Thursday, June 7, 2012














Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs, this will tell a few things, and also admit that I am very open to any and all new suggestions about why I may be in the hell and the mess, that I most certainly am in.

First, somebody is altering my documents, FBI, someone is into my computer, so far the changes are dates that blogs were documented to be written on when not written over numerous broken periods and differing times which in those cases, are called Supplemental Entries. Also, after a number, the number might be altered cleverly so that I would not catch it easily, and instead of a decimal point such as say 62.74%, it was altered when I went to reread it, as 62,74% a period altered to a comma, making the number worthless and laughable. But then, someone or Priceline thing, Captain Upinflames, has been laughing at me, and hurting me; for nearly 58 mother fucking years now, and I'm sick and fucking cunt tired of this dam shit at the speed of light squared, at any of the four Hammonton, New Jersey car kicker Shannon Wal-Mart corners in parallel universe reality. Before moving on and getting a lot more specific about this topic, and open up the doors leading into long hallways that contain other major topics, let me just add in here, that my crude, lewd, uncouth, loud, and filthy roach neighbors, from across the hall and their guessing-name-GUESTS, or one of them, or WHATEVER 1975 Bob Andres old pal from Pileggi's Music Band; are again quite annoying this entire week since the weekend, and all though not super terrible, they are quite naturally, annoying the fucking cunt shit of me with their hall-hollering, door slamming, toddler screaming, and more. I don't blame them, I blame their mothers. They are the ones who responsible for bringing these trash up, with no manners, no consideration for other folk, and just no breeding and basic barn life style rearing, and perhaps they knew no better at all, but these nonetheless, are who I blame for the absurd and rotten crumby behavior of these twisted diseased skunk weeds over there, that not only annoy me continually, but have brought me an entire infestation of cock roaches, and somehow have influenced or paid off my building authorities to do nothing to help me, no extermination, 'no nothing' as the great Diana yelled over the phone to me in May of 1983 while hanging up.

I went up to Hutchinson Island South Beach, yesterday, to see my friend Mikey. Not Mickey, who was that wonderful transdimensional lifeguard who knocked me around and put lots of soap in my eyes, roughing me up in the showers of Haddonwood Swimming Club in late 1995 or early into 1996 somewhere. But then, a lot of powerful stuff goes down all over transdimensional Haddonwood, on Route 47, in Deptford, New Jersey, so what else is new, same old shit on a different day? (SOSO-WEIN-SSDD) can be used for a shortened abbreviation.

