Friday, June 29, 2012











A recent prior blog title was not properly explained, I was referring to the two wasted lives, as spoken by my mother, her exact words, that will be further examined on this blog, in lieu of the current blog subtitle. This was planned, and not just part of my aging brain that does admittedly screw up a lot of stuff, oh yes; but I am in very good company, all of the SNAFU branches of the marvelous United States Military, openly confess to this with that initialed word, that I did not make up.

As I said, things are slowly starting back up, but I have learned that coming directly out and telling stuff makes it worse. I thought that Ron Wirtz at the NJ, CCP Office back in the freaking nineties, was exaggerating about his ideas on 'feeding the monsters', only I was wrong, and he was not.

Back late in the eighties around the time that I first met this man at the CCPO, Mister Wirtz Senior, the WOMO struck me a lot with the same death attack beams that they are recently using on me, screwing up my health big time, and even blinding me. If necessary, I will take out the entire planet. I have had it with this crap.

Many people believe this is all my wild nutty imagination, but I know totally better. I know that when all this started with me, there was no internet, no large group who thought as I did with great leaders such as Michael Moore, Alex Jones, and the list is lengthy, but the point is simple. I was meant to be born, and do some powerful stuff. I wish I had never been born, Jimmie wonderful Stuart, Clarence Angels and transdimensional effects all not withstanding, and I wish if I had to get born, that I could be living an ordinary normal life, whatever that really is. Still, what I wish and reality, are two totally different animals, along the lines of at least an elephant and a spider. I am not making up the fact that I have been watched by whoever the owners and controllers of this world really are, ever since I have been able to crawl out of any kind of a crib. Just today while buying a few half gallon packs of Breyers Ice Cream at the Fort Pierce Publix Grocery Store, not Spell Checker recognized on this Open Office Program downloaded at point of sale, into this windows 7 operating Personal Computer (PC). How I have come to so adore these many politically correct initials, no David Roth, you won't find anything for your throbbing headache at any employment location medical station. How I will hear his voice echoing forever in my mind, from the early summer time of the year of 2001; when after he searched such a medical area at the Tecknion Furniture Building in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and after his failure to find anything to take, he sadly looked at me and just spoke those few but oh so powerful words to me, after I asked him why he thought there where no aspirin pills of any kind, and he said back to me, “It's not PC”. I hate those initials my friend RT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you have the reason I wanted to have, as you put it so well in early 1970, “THE BREAD”. Political Correctness was not the reason, nor was the Personal Computer, still these letters matched. I have blocked a lot out of my mind in order to protect my sanity. I feel that a lot of us have done this very same thing, but that is just my opinion, that the DOCTOR of RPL did indeed entitle to have back in 1980, only about IRC's, still, she entitled me, praise the SAR. “WOW” Aniwho and moving this right along peeps, my intent was to park my vehicle, walk into the store, and purchase some ice cream. Actually, four half gallon boxes of their brand of Mint Chocolate Chip, really, it is basically the same exact ice cream that is served in the great and non ubiquitous FRIENDLY ICE CREAM RESTAURANT STORES. But I saw a lot of them in the stocked area, usually there are maybe between 4-8 left, whenever I go there. I ended up buying six, not four, I totally was going to buy four. When I started up my vehicle to drive out to do my final errand before heading back home, I remembered that the moment I walked into the place, a large white man in his mid forties to mid fifties somewhere, was glaring and staring at me. I took my eyes instantly away from this 'store hypnotist', as was discussed in a recent blog, but all it takes is one connection directly eye to eye. I ended up buying six, not four. Four would have lasted well beyond the time that SS disability money is credited into my checking account, and right now, between the beach robbery on Watergate Day or June 17th, and my recording studio bill, my funds are low, and I need to be careful. I need a used tire, and I need an oil change, not extra ice cream. This is how this works, and I have been very open and candid about this for a long time on my blogs. He had no reason to be doing this, I knew right away that something was very wrong. If I had been shopping for more items than just ice cream, I might have ended up purchasing a lot more than just two extra boxes of half gallon ice creams. This proves that hypnotists can only do so much, otherwise, lots of rapes would be happening, and anyone who knows anything about my life secrets and story, knows that we won't even begin to go here, onto this powerful topic tonight, but we will work ourselves around it a ways. Again, a lot has to do with my wonderful darling god fearing awesome mother, who did many unexplainable weird things throughout my entire life, some to this day I have never blogged, not told or soul, but WOW does it all fit into these 5-7 years of my blogs and the story it is telling automatically as it tick tocks along with my life. Let me tell a little.

