Monday, August 6, 2012


SBT-DATFILE: CH-0505-080612.711.55555555
© 2011-2012 MARK WAYNE MOHR (URL)
© 2006-2011 MARK WAYNE MOHR (URL)


One hour after I spoke to a very nice lady at the United States Copyright Office this afternoon, POP, my two across the hall nabes let me have it with a real crash bang attacks, loud hall shouting, doors, no Grateful Dead, but still, a bunch of Animals, don't beat me up, neighborhood of RPL. Merry Christmas to all of you dirt holes too, may I also add here. Yes I do indeed presume, Mister Africa Livingston, that the old days and the new days are all a huge monstrous fucking illusion. Everything always has been hell for me, and with the very concept of hell and horrible bullshit, things naturally don't get better, but instead, as the mighty RIAA man of sound recording would put it quite eloquently back early in the 1980's, things only keep right on getting worse and worse and worse, they never ever get freaking better. Talk about really being ahead of your time, WOW, HAL, old ex-pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, let me move things on a little bit. My WOMO MILITUFORCE ENEMIES, or my 'WME' for shortened abbreviated further usage on future blogging texts should I so desire to use this, despise my doing anything with music, and love to persecute and mess with me, the minute I ever do anything whatsoever. The hackers are out in full force. Norton popped up and told me that lots of attempts to hack and mess with my PC, were thwarted by their great services, thank you dudes and duddesses. Also, strange underlinings appear under words in a cool light blue color, flashing a few times, such as when I wrote above, the two words, “THE MINUTE”. Are you jerk offs confirming my true words spoken here, if so, THANK YOU, butt wipes, at least you're honest. Peeps with certain PCN's seem to be honest folks, not always the nicest people to be around, but dam honest as all get out, and you cannot take that away from them, not now, not ever, unless they should turn dishonest, which would be highly unlikely.

Yes, I have a nice talk with anybody in any way related to music, and KAPOW, all hell breaks loose, so when something like this operates around me and my life with dependable clockwork precision for thirty to fifty years, one must begin to realize, that the word coincidence has about as much significance to me, as it has to prosecutors and police personnel, that is of course, unless it is me with the coincidences and me trying to report the problem I am having all these years, to any of them, this of course is when the tables turn on a dime, at the fucking ass speed of light squared, YO.

My health is very bad. I feel weak and strange. I know I'll be dead soon, and this makes me the happiest person on Earth, as I have always hated my life, and why not, it has always been nothing but total mother fucking misery, no matter how cock sucking hard I ever try to change it for the better. I treat other people nicely, yet the laws of reap and sow are nothing but a bunch of biblical hocus pocus, at least for me, so as far as I am concerned they are. If they work well for you, great, I couldn't be happier for you, just don't expect me to cross over to your way of perceiving, when it is not one bit relevant in my life and situation, and never ever fucking has been, so if that is asking too much world, well, screw you. Exploratrons who continuously take over another persons life and body, uses their energy, even the lovely Jenny Hewitt know that much, despite not understanding the principles of what is really going on in cosmos. Still, how does one argue with such a lovely gorgeous creature as her, in the name of the gods?

I will tell the world a few things now, that must be told, in case this entity known as my daughter's stepfather, and unknown to me at the time, a character in my book, TPB from 1994 by the name of Jim Pratt, as he might then have resembled the real life character of Jim Burr, but now I see much clearer, mister Nash; and fully realize and comprehend that it was that wonderful magical black cat with the gorgeous white paws, all along. No one is really alive, and thus, no one is really dead in three dimensions. I know many people here in this universe, who died as children, and are alive, and 90 years old; in many alternate parallel universes in the multiversal hyperspace, and concentrically; I know many many older folks here, who I know died very young or were never even born at all, in many of the parallel universes of the vast gargantuan and unfathomable fifth dimensional hyperspace. This is just pure proven Quantum Physics, and the mathematical equations all back this stuff up, it is not some delusional rantings of mister Michael Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us examine the odds and coincindtal stuff up close and personal. Why would any casino in Atlantic city take an intro of one of an unknown person's song in 1983, sent to the Copyright Office, and mess with it for no descernible tangible logical meaningful reason whatsoever? BUT THEY DID. I speak of where they came on and announced the song before they played it over therir Publiuc Address system, and they never before or after, in all my years of gambling in Atlantic City casinos, did this again, to any other known or unknown song. Then they also had, this same casino, out of many others there in Atlantic City, something called the Royal Casino, only they pronounced it differently, they know what's getting fucking said here Rog. I of course am speaking of the great mighty RESORTS INTERNATIONAL HOTEL AND CASINO, and the once Shalfont Haddon Hall structure, one of the older if not oldest Atlantic city hotel, now RIHC, since gambling legislation passed in New Jersey for Atlantic City to operate casinos back in 1978, total fucking yesterday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all know that cops and prosecutors would not buy into these three powerful coincidental things if they needed these three facts to arrest or prosecute an individual, oh, but I'm supposed to fucking cunt sit up in here forced to believe, oh don't get all paranoid you little sicko Mark, it';s just a bunch of random happenstance. Where is the fucking justice in this one, MOMMY DEAREST DAVIS PENNOCK PERFECTION HOMEWRECKER? Wow Misses Pennock, was I a dumb eighteen year old, in more ways than one, huh Terr? Oh shit, good peeps, am I getting too mother fucking personal or adult around here, mister Herman god dam Munster????????????????????????? SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!

