Sunday, June 10, 2012



11:26 AM ON JUNE 10, 2012



I will be quick and tell a few things. First off, I asked Gawky Gaukauk, why this three day nightmare death siege of Friday-Sunday is happening to me, and got the answer, PCN-482. Jim Rockford, where are you when I need you? Yes we will get back.

They are super pissed off at me as it does not take rocket science, just jerk offs like EW Owner Trump and his buddies, to figure out what I was talking about several days back regarding my new tune. Man do these jerk offs hate me doing anything connected remotely with the language of soul. Christ All Freaking Mighty. Oh well, tough fucking beans, Uncle Stuart Huntington Mason, piss on, and piss off, mother fuckers.

I am held back from not only doing things under this HUNTINGTON CURSE, but knowing many things as well. I may seem to know a lot of stuff, but the stuff that needs to be openly told to me, is being literally prevented from directly ever blowing my way, not on any of the four winds that I am familiar with, anyway. Now this does not mean that I improvise truth, and yes, PCN-484 has a million listings, and “IS TELLING LIES” is one of them, and so it is time to explain a few powerhouse things, so nobody starts thinking that I am lying directly about one single thing. I have been told that if it was easier to prove things in court, the number of prisons that would need to be built in the next ten years, would almost need to triple, and this is a law enforcement source both reliable, and needs remain absolutely anonymous. Conviction quality evidence is so rare in the opinion of prosecutor ADA staff throughout the United States, that they are willing to make deals that provide for a definite sentence in amounts on average that are less than half of otherwise legal minimum prison time sentences if convicted as opposed to pleaded out. I never learned this exact information on any of the episodes of the L&O television show, only the concept. When I did the legwork, these were the results that I have come to trust, and now have printed. My point is that it is dam hard to prove to people, one god dam thing. If Jesus were real in the way that born again Christians desire it to be, they are pathetically ignorant to the fact, that he would just be crucified all over again. Nobody believes anything, everybody doubts everything, and we all would be cerain fools to change the way that we do business, as this in not a perfect world, and in fact, it is not trustworthy at all, and it totally sucks a big fat one, at least the last time that I looked around. Bad error, Mister President, wo, hope you ducked in the first five seconds and avoided some of the punch power. Dam it I don't want distant fucking cousin Trump running this show, no more big mistakes, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because I am an Alex Jones fan, don't misunderstand my politics, sir. I am not against you, and I think you have done one hell of a good job cleaning up after a number of bipartisan royal ass screw ups, GO O!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still think you rock, and I know my '' does as well.

