Saturday, August 18, 2012




This has not been one of my better days, but I have had worse ones, so being like Jan Brady or 'in the middle' is not so bad in my case, a rare occasion in my case. Still, those wonderful Jim Burr inescapable initials, how we used to talk about both this, and my living on Route 561 while I rented the Meeker home for three years from 'middle' '91 through 'middle' not Geico school, '94. Still, let me bitch and complain a wee bit about my day folks, thank you, WHAAAA.

The ass hole bangers and shouters were in full force shortly into mid day, and after about one of the clock awakened me after I had just laid down for a nap, and kept shouting vulgarly at the top of their lungs like a bunch of stinking rotten uncouth untrained animals. Oh well, what can I do or say, Hurricane Smith Evans, and even as I speak, another BOOMING DOOR, what total fucking jit bags. It is late into the afternoon, this will be reported Monday unless it stops, that WOMO-MO is a powerful non-stair-chaise PROMISE!!!!!!!! I will ask the great cat, YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY this attack has struck me so hard today, and at a later time, come back and make the answer a matter of public record with a blog.

Diana came around for a fifth time in two days, shortly after the nabes were really acting up, and they got quieter. Still, during the attack, the air conditioner began making loud banging sounds, I know it is on the way out, so I'll need to call the office on Monday anyway, so I will make a lot of complaints. The other butt wipe is back to making weird sounds the second I activate the computer each time. This had stopped, and has restarted. There is no sound, I do not use sound and the keys are not like a loud old fashioned typewriter and are very quiet. Yet somehow this other next door nabe seems to know when the system activates, and some sound instantly gets generated. It is beyond mother fucking weird, peeps, YO. But the incredible wild dreaming interactions, or exploratronic activity as I call it; now that's the real story for a stop the presses, some real cool, other stuff, anything but. Let me tell some of it, YO. During the loud attack where I was awakened, Gawky was in his Mister Poolman form, and was telling me extremely upsetting things, to the point where I wanted to start singing the tune “Y Jimmy Y” to him, and I know that the United States Copyright Office knows precisely what I mean here, othersw will have to wonder, all though copyrights, according to what you can read for yourself if you search their page at will tell you that these are a matter of public record, and anyone can go there and view and hear anything from anyone. I wold spend the rest of my life in prison if I could be permitted to play the DC games of the big boys in both politics and music publishing. They go on to tell you, that it is “not against the law” for these publishers to see who recently copyrights stuff, and then send them phony music contracts. I proved it was all phony back in the autumn in 1987 while residing in Woodlyn, New Jersey at 1700 Woodlyn Avenue, down the street from Jerry Maddens gorgeous blond daughter. Still, she wasn't quite even DC age approved, let alone dog or mother, all though she was neither, too pretty, and way to jail-bait young. In DC the age of consent is 13. I learned this from the not quite so bright, chips man of the museum, TEE HEE HEE, now don';t get mad, if those stairs are cool, let 'THAT-BOY' joke a little bit. It's not that am trying to prove to my blogaud that all of this is real, but see things from my station in all of this. Most folks think I am looney bin material, and we both know that despite them not being all that wrong, this stuff I tell is not delusions. Still, as Diana says to me so often, I cannot interfere in your great plans, SSJKK, so I won't, but I am dam tired of being called looney-tunes when it is not so. It really is not very fair. Oh but alas, neither is being conned by legal thievery, while being DC approved. What, they are stupid and don't know those phony music publishers are doing exactly what they are doing, give me a mother fucking break world, Jesus cock sucking Christ, all mother fucking ass mighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In 1987, just for fun, I sent one of those crooks a cassette tape that was tape-less. It just had the red leader inside its shell, no tape, so obviously no music, the title on the form I filled out was given, “RED LEADERS”. They gave me a record contract. This simply meant pay us a lot of your money, you mark the mark. This world is as fucking gamed up and crooked as a Philadelphia salt pretzel after blowing in the wind and striking the side of a mason brick building about thirty three times, aha-aha Mike McNulty from '71. Anyhow, the powerful interaction had the unpleasant as well as pleasant part to it so here is the part that I enjoyed. I am looking out a window in a really weird semi commercial and semi residential large building in Lindenwold, New Jersey just east of the PATCO High speed line Train Station, on the south side of the White horse Pike, Jewelly Loveliness Viqueen, and across on the north side of Route 30 AKA WHP, a beyond hot in more ways than one, gorgeous ravishing lightning bolt CTG type (Cloud To Ground) to quote the non NYNYUSA baseball team and not the Yankees, came down on some other building, neither of these buildings exist where they appeared in this part of the hyperspace, here in my waking universe, but in this really cool experience, Diana came from the skies in dozens of separate step leaders, WOW are certain words totally inescapable, but yes, she came down with surreal 'hot lightning' or a longer rather than shorter channel of electrons that race up and down between two oppositely charged areas on the ground and up in the sky, and this lasted ten full seconds, maybe even longer, and this set the building instantly ablaze with the most gorgeous fire I ever saw, enough to make Dawn-Marie King and Robert McGuire ejaculate uncontrollable in public, YO. Her lightning was bright ass lovely orange in hue, and talk about excited, I wanted to just pull her over to me and fuck and god dam brains out, WO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY BABY BLOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YYYYY are UUUUU so good to me DIANA, my endless love?

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