Wednesday, June 13, 2012





SBT-DATFILE: 061412.002











OK peeps, here is what is happening to me as of this very time and place, to quote my wonderful EX-Princess, the great and late Donna Adrian Gaines Summer, of Roxberry, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, or BORO-MAUSAESMWG. First, I need to thank my wonderful terrific and beyond astounding, awesome, and glamorous colorful and shimmering gorgeous lovely Lightning Goddess Diana Arteemis, for coming over to visit with me shortly before Wake Up time for Roseann Delaney last night just past eight Post Meridian (PM). Right near the time that the distant storm began subsiding, my LIGHTNING-MILITUFORCE-UFO as I have come to call this thing, began its first approach over at me in the distance, it has a brilliant metal halide type of front light, and it aims it directly at wherever I am, in this case, my window up here at Apartment number 607 at my PHA Building of Fort Pierce, Florida. This thing orbits around, over and over and over, and eventually leaves, but it lets me kniow in no uncertain mother fucking terms, that it or they, are indeed monitoring and watching me. This may be some real US Military aircraft, and believe me folks, they have some unbelievable and totally secret stuff, beyond any of your wildest dreams and they are the real non-dream UFO crafts that legitimate sightings are and have been for many decades, all about. Nut still, there are the other kind as well, the EXPLORATRONS. I can show you how to do a meditation and within a week, if you have the fucking courage that is, to go beyond the fear of existing without the physical plane world and attaching body system, and show you how you can become a giant airship, and fly around, and do anything from crossing the entire cosmos instantly, to unspeakable other things as well. I have done all this by way of using the powerful black art ultra secret of the Rastafarian's and the Rosicrucian's, and some others too, called, the 'FASCITAR'. If you GOOGLE it, it might show up, and if it is sanitized not to, such as when you try and get to the bottom of a lot of my family truths, both behind as well as ahead of me, in the illusion world timeline, and get distortions, falsehoods, outright lies, and deluded gray news that leaves out such things as the gruesome and monstrous way that numerous folks in my family's past, all met their fate of dying unspeakable deaths out of a hideous horror flick straight from the hellish worlds of sick Hollywood. Sorry, Great Aunt Maud Huntington Benjamin, but just as with my 1981 Eel song, this is how I feel about stuff, and I have the right to express an opinion, and even the mighty Michele Daniels of RPL-1980 backs me up with HER GREAT AND OFFICIAL PERMISSION, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You see folks, the scientists are just now catching up with my song in 1984 called, “Electroluv”. They know now that Diana is intelligent, and merely a part of a great cosmic system. They just have not as yet put together the hyperspace 5th dimension and above that, the MIND REALM of D-6, that sends down all this “brain-equivalent-energy-pieces” for lack of saying this in Laboratory Scientific Nomenclature, or for short, we can just say, in (LSN). WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One thing I love about STM, and that is, that when I have fun editing old telephone conversations, even the mood becomes more real than the original. In other words, the original tapes that miraculously made it down to Florida with me in a plastic bag inside of another plastic bag, out of ten thousand possible tapes, included things that when words were originally spoken, the mood and manner in the voice seemed to not make a lot of sense. After the editing job done for fun and YOUTUBE posting, notice the mood when certain words are spoken, as it matches the new way that the order of events were put together in a different reality here in this universe. It is as if, quantum mechanically, they never were meant NOT TO exist as they now are, edited and all, right here, as they made little to no sense in their original existence, believe me. When I speak about going away, you hear the normal sadness expressed by a daughter who will miss her father until time swings back around again. This reflection in her voice originally, was almost Dairy Queenish, if you get my Dreeeeeeeft. I'll tell you all folks, living in these times, on one count, is quite fantastic. It should not have advanced this far technologically, and does not in all the places where I did not experience WHATEVER was really experienced that night in Raspberry Valley on august the 15th back in 1986. Only in the realities where this RGG crap all happened, are we all this advanced, internet, cellular phones, super advanced personal computing, super advanced microbiological knowledge, cosmological and quantum sciences this far advanced, this is more like around 2080, in those places where I never experienced the RGG deal, and that is all anyone needs to know for right now, even the great O, the other great O, and my pal, Jimmy Carter as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all this is out of the way, let me add in a few things here.

