Tuesday, July 24, 2012











Oh yes, the Woodlynn, New Jersey section of the four hundred's of my Safe Journal, strike again. So does some fairly major hell and shit around me recently, starting right on cue with the early eighties, yeah right, all a cosmic coincidence, SHORE IT IS, DOCK, PATENT IT TOO if you like, GENERAL. General Insurance Company is back on a roll with their fucking lizard ads running continuously, the scum bags, hay Eddie, SQUISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why get up in the dam morning if you can't squish some rotten reptiles? What other possible reason can anyone have top even think about waking up, Delmo Cifaloglio Park King Trump Phony?????????????????? My nabes are annoying, but not as bad as they used to be. Roaches are like diamonds in a PH building, they're fucking forever. There is no stopping it right Lightning my endless love, NO HOW, NO NOTHING. Well, in any case, I need to thank my wonderful baby blond, she comes around every single day and brings me spectacular colors and awesome displays of fractal patterns that totally freaking blow my fragile little unstable mind, all 5-D daughters. Well, maybe I am thinking about time too much and am becoming a cesium atom or something, who freaking knows for the sake of heaven? What I do know is thissssssssssss, Mister ex life journal, YO. Somebody or something, Captain butt-wipe Priceline knee go she ate whore, is messing with me and my electronics, and it might be my wonderful Astral strobing light, but I don't think she would be teasing me this much. Two nights ago, I am trying to watch cable television via Comcast, and someone fucks with the power level of the transmission on upper channels. Now this night a day later, someone is fucking with all of my channels, screwing them totally up and making watching television impossible. If they do not correct the problem, watch and see if I pay my mother fucking cable bill anywhere near on time, jit bags, or at all, if this does not stop.

Let me tell you before I tell the story of the talking beautiful black cat, how to work the GAWNUM, for those who read my blogs, refuse to archive or search keywords, and do not know how to get one of the 81 possible Private Cosmicoded Numbers or PCN's.

Everything, that's EVERYTHING, HAS A PCN, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. But what is a PCN? Well, I was told in a powerful 'dreaming interaction' back in 1980, by a talking cat identifying himself as Gawky Gaukauk, just exactly what this was all about, all though there may be a gap in my memory the gods help me, as to what inspired this so called random dream in the autumn of this marvelous year for magical creations. Without further bull fucking shit, it is simple. Whatever language you use based on the nation you were born with, and whatever your name was at your birth, first name and last name, no other middle ones, this is what you are stuck with until you DIE, as far as your very personal PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER, (PCN). All things, words, numbers spelled out, names, places, dates, groups of words, short or long sentences, entire books, whatever, has words that equal a three digit number, and there are only 81 possible PCN three digit numbers. To arrive at a PCN, say the word CAT, nice and simple, this is all you need to do, it is three simple steps, folks. First, how many letters are in the word CAT? Well, I won't speak for you, but I count three. Now every letter has a value number, as it exists in the alphabet of your native tongue. If you were born in the United States, this means the English language, with letters ranging from A-Z. A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, D is 4, all the way down to Z is 26. So in the word CAT, C is value letter 3, A is value letter 1, and T is value letter 20. You now add up a sum total. 3+1+20. I can't speak for you, but I add this up to the sum total of 24. Now as is the case in all numerology, numbers only range from 1-9, there are no zero digits, not in the first two parts of these PCN's anyway. You always are only interested in two things, and then the third thing is a very simple subtraction process. Let me show you. Three letters are in the word CAT, so the first digit is 3. No pretending it is not 3 but 43, you add the digits together until you are left with only one single digit that is between a one and a nine, but with the word “CAT”, we have a three, and we keep a three. Now the second part of the PCN is a 20, and is larger than nine, so we add up the two and the zero digits in the 20, and we arrive at the sum total of 2. The third part of this is just taking the smaller digit and subtracting it from the larger digit. Do not alter the way the digits go, just subtract and make the third digit in the PCN this amount. If both your first and your second digit are the same number, then your third digit will be a zero. For example, the name Julia White is PCN-110. 10 letters long gives you a first digit of 1. The sum total value of J-U-L-I-A-W-H-I-T-E after it is compressed down neurologically, is also a 1. Then 1-1 equals 0, hence we get PCN-110. I am Mark Mohr, PCN-871. Frank Callio Would be PCN-231, and so forth, heaven help me. To see if things have a connectiveness with each other, cosmically, you add the two PCN's together, such as Mark Mohr and Frank Callio or 871+231, and the total or the PCNT is 1102, the number of my apartment at my final 1989-1991 stay at Robin Hill, of Voorhees, New Jersey, Google up the place, it is wild, worse than when I lived there on three separate occasions. There are also BRANCHCODES, where you multiply the total and get the square root, and I will get into all of that later, but for now, let me keep this lesson nice and simple. So here we get a total of 1102. As long as there are at least one digit in the PCNT or TOTAL of the two PNC's, from both of the PCN's in the addition, both the 231 and the 871, as there is in 1102, where numerous match outs occur, there is CC or Cosmic compatibility. This doers not necessarily mean negative or positive compatibility, merely that in the cosmos, a match up exists that makes a connection between them. Frank Callio and I have major history. This does not mean that a million other people in America with PCN-231 and I so much as know each other exists on this planet. Still, the connectiveness exists in quanta waves in so much as if indeed there were a day where I would meet another Frank Callio in number, all odds are, something would happen. Nothing is written in stone, and this was taught to me 32 years ago in a powerful dream by a magical black cat, so you be the judge, try this out for yourself, still for right now, here is what I asked the cat about B4I began my blog. So buy a Hyundai car, and write 2006, and go DUHHH, for all I give a shit, Donnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ANSWER, PCN-633. All my enemies know most of my personal 633 shit. For those who don't and would be interested in seeing just a few of my top on the list matches to that response, here they are folks: TENNESSEE AVENUE----UNOCAL----FAMILY----DELMO CIFALOGLIO----WRITER----SATURN----

