Tuesday, June 19, 2012






My butt wipe neighbor was annoying in the late afternoon and early into the evening on the eighteenth day of June, 2012. As with the previous time of annoyance, it lasted around the same amount of time or a little longer, less than two hours of in and out and in and out, and bing and bang and boom slam kaploom. Whoever these assholes are, they really do win the price for both stupidity, and barnyard home training as kids. Moving on now with things that are totally unrelated to my current real bad problems, stemming from ancient open reel recording machines or not, same difference.

Http://www.theansweristheqyuestioncontinues.blogspot.com/ is the URL that can take you to a place where you can read my blogs the clearest and in color, and also can link you to videos and much more soon following this, so paste and save to a favorite if you follow the Mountainpen, and use it. If you are happy reading where you are, then by all means folks, just remain right here and enjoy.

Now I'll get into some stuff that needs to be started, and WAS SCHEDULED INDEED, TO BE STARTED, about 7 or 8 blogs ago, in the early chapter 0450's, but quantum circumstances, as I knew they would if I spoke and typed my intent, altered the reality of things. Reality is so alterable, it is not even funny. I mean this foljks, it isn't god dam funny, not at all, not even if you can develop the great and tremendous overcoming type of sense of humor that MC has developed, speaking of STC, and yes, go back long before late 2009 into the summer time and autumn time in 2008, and you will see that either I am a real physical time traveler, regarding the discussions about STC 'games', or indeed, it really is, as I claimed all along, the All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Krassle, all along, in this new persona and lifetime. It would be impossible for me to believe otherwise, after all of the stuff in my life over 50 months of time now. It is as though all those blogs, of 2006 and 2007, were just there; to lead their way up to the 'really powerful stuff', that followed, once the year of 2008, and the GAMES EXPERT INTERACTION or (dream) as you might relate better to the word in parenthesis, worked their way into the present times, 'back then'. Also, see how freaking tricky things get, when we so much as try a little bit, to pick at the seemingly taboo subject that has made the mind of humankind salivate over since we began, 'TIME'? You know I am speaking only 100% truth here. Any doubter of that is simply a major fool.

