Saturday, June 30, 2012








Well folks, I got up to go to the kitchen for a drink of water around half past 3 AM on this Saturday and final morning in June of 2012. I had to kill a ton of filthy roaches all over the fucking cunt place. I spray and spray and do no good at all at ridding myself from these dogshit neighbor rub-offs. I decided to throw them into a pile in the trash, and take the trash down the hallway to the non-garbage dumpster. Two folded sheets were inside my door slots on the outer hall door that is next to the inner apartment door. One was something about a meeting. The other note was from, you guessed it, Rog.

I am not allowed to print it, but he wants me to send him a copy of the CD that I talked about. It is some address in a western state, he sent me a ten dollar bill and told me to send it in a nice thick special postal parcel that is small and just the right size to fit a CD, and to keep the change.

All I will say is that I'll take care of this before the end of business Monday, old pal. Why don't you just go to your family and tell them about the great future laboratory, and show yourself to them. After they get over the total shock, I know you will be a lot happier than doing all of this junk. No buddy, I am leaving the sea charts to your step daughter M and that is final. You have no right to them.

I am not writing any long winded blog, and want to watch my L&O re-run now. So this blog is over, please, no more notes, just knock on the freaking door, you won't cause me a riot, it's not like if MC should drop by for crissake, YO.


General Breakdown at Musician's Sike Ward - King Nebnooshoo

The Morning Light - King Nebnooshoo

Friday, June 29, 2012

Deal With This Another Time - King Nebnooshoo






Things over the last three days are getting nasty again with the in and out slam bam bull fucking shit, here in my building. It stopped for a solid week. Also, Lenny Roach, more of these monster bastards are in my apartment when these dirt bags are around, than when they are not. There are way too many peeps living in these mother fucking ass apartments. This building has gone to fucking hell since I moved in and after the passing of half a year. It still is not as bad as it CAN GET, but as I said on a previous blog, after a long back off of any particular persecution, it starts up again suddenly, but smaller, and increases back slower, NORMALLY and with nothing written in stone tablets by Sarah-Stacey Krassle.

Well, I have visited those who have my #&%*$#&&^&@#. You have a very interesting structure in the rear of your property, and also, a wild second floor that is over another floor in a wild way, some ultra modern architectural design like out of Frank L. Wright. No, I did not take one here and one there and stick anything in a bunch of large bags before heading to Florida. Also, it may not be a good idea to piss off whoever is mad at you regarding some 'all night annoyance'. I could not help overhear that, along with some other wild conversations, not taped. You told me that I did not finish one of my blog topics. I just checked, you are right, I am getting old all right. Thank you. Yes, about the Winn Dixie, I was buying several items around the beginning of this month, it was a while back, and I never said anything, it could have even been as far back as the latter part of last May.

A very attractive young female started following me, and when I was buying some juice drinks, she began coming over to exactly where I was again, this time, singing along to the MUZAK system, some modern today song, I do not follow the garbage of the EW, it is not, and never was my thing, so sorry, Mister Ambassador. Yes, thank you for not letting me forget about that.

Since this shit is back, the stock market must be getting back towards all time record highs. You see folks, these journal tapes that “THEY” now have, could have lots of quantum potential energy in them, beyond just what they contain that would alter life on this planet if even fully comprehended. I speak of the connection with reverse points in atomic sub-numeration connections. Both attract each other equally because neither one happened first, because time is an illyusion, because it runs in both directions equally, and that is the parlor trick of many cosmic smoke and mirrors, because more accurately said, there is one connection from D-6 down into the hyperspace or D-5, and this on Planet Earth, for human beings, not bees, happens roughly 400 times per minute, perfectly matching our human awareness to the reflection of time, photon reality. Why would a fourteen and a half year old boy suddenly just KNOW THIS, out of the blue, in early July of 1969, Mister Armstrong and Mister Aldrin? Gee, could it be, Aunt Barbara Copyright Office. YYYYYYYYYY without STM would I want to send proof of all this wild shit, to the LOC, unless there was this unfathomable future up here, and there is, illusion and all. But as I said, and now reiterate, I still need to be careful just how much I feed these monsters with more text, as all the texts on my blog has a quantum value to this ICPE problem, as it represents an averaged time length of a spoken voice onto a C-90 cassette tape. If I stopped all reporting and blogging, no matter what the WOMO fucking enemies did to make my life an endless living burning breathing nightmare fucking ass hell, then a still existing quantum value of a journal tape number, would limit the DJIA from moving higher than this, I am guessing things would be at least close to twenty-K with all of my current blogging. So the potential is for lots more points, and persecution, even if I stop right now. This puts me in a very large bind world, as if I don't shout out for help, I am triple fucked. Not that Ed Himacane and his fucking plans and promises, worked out for me, any better than anyone else's ever fucking ass did, as they most certainly did fucking NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LSS, until I am in the fucking ground, my life will be total major fucking misery, with or without any of the many other potential or possible military ranks of the Mili-2-force. Some waking freeze there Frank Lombardo, and Tommy Marris. W-----O-----W, TDM. I hope both sides of your mouth still operate, for all of our sakes, mine, McCoy's, and yours. DUHH, CMM near Sakavich Station in Voorhees Township in the green garden USA state of New Jersey.

When MAGGIE kicks in with some really nice Store High In Transport stuff, this WOMOTAMM ENEMY of mine, backs off, and shortly afterwords, they swarm right back on me, and this all came out of 'quantum nowhere' on one very special evil day, the 15th of fucking August, of 1986. But I have noticed that not only the Briggbase score period (BSP) or 20 years, Mister Paul D. S. Stoddard McGuire, is powerful, but that many seem to have another affinity for calendrical stuff, this being the decade, or ten years. I speak of the nightmare of Egg Harbor City leading down to Turnersville, on my day of 1996 terror, and the cover up of the situation by the Washington Township Police Department by writing the police report backwards saying my mother and myself witnessed what the opposite one witnessed, and for the same reasons, that my mother would understand, OH SO FUCKING WELL, MY LOVELY MICKEY MOUSE WORLD OF FIRST FLORIDA TRIPS OF MYSTERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me wrap this up B4 my MAJOR GENERAL BREAKDOWN PUTS ME ON THREE DISABILITIES.

I cannot get that ultra weird structure out of my mind. I never saw anything like it in all my lives. This was used to illustrate the selection of tapes that I brought here. Well, maybe in your universe, I had that option, but here, out of 7000 tapes, I see only some huge force planning this, because without meeting one wild person down here, and without having one particular conversation, I would not be sitting in here, mind blown, with an inconceivable CD, WO, Billy H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still, in that other part of the HS, having nothing to do with students in-between grades eight and twelve; musical or not, and I always knew, as Ed Green would put it so eloquently to the rest of the dam roaches, that 'something was up with that', and BIG ASS TIME, but yes, parts were selected. During this process, and this was no 'record singer neighbor', but I heard what I heard, from across that field where many homes existed in some type of up scale community, in the dead middle of the night, Tony Refrigerators, of the non cut fingers, and yes, fixed ones, by other smoke and mirror ORM parlor trickery. It is only magic, Mister Jane Kent, when the knowledge of how this is all done, is absent from the freaking ass equation, YO. How nice it is that we are two friggin' enlightened peeps, huh dude????????????????

