Friday, August 31, 2012




23 AUGUST, 2012


Enemies gave me a very mean and cruel BOTBAR day, since first light this morning. They have no heart, conscience, humanity, soul, or human feelings for another human being. Instead, they make Adolf Hitler, in comparison, appear as a saint, a philanthropist, and the next prize winner for being most like Gandhi, Sister Theresa, and founder and Chief-Ex- Officer, of the biggest charities on the planet.

From daylight time on, it was one extremely loud noise after another, rappers outside with their gods awful sounds from hell itself, neighbor door slammer pigs, raised by pigs, and a poison was used to again, mess up my heart rhythm causing nasty arrhythmia's, until I got up, and took an extra blood pressure pill, and two Bufferin, to thin the blood, and let the heart pass it more easily through the body, working less hard.

Nightmares were real bad while I slept from about eleven until shortly past four. In one of them, I weighed 300 pounds and could not get any of my clothes on, and could barely even move around. I could not for the life of me figure out how I got so morbidly obese, not that I am not there all ready, but it was even worse. I may go back to playing the Morianity to the roaches and beyond, as well as into the unconscious collective of humanity, but for now; I wil revert back to some revenge counterstriking, with the telling on these blogs, of some real heavy major secrets. Before I do, I have reviewed carefully what needs to be done. MY ENTIRE YOUTUBE GARBAGE, will all be coming down soon. I am all through thinking I can send messages through my music, as I am old, and my music is not liked by the modern world, with their animal lust for nothing but hollering ugly words, and inconceivably heavy beats; all with basically no melody at all, and this to me is NOT MUSIC, and I refuse to try and write to their new age sick twisted style, so keep it folks, enjoy it; and as my uncle Stuart Huntington Mason said to me in 1983, while visiting my Atco, New Jersey home, one afternoon; and we got to talking about some silly thing; “Leave me out of it”. I am getting totally rid of my TV and Cable service, I never listen to radio broadcasting, and my only posts onto internet websites will be the LIFE JOURNAL on my blogs, so I can keep telling about the injustices perpetrated against me by these monster people all over the world all my life, for reasons that as Jim Burr said in 1974, and up through about 1990; have to do with powerful family situations and secrets, and you know what people; I really don't give a fuck. I'm tired of this shit, and folks it is old, it is annoying; and I have a life that I wish to get on with, so if you are so bound and determined to stop me from doing so, then know this; you will most certainly have to murder me physically. I am packing up everything in the apartment, and will just vanish one morning soon, and nobody needs to know my business; but I am putting this horrible life here in Florida, forever behind, and am heading for South American destinations, never to look back or participate in anything connected with capitalism, or America, or music, or my past that comprises any of this junk here, over many decades of time now.

I asked the cat a lot of questions earlier B4I began this blog, and you only need be concerned with one of these numerous GAWNUM QUERIES. I asked why this horrific siege was done to me on this devil number day of 23, as 12 times annually, I face its wrath and disaster producing results? My answer from Kitty cat Gawky Gaukauk was PCN-972; an answer that I tend to receive during some real bad times over the past couple of years here in Florida. Here are some of the MATCH-LIST ITEMS for PCN-972, in my book L-4, and for any and all others up here, reading these blogs:







Now to me, these answers make total and perfect sense, and I do not have the time right now on this blog to go into why, so as to assist you in your own understanding, maybe at a later time I'll try and do a Johnny Nash, and clear things up for you, just not right now, and not today will the story be continuing, written in 1977 by my mother regarding her very unhappy experience with her love affair at her office with her horrendous boss, who hailed along with his family, from Chicago, Illinois, also known as (AKA) the WINDY CITY. Certain things will remain, and as promised by 'Scott Ransom' types of people, totally endlessly, 'inescapable'.

Right now I will tell a powerful little thing, and then log off and enjoy my chicken and rice and spinach dinner with my television show, “The Mentalist”. The little thing I will tell on this blog, and this will just scratch major stuff that will indeed be continuing on following blog works by this author, has to do with the watching of entertaining television shows, such as, my favorite and greatest law show of all time, even surpassing Perry Mason of the fifties, and that being, the one and only, not Cheerios, but, “Law & Order”. Yes folks, it was there to do its job, and yes folks, it did its job. We all know what's being said here, or else and PC or not my friends and fiends, you're riding on the perpetual yellow short bus. No offense, but if you cannot piece Morianity together, even if you don't believe in it, yes, the term of you and short-bus would have to go hand in hand. There is simply no other way around it, I am truly sorry. Yes, they even took away the single airing of the 3AM show back a few days ago. I was all set to watch it, and POWWOW and Native Cher Bono Americans, off it went, and it did not come back on, sort of like our electrical system after World War lll strikes, it will go off, but it won't be coming back on, another great old Hotel Kali4nya deal from 1969 and other highly secretive years of the Planet Earth, with or without my favorite Philadelphia football team, Miss luscious gorgeous Simpson. For those who may not know it, the final one was not on a Friday, but I believe it was back last Monday, and then off it went just like “DARK SHADOWS”, without so much as an up front hint or clue, not a ghost's whisper, lovely Jenny Love Hewitt Sarah Fiveparty. On top of that, the last episode was all about a music rock and roller, and you'll love this, called 'C SQUARE'. Maybe this gave the top female artist in the world, fifteen years later; the bright idea, to do her E=MC SQ project. I learned a lot from that, as there were many in-between the lines things to be gleaned from that project, if you are looking, that is.