So here we are right now, finding our selves eventually able to communicate, about some stuff that I wanted to do back a week or so ago, before all of this total hell broke freaking loose, folks. This is because on the realm of the subatomic, LAWTRON-FORCES did not want this exact atomic vibratory frequency of reality or this individual and unique universe that sits inside of a hyperspace that contains virtually a countless endless number of parallel other ones right along with us; to have that specific information printed on the public internet system, until it made preparations, to deal with it, so to speak, 'lessening its punching power' and potential to effect global events in the favor of Morianity and the Mountainpen, and more in the favor, of the existing great power structure, that I have referred to on my blogs since they began practically; as the EVIL EMPIRE. This is not referring to the USA, or even the G-8, necessarily. Who am I to be anyone's or anything's judge, if I am one tiny bit imperfect?M How can you know what is really out a window, if there are cracks on this window someplace that block the view from otherwise perfect observation? That is the reason a biblical law instructs Christians, not to judge others, and talks about the beam and the mote, or Jesus does, in the New Testament of the scriptures. I am not a religious person, not anymore, despite singing in a choir as a boy, and being born again, and going through all the bull shit. Once Quantum Physics enters into a life and mind, and is properly understood to a sufficient level and point; it is like young kids discovering their opposite genders. They were there with them all along of course, but what suddenly did a Bobby Brady fireworks from Mary Prairie, all the way to future Morianity? Well, this would take me a year to get real specific about, and we don't need that, huh Diana? So I'll just say this. What I understand about truth is that you can believe this, and it will make it the truth, and it does not operate as in my many other illustrations on the subject of denial. You can deny you are dieing from a fatal disease, and it does not alter the truth. This difference, is what makes the religions or as Christians call their truths, not a religion but a relationship with my 61st great grandfather's uncle Jesus, and this is not because of some belief or denial on your part such as with the cancer, but because of the quantum realities surrounding Jesus. The most powerful verse in the KJV BIBLE backs this truth up completely, when Jesus said to the man who he had just healed from some milady, “Your FAITH has made you whole, go and sin no more”. The 'go and sin' is one and the same quantum wave, with 'go and no longer take your old condition with you', as it is gone, because of my quantum reality, and yours as well by believing in mine. All of the 5th dimensional hyperspace including our own unique universe inside of this unfathomable great multiverse, is literally just a dream like condition off of the subatomic realm or the ASTRAL PLANE. Faith is also a replaceable word in Quantum Physics, with observation or OBSERVED BELIEF. To have this, two things are required, but also, two types of things exist that entities in hyperspace connect into and through, or do not, depending on some pretty interesting stuff that I'll try and make simple. First, one has to be able to observe any 'something' whatever it may be, and in order to do this, you must have something connect some type of sensory system, normally vision, done through way of light, but however it is done, it takes some infinitesimal amount of weight even if it would be as tiny as one times ten to the minus one millionth exponential power of grams. Light beams or photons, are why we all see and observe any and every thing around us. If we do not see it, we hear it through waves in the same electromagnetic spectrum as light is in, but on other frequencies. Even if blind and deaf, the sense of touch and feel that would be greatly enhanced, kicks in, and is also in the range somewhere of the very large EM spectrum of reality. If the brain was taken out of the skull and placed into a solution, the once normally living body that operated through this brain, would find him or her self inside of a dream, defeating the purpose for the most part of the fans of physical immortality. You would merely be as you all ready are right now, even now while reading these words, on the ASTRAL PLANE, there is no after life, stop thinking so dam linearly folks. By insisting that all of reality is time line oriented, it forces you to be more easily controlled by those imprisoning the humanity, the one third of the AWA, or the Lambrigg Cult. They have formed a huge group of dreamers on the Earth waking world and without any conscious awareness of it, sort of in reverse with Carlos Castaneda and his great book called either Dream-gates or The Art Of Dreaming, if my memory is at all accurate, I had these books once, again, thanks to THAT FAMILY, all my stuff is lost forever now, and the LC continues even now, stealing what little stuff remains, until they literally steal me up, all 100%, and I will fight these pricks forever, so bring it, mother fuckers. But back to the topic for now, peeps. Every split instant as you exist in waking world, you feel about 400 give or take a few each and every minute, but in all of these instants, you really are in a brand new 5th dimensional connection from the 6th dimension. Mind Dimension sends signals into the lower dimensional hyperspace, and if something gets a tiny amount of them, they can start dreaming they are a butterfly, or with a still greater amount, perhaps a cat. Given a larger dose, you dream down off of the subatomic streams and foams of truth, as a human being. But you, over and over, exist, or CONNECT. This connection appears to happen at the speed you move while alive on Earth, about 400 times per minute. These can be thought of by all of us, as instants, or the smallest time periods that we can be aware of in any meaningful way consciously. But it is not tick tock one after the other, it is one single connection. In this connection, you have an entire memory of a created past behind you, and the entire reality around you corresponds to that, in exact full realization. So what you think of five minutes from now in relationship to right now, is not something that is five future minutes away or about 2000 instants, it is just one instant that happens, and the stuff from 2000 instants back is just another part of a long created memory, as the MIND REAL is reconnecting with you again. There is no absolute future, and science of 2012 knows that, it is totally fan bladed off in unlimited possibilities. What they do not know yet, is that there also, is no absolute past. QM is just beginning to run some formulas that are helping them get blown away and mind melted with this wild truth. Becoming aware of all six dimensions allows movement in five of them, and this means, as a direct result, at this point, the so-called past as well as future, is all just some weird wave particle duality illusion of instantaneous existence, as though each 400th of a minute, we are one and the same with a being a large piece of clay. The part that is hard to wrap your waking world head around, is that you think you are bending and stretching and arranging yourself in this forward running way, but you also are doing the same thing in not just one, but two directions. In