Well, until I saw that show on Fort Pierce CCC # 181 last night, I thought my mind was summer messed up, to quote my not too late but still, late princess, DAG. Wow, the little 25 year old baby, eating soap, no dude, not for me either, and on I could go, and they say I need the couch and plenty of meds, whoooo-dogie, Jed ass Clampett Oilfields. I AM betting my bippie here, Scylla Henningsen, chains, fields, Ralph's, Sandy's, and all. Yes BJ, he is my cousin, and it is on the dam tape. But Jim Burr is just a friend, and what other initials are there for me to know about, Victoria M. Callio Kali Blow??????????????? Well, we certainly won't be going here, will we Penny and Sally? SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT. Not in a million Patterson Police Station years. WOW again, folks, like DUH in oh-6 and all. As I said, don't ever make any trouble for me and my peeps, or YO, we will all blow up in a super nova field of mag energy. I'LL PROMISE YOU THAT WO-MO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!













A recent prior blog title was not properly explained, I was referring to the two wasted lives, as spoken by my mother, her exact words, that will be further examined on this blog, in lieu of the current blog subtitle. This was planned, and not just part of my aging brain that does admittedly screw up a lot of stuff, oh yes; but I am in very good company, all of the SNAFU branches of the marvelous United States Military, openly confess to this with that initialed word, that I did not make up.

As I said, things are slowly starting back up, but I have learned that coming directly out and telling stuff makes it worse. I thought that Ron Wirtz at the NJ, CCP Office back in the freaking nineties, was exaggerating about his ideas on 'feeding the monsters', only I was wrong, and he was not.

Back late in the eighties around the time that I first met this man at the CCPO, Mister Wirtz Senior, the WOMO struck me a lot with the same death attack beams that they are recently using on me, screwing up my health big time, and even blinding me. If necessary, I will take out the entire planet. I have had it with this crap.

Many people believe this is all my wild nutty imagination, but I know totally better. I know that when all this started with me, there was no internet, no large group who thought as I did with great leaders such as Michael Moore, Alex Jones, and the list is lengthy, but the point is simple. I was meant to be born, and do some powerful stuff. I wish I had never been born, Jimmie wonderful Stuart, Clarence Angels and transdimensional effects all not withstanding, and I wish if I had to get born, that I could be living an ordinary normal life, whatever that really is. Still, what I wish and reality, are two totally different animals, along the lines of at least an elephant and a spider. I am not making up the fact that I have been watched by whoever the owners and controllers of this world really are, ever since I have been able to crawl out of any kind of a crib. Just today while buying a few half gallon packs of Breyers Ice Cream at the Fort Pierce Publix Grocery Store, not Spell Checker recognized on this Open Office Program downloaded at point of sale, into this windows 7 operating Personal Computer (PC). How I have come to so adore these many politically correct initials, no David Roth, you won't find anything for your throbbing headache at any employment location medical station. How I will hear his voice echoing forever in my mind, from the early summer time of the year of 2001; when after he searched such a medical area at the Tecknion Furniture Building in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and after his failure to find anything to take, he sadly looked at me and just spoke those few but oh so powerful words to me, after I asked him why he thought there where no aspirin pills of any kind, and he said back to me, “It's not PC”. I hate those initials my friend RT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you have the reason I wanted to have, as you put it so well in early 1970, “THE BREAD”. Political Correctness was not the reason, nor was the Personal Computer, still these letters matched. I have blocked a lot out of my mind in order to protect my sanity. I feel that a lot of us have done this very same thing, but that is just my opinion, that the DOCTOR of RPL did indeed entitle to have back in 1980, only about IRC's, still, she entitled me, praise the SAR. “WOW” Aniwho and moving this right along peeps, my intent was to park my vehicle, walk into the store, and purchase some ice cream. Actually, four half gallon boxes of their brand of Mint Chocolate Chip, really, it is basically the same exact ice cream that is served in the great and non ubiquitous FRIENDLY ICE CREAM RESTAURANT STORES. But I saw a lot of them in the stocked area, usually there are maybe between 4-8 left, whenever I go there. I ended up buying six, not four, I totally was going to buy four. When I started up my vehicle to drive out to do my final errand before heading back home, I remembered that the moment I walked into the place, a large white man in his mid forties to mid fifties somewhere, was glaring and staring at me. I took my eyes instantly away from this 'store hypnotist', as was discussed in a recent blog, but all it takes is one connection directly eye to eye. I ended up buying six, not four. Four would have lasted well beyond the time that SS disability money is credited into my checking account, and right now, between the beach robbery on Watergate Day or June 17th, and my recording studio bill, my funds are low, and I need to be careful. I need a used tire, and I need an oil change, not extra ice cream. This is how this works, and I have been very open and candid about this for a long time on my blogs. He had no reason to be doing this, I knew right away that something was very wrong. If I had been shopping for more items than just ice cream, I might have ended up purchasing a lot more than just two extra boxes of half gallon ice creams. This proves that hypnotists can only do so much, otherwise, lots of rapes would be happening, and anyone who knows anything about my life secrets and story, knows that we won't even begin to go here, onto this powerful topic tonight, but we will work ourselves around it a ways. Again, a lot has to do with my wonderful darling god fearing awesome mother, who did many unexplainable weird things throughout my entire life, some to this day I have never blogged, not told or soul, but WOW does it all fit into these 5-7 years of my blogs and the story it is telling automatically as it tick tocks along with my life. Let me tell a little.

For those reading these words on any website, where the font seems to be on top of itself line to line, and has no color, or links to my YOU TUBE ACCOUNT VIDEOS, and you would like to read my blogs on that site at the BLOGGER DOT COM ADDRESS, please us the following link:

I have never told anywhere near all of the details about two co-workers of my mother, Patricia and Emily, or her Boss, Tom and his beyond weird father, or a million other stuff that happened at this world famous shipping company, where many of the great bands used to use their services while doing concerts internationally, shipping their musical apparatus around. The story of 1997 is major, and so is every dam thing in my dam life. It all is very major, let me say that nothing is general, right here and right now, Lieutenant AVB. Oh yes, symbols don't end here, as forces tend to have large vested interests in keeping their secrets very PRIVATE, huh Chevy Chase Boozeyeller.

