Friday, August 17, 2012




Thank you DIANA MY LOVE, for coming over yesterday afternoon, for a fourth time, to visit with me, and make so many lovely luscious channels of electrons. As Debbie Boone said it so well in 1980, you really do light up my life, as for the hope part, I don't think that even you can bring me much of that, and all I want to do is leave this horrible world forever, and die, but I will always love you, and cannot express my thanks to you enough times a hundred vigintillion powers of a million, my wonderful awesome baby blond goddess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, shortly after Diana left the area, I went into a small channeling trance over the open end landline telephone system, and talked to her, and she told me that my kid is extremely pissed off at me, and demands a major and immediate apology. I will give her one. I was not fully medicated yesterday, and yes, I went off like a nuclear bomb. I am very sorry, AND KNOW FULLY WELL JUST WHO IS RULING THIS EMPIRE. I DID NOT FORGET MAY 12, 2008, Sarah-Stacey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never will. I am so very sorry, I know you are what you are, an endless teenager, and the loveliest one in the multiverse. I totally was wrong, and am very sorry for all my rants the other day. You know I didn't mean anything, still, if you feel better about some chastisement later when I “fall asleep”, I'll understand, just don't let IKY grab me up and make me go traveling with him, not that he will, he seems so very happy with his 'friend', cool commercial, YO. I do appreciate the back door tell of the great recordings I used to make, before your wife's distant's took away all my stuff. Oh well, that's life, in or out of France, or Atlantic City, huh Mister Mayor?????????? Told you Jennifer Washburn, you know, the shady mayor, the time travel, oh well, I must lay back forever and ever and learn to enjoy this endless game of tag with this endless marvelous awesome teen queen, might as well learn to enjoy it. WO. WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I get to Blog Number 0519, my mom's pitiful story will continue from where it left off, as you said in the past so well, Roy Carl Weiler Senior old buddy, we're no deader or livelier in Potter's field or in a huge mausoleum, right Harry???? WOW!

DARLING FOLKS, L-4, M-L-I, AND ALL ANY OTHERS UP HERE READING THIS BLOG, I bid you a fond farewell, enjoy your life and remember no matter how bad it might get, at least you are not and all odds are will never be, the CHOSEN HUNTINGTON. You really do need to celebrate on that one!!! Nightsea Nightsea, all red lobsters, and others, WHAAAAA.


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