Now back to my points for the day. Gawky makes me realize that I may take a few too many liberties in a sociological order of peeps who are so totally trapped in three dimensions. Now don't go saying, LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE, DAVID BACON AND OTHERS OUT HERE, because, just as with my friend David Roth that night at the Military War Games Highpoint Station in the Warren Grove area in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, back in the summer time in the year of 1997; he would not entertain the concept that life is totally fifth dimensional, and things can be lived on a higher level, and that does not mean fabricating any truths with an excuse that in a multiverse of unlimited parallel reality atomically existing, that anyone can pick and choose anything, say anything, and like a broken clock, you are being totally honest and accurate no matter what you might say, 5th dimensionally, a total of 730 times annually. Did you ever stop to think that you are most likely not right as many times per year, right on the nose for 59.9 seconds, as a dam busted clock? Well, as you ponder on this, yes, I could do this, I could say anything and it would be true 5th dimensionally. Yes, this needs to be admitted out in the open. You are no different, the same applies to you. Still, with all of that, listen up before you get ready to Ed Lynch me and bring me a real Huntington fate, wo. This is not what is happening on these blogs, nor was it what I was planning to try and do with David Roth, if he had been just a little more astute and less limited. I still live in the three normal dimensions when I interact with three dimensional cohabitants of this waking world, and would not insult your intelligence by playing the hyperspace parlor trick of ultimate deception. This would discredit me as a blogger, and make me a target of all sorts of nastiness, without getting any bad peeps' old telephone numbers, or printing other ones without good cause. Folks, I am just letting you know, and you can ask your local Physics Professor if this is truth or not regarding the quantum realities; but I could be doing this and still be within truth, in my five dimensional awareness. However, I respect all of your limitations of existing in three and not five, and hence, I would never do parlor tricks and pass it off as 3-D truth. I am letting you in on this to further try and prove my integrity and honesty. Still, I have done less than be as cautious and careful as juries or journalist media newscasters. I believe, if the L&O show is accurate, the recently aired episode with the man who shot himself and was a somewhat hated journalist who reported positions of American troops during the Iraq confrontation, and as a result got them killed, and in this episode, before he said to McCoy, three cheers for American justice, he told him that the press attorneys require three fact checks before they allow publication, that is their standard to attempt minimizing and avoiding potential lawsuits, quite obviously, and juries need to convict or acquit based on evidence that is sufficient or not sufficient according to exact legal procedures and instructions from the trial judges. I do not hold my blogs to the standard of requiring three fact checked sources, and neither does any non press blogger either. Ordinary unpaid unprofessional or amateur bloggers, do not legally need to do this. We can be sued, but in order to win a suit, the one instituting it must again, prove in the court system, that the person intentionally and with malice, outright lied and caused real monetary and character defamation damages, and this is hard to prove. Before I could be sued for one thing so far said on my blogs, because they do in fact tell the truth in this universe unless I say it came from another one, and I always do should this be the case, such as in the example of the song called “Wanna Spend My Time”; and many other situations, I always told the truth and said they came from what present day humans call the dream world, and what I know to be from a future lifetime existence, the multiverse and parallel localized existences, but before I could be sued, think of the Jason Forrest's that I could be suing for not only saying so much about me without permission, but selling my material to Aquarius Records, whoever they really are, and frankly I have better things to spend my time on, no pun intended whatsoever, than to give a lousy crap. Hopefully, this is sort of the new age internet attitude in general, and I am probably one of the most tolerant, as stealing and making a prophet is illegal, and anyone can check out my very valid numerous copyrights in the musical arts. There has been an accusation made against me that I stole some music from TWC. About two months before the first time they ever aired their very similar version of parts on my work called, “General Breakdown At Musicians Sike Ward”, I played this tune from parts of tunes I made up in the early nineties, from Gibbsboro, New Jersey. I made a cassette copy and played what I put down on the keyboard, just as you can hear it on the YOUTUBE if you Google or search this title there, and if you cannot find it, you may need to first get to my channel there by searching KING NEBNOOSHOO, but I played this in my car, at high volumes from time to time, at traffic lights, nothing like the nutty rappers do, but loud by near age sixty folks such as myself, and I think some prick recorded enough of it from a digital device such as a cellphone or whatever, and sent this to TWC as it was about 60 days after I made my keyboard cassette tape, that I heard TWC version. Now, they have their version all copyrighted, and I only have it symbol copyrighted from YOUTUBE posting, and do plan to copyright all of my YOUTUBE work, but it is legal to make a symbol claim and affix the © symbol, as long as you do plan to actually pay the fee to the Library of Congress, eventually, and fill out the Performing Arts paperwork copyright certificate form. Now I do not care, and it might be a coincidence, or not, and, my work was done in late January of 2010, and if they claim to have done their version before this, than if I need to remove my right to this work, I will gladly do so. I am not a difficult person to get along with. I play fair, and by the rules. Still, I would be willing to bet double or nothing, a thousand bucks, that somebody illegally taped my car stereo in the early part of 2010, and sent this off as their work, to TWC. I always liked and still do, and have respect for this network, despite their recent change of hardly ever being there to do weather, and just having all those silly shows, but it is their network and their business, I tune now to the higher cable channel most of the time, as I need the fucking weather, not a bunch of shows. Now we got some more 'truth' out of the way, it is time to discuss the incredible search for Sarah Krassle, that started in the beginning of the year of 1996. The people that told me direct lies, were people in authority. The Camden County Prosecutor ADA Ron Wirtz told me that I will find my answers to all of this in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. I found stuff out there, I don't consider them answers to my quest for finding SSJK in human form, by any stretch of the mind. In fact, it was the people who I was trusting the most, who were keeping me from my goal. I say this in monstrous horror, but my own mother was the greatest culprit in keeping me from learning these truths, she and her cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald, of 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, New York. You see folks, first off, it is not a terrific thing in this world to be considered someone with mental health issues. I was attending a special education school during the period where all of this got started, and the great actress Mary Tyler Moore and her lovely entertainment world friends on that lovely Family Network Channel and my old boss, Mister Wonderful Robertson, all conspired together to hope that, and I will quote the movie meant for me, as Mary sort of played my character in a very round about but totally accurate way, called, and in the same time period when all this got going, “Secrets From the Rose Garden”. These EW peeps think I'm a dam retard, I know what has been done to fucking me by these filthy ass pricks. The evidence stacks up over and over and over, but it would not make it into a court of law, and even Bancrofter me, knows this, singing Christmas Angels, and Jacobson Strobelighters all notwithstanding times ten to the twelfth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Mary Green-Dress I-CHING Pearl, “I should have stayed Bancroft crazy” or translation, I never should have come down to Atlantic City, and dared to poke around in this wild family's business. Just forget my freaking kid, I just fertilized an egg, that's all, as Doctor Jack told me up at the Harvest not all that long ago. Well, I don't fucking happen to feel that way about things, and right about this god dam time of the year, this shit really fucking pisses me the hell off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone that cannot understand what I am going through, well you know it is total honesty time, so I'll spare nobody's feelings, KISS MY MOTHER FUCKING BIG SWEET OLD ASS HOLE. You want it straight up, you want to know why songs came out like “Under the Boardwalk” and “Cherry Hill Mall”, and why they were so fascinated with recording my voice on that anti-pollution commercial, the one without the tearing up canoe riding Native American, well, as I said, maybe this is all not court evidence, but to me, I know what I know, and screw all of you cock sucking soulless bastards who hate my guts. You just go on hating me all you want to Charles Delaware Time Traveler Tate as Count Quentin and I really don't happen to give a Rett Butler crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will delve and dig a lot deeper on a day not BOTBAR TIMES 3 and SUPER HIGH CALLIOTAMMIC!!!!!!!!!!

ENDING, BUZZ HENNINGSEN MAROLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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