I can think of two dozen unexplainable things that this great company was all caught up in, but of course, I know my blogging limits, and when to keep my mother fucking mouth SHUT. Still, my engineer told me something the other day, that I'll treasure for a long time to come, POP. That too needs to stay Gomer Pyle First Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even those who think my blogs and my life is the quintessential insanity club of the internet, all know certain things, and again, what I really want to rant on about, is another do not cross barrier. I can, but I can also try crossing over a train track while a powerful moving train is whizzing by, not the greatest idea to sit here and choke on. Get my Dreeeeeeeft Katy Queen??????????????????????? Now honestly, for those who insist that this is all hooey and made up or whatever, how could I have known about this royal ass screwed up future so well, when Store In High Transport (SHIT) on the calendar was reading where my early blogs show on a non changeable time-stamp system, along with the entire blog website, nobody can cheat that, no clever notes in the pants pockets 001. No retraced Tony-Roger, or as lightning might put it when angry and in human form, no-how, no-nothing. I thought the biggest secret that my mother had kept from me was that P had been knocked up that first week in July under Central Pier, in Atlantic City. It wasn't the biggest secret. I do not know what the biggest one is, but I know that there is one, and I'll tell you just how and why I know half this story and not the other half, folks, so bear with me and don't growl to deep and loud, or play any piano notes too low and slow. Ever since I was eight years old and my father left the Bruce Manor Motel in South Atlantic City on Richmond Avenue, leaving my mother to fend for herself with an eight year old son, something happened, on top of an all ready something, that my dad was all messed up into, and the dam feds know all about it. They had our telephone tapped all; throughout my pre teen and teen aged years, and my mother was scared to fucking death about something, and this was all before 43 years ago and that dam secret. The FBI called her at her office two years after Atlantic City and demanded that she come into their Philadelphia office during her lunch break. My mother would never ever want the phone listed, no bank accounts, no telling anyone where we lived, her paranoia was far beyond, for even these times and days now, anything any of you out here reading this, could even begin to fathom, and I had to fucking live with this bull shit. She took both of the gigantic secrets, the one I don't know now, and the one I have known since late in the twenty-ohs, straight to her miserable fucking rotten maggot sucking grave. Now my mother was not all bad. But something was so wrong, somewhere, that no blog and no story, even sop far printed by MORIANITY & MOUNTAINPEN, can come close to really doing justice to the telling of the tales. But it gets a lot worse than this. Ann King lied to me from the day we met, and told me many lies that I bought once she won my confidence, and any real SUPERMAN FANS can remember the old black and white TRACY STACEY episode, after young Jimmie Olson was given a million dollars by an old woman who thought that he had saved her cat, when it was Superman who did but he flew away before the lady had realized that. Ann told me a lot of wild things, a lot was true, a lot was more Ron Wirtz Carlisle, Pennsylvania crap. Ann and Ron, wow, at least Ann is not a County ADA, and thus has some kind of an excuse, whatever it may be; but Ron, now we really do know that something always was up, and big time. We've all heard of Don Wan, but how about Don Ron? Well, grab a surfboard, and head to the 'other' island along with Wil MacAfee, turn the clock back to the early seventies, and we have another book that's Moby Dick sized or longer, Cap Ahab. WHAAAAAA. We can call it, “the Other Red Ron John”. Yes, I have been taught how to laugh by the experts. But all that aside, the story starts getting quite ugly Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs. Any really advanced top of the line on the time cusp quantum physics lab personnel, know that this is one bad story, that has no good way for it to end. Normal non quantum physicists can always make a great Hollywood type of ending to any story. This story does not end in disaster, disaster IS what makes this story what it is, Dawn Humpty Dumpty Facebreaker King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ann admitted to having some strange cassettes when we last spoke, and she insisted for a second time, that she had sent me some stuff around last Christmas season, a card, and some cassette tapes, that I never received, and everyone down here claims to know nothing about. She also has my wonderful 40 inch television that I bought back in 1995, at the same American Appliance store, that is totally not a coincidence cosmically, on the Black horse Pike, just west of Mount Ephraim, New Jersey; from where I bought a refrigerator from in the summer of 1986, that was used at the home rented from that monster landlord Richard Karpf, and his time traveling tricks of seemingly knowing about future Florida, and other things, that he may very well have been in on, as remember how I told my blogs on several occasions, how I called up a 411 information operator in 1987 and asked for the number of a psychic reader, Madam Mary, on the Julia Horse Pike, right next door to the great Carriage Lamp Apartments where I lived in 1976 and 1977, and the operator gave me the number of my ex-landlord, Richard Karpf, only the NSA/CIA/BFA peeps could hook into a persons phone and play these monster games, or those inside of these agency workers, asleep from a parallel universe, and running the show, known as, what else, EXPLORATRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never told about something that happened in either the beginning of June, or maybe the end of May, as I honestly cannot say. I was in the Winn Dixie Grocery Store, shortly after telling on a prior blog how I am so turned off by peeps singing in public along with music that is playing. If they could sing really great, maybe, just maybe that would be a horse of a different color, but it is like kissing in public, with me, these things are not GENERAL, but MAJOR TURN-OFFS, as doing it in PRIVATE is where, IMHO those things should be done, but then, who gives a bloody fucking shit what I think anyway, on my very best day???

I do not want to do a real long blog, it is late and I'm fucking ass tired. Limits and barriers and the concept behind them, was all thoroughly discussed in my 1994 copyrighted book, called, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”. There is a connected to human consciousness other huge limit and barrier, and I believe the message of this truth, was delivered to me, with powerful accuracy about four and a half years ago, despite my recently copyrighting the words late in 2007, sent to the Library of Congress on Halloween Non-Phillies-Parade Day as this was the previous year; and other things too, am I correct Sabrina Werewolf-brother Chris Collins? At any rate, or 'speed', let me throw this in right here and now, not privately, or in general, as it is quite major, Lieutenant Van buren, of L&O, or is it Prince Formerly L&O? Between the King family, all my teen queens in the sixties, my princess Donna and your big ugly tub Don, we could all get in the ruing and really duke it out with Marion Wayne. Any real western TV show fans or fans of this cool dude, the DUKE, remember the fights, and how the sound of cracking bones was so powerful on those huge ALTEC theater speakers so long ago? Well, if you were in the Finnesteere Apartments Parking Lot back in September of 1999 to witness that inconceivable arm punch I took from gorgeous goddess Keisha, the sound needed no Altec VOTT Audio Monitors assistance. Now what normal girl who just turned aged fourteen, can do that to a 280 pound dude who worked out every day back then and had huge solid arm muscles back then? This is why I believe in holograms, androids, time travels, and no accidents such as hearing MY on a tape, and not just any tape, © Office, right??? No, my mother mentioned how both her son and her husband, or me and my father, were “Two wasted lives”. She said this as if she already mother fucking knew this as gospel, Oh-Devil Record Company Burns Movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So really, is that what it's all about, or is it the space platforms in the future Star Trek movies, 'relative' to the time that my father insisted that he saw this, back in 1974, WOW, Commerce Bank. Now, did you have the conversation on my taped journal? Who has it now. I know all those fucking tapes dfid not just end up in a heap of dam flames. Whoever has all this shit, you are sitting on fucking ass gold mines, and you better not ever make any fucking trouble for me or my dam ass family. Take that in any way you wanna' take it, BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I will close for now, but will definitely come back to all of this. Yesterday was day number two of nabe shit starting up along with a fire alarm, but I don't think that it was caused by anyone on my 6th floor. Still, 'think', '6' as in the sixth or the MIND dimension. What's that Commerce now TD Bank? WOW. Say it from here to the window on Christmas, but let me add this folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA, only she can really say it with precise emphasis, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, as the Ex Governor of KALI said so well, Jason Forrest of WFMU, “I'LL B BAHK”, and I will peeps, but for now, I am gonna' pack it in, BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. BYE-BYE.