I made an error, so what else is new. I told you the blog at telling about the road trip with wonderful Chockerman Lakehouse, that I took after falling asleep, up to Boston, was blogged in October. It was blogged on the 30th and final day in September in 2008; now there were two blogs posted up on that day, an early morning one just past midnight, and then one later on in the day, and it would be on the later one. This is where I see, 31 days before it ever happened, the great 2008 parade on Broad Street in Philadelphia, on Halloween Day, after the Phillies Baseball Club had just won the World Series the previous night, after not doing this for 28 years, with or without KALI and her nightmare and tear causing hell, that she has put me through, as per my late 20th century copyrighted song called, what else Diana Ross, but “Mirror-Mirror”. Do you want to know why I won't tell secrets such as give precise detailed, simple to follow instructions on how to alter reality using the principle of manipulating transdimensional hyperspace? Simple, so simple it bites your prick right off, and spits it out into a meat grinder. Only the top controller wealthy world-owners (WO) would make use of it, and they probably all ready know of this; and do just that. The other folks would read it, and scoff and laugh, and move onto the next blog, and get some more laughs, with Sister Nancy-Ann and her adventures at the Vatican. I don't know which blog you should be getting the most jollies out of in all truth, so I won't judge you. I merely tell you that I will only tell things that I know that the smaller folks might just be able to make some use out of. I don't live for the wealthy mind controllers, who run all our shows, knowing we are all too stupid to even be remotely aware of the situation. I want you to know that something will soon post up that is out of time sequence by close to four years. You really do need to read it, especially one paragraph of it. You'll know which one when you get there, and then remember, just what I am up against, and why since the age of 20, I think of hardly anything, other than how to take my life, and be done with it all; and that folks, was nearly 40 dam years ago.

I think you are up here Ann King. I remembered something you told me, I never forget anything, it is part of the curse I carry around honey. You said that you kill people that you don't like with kindness, and this is what you did to me right after I dared to bother the Sheriff of San Mateo County in Kali4nya. Both you and my nosy kid and her friends, all called me within the space of minutes after I made the initial call to tell him of the wild hacking from the 36th Avenue address. What Ann, don't little nobody people like me have any rights? Don't we Detective Stabler and Benson, or are you all nobody's too, getting raped under piers on holidays, and thinking its funny and laughing at my pathetic life endlessly? HA-HA-HA Icabod Crane. Maybe the last laugh I was planning struck a laser mirror and bounced. I can find no other explanation for that incident, oh great US Copyright Office. How do you live with yourself, Ann King? I thought I was your friend. How much did the family grease your PAWM PIE ETTOS, I'm left to wonder and presume, Mizz Livingston Safari?

I will wrap up by saying that despite some really bad times recently, my roulette is kicking some powerful monster ass. I will move to the area of the Pompono Casino for a year or two, make a mint, and then get out of this country once and for all, before they totally bury me six miles deep. You're another real asshole Paul. I miss you and your lies, and your wonderful mood swings, and bad company; as I would miss a mouthful of abscessed teeth being slowly drilled by a dull one, with no novy. Good riddance to every one of you. Soon, I'll be forever OUDDDDDDAHERE, Mister Callas, and if they ever want to find me, then try HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is where I'll be, Tiny Tim, tiptoeing through the fagot ass tulips; and certainly not with you. I'll have a heirum of teen babes, and all the money I'll need from the casinos over at Humphrey Bolgartville. No, not the soon to be clocked Key Largo, I mean MC, no, no daughters to worry about either, that is all forever behind me now. Once I close a book on things, an atomic blast cannot be powerful enough to rip it back open. Just ask anyone who ever knew me, and how stubborn I can be. Let me end this now, good night good folks, and stay well. Keep the faith in something, either in Morianity, or whatever turns your lights into brilliant pretty colors. I was never here to tell you how you should think, only that perhaps, you should think; as it does separate you from all other life creatures on this earth you know, as only mankind really thinks. Don't let the animal freaks lie to you and tell you otherwise. Where are you when I need you Mister Hefner? Spell checker won't help me spell the word for a large group of lovely girls, at your service, sexually. I did the best I could. See you in happy land L-4, or in my case, misery cubed, as I will unrelentingly be under the great and powerful non-OZ-Huntington Curse of 2000 years.


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