Friday, August 24, 2012




24 AUGUST, 2K12, 8:12 PM-EDST


I am having a rotten day, not super BOTBAR, but there are banging door neighbors, there are many FIRE ALARMS to frikkin' deal with as this is back on a roll, and are one right after the other today, and persecution is ever ongoing.

I'll be talking to my favorite GAGA-CAT later, about all of this, for now, you need to know all my questions, or the answers, this is my own concern, for now.

I am all packed up, there is just my bed here. All else except for the computer is all put away. I will be taking down all of my YOUTUBE GARBAGE later on over the frikkin weekend. I most likely will be taking everything that I ever posted down as well, shortly, from Mexico. Several things I like about Mexico, two in particular are that my disability money monthly payout is around ten grand a month in their valuation monetary system, for most items, excluding housing. Then there is my strange Doctor Carey situation that all began on the night of June the 4th at 10:30 PM, back in good old 1983, when else? After-all, when it's not 1886 or 1980, it usually is a good bet, it is something about an event in 1983. No, we will not be forgetting the years of 1969 or 1994, still; they come n a weak second to 1980, 1983, and 1986, strange too folks, as they space apart by exactly 36 months, AKA three years, TEE HEE HEE, Lilly Andrews Munster Shipyards Antigrav.

Yes this was not a good week, I 9was picked on a lot, because these filth bags were not happy with their twisted evil stock markets. When they keep hurting me, the parallel event will eventually push up their filthy rotten evil empire, and the capitalist swine pigs that run, own, and control it all and us all, and don't bet heavy against what I'm telling you, my good folks, it comes straight from gods lips and lands right on your ears, right here and right now, with or without any monster-ass recordings made by some very unusual recording systems, that I managed to put together, back in my past. I am totally compelled to do this, sorry, WOW, WOW, & WOW.

Let me go over to the K-Mart now for a new watch, again. BYE.


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