Wednesday, June 27, 2012



11:20 PM, JUNE 26, 2012, TUESDAY


I have experienced a barrage of death angel attacks, as well as distance delay reverse field scanner circles. One of these things is heard, the other is seen. The one seen, happened all throughout my days at the RPL Sound Recording Studios where I was employed from the end of July in 1979, through the middle of March in 1981. The sudden loud tone bursts that cut out all regular normal sounds on one side and ear, never both, and is impossible to predict, is from what the Jewish folks have labeled the 'Angel of Death', for countless centuries. Other things have been quieter for a while, but today, have begun to start up, not real bad, but then, that is how it normally goes after am occasional long break from persecution, it starts up slower than when it comes off of a short break off, but it manages each and every time to work its way back into its normal regularity of hell cubed. I report things that have meanings for me, and in the 2012 time era, have little if any meaning to eight plus other billion members of my cohabited global society in general. This blog will be quite different from the ones so far, in several ways, because I am an ever evolving and changing being while dreaming I am Mark Wayne Mohr of former Hammonton, New Jersey, and now current resident of Fort Pierce, Florida. Unlike Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle, I do not remain at my sixteenth birthday endlessly. My blogs make no bones about what I know to be true about the All Mighty Goddess of this multiverse, but this blog will most definitely add some spice and genuine entertainment to the all ready printed so far stuff, on the blogs Of Mountainpen, (BOM). I'll concede that I am forced to exist and live in more dimensions and realities than the other 8-GAGS around me, but have also come recently to a very powerful personal revelation and conclusion, and that being, I must conform to the greater number, continuing an ancient argument between me and a female educator from the late nineteen-sixties, in Haddonfield, New Jersey, USAESMWG. My blogs contain several references to this disagreement between us, and I am not going to reiterate and rehash old junk right now, it can all be archived should this be anyone's desire to do so. The best way to archive my old blogs would be to find them by Googling up 'King Nebnooshoo'. When you see any blog with old Safe Journal chapter numbers, say about between number 25 and 225, then clicking on this takes you to the old blog, and from there, you can work your way into looking up anything, the only missing time is the month of August in the year of 2009, where you need to be at a site called WORDPRESS, where I know my blogs on that month were posted, or even, the site of UNEXPLAINED-MYSTERIES. Going to their blog-site directly and searching the word of MOUNTAINPEN, will take you to my blogs on these sites. The current site I blog on that has both color as well as linked YOU-TUBE videos from my account where much of my stuff is posted on, as well as stuff I subscribe to on there, such as Alex Jones, for one example. If any other site that is being used by me, and being read on, is not in a clear typed format, or you want the main site, here is the URL address that will take you right to my blog at BLOGGER:

I need to open the blog up with this, here and now, without holding back on a thing, it is what I would speak into my original life-journal on cassette tape, if I was still using this yesterday technology to keep an accurate record of my life. I OWE A LOT OF FOLKS SOME REALLY LARGE APOLOGIES. Most bloggers do not tell so much, make anywhere near as many wild accusations, and name real names, anywhere near the way that I do. I felt that I had every right to tell the true story of things that have happened both directly to me, as well as go on to analyze it all in an open forum into a public bloggers internet system. Part of why I felt that I had a right to tell TRUTHS AT ALL COSTS, so to speak, is because of my unusual perceptions to physical waking life, to be blunt, shamanistic and ancient old school wizardry beliefs that dreams are not understood by people whatsoever, and once I began seeing what was really going on in this multiverse, I saw it as my DUTY to tell it all, just as around this time 32 years ago, I felt compelled and totally duty bound to tell and warn about 1989, with a 1980 copyrighted song, sung to me in a dream, by a special goddess, who I at that time had totally blocked out of my mind, and I was wrong then, and think I am wrong now, in the light of some new awareness as well as seeing past errors repeating. I admitted to choosing that year out of the blue, and that the only conscious recall of a simple two chord progression melody, were the part at the very end about not calling when UI see her, and that Love is for Carpenters. When I placed myself into a powerful trance early one morning, roughly 26 years after this dreaming experience, I was able to re-hear the actual song, as well as retain the entire song in my waking world conscious memory. This was quite a feat, and I do believe I was helped along, by strange mysterious quantum forces or unknown elements of the Astral Plane, really the very same thing, only said in two varying ways. Telling people that the electron is intelligent, sparks laughs from the less than college educated, and for those with a little bit of science under their belt, they respond with, I was taught it is merely a charged particle. Well, that is exactly what it is. But what is it really charged with, and what exactly is this realm that all of this happens on, in-between the larger than atom sized normal waking reality, and the void infinity of total and absolute lack of dimension, or zero-dimension, ZD? I just got another 'ODF' hack, after typing in the past sentence words, 'is this realm that all', and I freaking corrected it, HA-HA-HA. A geek up on the highway told me around a year ago or so, that if I switched to the apple system, these hacks would be far less and may go away. You hear a lot about how they are better than the PC non MACK, but all I see and believe, is a big difference in price tags, and until I can be convinced, I won't spend a red cent on this nonsense. Anyone can talk big talk, I am more into watching the dance. I have heard things, been promised things, and on I could go, that would blow just about anyone out here reading this totally away. Forgive me if I am skeptical and non trusting. I would rather be a live paranoid than a naïve dead mark or fool. Maybe these are better systems, but let me tell you something. You can go to the K-Mart store, and buy a pair of Maxell headphones, Model # HP-2000, and bring them home and read the specifications and how they will deliver sound from 10 hertz to 28,000 hertz, and I challenge anyone to use them and tell me this is not one huge lie. Oh they have a high end all right, probably close to what they print, but if you can hear any base at all on them, please call me and tell me what amplifier you are using, because it must be jumping around maximum safe house use power. Even then, ten hertz, my ass. They have no bass at all. I have bought three pairs, and will never buy any headphones from Maxell again, or at any K-Mart store. Everything is nothing but dirty rotten lies, and they get away with it by using parlor tricks that all of us that know a little about sonic waves, know, such as, yeah right, maybe they give 100-22,000 at one level, and then drop down about seventy decibels in-between 10-99. Can you believe butt-wipe Spell-Checker, not recognizing the word, Maxell, for gods sake? Totally unbelievable and surreal.

