and figuratively spat upon by the world. Not one honest intelligent investigator can tell me I don't have a real honest major story. They cannot deny my claims and my life. But even when letters are written to top people from these fairly important folks in their own right, they go ignored and unanswered, be it the letter to the Admiral by Congressman Andrew's assistant's, be it Ron Wirtz Senior at the Camden County Prosecutor's Office trying to secure some real help for me, and this list could be typed on for hours on end, I promise you all. What needs to happen in all cases, is that experts must come together, study, and eventually agree on things, or else, forget it; just like if I tried to prove ICPE-APE-TECH in a court of law, and how Trump has used this against me, to catapult his life into what it is today, by a magical force that no one could ever fucking truly deny, yet I would not be legally permitted to introduce unaccepted by experts, evidence; such as this technology, and how it indeed is used against me, and probably even now; many others also, who are blinded by present day blissful willful ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my point here, Professor Kaku, from someone who appreciates your mind and intellect, and is one of your biggest fans from cable TV channels such as Science and History, and others; Public Broadcast, and on and on; is that only you will recognize my valid point here sir. Their needs to be a colluded group of a new discipline here, half psychiatric and half quantum physicist scientists. If this group, call them whatever you like, could ever gain expert status, I KNOW BEYOND ANY DOUBT, that I would be able to have a total cure in my life and its invisible cosmic problems that surround me, and are not some mentally ill delusion! Another problem however is the establishment, and the protection of the BIG SHOTS. I believe secretly for many reasons private to me, and between us; that the late disco diva Donna Summer, knew a little bit about these things, and I refuse to discuss this, unless someone wants to really help in all of this; but she called this, the “Mister Big Shot Syndrome”. You don't need to know any more for right now, not you Professor, and not anyone reading these blogs. If I thought you needed to know, I'd dam tell. But yes, to make my point, in her MBS-SYNDROME idea, things will be hushed up if people have to KILL YOU, as you and me little peeps are always expendable, and some secrets must be there to protect the BIG SHOTS, which can translate to two items right off the bat, any large celebrity, or any super wealthy person, close to or in the Billionaire bracket!!!!!


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