Monday, July 16, 2012




WL-SBT-DF: 0716.453




© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2012





When it is eleven in the morning down here in South Florida in middle July, and is 74.7 degrees Fahrenheit, that is pretty powerful stuff, unless there is a storm or hurricane and it is a bit overcast, but that is it, hay I'm loving it Mister McDonald, but I know that in lieu of what I now am going to say, the McGuire and Callio SPACE-TIME-MIND Club is in session and going at it full swing, not for the fences, but all the way over the top of the great Empire State Building.

For those who do not know the story and have no time to access or archive many of my blogs of yesteryear, when I went down to Atlantic City to create a slide show for my website, back in October of 2006, shortly before McGuire wrecked my automobile, an occurrence that has happened to many half a dozen times IN THAT MOBBED UP ENEMY CITY, and was most prevalent in 1986-1989, but did continue into the nineties and beyond right into this very incident, I was with the man doing this website, and time was messed with on many occasions. It was messed with or else, why did Ed have legal permission to own a computer but just not be on the internet when this website was first initially posted up to the great internet, owned totally by the fortune fat cat 5's, and don't tell me it is not. If it is not, why can't little people get sites or do things, if we need to always buy from someone, then don't insult my MOTHER FUCKING intelligence and tell me it is NOT 100% OWNED & CONTROLLED BY SOMEONE, SOMEHOW. Internet is a joke, the owners of us all are the owners of it all. Why would the internet be one fucking cunt bit different? They can do anything they want, can we, the little 99'ers? PROVE ME WRONG, CONGRESSMAN assistance Clarence Harris, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So all of a sudden out of the blue one day, Ed gets arrested for having a computer. I talked to his officer who came to his trailer, a nice but strict young man, I forget his name, and lost his card that he gave me. If I still had it in my wallet, I would call and at least try and get to the bottom of this wild roller coaster ride, even though I totally know in my deepest fucking heart, that there is only one answer, STM MANIPULATION, and basically this is done by TYPE-3 EXPLORATRONS, who can go onto the ASTRAL PLANE, and then from there, move back into hyperspace, at any fifth dimensional point, indwell any sleeping doppelganger of any necessary person, and then do what they need to do in order to accomplish their horrific fucking mission. Nothing is as easy as 1-2-3, that I can put on one single blog and just tell it and hope to be believed or even understood, things are complicated. First a law is seemingly altered overnight, later, an assault made on both my automobile and ourselves, by Robert Tennessee Avenue McGuire. Let me tell you how other great things all fit into this nightmare of the 10SC Avenue Other MC club, or the 'TAOMCC', for a future quick abbreviated usage. Pronounce it the TAA-OOMK if you wish, also. I don't soon forget, how they made me forget on February 7th in 1997, the name CALLIO. Since then, by not remembering the very same name once, caused me to now be blogging on a blog that only goes back less than one year, and all though my previous blog on the blogger dot come website is up there, it still is an imperfect situation to put it politely, as many folks just won't archive it, and will only read the fucking new shit, and this is basically pointless to do, as the needed connections totally require referencing stuff from 1-6 or more years ago, and this current blogs is only months old. In any event, I got in my car and left Robert McGuire's bar that day in 1997, and POW, instantly they made me totally forget the name that I managed to extract somehow and don;t ask me how, from Sarah, over his bar telephone that day, and no peeps, if you refuse to learn the story, I am not freaking retelling it and making this blog 88 million words long. The point is that the first of three interferences with normal waking world time order realities, are as follows: The bar and name erased memory incident, then the assault in October of 2006, and it could have been on Halloween Day of 2006, as I remember Ed telling me he was supposed to home by sunset because it was Halloween, and he is on the offender list. He is not a bad guy, he was framed. I believe his story, Ann King does not, and that is her right. If any of these two have lied to me, from Blacks in the Military magnetic songs of major STM TAAOOMK, and other freaking associated and related EXPLORATRONS,