I need to talk about future beings who are amongst us. They are normally, but not always, much taller, much physically stronger, and much more superior to us here in the present time all the way around, their senses, their intelligence, the whole smack and smear. This is however because two things are possible in the future, but not just any future, and more about this will also be said, if not on this blog, then on one soon to follow. These are fully functional androids, sexually as well, right down to the ability, and don't fucking laugh at me; of reproduction. None of this however is the real point for the blog today, but I need to tell that I have encountered my share of these superior android beings, I can see why many who also encountered them in the days of Christ and before that as well, as Angels from Heaven. They are in a sense, from the HEAVENS, and they are CREATED BEINGS, at a certain point, able to create themselves, first in the lab, and eventually, in bed just like you and I do, huh Vicki Callio and Jim Burr? We had this old discussion in 1975, and many others, Know-It-All Jimmy, and if you are still here amongst the waking world in your Jim Burr life, and all though “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER” eventually as we all do, into other more real and larger and truer existences, in truth, you are there right now anyway, and need not cross over, or fuck around, with either Professor Jackson from his great city up in north Florida recently hit by a bad storm, or the mighty self righteous, pompous ass and ultimate egotist, Shorty Qualmar Bassler MacInvondi. Yes my final YOUTUBE song will be posted as soon as I can raise the money to pay my engineer, perhaps after the summer time or in that range, “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER”, hay don't play dumb with me United States Copyright Office, you had to have known that this song was coming, give me a break Marge Leo of Woodbury Heights, in New Jersey, YO. Before I give too much away, including any great fish or small ones, from my quite bountiful life-long catch, let me just move things along again, for right now, like DUH and Hyundai cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is an old saying, and I even heard it on one of the great “Law & Order” television shows, that goes, “All Poodles are dogs, but not all dogs are poodles”. This has a lot of power when taken, and referenced up with parallel event and cause and effect, and both of their involuntary participation with the covert realms of the sub-atomic and the quantum. Cause and effect is as it implies, A event is cause, it thus causes the B event, it effects it, A effects B, in other words, and concentrically, B does not effect A, except in relative antimatter or black space direction of running time, relative to the matter-white. We harped on this considerably a few blogs back, with the telling more about my using ordinary playing card decks, as prediction tools that go into practical and virtually unlimited potential uses, providing it is always asking to make a prediction that has a precise odds chance of 50/50. Now parallel event technology, as I dubbed this in the nineteen-eighties, and later showed the applications of this to a 'U of P' Professor named Deturch, in 1992, while renting a home on route 561, in Gibbsboro, in New Jersey, from the mother of a state police officer, Misses Meeker; of the great Meeker Speaker story of Egg Harbor Mob Hits and Drug Dealer Squealers and Diners with waitresses telling all about it, causing a strange frightening large man to begin following my mother and myself all around three counties, and terrorizing us and threatening to kill the both of us, on the 2nd afternoon in August, in 1996, ten years to the very day that I ran into my '' in New york City, and not ever knowing that she was my '' for another 22-23 years until the very late twenty-ohs. Only five peeps alive in the milky Way Galaxy here in this time period 4th dimensionally, know some really powerful connections to how I got myself into a lot of huge messes, and just as the great preacher said the other night on his network ministry, it seems that any kind of sexual lust and deed that is outside of the institution of marriage, causes years and even a lifetime, of powerful after effects, and many regrets and never let us forget, built in direct punishments, with diseases being only a very small part of this so-called spiritual retribution. You rock, Crefflo Dollar. PREACH IT BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, not only did a powerful force from the other side of some worm hole right here in this universe, take a vested interest in my not writing this song about their ALL MIGHTY GODDESS, SARAH-STACEY-KRASSLE, builder of the wormhole as well as the subatomic exchange device, not to be confused with an equivalent from here in our universe in the human year of 1985, derived from the word SED, “Signal energy Dots”, but these are indeed related on a high scientific level that is just much too complicated to even try and tackle today; but yes, I was all ready in this mindset in my HADDONWOOD DAYS, from the date that I joined on June the 27th right up until about the 10th of August give or take a few days either way, when the place mysteriously closed down on a dime, no explanation ever giver, nor is really known about, not to this very day in the life of East Wing hyper-room Gerard Colinwood Styles, of the world of so many dark shadows everywhere, in 1969-1971, “WOW”!!! Can thiongs like all of this REALLY just happen by pure chance. Without excepting as total truth, the surreal and mind bending realm of Quantum Mechanics, an unequivacal and resounding NO is the proper response to this query, with or without any ART tests and CARDDECKS. But WITH this factored in, a resounding positive and absolute YES would come to be the truth. With an unlimited multiverse that springs daughter-universes into existence forever and ever, looping around into a beyond calculatable due to sheer gargantualism to the upper curves from the 6th realm or MIND DIMENSION, being the only true barrier that contains this otherwise endless spawning of TRUE COSMOS. But no, all infinities are limited beneath a higher dimensional curving, this is an intransmutable reality of the LAWTRON, or the 7th dimensional lawtronics, the combined soul consciousness of all of us, or in an ultimate singularity at void infinity. This state and condition remains unalterabvle. We ARE THERE, we simply exist at this VOID. Thus we get bored tro total tears, and start dreaming out and away from this in a priocess called SPACE-TIME-MIND, after first agreeing to the rules to be used and followed in all of this dream-out, and then create the lower MIND beneath it, next. Then this mind sends these signal dot energy parts, or ASAPS, down lower still into the magical mystical realm of the 5th dfimkensional hyperspace or the multiverse. I knew all this as far back as the first 2 and 3 years of the noneteen-nineties, bnut it was so painful to me to carry this powerfyul truth around with me 24-7-365.2422 night and day, that I blocked it out, something I have been a bit gfamous for the world over, since the spring and summer time in the year of 1970, with the powerful Swedish student teacher, that lovely 21 year old buxxom blond beauty queen goddess, who had the phycsical strength of tebn men, and obviousnly now in hindsight, P-12 Pluto Jason Forrest and all, I know was no more than a SEND BACK DROID, with the purpose of doing just exactly what was in fact done, teaching my mind to control-forget, so that I could sort of use this as my own sort of very private hypnotherapy and post hypnotic suggestion system; and this is exactly what I have been doing for close to four and a quarter decades of time now, in my waking human material existence right here, as 'MARK WAYNE MOHR OF HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY', yes, GOOGLE that exact thing up. I did not have any part of that website, nor did I make any of those comments, nor did I ever title any of my tapes or music projects, or even imply such a title, as they claim I did, “THE MEANING OF LIFE”. I vehemently deny this in any court of law and make this posted legal binding oath right now that attests to this sworn oath right here and now. Yes Atlantic City's great North Inlet Shore, was literally covered and bombarded during the time of my great search and quest to locate the All Mighty Sarah Krassle, from 1996-1998, with VC license plates on the New Jersey Automobile registration system, I could not escape Victoria Callio and her initial plates of VC, VC, VC, VC, and even ob typing keyboards, look at the bottom row, and the left most two keys right above the SPAVE BAR, space as in OUTER SPACE or the 'expansion', lies the two magical letters, right next to each other, the V and the C. Then the other two Jim Burr initials straight from hell are close by, and almost seem to be there to show how ultra powerful fields of electromagnetism do in fact warp and bend the fabric of Einstein's SPACE TIME. But without receiving all of the needed signals from the 6th dimension of the MIND REALM, into my brain receiver, or my 'BREK' for short, this quantum observation would not exist right now first, then secondly, it would never have formed any of my connections to these signals being sent into our electromagnetic magnetosphere high above the clouds of this planet, where from there, these dots of unknown mind energies, find their ways into each individual in this cosmic collective, based on the exact speed in which individuality is processing the space speed of personal mass reception, varying from about 375 to 425 instants per minute. This variance makes all of us unique, creating a personality, so that even if we processed equal life stimulus, our reactions to this equality of input, would still therefore vary tremendously over time, in personal individual output. Yes, go around the little keys with your fingernail, from the J to the B, Jim Burr, Jim Batches, Jeremiah Burke, John Burns, and so many more nice lovely folks from my wonderful and fabulous past. Space bars, and then bent space-time, wow, the KING of symbolization, if ever there was such a thing, and no further away than my fingers now doing this blog on a PC word document office program, did I say a Political Correctness machine, as hay, it is no longer politically correct or acceptable, to live on Earth, and not be somewhat fluent in the Personal Computer. I wonder if my '' mother agrees with that, or ever sang along with either my Aunt, or Howard's old buddy from his days with Fats Domino? In any event, many initials are very powerful symbolic story tellers in my life. DS, Dark Shadows, Donna Summer the late and great,Diddly Shit Mike Walters from RPL, and these lists could type on for hours and hours, trust me folks, all bad and racist jokes from hill top areas of Jersey with great views of Philly-57 skylines, and certain rotten lying realtors of 1986 and 1987, all totally fully notwithstanding.