Well peeps, YO, before we move on with my mother's tale of woe, let me say just this little bit more, BRAH. I could type my story a million times over and tie the world up, and try and make them believe all the injustice that was done and will be done to me endlessly, and not get anywhere at all, except eventually jailed for life for massive kidnapping. On the other and opposite hand good folks, I know deep down in my fucked up heart, broken EKG's and all; that a few loyal MORIANS are indeed out here, that they do believe some of my story, and that they of course have too much fear for personal safety and the safety of their family, to ever personally decide to organize together and tackle this problem along with me as a group, as I hoped that mayvbe the OCCUPY group would do someday. I have to stop fucking fantasizing, shit like this will never happen, as it is predestined and pre-programmed that n good thging that would vindicate me and bring me my deserved justice, will ever ever ever ever ever ever happen to me, I already know this fully, totally, absolutely, and completely, Mister Leonard McKinnon, sir, and mister Metz, without any taping or sampling jobs. WHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, SAY LEVY, FRENCH SVU FARMA GRAPES of 1988, WHAAAAAAA. Oh sure, all in my imagination, right down to this horrendous DEMONIC POSSESSION all this time, the air conditioner bang job being where it began in 1976 in freaking Media, Pennsylvania, at my mom's apartment, and still ongoing to this very day. Still, two things he gave me that made this sort of worth all the agony. One is the fantastic GAWNUM system, and the other, out of about five systems that he gave me late in 2008 while I was living with the Gunshot Washcloths of Ventnor, New Jersey, Mister Molester Reale, is a roulette system that I never ever have told publicly to the world, and may never be sold without my permission because these blogs are officially copyrighted, you may use the systems, just not sell how-to books on using them. This thing is so simple, you can keep it all in your head. I find it hard to believe that I have not seem more folks using this, but again, this dude is a highly intelligent engineer, and knows his onions about a lot of things. What attracted me to him in the beginning was my ability to seemingly be able to manipulate STM. This allows me to do stuff like at the Crystal Lake Diner with the 400 pound rotisserie, jump off the restaurant ladder in Haddonfield, New Jersey and fall very slowly to the ground, and be able to do amazing things at the Haddonwood swimming pool. He first saw me literally fly down a street up on Long Island where my Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald had taken my distant cousins or her grandchildren, and myself, to see another cousin after first stopping at a place just down the street from the famous Ammityville horror house where another cousin lived at that time, but this is where I came to realize that that was no dream back on that weekend morning after returning from a shift at the Cifaloglio security guard job in early October of 2008, and finding myself in that home of stair chases and anger. But I also have come to figure out that I really know too much and need to remain very silent or my all powerful daughter will indeed have her sea charts earlier than I had planned. Really clever smart folks may indeed put some of this together and if so, be quiet, things can happen, she really is god all mighty, believe me. STM is no little thing, as it takes einsteins concepts and quantum phycists, and merges them together, but the labbers of 2012 are not aware yet that I know all of this, so they do not yet have all the formulas worked out, in their long quest of the great TOE as they call it. This stands for the Theory Of Everything and I did not make that up, you can look all this up in any of the physics manuals that would be Google accessible. This is all part of why SUNRAM was the first thing to flood back into my conscious memories, during my February of 1996 hypnotherapy sessions, done at Mark wolf's clinic, on Main Street, in Moorestown, New Jersey, USAESMWG. On this amazing ship, is a transportation system called the DEC, not short for the month that I was born, but stands for DISTANCE ELIMINATION CHAMBER. It worked with both STM as well as powerful fields of electromagnetic energy in a connected complex configuration with systems capable of direct channeling with numerous subatomic particles that were always present and in communication with the overall system, via the utilization of properly applied principles of STM, or Space-Time-Mind. You see, the great Albert, only took things to the level of SPACE-TIME, and did not properly applky the 6th dimension or the MENTAL REALM to things, and until that is done and properly understood, no positive result can be achieved for combining the total forces at work in cosmos, or said another way, both quantum mechanics and all of the other physical laws that basically all hook up as a part of the great EMS or Electromagnetic spectrum. Then there is always the ultimate reality that I have eluded to so many times on blogs for years now, called the non-atomic-reality. This is a part of the reason that our reality at the void infinity of zero dimension, can be lessened to sub-nothingness and then returned back up to nothingness, creating a totally infinite unlimtred creative force abnd power that can just as easily create a cosmos of atomic truths, or one of animal crackers. This is something the world is not ready to know yet, I don't trust the world, not with this much power, not when people are shooting up places almost every week, I don't want that kind of wisdom to be remotely understood yet, humanity is just not ready. As for the roulette system that I never shared hwever, it is so simple, and ki never really played with it until recently when I began monitoring games with several systems, why not, since he obviously won't ever stop taking my life over exploratronically? It involves a little bit of judgment because it simply monitors ranges and just as Wall Streeters try to buy their stocks low and sell them high, and yet don't always manage to accomplish that feat; this same principle works here with this particular system of attacking the casino game of roulette. You always keep a total of the sum of the most current six outcome numbers, ignoring zero and double zero. Ranges will form, and as you are at the lowest areas of the low range, you place a bet on the 19-36 or HIGH outside table layout betting area. Concentrically, as you are at the highest areas of the high range, you place a bet on the 1-18 or LOW outside table layout betting area. It is amazingly accurate no matter how BOTBAR the day is, or how bad persecution is, just as old Rog told me, back in 2008, and only recently nearly four years later, have I started using this one particular system out of about five that he gave to me. This dude has a knowledge about metaphysical numeration that really does blow the mind away. For wexample, the enemy poured an assalut on me back on Saturday. Sunday, I asked the GAWNUM cards, why was this done to me? The answer came back with PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER-770. DO I NEED TO SAY IT FOLKS, FINE, I'LL SAY IT THEN, WOW, WOW, WOW,WOW. Hopefully you know how to operate the GAWNUM, and have come to realize why this PCN-770 was so incredibly appropriate, still for those who don't know, I'll come back on another blog and give you my main matchbook listings for this powerful number. As you can see, somebody has hacked the computer. Real funny, SKY. Well, my mom's story can wait for another blog, I am being major hacked, it seems we are back on 36th Avenue in San Mateo, California, again, let me see, OK, it has been repaired. Let me stop teasing my wonderful precious All mighty empire ruling May 12 daughter, she is real pissed off at me, and just let me know it. Sorry SKY, may I please continue with my mom's story, you're a mom, you can relate now, thank you.