Now, before I get into the real topics of this blog, let me tell something to 001. I don't believe in psychics anymore than you do, as far as the show and parlor angle, but more is going on Patty, or else, how could P.U. Of Glendora, have pulled off the Pearl Harbor dream promise, know about the B's, known about Sarah being in prison which this cannot even start to be elaborated on for so many obvious reasons, and then even if you want to believe that the great marvelous top females in the RIAA would take a cut of the nine grand that I paid this witch psychic, and do all of this to me. I cannot speak for the B's or their 'values', but for S. Give me a break PU. Somebody worth hundreds of millions and with a reputation to keep, is going to share a 50/50 split and for 4500 clams, do all of this to me, so then what is up with this, Patty-001? Now, I am not saying that a huge trick was not performed, but it is my sincerely desire, that you show me through your great upcoming series, how I can begin to say that something is not happening on some higher level than any kind of waking world trickery that I can start to understand, and let me take us a bit further to make my point stand out even still brighter and bigger. I was robbed a week ago Sunday, or ten days ago, as it is now early on Wednesday morning in the following after week. Where was I robbed? What was taken? Did I not tell back last late winter or early spring right after the passing of Whitney Houston, a similar situation, done by her and her friends, but in a parallel universe, as it happened in a what? All I am asking is, OK, fine, no such thing, I even concur, BUT, what IS going the shit on then, PATTY? The Hexagram of Deliverance, the I-Ching, PU, my past in Atlantic City with these monsters, and on and on, so what is being done that appears so absolutely unnatural, oh great know it all mind games expert, of Russellville Oakland Street? Yes, beginning with this nice dude who I still call my friend to this day, I said way too much, without first asking for his permission, it was all true, and I know he is out here reading this, and I am very sorry, old friend. You of all people know that my secret is totally real. Remember when you asked me what the 3000 dollars was for, and why I needed the bread, to quote you? Well, you and me buddy, we share a lot of hell and pain, and you know the big dark secret. Did you know that the Count, mind blown and all, told me that horrible thing, out in the hallway? I blew his because he first blew mine. How do you think he knew? Does you Ex not figure into the equation, I mean I could be wrong, but come on my friend, look how she was used to get you over to my, depending on where you exit a trail, flop/pad/crib/???????? I have a theory, but I don't want my digital sampling mother to find to many flaws in it, old buddy, but I often wonder if MS was talking about you? You know I'll go to my grave believing this incredible lady is as interchangeable as four dozen pairs of reverse jerseys. The word I used was not appreciated, so they all did a real parlor trick on me, and took the word further back. WOW. You know, I have a major respect for hologram life, and wonder after witnessing the year 3000, one year for each dollar I needed, huh pal; but yes, I really do wonder when I see the unbelievable stuff. Say hi to your lovely friend Venka for me, what you think because I kept stuff to myself, that I was blind or seven? I wanted to have at her so bad, I would have done in four of my grandmothers, abnd that would take some transdimensional traveling, YO. Well, enough for now on reminiscing about 1969 and 1970, all though it is times like this that make me realize just why certain unnamed persons wanted me to discuss this eclipsed era in my youth, speedships and all.

It is as simple for some advanced entities, to sample the entire universe, copy and paste it so to speak, here or there, the whole 27 feet, or 9 yards, or whatever; as it would be for me to take your barking dog, and make it sing twinkle twinkle little star. I got an amazing shock just how vast the distance truly is between head knowledge, and heart knowledge, just the other day, over in PSLFLUSA. I really truly honestly know that this is most likely the one distance than humankind will never measure accurately. It is all a dam illusion anyway, but still, why me SSJK, why me, and if you do a George Burns Tony on me, I will do a Bo Jangles Dog on you, and simply go ahead and up and die, Weston Wescott Ventura! Where are you when I need you, old pal Salvador, is your pop teasing you again, yo? Where has 1966 gone, ladies and gentlemen?

001, does this incredible being know where the shadows dwell by day, all the things we want to know, and the thoughts we cannot say? Can she tell me anything that I really want to hear? Is the only way I know the way the broken rudders stear? Does she think she knows, feel she knows, to stop and go so fast and slow, how can I know if she won't show, she will I know, and gladly so, and then I'll know, and then I'll flow, or is it the other way around from 29 years ago? Well, which side of the Alice hole are the magical fairy-tales of quantum Physics are we peering through, since one side is here looking back, while the other side is there looking here at us? My CARDDECKS have proven this all is totally true, for ten or more solid years now, with or without some expensive and elaborate laboratory up in the future in Westmont, New Roddenjersey. If I had the answers or the meaning of life, I wouldn't be living as the one born in this generation, to be stuck in the great asd awesome and very frightening HUNTINGTON CURSE, now would I folks, WHAAAA?

The book that I wrote and copyrighted, in 1994, called, “The Permission Barrier”; had a main character besides myself. I was Russ Walker, and this other dude was the eminent and wonderful Mister future super high technojenson, Mister Jim Pratt, PCN-880 of the great GAWNUM. Meow. Several things were absolutely no accidents. One was my being chocked to death on the 4th of June of 1983, 29 years to the day that 'LAW & ORDER', the television show, and the greatest law show in the history of all of television, came to an end both on network and re-air cable channels, in so far as being regular five day per week events. Yes, TNT ended their 5-DAY broadcast of this 22 year show, Miss Jacobson Nixongate, on this exact date of the 4th of June, and if I am correct, it was 32 years back in 1980, that the great goddess herself sang that mind bending and life changing song to me in my 'dreams', called LOIS FOCA. Even the domestic and the foreigners finally figured out just what LOISFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then, there was Count Von Marcucci Hallwaysecrets, and then there was another great and more famous count around that very same time, from the great sixties soap opera television show, “Dark Shadows”, Count Andreas Von Petoffi. Mister Hands Jefferson, silversmiths and ever loving Diana's all freaking notwithstanding. I remember a part of this powerful cool show that many other fans may not recall with the same accuracy unless they have bought the box set of the entire show which is available on their fan-club website, and re-watched it, and this is the part where Petofi has trouble with his glands. Hang in there Huntington Hammonton, and Paula King of Atlantic City WAVES. Is any of this some coincidence, or are these all some cosmic puzzle pieces? Well, I come right out in my book in 1994, “TPB”, and tell the truth when I say, no it is not some random happenstance. Some huge upline world can take every possible subatomic particle combination, edit and splice it all together, and create one super reality show after another, and even dream down and interact into it, from 256 light years away in some arcade such as Jim Pratt-880, or whether the truth extends so far beyond words and fathomable possibilities, it is the same dam difference folks, it is an illusion, it is a game, it is a big parlor trick, but it has a goal and a motive, and that is, to distract awareness away from endlessness. But this is all old news, and what I will tell now, will either break the brains of the physics world, or else it is known and is being intentionally hushed up hyper time, to keep the commoners from going totally bonkers at the speed of light squared. Let me explain myself.