I have a lot of work ahead of me, and I've opened up a dozen doors that will lead to very long and dusty halls that I need to take my readers into and show some powerful reality about. If you follow me through this dusty long manor my peeps, you will not be the same person you were as you leave, from when you entered. It will either have profound effects on you, or you'll be hearing the voice of mister Carter in your wild and never to be forgotten 'dreams', telling you that YOU ARE DEAD, or in more honesty, confirming what you just attested to by making this horrendous claim. I say a word like horrendous not that death is not beautiful and peaceful, and the end of all your cares abnd woes, that is if it was not some phony hoax ad was real, which it isn't; any more than you are really alive either; but what I meant is a lot simpler. So now, you meditate on it, and then you come to your own personal and private conclusions, as they are right there, but different for anyone of you that may be reading this blog. I will try and focus on one topic of the twelve or so that I have just oopened up a little on over the past several blogs, and then really tell a lot of heavy stuff, my friends and my fiends out here. I love all my loyal Morians with all the strength that I can muster, General U. Grant, so please, enough with the drinking old pal, we have a war to win and you need to sober up and get Lincoln to give you a command. I have a kid who will get really mad at me if things quantum out through other unobserved possibility slit codes, so I'm watching you Ulysses, sir. BANG BANG, Eddie Green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddess speed, everyone, that is, except for WOMOTAMM who wishes me nothing but an endless vicious horrific HUNTINGTON CURSE!!!! Hay, I can take a few Jesus cups, but this flogging and scourging is off all scales, dials, knobs, and conceivability. “WOW”

Let me wrap up the warp lessons for today and save PEE JUNIOR, and her great digital teleportation invention, for other times and blogs, folks. There are many sciences that none of you GET YET, Morgan old pal, so keep plugging away, and maybe in about 150 years or so, boom, there it is, all along.


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