addition to this, time can run in other unknown directions besides just ahead and behind from the perspective of powerful illusion. In these other running time directions, things happen that make how old or young our universe appears to be by all of our measurements, and godly huberous concepts, totally meaningless, immaterial, and irrelevant realities. The reason that things are so scrambled and seemingly random, for one quick way of explaining it, is that observation requires a tiny amount of EM energy. To see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it, or whatever it, sense it in any way whatsoever, takes a tiny amount of unobservable energy. When we expend that energy to view and observe, the number changes in the bigger picture, since our needed energetic observation is an additional part of the equation. This is known about, but not understood fully in its 7th dimensional lawtronic circuitry that comes out of the void infinity. Lawtron is the collective-soul or the cosmic consciousness as some love to call it. This is always present at the void, where no space or time or mind or anything exists, just existence exists, until eventually, although the word eventually is a misnomer implying a time reality that the void never can contain, but I need to use some readable word and thus am forced to say eventually, we all dream OUT AND AWAY from VOID INFINITY, into 7th DIMENSIONAL COLLECTIVE TRUTH, or the LAWTRON, that creates a set of rules and a sort of cosmic circuitry motherboard, that runs the entire system below this seventh dimension, and is why 'I am here in this dream right now', typing this document that 'will be soon posted as a blog' onto the internet. Making a somewhat complicated deal even more intricate and complex, the 6th dimension of MIND runs all type of intelligence, and the computer has an intelligence. It is not run biologically or getting power from a chemical body, but it gets electrons directly to operate, and instead of processing information as the brain does, it processes it in its machine way. The 6th dimension is part of any kind of 'thinking machine'. On top of that, the Cosmiputer of the near future, discussed in my 1994 so called fictional book that all the authorities on Planet Earth knew very well was anything BUT fiction; discuses the cosmiputer, and how it connected into a multiplexed created colony system far out into the expansion beyond our solar system, along with Jim Pratt, and Colony 256. I also know that the ancient writings that make up many bibles, have prophets discussed in them, where powerful Astral Plane Gods, Jehovah being one who put her name to it, another Empire State building message that nobody else got, TEE HEE, but I did, but when things such as arks or temples are to be built, translations got quite screwed up in my opinion, as I believe that computers were used to create them, just as they created the pyramids and many other structures that remain even today for human kind to be in total awe over, and unable to explain. The term 'CUBIT' is really, 'Q-bit', or quantum-computer bit, and I am as positive of this, as I am about my '' that day four years ago on top of that lovely building, around the time of her 20th high school reunion. I tried to tell the world in 1983 that the electron is a highly intelligent entity. Nobody took it seriously, now they do, at all the big think tanks around the world. Still, I seem to be the only one who knows the entire secret. I speak of what I was shown in a hallway in a Huntington, New York house, by a two year old girl. It is all on the blogs of early October of 2008, along with the road trip and the World Series Phillies win, told about in a short but accurate account, 31 days before the event. But then we must remember that there is no October of 2008, or 2008 BCE, or 3000, or 2012, or any other thing, We may see this powerful illusion, but in total truth, we are reconnected with the 6th dimension MIND SUIGNAL every one four hundredths of a second, with am open end past and future, sort of in a hyper-dimensional private universe, that we all interact in just as the Hollywood Studio Personnel all do, in sort of a hyperspace, where one thing is independent of another, and the characters can all be shifted around, and even time has consistency with events, when the studios want them to, like quantum observation. The only big difference is that there is no energy expenditure in this illustration, so the creation of events do not have to have codependent factors because the actors and actresses are doing their job. But if you want me to get technical enough, we can even fit that into all of this as well, but in the interest of an abridged blog, the hell with it. Some wonder in the great think tanks, why does there have to be a weight to everything no matter how small, causing quantum reality and observations altering events, something that I witnessed in my many years of playing roulette in Atlantic City and never attending one lousy class at some ritzy Ivy League U. Take a long stick and hold it out in front of you, make it longer and longer on each end by nails or rope or any other thing you want. In no time, the two ends will bend down and curve into space-time. Make the stick out of the most powerful material in the universe, and make it light years long, and again, it will bend down on both ends. Length of any mass will begin to carry a weight and curve into a loop. This is because in the 7th dimension, we as soul here, or lawtron there, engineered these rules. These same rules we made to do this, we also made to keep us from having strange outlandish realities, invade our waking world lives in the hyperspace. The vampires and the monsters of the Astral Plane do try and get here, but make it through only as the thoughts and imaginations and fantasies, of all ready normal living baby-born regular folks, you and me. Only very special knowledge, can override the lawtron circuitry. It is my humble opinion that my '' wants everyone to see the machine that Shorty MacInvondi had me use, to indeed, break one of these normally operating rules of 7th dimensional lawtronics, and I speak here of the open reel, Technics Panasonic RS 1500 US. Hay, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel it is another of her so many signals, that she will always be Scylla, and always there to sing Love Is For Carpenters, on Monolazarium Square, in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, huh Jim Pratt, so turn off your dam cubits, and go back to Colony 256, or at least Colony Quna with my Princess .

No folks, I never went to the Harvest, as I am going to see how my insurance works on eye exams and eyeglasses first. Why wait three weeks when I can get things done in one or less? This was personal, and was done by exactly who you think, my friends and sleuths out there on the internet following the Mountainpen. Just read blogs, SAFE JOURNAL 454-458 after you read this, and it will become obvious to a mentally challenged monkey, just who did this, and YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I won't tell a lie George Mythfairy Tale Washington Cherrytree, I guess the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, does not want me to do my great new music project, called, “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER”. So sorry, Ambassador Sky but I have to look out for me now, no one else is, WHAAAAAAAA.


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