Friday, March 20, 2015



WEEEEEEE IS IT HOT. Whaaaaaaaaa!

MARCH 20, 2015,






Good hot gravy, PP, I'll never forget you saying to me over the phone a few years ago in '11, “Why would you want to be in Fort Pierce”? Hay brother, I don't want anything. Not my residence, not my miseries, not my life. SHEEEEEEEEEIT, and even on this official TWINBAY-DAY as declared so far by the National Broadcasting Company; I cannot help my negative dam feelings. One dam minute Admiral Spock Humpwhales Hicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny-funny-funny, Mizz Sheila Hugetits Franklin!

    Image result for images free funny faces


Happy first day of spring, evweebwuddy, YO! Wanna' see my pwetty whittle fwower, BRAH?

People have wondered why I appear to be so timeless. I'm not timeless; the fawces are; and have chosen me, to play this absurd and beyond ridiculous game with. Some asked me over the past twenty years, why this chain deal in 1969 is so pivotal with my life, at least in my personal opinion. I doubt I ever told too much of why I believe this, despite listing what happened to me regarding this thing, back in December of 1969. We all have our events as well as our own somewhat unique reactions to those events, in all of our personal journey's through the cosmos. Maybe in that exact way, that scripture in the bible is totally true, regarding no situation being uncommon to man that can ever happen to anyone. Recently I used that to almost discredit the entire scriptures. Then I accuse others of misinterpretation of both the bible as well as my words, and many other things. I don't want to be a hypocrite, and for that, I am sorry and do apologize. Look, I am no perfect little fucking angel. I did some very bad fucking shit both as a youth, and as a fully grown man who knew better. By the standards of the “L&O” crowd, I should be hopelessly locked away somewhere. Well, fuck you all. BUTTTTTTTT; let me explain this one little thing, regarding HOW I FEEL about December of 1969, the chain dream, the giant asterisk vapor trail; and the entire twenty-seven feet of this entire ugly unholy mess.

I was not the kid next door by any means, the day before this all happened. Halls fawces, and all the brick walls to come that prevented me from being within mega light years of normalcy, were already in place. I told a story about the month of February, ten months earlier that year, where I was sitting on the newly built Lindenwold High Speed Line rail system, and suddenly just knew that I existed and that all of this was there behind me. Eventually, I was TOLD this is psychotic delusions. They still tell me this if I am stupid enough to believe this hocus pocus. THEY know better, and THEY try to tell you it is bullshit. The UFO people all know very fucking well, just how real and yes, even terrifying, this great BRICK WALL, that stops a person from ever getting vindication, from this paranormal, and unnatural experience. I am speaking here of any kind, as it makes no difference, as all victims of the WALL know so perfectly well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So how do I feel about it all? Well, what would be a normal feeling, for this type of stimulus that would be thrown at anyone who is somewhat normal and part of this human race? I'll fucking tell you, my kind wonderful people. ANGRY and SLIGHTED, and yet all the while, almost revoltingly blissful because YOU TOTALLY KNOW that you have singled out by whoever and whatever put all those fuckiGN stars up in that fucking night sky, for something far greater than anyone could even possibly ever imagine. Now right away, this kind of talk in the world of psychology, is called a delusion and several psychotic features. I know this from picking up the newest version of the DSM, the bible of the head shrinkers. They of course are not limited to this one book and source, but it is their holy grail, despite many telling things to the contrary. You cannot ever tell a story such as mine or such as a lot of people. It is impossible to do. Telling it already in th egreat book, makes you a crazy lunatic nut case craxckpot. It is set up intentionally as the ultimate BRICK WALL. All of psychairtry was created for this exact purpose, and only a very few know this total truth. Saying it too loudly or in the wrong place can get a person fuckiGN jailed. Think I'm making this up? Try it. Just try it. I had all of the symptom of AIDS back before this was all started, in the spring of 1977, while employed at Mars Graphic Services. My blood was tested for this and shown to be negative, a few years back. I was told there is no cure for this. I know I had it. My mouth was full of large canker sores all the time, and I had a never ceasing illness that left me weak and drained. I got real skinny and almost died before the year was out. Then I got a little better. But five years later, again I developed a rare type of Lymph Gland glandular dysfunction and a very unusual type of overactive or hypothyroidism. I was placed on 28 milligrams weekly of ativan. This masked the symptoms and allowed me to function. As time progresses, again; I got better. To this day I have this condition, yet I do not have Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome. My blood was tested for this exact thing back before I left the Harvest up on Orange and Twenty-Fifth Streets back in late eleven. But shortly after this, the American Medical Association or AMA decided to get a big ass collusion together and stop me from being able to take this anti-anxiety medication that only served to relax the neck, the glands shrink and the muscles relax. This is a plot now to murder me covertly, knowing I am old and frail, and will die and it will look natural. What they don't know is that I fully absolutely have lived this entire cycle for about 200 times, and fully plan to come back again, and indwell myself on that train, and again in the next 1969, I will try hard not to let the adults talk me out of what I know to be true. Somehow in the following ten months, they will do a lot of things to me as a result of this, those behind the great WALL of power and silence and covert stealth. Next time, I have a plan that will wipe out this entire bunch from hell, before jerk off fucking Reagan gets a chance to get into power, and begin all of this with me. Laugh all you want to, but it will be curtains the next time around, for you, not me. In the fifth dimension, this next cycle is merely a parallel universe where right now, fifth dimensionally, it exists. I am honing and tuning into this right now via solo-ESS practicing. This is why the great SSJK is doing all she is doing, and a lot of it will make a lot of sense, to those very few who know to shut up, yet also know deep down, that my story is real. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!


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