The item that someone or something, with or without any pricelines or Shatner's, that was McGuire/Callio mind hacked away from the recent blog that I wanted to correct, when I corrected the 2010 date to the rightful abnd honest 2011 date, so as not to have TWC think I am being dishonest, as I always play by rules and fairness, as since I am doomed to endless poverty, take away my integrity, and then I am totally worthless and beyond, so we will always keep things straight and above board totally out in the open air, huh Beve? Yes, I was going to correct the URL linking address, as I tend to forget to add in the word “CONTINUES” with it when I type it freaking in each freaking time, or some force, hmm, hmm, 'helps' me to forget it so that the link becomes as my bank balances, quite worthless. Yes, if you read my blogs on any non BLOGGER DOT COM website, and have trouble reading the font, or wish to read a quality and colorized version, that also includes videos and YOUTUBE links, and hopefully some day, plenty more things as well, such as a direct link up to my own personal website, here is the site you need to paste and copy to a 'favorite' spot on your computer or however you do it. Here is the correct URL:

Nothing personal against any other sites that I blog on, but the font is not always clear. I can type on my word document with clear bold extra black lettering, and it still runs togethwer line to line, on my WORDPRESS site for one example. I never would have noticed or known, but my great pal, Mister Pederswen called and told me one day about this, bringing it to my attention. I want to take this opportunity now to tell him something. I was off my medication, and losing it, and I do owe you a sincere apology. You got my music played around the world and did some wild things for me, and I did enjoy having that record layer, to share my daughter's humor for a second. In any case, I was way out of line, and you never again have to speak to me, but I was wrong, and I do sincerely apologize. My immature behavior goes beyond medication and I won't kid you on that. There was no reason to bust your rocks with that silly combination of either P or the 16th letter with repeating 16's symbolizing a lot of letter P's. I am truly sorry for my immature and stupid behavior, and accusations. I said this before, and I will say it again world. This man like everyone else on Planet Earth may have faults, we all freaking do, nut he is an amazing dude who did some really cool shit that without him, I never would be able to tell peeps that my music was played around the world years ago and that I collected BMI Royalty Checks, enough to legally need to declare this on my taxes. In addition, this dude has a talent in writing country music that in my true honest opinion, is why he was denied a lot of opportunity. I always said and believed, if you are too good, and don't run into the perfect folks that can immediately push you in the door to the music world, forget it, because the industry is basically a mediocre accepting trade that is very jealous of anyone that is talented beyond the ultimate extremes. Paul fits into this category. I suck next to this dude, and I think I can write a fairly good song, good for my day and generation. As for being able to write marketable material today, we can all laugh and keep laughing right up the stairs to the 102nd story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY, I FELT THIS APOLOGY NEEDED TO GET SAID, and so it did, I am sorry Paul, and you don't ever have to forgive me or call me again, but I won't ever act like that again, I was a real fucking jerk off, and you had every right to call my voicemail and tell me so.

Yes Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Labrador Retriever Dogs,

tenacious old me will endlessly fight this battle, with or without tap screens, folded newspapers, time travel road trips, or prediction Gawnum systems or Carddecks.

My health was messed with all day, obviously by that invisible until nearly after the storm from last night, LUFO, or Lightning Unidentified Flying Object. This LUFO has visited me several times after storms here at this present address at 601 Avenue B, and many other times as well, back up north in New Garden Green Jersey. All day long, I am in here shitting my fucking guts out because of this rotten twisted bunch of sicko filthy puss bags of the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE.

Today's assault on me from this twisted disease was my noisy shit head neighbors out in the hallway, in some collaboration together, as well as my health with a nasty shit and queezy all over feeling general attack. Maybe if Diana had not come along with her beautiful lightning, I may have suffered a total GENERAL BREAKDOWN, even though I am nowhere near the mysterious MSW (Musicians Sike ward). The only location of this place that I am aware of is CYBERSPACE, YOUTUBE, KING NEBNOOSHOO CHANNEL. If you out here can find a real one, well, that is further proof of Quantum Physics, in action. Maybe after you do find it, you will reach the end of the summer time, and then be ready to sing the new song up there as well, called, “You'll Be Crossing Over”, relax distant cuzz, like I told another distant cuzz named don, I'm all teared up about not having Thanxgiving dinners with you any more, BOO-HOO-HOO-HOO, jerk off. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Well folks, let me [post up and relax before I crash into freaking bloody shoe bed, without my mace cans, or 1802 Robin Hill, or any other transdimensional phenomenon such as Egg Harbor schools and recurring dreams, and unfathomable daughters. Thank you for all you did Mister Jockamini, or however you spell that wild name of yours, back in 1968, BRAHHHHH. On one count, it was not hard to get onto SSD between you and Donna combined, but wow, I lost a great child, because of the stigma reality. Well, you said it all 95 repairman Bobby Vandegrift. What a fucking trade off, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, chall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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