it was not Ed, but Ann. I trust nobody in that wonderful family of shot out lungs and washcloth nightmares from the LAMIST BRIGGBASE. I really do want to trust my daughter, but how can I after all of this, and you have not heard anything yet folks. I also have no love or respect or TRUST, for any authority. I'll obey for simple fear of punishment, but only for that reason, where as when I was younger, I had great respect once for the United States, the police, and the political system. Right now folks, I would not give you one red fucking cent for any of these cold blooded thieving murderers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned this morning exactly when my mother was told the GREAT SECRET, and we all should know what's being said. I have no memory at all, just as on the two occasions on 10-SC Avenue, in 1997 and 2006, back in the beginning of 1984, of the trip out to see an endocrinologist, nor of his name, nor of the wonderful LABBER who worked there, or appeared to, as I know this was exactly the same case as when I was in school in late 1972, with Sarah Jacobson, and you can all laugh at me till doomsfuckingday, as I am living through all of this peeps, and you are not, so laugh all you want to, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that the LABBER who I know was MI, despite not being quite age fourteen, was not there when I went into this doctor. I also remember one other thing about that powerful day, Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Labrador Retrievers, AKA L-4, and this is that I have not one memory at all of the ride there, or the ride home, not on I-95, not on Academy Road, nowhere, I was not even sure of anything. This all struck me while I was rehearsing my song lines this morning, like total wild magic, folks. I illegally recorded the conversation between the Labber and me, and sent it to the US © Office back early in 1994. This is what I fed to the digital sampler on my YOUTUBE project, piecemeal, and recently, the directions that included the main them that repeats on the old “GITYA” song written in early middle 1983 around a year before, and also copyright protected, and this is why I created new lyrics around this 1983 song, so I could have the Labber sample, sing the song, pitched to the new creation, throughout the song. HAY EXPLORATRON SUPERMIND, you're not the only one who can have fun and laughs, throughout this long eternal fucking ass nightmare. I am left to ponder, after stares, and stairs, and steps, that ever since I was minus a million years old, this was all planned and done, and now is just being acted out in Shakespeare's latest conscious mind catch up play called, MARK THE MARK. I like the nickname that a very nice girl at the Harvest used to call me, who was in the wild exploratronic experience quite some time back, with the miniature Roseann Delaney beds, and who told me to “Get back to work”, when I tried showing them to her, and that Mickey Dancer Dee thought real funny to imitate with the playing cards commercial, and anyone archiving OLDER BLOGS, can see what came first, BUT MY PERNT ARCHIE CLUNKER QUEENS KING, is thissssss, with or without any strange short wild square architectural back yard structures, or persons in present possession of the 'LIFE JOURNAL OF MWM', that began on the day that I moved into Atco on Norris Avenue on February the first, in 1983: Lots of peeps out here totally bet the farm that I am sick and saradroid, rhyme it and laugh with or without any stair chases peeps; but a child can see that the movie with MC in 2009, had not only the STC game in it, but the 1983 music tapes as well. There is no possible way for that many freaking coincidences to occur in a million Bob P. Cheatley Police Station years. Hay, I am totally flattered Lieutenant Commander Data, but what is my wonderful precious daughter really up to, after-all, I know that Sarah did not just vanish out of existence in such perfect time order back in time, YO. Also, even if somehow by a real stretch, I am wrong in the sense of biology, well, explain the Astral Plane trips to the political city of KRASSLEVILLE, and about a dozen other things that would require many pages of unnecessary blogging. I will say this much and everybody that believes me will have a place in eternal heaven, and those who scoff, well, buy some asbestos underwear and hope to take it with you after you 'die'. The doctor in 1984 called my mom at her office, and this is ON A BLOG FROM ABOUT 3-6 YEARS AGO, ON MY ORIGINAL BLOGGER ACCOUNT BLOG, and all though here I was a grown 29 year old man, he calls 'my mommy' and tells her, as SHE PUT IT, and was white as a ghost when she tried telling me about it; after getting home to 506 Robin Hill Apartments in Voorhees, New Jersey, USAESMWG; “Your doctor phoned and said your throat is not your problem”. I said to her, “What exactly did he say”. She then said, and I remember it well enough to place it all in quotes, “I asked him what is wrong with my son, he feels he is dying, he cannot swallow or eat or breathe and can barely speak, and is talking about dying, and he said, Misses Mohr, his throat is not his problem” Then her face grew cherry red when I said to her, I know that is not all he told you, it can't be. Why exactly I said this, I could not honestly tell anyone to this very day. She made her way over to the couch and sat down and told me that, “Someday, I'll get more information, I promise you that, but right now, just take the medicine that Doctor Addiego prescribes to you and let me worry about the details, trust me, I only want what is best for you, you are my son”. Either that day, or shortly thereafter, I totally believe, she was told that MC is my daughter. At this time, we are talking about a fourteen year old girl. Still, I came to learn that we had met on a train trip not that long before that, and on top of that, without remembering the train trip or her and tying it into two years in the future, some wild force got me to run into her in Manhattan one night, and right a really mean song about the experience a few days later around the 5th or so of August in 1986, sending it to the Copyright Office on the 15th. On this very day, my life altered forever in ways not explainable, and most likely even if I could explain it, not bloggable. My mom was told eight months or so after this time, by Richard Nixon's great hatchet man of the Watergate Scandal Years, Mister Chuck Colson, who put some 1983 Norris moves on me and my telephone, with or without any BFA/CIA/NSA agents, that even though he is a born again Christian, he is unable to help. This proves that the world is bigger than God, and that the bible and its interpretation needs to come down out of the fable lands, and allow the Quantum Physicists to take their rightful place, in explaining the cosmos and humanity and life's equations, and cut out all the fucking ass hocus pocus crap, as that is what it is, and when you live my life, you CAN KNOW IT, BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully, admitting to the crimes I have committed, will not place me in a position of a criminal prosecution, I do not have all my facts about exactly what felonies and misdemeanors have just what statute of limitations, and what the things that I know I have done wrong inm my past, are equal to, in the categories listed above. At this point, hay take me off to fucking jail, what else can any one of you miserable fucking bastards do to me? You took away my entire life, you fucked me out of my daughter, think about it bitches, WHAT ELSE CAN YOU REALLY DO THAT WILL FUCKING MATTER????????????????????????? I will not be posting songs, because even though I have a harmony track for purposes of rehearsal, and would love to put it up there, until I pay my recording studio bill for a terrific job, I live by a code of honer and principle. Like heaven, literally, folks will have to wait to hear it on the YOUTUBE. Hay, I know I am right, I have ears, and a sampler may not be the real thing, but I can tell you, it is fucking awesome.


Have I ever ever wondered? Not anymore Mister McGuire, the odds of this all not being a major unfathomable yet true deal is trillions to 1.

::::::::END TRANSMISSION::::::::

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