For those reading these words on any website, where the font seems to be on top of itself line to line, and has no color, or links to my YOU TUBE ACCOUNT VIDEOS, and you would like to read my blogs on that site at the BLOGGER DOT COM ADDRESS, please us the following link:

I have never told anywhere near all of the details about two co-workers of my mother, Patricia and Emily, or her Boss, Tom and his beyond weird father, or a million other stuff that happened at this world famous shipping company, where many of the great bands used to use their services while doing concerts internationally, shipping their musical apparatus around. The story of 1997 is major, and so is every dam thing in my dam life. It all is very major, let me say that nothing is general, right here and right now, Lieutenant AVB. Oh yes, symbols don't end here, as forces tend to have large vested interests in keeping their secrets very PRIVATE, huh Chevy Chase Boozeyeller.

I can think of two dozen unexplainable things that this great company was all caught up in, but of course, I know my blogging limits, and when to keep my mother fucking mouth SHUT. Still, my engineer told me something the other day, that I'll treasure for a long time to come, POP. That too needs to stay Gomer Pyle First Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even those who think my blogs and my life is the quintessential insanity club of the internet, all know certain things, and again, what I really want to rant on about, is another do not cross barrier. I can, but I can also try crossing over a train track while a powerful moving train is whizzing by, not the greatest idea to sit here and choke on. Get my Dreeeeeeeft Katy Queen??????????????????????? Now honestly, for those who insist that this is all hooey and made up or whatever, how could I have known about this royal ass screwed up future so well, when Store In High Transport (SHIT) on the calendar was reading where my early blogs show on a non changeable time-stamp system, along with the entire blog website, nobody can cheat that, no clever notes in the pants pockets 001. No retraced Tony-Roger, or as lightning might put it when angry and in human form, no-how, no-nothing. I thought the biggest secret that my mother had kept from me was that P had been knocked up that first week in July under Central Pier, in Atlantic City. It wasn't the biggest secret. I do not know what the biggest one is, but I know that there is one, and I'll tell you just how and why I know half this story and not the other half, folks, so bear with me and don't growl to deep and loud, or play any piano notes too low and slow. Ever since I was eight years old and my father left the Bruce Manor Motel in South Atlantic City on Richmond Avenue, leaving my mother to fend for herself with an eight year old son, something happened, on top of an all ready something, that my dad was all messed up into, and the dam feds know all about it. They had our telephone tapped all; throughout my pre teen and teen aged years, and my mother was scared to fucking death about something, and this was all before 43 years ago and that dam secret. The FBI called her at her office two years after Atlantic City and demanded that she come into their Philadelphia office during her lunch break. My mother would never ever want the phone listed, no bank accounts, no telling anyone where we lived, her paranoia was far beyond, for even these times and days now, anything any of you out here reading this, could even begin to fathom, and I had to fucking live with this bull shit. She took both of the gigantic secrets, the one I don't know now, and the one I have known since late in the twenty-ohs, straight to her miserable fucking rotten maggot sucking grave. Now my mother was not all bad. But something was so wrong, somewhere, that no blog and no story, even sop far printed by MORIANITY & MOUNTAINPEN, can come close to really doing justice to the telling of the tales. But it gets a lot worse than this. Ann King lied to me from the day we met, and told me many lies that I bought once she won my confidence, and any real SUPERMAN FANS can remember the old black and white TRACY STACEY episode, after young Jimmie Olson was given a million dollars by an old woman who thought that he had saved her cat, when it was Superman who did but he flew away before the lady had realized that. Ann told me a lot of wild things, a lot was true, a lot was more Ron Wirtz Carlisle, Pennsylvania crap. Ann and Ron, wow, at least Ann is not a County ADA, and thus has some kind of an excuse, whatever it may be; but Ron, now we really do know that something always was up, and big time. We've all heard of Don Wan, but how about Don Ron? Well, grab a surfboard, and head to the 'other' island along with Wil MacAfee, turn the clock back to the early seventies, and we have another book that's Moby Dick sized or longer, Cap Ahab. WHAAAAAA. We can call it, “the Other Red Ron John”. Yes, I have been taught how to laugh by the experts. But all that aside, the story starts getting quite ugly Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs. Any really advanced top of the line on the time cusp quantum physics lab personnel, know that this is one bad story, that has no good way for it to end. Normal non quantum physicists can always make a great Hollywood type of ending to any story. This story does not end in disaster, disaster IS what makes this story what it is, Dawn Humpty Dumpty Facebreaker King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ann admitted to having some strange cassettes when we last spoke, and she insisted for a second time, that she had sent me some stuff around last Christmas season, a card, and some cassette tapes, that I never received, and everyone down here claims to know nothing about. She also has my wonderful 40 inch television that I bought back in 1995, at the same American Appliance store, that is totally not a coincidence cosmically, on the Black horse Pike, just west of Mount Ephraim, New Jersey; from where I bought a refrigerator from in the summer of 1986, that was used at the home rented from that monster landlord Richard Karpf, and his time traveling tricks of seemingly knowing about future Florida, and other things, that he may very well have been in on, as remember how I told my blogs on several occasions, how I called up a 411 information operator in 1987 and asked for the number of a psychic reader, Madam Mary, on the Julia Horse Pike, right next door to the great Carriage Lamp Apartments where I lived in 1976 and 1977, and the operator gave me the number of my ex-landlord, Richard Karpf, only the NSA/CIA/BFA peeps could hook into a persons phone and play these monster games, or those inside of these agency workers, asleep from a parallel universe, and running the show, known as, what else, EXPLORATRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never told about something that happened in either the beginning of June, or maybe the end of May, as I honestly cannot say. I was in the Winn Dixie Grocery Store, shortly after telling on a prior blog how I am so turned off by peeps singing in public along with music that is playing. If they could sing really great, maybe, just maybe that would be a horse of a different color, but it is like kissing in public, with me, these things are not GENERAL, but MAJOR TURN-OFFS, as doing it in PRIVATE is where, IMHO those things should be done, but then, who gives a bloody fucking shit what I think anyway, on my very best day???