***SUICIDE – OR WAS IT? By Grace Eastman Mason***

I decided to go off somewhere for a week to collect myself and once again reshape my life. {I AM INSERTING THIS FOLKS, CAN ANYONE GUESS WHERE, HEE HEE HEE HEE?}
After five days I received a phone call from him asking me to please give him another chance, that he loved me, and would make it up to me. I gave him that chance. The divorce was pushed once again. He began to tell his close friends in business that we were going to be married. After many months we had received word from both his and her attorney's that they were ready to take action for finalizing the divorce. That weekend we were especially happy and we has a delightful lunch at a charming spot in the country.

The night before I had prepared a home cooked dinner for him. He smilingly remarked what a happy life we would have together if I just continued good cooking like that.

To this very day I shall never know what happened. Suddenly his wife appeared, again, the early part of the following week. He told me he was going to attempt reconciliation after all and that it was over for us. This was not the final or second real shock yet! I had survived the breakup the first two times and now I must overcome it again. Once more, overwhelmed with chagrin, I visited my cousin for just the weekend this time. It was such a lovely home, sprawling by the beach overlooking a bay. Again I collected myself to face the future.

This will conclude the reading of my mom's story for this blog today. A child can see this is not some crazy nonsense. It not EXPLORATRONS we need to all fear, it is our failure to accept some real horrendous ass reality, folks. Now I on the other hand, face the fact, that dirt bag Jane Fonda has endlessly altered my life quite negatively, with her clock-ones fucking attack that night in the early summer time in 1993 at the Atlanta Braves Ballpark, her abnd that total fucking turd Ted turner, as my word document office program just showed me to be at page eleven of fucking ass eleven, so let me now try and cunt pen rape, AKA compensate while I am in less angrier moods. Here we go. WOW *****5555555555555555555***

No LLLL, the truth is something, JUST AS JESUS SAID, is something guilty and bad evil peeps, just cannot deal with very well, so they bully the weak, gee, really, I didn't freaking know that little part of reality. Tell me more, Swami oh great know-it-all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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