Sunday, August 5, 2012





WOMO ENEMIES HAVE STRUCK MY HEALTH LATE SATURDAY NIGHT, BIG MOTHER FUCKING ASS TIME, FOLKS. A real super bowel attack struck me shortly before midnight. A real genius is needed to see that the actual dates do not matter in a lot of my personal hellish stuff, just the first Saturday, both in July of 1969, and August of 1986. In any event, even without any great and wise minds of math and formula, let us explore some simple mechanics that even though I hold no official college degree, I can legitimately discuss this on these blogs, intelligently and rationally, and any math or physics professor can back me up, should someone want to check me out with heavier scrutiny than just reading these words at a blog site on the net.

Peeps, the very same formulas that Quantum Physicists use to create all of the various once labeled, “WEIRD THEORY” of QM, can also be used to say an entirely different thing, it always has been for me, a matter of personal choice, and I believe that both world renown scientists as well as world renown religious scholars, also, take these same basic known concepts, and decide themselves, which way to see it, again, with heavy bias in their own personal comfort zones, and along the lines of the GWPOS from 1995. In not so fancy terms, I am saying that I can see the multiverse with all the parallel universes, and in the existing theories, both now as well as for a long time to come; as one of two possible truths or realities. The alternative one is that somewhere in my past, most likely in the sixties, but it could have been on that famous wonderful date mentioned so often on my blogs, or any date as long as it predates the 17th of that day and year, and is after the 4th of December in 1954, identity stealer's beware, I have nothing; but moving on; somewhere in-between these dates and times, I died physically, and went to what mortals have basically conceptualized for numerous thousands of years, as HELL. Let us examine when I was at my closest times to death. We all have or many of us have, near misses. We may not even know and be aware of many of the near misses. We leave our residence at 3 minutes instead of 4 minutes past five, and get safely to our destination. If we could see many alternate universes, we would, according to all quantum theory, see a universe where by leaving one minute earlier, we get into a fatal car crash. This is the theory that basically wiped out a lot of power in the world of religion, good old insane producing, quantum Mechanics. It is based on real and true mathematical formulas, it is not disputable, it can be argued in side ways but try attacking it front and direct, and you WILL FAIL, peeps. Still, could this illness back in 1983, be the real catalyst in everything for me, after-all, and the US Copyright Office knows this all quite well as who could possibly fake such shit, and why would anyone ever on Earth do such a thing, but yes, I was very close to dying in the late spring and early summer of 1986, until my doctor suddenly prescribed 4 milligrams of Ativan daily, and this and only this; is what saved my life in 1983, but did it, and what is real and what is illusion? If I did die and this has been all some wild endless hell dream ever since, I have dragged all of you here with me, but only in my personal hell parallel universe, and all of you who died and went to hell, back in wherever I came from once, have dragged me into your personal private hell, in some parallel universe, and quantum reality states that everything must happen in virtually unlimited copies of reality or PU. Something nice to dwell on late at night, while others hopefully are happier, huh WOMO-MO? If this is all true, you know better than I do, that this all fits like a smooth glove on a Manhattan fashion model outside Macy's biggest window. Wow and chase these powerful copyrights, YO. Hay, I don't care, I am dead and gone and suffering eternal punishment. Or am I? The Quantum reality says that either of these ideas are both true and both false until one can be known, so how will I ever know? You all have your quantum queries, don't even try and fool old me folks. Until you can jump onto one and know you are there and not at the other place, we all can wonder about all of this forever. Another nice late night cozy thought, huh?

My mom's story can wait, and so can the 9-box digit story that WILL blow you all away when I tell it later on. For now, if I am alive, I may die. I am very ill. I don't fucking care either. But when I die, you all vanish away, if I cannot perceive you, why are you there? Do we all vanish each time someone looks at us and then looks away, only thinking we don't? Tell me you know for sure, and I will get away from you quickly so your pants don't start burning my clothes.

The simple truth is that I probably was heavily CHEMTRAIL POISONED while out on my errands on Saturday. The first SATURDAY OF EVERY AUGUST, THEY MAKE TOTAL FUCKING HELL FOR ME, EVERY FUCKING YEAR, JUST LIKE MY MOTHER FUCKING BIRTHDAY. YYYYYYYYY? Hay, a child can see, and so can a lovely teen queen, come on, I have your #.


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