Forget squaring anything for right now, that can be worried about later, and will be, because powerful truths need to be revealed. Let us talk about the way science and religion and all other things somewhere in-between, battle with each other on whether or not there is some total uniqueness to our life here as residents of the Planet Earth. I told in my book from 1994, that we are unique, and still hold to this truth, despite Julia White creating some powerful changes in this hyperspace dream directly following the copyrighting of this work, the book called, “TPB”, and suddenly as if by pure magic, along comes the discovery of other planets out beyond our eight planetary solar system. WOW. Right after I say there is nothing out there, she has to put some planets there. OK, that's cool, now let me add this. No matter what else she puts there, it is part of a reality called, and in reiteration with many of my prior blogs, I now say again folks, EXPLORATRONICS. I doubt that she will make that many alterations past what she did in 1995, but then, we all ready discussed a lot about my HIGHVIEW owner landlords, the Shoemakers, as well as the great lifeguard chief and later mayor no not 'ODF' butt wipe computer hacker, but 'OF' Atlantic freaking City, New Jersey, Mister Levy. So right at this exact time in my life and any life, where I am symbolically living and interacting around two peeps with the names SHOEMAKER and LEVY, kaboom, Jupiter and the Levy/Shoemaker deal comes into play. Again, Patty-001, another one of your find a note in someones pant pocket parlor MY tricks? Gimme a friggin' break. Well, you can still go on doing the endless and ever loving GWPOS to enter into an infinite cozy comfy zone, that it changes no truth and alters no reality. As of yet, even the greatest quantum formulas have not been able to measure varying degrees of belief observations, only that observation does, small and ridiculously infinitesimal as it may be, have some measure of quantum graviton effect, but seeing and believing verses seeing and lying to yourself about what you are seeing, in my opinion, carries exactly the same quantum weight, if it is 1.583474576847365858 times 10 to the power of minus ninety three thousand and fifteen, then that is what it would be in gram weight in both seeing and believing as well as seeing and denying. Now this has not been explored in the laboratories to my knowledge, as of yet, and when and if it does, just remember to look at the date on this blog and see that I wrote it first, TEE HEE LILLY SHIPYARDS PILEGGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, whatever Bob, I'll move on here, BRO. Speaking of music and peeps I knew from before they were somebody, now we are even, MY. I know I shouldn't have, but I did, and it made me cry like a baby, you're gonna love it girl. But enough about sonics and shipyards and other 'Store High In Transport' boxes like cow manure, where we get our word today from the old initials on ship crates, as manure when wet is not pleasant to be out at sea with, and with or without KING permission to fornicate or Fornication Upon Consent of King, not Dawn, not Joe, Not Ann, not Paula, not the late John, or any other wonderful gambling city roof dogs or waves, let me take this to its necessary conclusion for my readers. The speed that light travels is the same in all places throughout the entire universe, except close to extreme fields of gravitation such as galaxy hearts or smaller IGBH (Inner Galaxy Black Holes). Many mathematical formulas have recently gained acceptance throughout the scientific community that states that the speed of light slows down in some geometric or perhaps parabolic proportion and ratio system with the size and age of the entire universe, but whether this is true or not, the speed, whatever it is, is the same all over, at any given time, and this is important in making a powerful point about our unique existence in hyperspace, and that aliens and other Store High In Transport stuff along these lines is just exploratronics, or a natural process of transdimensional beings all in altered dreaming states of their awareness. Many items all ready show, that some next to impossible for it to be some combination of pure random accident, are all ready there in numerous count, things such as stars burning just perfectly so as to be able to create not only fusion but post nova later formed heavy elements that allow entities to dream through, the main one being of course carbon, but one thing that is so powerful in proving this was put here by a totally non-random accident force, is our present time existence matching up with a perfect speed of light that runs in tandem with out awareness in consciousness. Let me try and explain this simply. Forget that light speed is roughly 186, 282 statute miles per second, and just know that light runs at a speed so that it would go around the entire planet just more than six times per second. You and I are aware of time in instant bursts of just greater than one sixth of a second, roughly 400 instants per minute or 400 IPM. This precisely balances the reality that keeps us ion real time, and without being matched into real time, we all would start to drift apart from each other, into our own realities, forever. This will never happen, because, we are connected in the awake world to the speed of time's reflection, or LIGHT. I figured this out at age fourteen in July of 1969. How would I possibly have had this thought just POP into my head? We can skip for now, and move on with this exact topic, returning later on to other things such as great goddesses and individual interactions that all of us share with them. You see folks, I was jealous a long time ago, and I killed a man, my own brother as a matter of fact. Now I know I was wrong. It took years ODF quantum physics for me to suddenly realize stuff and wake up fully and see the LIGHT, and know that all of us are being interacted in, individually while in hyperspace, with this awesome game playing teenage girl from a much higher realm than a million Einstein's could ever grasp a hold of the idea, and all this time, I though that SSJKK told Diana to do all this to show me stuff, but all along, it was Diana who without being influenced, wanted me to know personally, about SSJKK. This was something that made me become different from the rest of the entire world, transforming me in a flash literally overnight, into who and what I now am, and have been since all of this happened to me back in the eighties. What goes on between the great Sarah Krassle and myself is no different than what goes on between her and all other unique individuals, when we are not existing as the collective void at infinity. My being aware of things on this illuminated level, is why I see things the way I do, and should not, it was never meant for this to be like this. In fact, this is how the 7th dimensional circuitry of cosmic operates, sort of, in a very elementary way, or explained in one anyway. If suddenly there were a million other Earth type worlds in the galaxy, or within the local cluster of galaxies, they would be dreaming into awareness's that would make them invisible in all possible electromagnetic ranges of spectrum reality. So they dream, as we dream, and meet in the hyperspace, while in that non waking world state. There is a twilight zone and many have personally experienced it, that sort of place where you are both awake and asleep. This can happen when an advanced exploratron targets us for a temporary take over, nothing serious, it passes, nothing to call out the Bluebook Squad or the BFA over, only it's doubtful that in 2012, they understand this on my level. You too, can learn to be a higher type of exploratron, as the second you lose your waking world awareness or go to sleep as you might put it, every single day, you are all ready a TYPE-1-EXPLORATRON. It is when you learn how to find your many other you-twins in the countless localized parallel realities, and then temporarily live through them and even put them to sleep while you not only live through them but can take over and manipulate them, but this is not a lesson for this blog, and even doing these things just gives you temporary lives in other parallel universes, you will always wake up where you fall asleep, unless you should physically die in your sleep. Now exploratronics is one great rational explanation for some of the wild parlor tricks that have been done around me all of my life. Some I have initiated. Others, others have initiated. This is the absolute truth. When you see you are in some kind of a game, you can choose to interact as a fake and deny what you know to be true all around you, or you can stop worrying about what society thinks about you, and begin interacting back in the game. That is all it is, life is but a game. A game of distraction against knowing there is no beginning and no ending, we just exist. All other things, including time, are pure illusion. When I killed my brother a long time ago out of pure jealousy, I was under a powerful delusion that the all mighty loved him and not me. This is like being jealous of the invention of the CD or the DVD or the BLUE RAY players. You get one, take it home, hook it up, and then it is whatever disc or digital media that you then go onto purchase and view and entertain yourself with, that becomes your personal interaction with the invention. The invention is just the invention. Goddess Herself is VOID. Religions do not like that truth. Most folks hate truth. Truth rips lots of masks off of very ugly faces. Truth unveils a lot of stuff that people will kill to not have anyone know about. The truth is that this thing that I have been searching for forever and ever and ever, is my own personal interaction with the creative force of cosmos, not the creative force of cosmos itself, as by itself, it is like the player, and if nothing is ever played, it will sit there and age and turn to dust and be forgotten as though it never was there. I realize now that I am looking for my own interaction with this force. I always wanted that of course, but still did not see this in proper light and truth, thinking that this 'thing' actually exists separate and away from being connected with me. This of course applies equally to any of you, reading these words. I am now fully 'able' to be who I am, no longer searching for anything. I know I am dreaming in the hyperspace, and while here, I can never ever be directly with this force in interactions. However, on the subatomic realm, I always am there, and she is always there with me. Now the long remaining 19 years can come and go, and won't feel so endless and agonizing. A long time has passed since my search for SSJKK began in 1995. Many things have happened, and have led me to many belief systems about why things happened the way that they did, back in the eighties and the seventies and the sixties. Quantum Truth however is that I have made a lot of hells for myself. No person, no thing, no experience, on this waking Earth world is permanent, nor is it any kind of answer, and all happiness here, and misery, is quite fleeting. 'Row row row your boat gently down the stream', is probably the simplest yet most powerful true sentence spoken in all of recorded history in this known and preserved ice age cycle. I watch peeps place such importance on stuff that cannot possibly last more than 20, 50, 80 years or so, and then, WO, YO, kaplooey, gone, over, fine'. But let us say that it lasted a million years. I'll bet anyone out here, that long long long before your new extended time line is up, you would be miserable eventually, doing anything that once made you ecstatically thrilled. You might change things around for a while, but within three thousand years or less, you would jump into a live volcano just to shut the entire thing off. I can go on with this, believe that, but I need to talk about one very wild thing right now, despite all the things written from this point. It is about my mother, and it is not going to be the most pleasant thing for all readers, so I won't take offense if at any time, you simply click the 'NEXT BLOG' button, or just sign out of the blog site. Sawn you, but I need to tell a story, and believe me Copyright Office, 1989, Prosecutor Offices, marvelous television shows with 22 year runs, and men in all their glory, have nothing whatsoever to do with what I am now going to talk about, Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald, of Babylon, so let my people go, and let this blog be free to tell a nightmare true story that is powerful, and if you upchuck, well, get a mop and clean up, we're all human Bruce, nobody's perfect, not even Minnie Rip.