The next question I asked the cat, was thissssssssssss!! WHY DID THE CABLE GET SCREWED WITH A SECOND NIGHT STRAIGHT, ON COMCAST???


The most upper part of my match list is as follows for this number:


one other thing that I think may be a bit unbloggable to print at this time, pertaining to YOUTUBE, enemies fucking know, so chase that down with a Jim Burr whiskey sour, YO.

Staying on that same topic, I asked GAGA, why CACA went off the grid, and yes, I honest to the gods, received PCN-165. We won't go there LLLL. Enemies know what is happening, and if you want the truth, I don't care if they do or don't, sawn you BRAH.

Still, how does one ask a question to the great GAGA CAT? Well, listen up folks, not hard at all, unless you don't have an ordinary deck of playing cards somewhere in your dam crib, YO.

All you have to do, as my old taped life journal would put it so eloquently on more than 7,000 cassette tapes, is thissssssssssss: Simply remove the royal cards, the joker cards, and the ten cards, leaving you with a total of 36 playing cards, ranging from ace through number nine of the four suits. Ace is value one, other numbers are their own number. Now think about your question, and only that, nothing else can be in your mind, if something does creep in, you need to reshuffle and begin all over again. Shuffle and think your question. Draw a card and write the number down. Reshuffle and rethink your same question one more time. Pick your card again, and write this digit after your first one, with me, my first answer tonight was a 6 and a 3, this root Gawnum digit creates PCN-633. My next answer tonight was a 5 and a 6, and so forth and so on. GET IT, YO??????????????????????????????? The cat is never ever wrong. I will hit you hard with that punch right here and right now folks. Use this at your own risk, it will tell you all the answers, and I do not hold any degrees, now Gawky is another matter, as he has thousands of them from a mystery school in the subatomic realm that no normal mortals have a tiny clue about, from here to Advanced Robotics or digital sound samplers or Holly trees.

I would sell my soul to the devil if I had a soul and there was a real devil, to be in endless oblivion. My eternal nightmare is inconceivable and unfathomable to any one of you, so go enjoy your wonderful lives and may the gods bless you, WHAAAAAAAAAAA.


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