I do not want to do a real long blog, it is late and I'm fucking ass tired. Limits and barriers and the concept behind them, was all thoroughly discussed in my 1994 copyrighted book, called, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”. There is a connected to human consciousness other huge limit and barrier, and I believe the message of this truth, was delivered to me, with powerful accuracy about four and a half years ago, despite my recently copyrighting the words late in 2007, sent to the Library of Congress on Halloween Non-Phillies-Parade Day as this was the previous year; and other things too, am I correct Sabrina Werewolf-brother Chris Collins? At any rate, or 'speed', let me throw this in right here and now, not privately, or in general, as it is quite major, Lieutenant Van buren, of L&O, or is it Prince Formerly L&O? Between the King family, all my teen queens in the sixties, my princess Donna and your big ugly tub Don, we could all get in the ruing and really duke it out with Marion Wayne. Any real western TV show fans or fans of this cool dude, the DUKE, remember the fights, and how the sound of cracking bones was so powerful on those huge ALTEC theater speakers so long ago? Well, if you were in the Finnesteere Apartments Parking Lot back in September of 1999 to witness that inconceivable arm punch I took from gorgeous goddess Keisha, the sound needed no Altec VOTT Audio Monitors assistance. Now what normal girl who just turned aged fourteen, can do that to a 280 pound dude who worked out every day back then and had huge solid arm muscles back then? This is why I believe in holograms, androids, time travels, and no accidents such as hearing MY on a tape, and not just any tape, © Office, right??? No, my mother mentioned how both her son and her husband, or me and my father, were “Two wasted lives”. She said this as if she already mother fucking knew this as gospel, Oh-Devil Record Company Burns Movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So really, is that what it's all about, or is it the space platforms in the future Star Trek movies, 'relative' to the time that my father insisted that he saw this, back in 1974, WOW, Commerce Bank. Now, did you have the conversation on my taped journal? Who has it now. I know all those fucking tapes dfid not just end up in a heap of dam flames. Whoever has all this shit, you are sitting on fucking ass gold mines, and you better not ever make any fucking trouble for me or my dam ass family. Take that in any way you wanna' take it, BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I will close for now, but will definitely come back to all of this. Yesterday was day number two of nabe shit starting up along with a fire alarm, but I don't think that it was caused by anyone on my 6th floor. Still, 'think', '6' as in the sixth or the MIND dimension. What's that Commerce now TD Bank? WOW. Say it from here to the window on Christmas, but let me add this folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA, only she can really say it with precise emphasis, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, as the Ex Governor of KALI said so well, Jason Forrest of WFMU, “I'LL B BAHK”, and I will peeps, but for now, I am gonna' pack it in, BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. BYE-BYE.



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