When I lived in freaking Somerdale, New Jersey, during the summer time in 1997 right about in the middle of my time in this house that I had purchased for 125,000 dollars from Grassi Real Estate, I was right smack dab in the early beginning nightmare of my unfathomable inconceivable wild crazy search to find the missing teenager from my past, Sarah Krassle. Before we go on with this, you need to understand that symbolic values are more powerful than you think, and that you tend to analyze hyperspace parallel universe memories (dreaming experiences) in this very matrix, not understanding that this is a dream also, right here. Anything larger than an atom is part of a dream, requiring a space and a time dimension, for you to create an interaction in, instead of the subatomic realm or Astral Plane, where you create the interaction in a flash, and then time and space just pop into it as a part of it. The bible that we are all dreaming as a part of our historical and religious reality from nearly two thousand years ago, is quite clear that some of it is very symbolic, and other things like, “hay butt wipes, don't kill”, are not. Jesus and even before Jesus, this book discusses bread, eating, and that the bread of life is Jesus, and also that bread by itself does not sustain us, we can eat for the rest of our lives, but we will die of something no matter what we dam eat. Eating, great feasts, banquets, having meals, all of these things are written about, and discussed on the level of a ratio, comparing in many parables as well as direct teachings that say many things about the partaking of food, or having a “meal”. One night in the late summer time in 1997, I fell into a very troubled sleep, wishing I could find my Sarah, so what else was new? I no sooner dropped away from waking world awareness, and I was no longer in my bedroom, but was right outside of it in the hallway that connected two other bedrooms on one end, and the kitchen and living room straight out on the other end, with the dining room extending out to the right of the living room and the left of the kitchen, with a separation right where the stairs led down to a split level, half way down to the front door, and then half way further down to another bedroom, a large den, another bathroom, and a laundry and utility room. My mother, so it seems, had worked super hard all that day, to prepare some real super meal for me that night, to hear her tell it in this wild experience, and she was in the opening area looking down the hallway at Sarah at me, telling me how dinner was ready, and Sarah said and I'll quote her, “He is not going to have that meal, we're going out”. Here she was, standing at six feet and seven inches without heels, her long light brown hair flowing down to her knees, her huge very round and cardboard-brown eyes glaring at my mother, as she said back to her, and I am quoting, “Now Sarah, I have worked very hard preparing this meal for Mark, all day long, and he IS going to have this meal”. Sarah glared at her and said a second time, “He is NOT going to have THAT MEAL, we are going OUT”. Then my mother said another time, the very same thing, and shouted it quite loudly. I spoke up and tried to tell her that I'll have the meal when I get home later on and not to get the great Sarah Krassle angry. But after I did this, she repeated again that she had worked very hard all day long, and that I was going to have this meal or else, and now. Something happened that I do not believe I ever heard anyone else say or tell in all of my years up to this moment at nearly age 57.6 now. We all hear stories about life flashing before ones eyes when a gun is pointed or they start to crash in an airplane, but unlike just a mental action that occurs, it was as though millions of possible futures all began running faster and faster all around me while I stood in sort of a protected immobile zone and this was all flashing around me in six directions with no up or down or anything. I remember thinking how my mother over the past ten or more years had become so difficult and down right nasty and beyond dominating with me. I no longer saw her, or Sarah, but I heard myself say to myself in that silent mind voice we all hear as we think, and we all think in our own voice, notice that we never think in another person's voice and this is powerful stuff that we will tackle at a later time as it sort of pertains to these times in the middle and late nineties; but I remember thinking that I wish that a real fitting punishment would happen to my mother for being so totally horrible for so long, as though she had become literally possessed by Frankenstein's freaking monster. Suddenly, it was just the next morning, a weekday, and she was at her office at Inchcape Shipping. I had gone to sleep around midnight and it was around nine in the morning, rarely did I enjoy a nice long sleep like that, but upon awakening and going to the bathroom to build a yellow stream, boom, I suddenly recalled the interaction, in full vivid bright colored detail. It was not long afterward that my mother got that very mysterious illness that all of the experts in numerous fields of medical science, could never get to the bottom of, and she lingered in that condition for 26 months before passing out of this nightmare hell on the fourth day of March in 2000.

No world, I no longer am jealous of the DVD/CD/BR player nor do I vie for its attention or its affection. I accept this game for what it is, and what it always was and will be. It really is that simple, 001 Red Henningsen. WHAAAAAAAA.

************ENDING OF THIS BLOG************

Wednesday, June 20, 2012









© 2006-2012 MARK WAYNE MOHR


All morning long and into afternoon, my across the hall ass hole nabes are out in the hall like the mother fucking own the dam place, making noise. It amazes me how so many peeps are under a privileged delusion. I supposed whoever robbed me at the South Beach back on Fathers' Day Sunday, thought they had a right to my stuff that was clearly my fucking property and has caused me serious inconvenience as a result of their delusion, the nabes totally think that they own this PH Building (Public Housing), and the list could just read onward all day fucking long, YO.

Ever since I said that I am going to do a final music project on the YOU TUBE, about two weeks ago, these hall nabes have been beyond hell, the same ones that called me the 'record singer' in a sort of dual waking-dreaming wild out of body experience, one of many experience by me from the early days such as at my moms apartment where I was visiting her and staying overnight, out in media, Pennsylvania, back in summer time 1976, 36 years ago to right about now. You want the word, GO TO THE WORD, slam, I was shoved up against the wall and onto a high air conditioner, while totally knowing that my body laid in my make shift bed, comprised of my mom's rear sofa cushions. Life is fun for a cursed Huntington, not a pleasant poem or lyric, but oh so mother fucking true, Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Labrador's.

Well, unlike poor Bo Jangles' old dog, I refuse to give WOMOTAMM what they want, all these years, and simply up and fucking cunt die, so on goes this relentless battle of horrific quanta waves, to wipe every facet of my life totally out at the speed of light freaking squared. Maybe I am pushing some envelopes here with “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER” but let me ask the Copyright Office a very simple question. With technology being so wonderful, and me just happening to be a 5-D traveler, if it was you, would you be able to resist this temptation, especially when you have created a really monster song, and it even fits all around the year of 1983, as though the cosmos is screaming out for me to do this, and so far, nobody has so much as really sneezed, so Mister Haddonwood, my question is your first name backwards, ignoring your second one, and noon Ativan popping as well, doctor ADD-I-EGO. Shouldn't the Donald have your name, and you have his? Jeese Louise, Emmy-Lou C. Tell mom I appreciate her returning my Wall Street Journal, if you are ever reading this blog, lovely Amy. If it was not for our age difference back when less than four years made so much difference, I would have been all over you girl. I love beautiful blonds.

My dick head nabes set off a fire alarm at just past one this afternoon, they are nothing but fucking trouble, and have been ever since they moved the shit in here. It lasted about a quarter of an hour until the fire persons came and deactivated it. We have cloudy skies today, and we have been lucky here recently with unusually cool weather. Still, I have a pesky large fucking knat that enemies have sent to me, and all these bugs and pests are totally impossible to kill or get rid of. Things SUCK!!!!

*****ENDING BLOG:*****





This will be a tweety-bird, for me.

Please remember folks, when I have a major attack from the WOMO MILITUFORCE OVER A WEEKEND, ESPECIALLY ON A FESTIVE CELEBRATED HOLIDAY WEEKEND OF ANY KIND, the next week, sees a huge roaring bull STOCK MARKET. I have noticed lately, that for some time and this year especially, Monday goes down a little, not a lot, just a little, as it did yesterday, and then POW, IT CHARGES BACK UP INTO HUGE WEEKLY GAINS starting on Tuesday, just see if I am not totally mother fucking right, ladies and gentlemen, just you see.

When I tried posting, I was super frozen up and stopped. I had to shut down and keep trying. Blogger dot com was ok, but wordpress hacked me good, or if it is not the blogging site, it is the enemy, but it starts at the site while I try posting, and then eventually worms up the entire mother fucking cunt computer system, IN TOTAL VIOLATION MISTER FCC MCDOWELL, OF MY HUMAN, CIVIL, AND FREAKING CONSTITUTIONAL DAM ASS RIGHTS AS A US CITIZEN, BORN HERE, AND LEGAL AS ALL SHIT, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right after I managed to finally post up, and yes, sometimes it is the blogger site and not the wordpress site, but it is one or the other when some hacker is fucking with me and it normally happens if I try to post between about 4-9 in the morning; got to try getting shit up before 4 fucking AM in the future, but yes; the morning light came around shortly after I did post it all up, and with it, came another super fucking cunt CHEMTRAIL ATTACK, and along with that, as can be totally mother fucking expected, a major diareah attack and bowel hit, violating my AMERICAN BORN FREE HUMAN RIGHTS. Those fucking rotten crooks, Amnesty International, are worthless. When I went to them around 1991 for help, they ignored me, and treated me like the fucking Bubonic mother fucking Plague, so screw you, dirt bag phony fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These fucking jerk offs have to give me a precise amount of hell and pain and agony, and I have been measuring this fucking nightmare since it began, on the 15th of August in fucking cunt ass 1986. I am as tired of printing that putrid fucking date, as any of you reading it, may be equally sick of seeing it on the blog. Well, sorry folks, I am living inside of this godless and christless nightmare. I did not ask for this fucking horrendous ass HUNTINGTON CURSE, just am stuck with it, YO.

You know hot shots of the world, I have some major goods on every one of you. If I could ever find a way to get that information out to the big public, you would all be sunk to the bottom of the sea. Just always keep this in the back of your very fucking messed up minds. This is the shit I get for doing anything with MUSIC. This has been going on with me, and David Charles Roth while he was alive until early March in 2002, for many many many mother fucking ass years. Someone somewhere sure fears my music, huh Mister fucking Plato? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for Jesus not seemingly being recognized after his resurrection and before his ascension, or the historical accounts of peeps claiming he looked different, this is nothing more than a powerful psychological barrier. You see, peeps just do not rise up from the dead, it just does not happen. It cannot happen. So when it did happen, it is like a lot of things with me, oh it just can't be, so I won't believe it, ranging from all of my sky attacks for 26 years, to my daughter, to all of my many wild claims, from Atlantic City to the dark side of the fucking ass moon. Go ahead and find any of my openings on some talk show. You do, and I'll give you fifty grand in gold. You won't because you can't. But why did this all happen, and why would I not even know about it? Well, why is the sky blue and white and chemtrailed most of the time, who can answer that one. Give me an answer to that one and I'll tell you why I have so many things on tape, and did not even know it, all those years back in New Jersey. Then we can get into the real old debate about whose authority and power, that my ancestor did many powerful things 2000 years ago, and whether or not Julia White will do any special things to ring in her great SECOND CALENDAR.

In closing my little tweety-bird tweet, let me throw this in. Something will happen within the next ten days that will show a lot of you, that I am not dreaming up a lot of this, and it will have nothing to do with my blogs, nor will it come from me in any way. KNOW THIS, world.

You need right now to re-read my blog called, SAFE JOURNAL 0355.

Then you need to know that I am going to be telling a powerful secret thing very soon, this won't stop, so I am taking absolutely no mother fucking ass prisoners, and am shooting to fucking kill. Yes, there is a powerful part of the Sarah Jacobson story yet untold on any blog as of yet, and how it connects the 17th of June, flooding, and President Nixon and his illegal break in of the Democratic Office Building in 1972, called the Watergate Building. But as hard as you try imagining what this is all about, and even if you read all my old blogs that told parts of this, you still are deep into the darkness, and need to know a lot more shit. I need to tell it even more than any of you need to hear it, but that is my freaking ass problem folks. BYE-BYE 4 nowy Kali.