Monday, February 23, 2015



This is going to be hard hitting and tell it straight, and a lot of people don't like straight hard hitting things at all. I am angry, and hopeless, and don't know what I am going to do, as I cannot rationally work out any way to escape this hell on Earth. I have no support, no money, and just bags and bags of folks who don't mean me one bit of good, most of them with a lot of power. This nightmare has been going on at least 3-4 decades, worsening slightly with each decade involved, with no light at all at the end of the fucking tunnel for me. Even if there was, I am miles from the tunnel, out of gas, and no signs are anywhere that point me even close to the correct directions for getting there.

When I worked up at the Harvest garbage job, I was attacked in two ways, and knew it was an attack, and Christians would call it a demonic or Satanic attack, and I will call it that too as what is in words, but really, it is ESS. This is why I avoid people and doing things, and try to stay imprisoned in my tiny little jail and apartment, unless I must venture out beyond, for necessities. There is no recreation or pleasure, that is all gone. I go out when I have to, and only because I have to, and that's it. Why? Well, as I tell you the shit I go through by ESS travelers who make my life a living fucking endless hell, as this blog continues, maybe you will see a little bit of shit that I must endure, and why I call this life of mine HELL. The two things that were done to me, which in my day growing up was NOT DONE, and one might think in such a supposedly new age ''PC-world'', it would not be, only it is, to me; and I speak of being verbally assaulted with insults. I do not think it is the actualperson doing it, but their double dreaming through them, and a member of the ESS. Dimensions that parallel this one are without limit. Knowing this makes me see perfectly what's going on around me, and confirms my suspicions that it is always best for me to minimize my outdoor exposure to the least possible amounts, or else, be extremely persecuted. Persecuted first by the air and road and other normal 'can-be-expected' horse shit, but also, this other more personal and nasty shit, that I will now get into. If it made sense to believe it is not supernatural or explainable only by ESS, I would be the first one that wants to believe it so bad, that I gladly fucking would. But it is not rational to believe it, so I don't. These two things are people calling me ma'am when anyone can see I don't look girlish, and secondly, telling me I stink and have excessive body odor. I may not be wealthy and able to afford hundred doller after shaves and colognes, but I bathe daily, shampoo my hair every time I bathe, and always use a good amount of deodorant before starting my day, and more if I venture outside. My clothes are not laundered but they are hand washed in a bath tub, and dried over racks on the inside shower wall. Then they are sprayed after they are dry with air freshening sprays. If the smell thing is real and not just a harassment, no doctor can fix me, and I am a natural overly sweating person from the north, down here in a hot climate. I do my best, and don't need all of this very mean and nasty shit from mother fucking jerk off people. If I had said things like this to an adult, as a youth, in front of my parents, and if this was 2015 and not 50 years ago, legally; I would be in Foster Care, as I would receive a beating to the fucking very inch of my life. In our day, it was just not done, insulting people like this. It stopped after Jessica Grant fired me from the Harvest job in 2012, but began all over again at the psych place, my counselor Jane. Then at my rectification meeting with Debra Marotto on Monday, again. Once the ESS goes on a roll, it usually keeps right on going, and it would not matter if I poured an entire expensive fuckiGN bottle of cologne on me and my clothes, every single fucking cunt day, and I know this. This is major personal harassment, and has no sense or reason, in rational world reality. I fully expect it to get worse, and will keep the record updated regarding it. Neither of these two women meant to be mean, but the double dreaming exploratron, inside them, controlling them for a few seconds or so; DID MEAN TO, IPYT!

I knew I was being fucked with at the Harvest with both that and especially with the ''MA'AM'' shit, because once I actually heard the kids that were with the lady who did it, keep egging her on and smirking and trying not to laugh. I let them know in no uncertain terms that this was harassment, and had to be careful as they were customers and I was just a low level employee, but I made my point politely, that I was onto their game, and would if forced to, report it to my superiors. They never did it again, but they got others to do it. So I would never go in to work there after this without a four day shave on me. When they still would say 'ma'am', I would walk up and say to them, ''When did you last see a girl with a beard''? That would stop it until I was then told, 'please shave more regularly'. Then here we go again, so I learned to tolerate this bullying, as it WAS bullying and I knew it; as I know it is again now recently!!! What else can I do; punch somebody; so my pal Sheriff Mascara can book me into Saint Lucie County Jail, with Warren and Boo, and the rest of my lovely daughter's pals?

Folks, I have great boxers-respect for my enemies, and the ESS in general. For those not into this sport, boxers respect is not respect respect. It is like wise guy and family respect. You show respect if you respect them for real or not, unless you're looking for real trouble. You don't go into a ring and expect to be fighting an opponent who is totally unworthy of facing you. These fights are put together for the most part, with many things that pair the two pugilists for a pretty even match. So any fighter who has no defensive at all and thinks that little of his opponent, is a fool. You need mafia respect, and you need boxers respect. Well, I also need ESS and ENEMY respect. This doesn't mean I respect them in the way we respect our mother or grandmother or the Pope. It is done not out of reverence, but out of Oh boy, I better watch it Daddio or it's lights out for me. My dad said it best. Nowhere in the military do you have to like your superior officers. It is the uniform that you are saluting and obeying, not the person inside of it. You must act as if it is the person of course, but it really is the uniform. Now in civilian circles, security companies and even police and fire persons have military type ranks as well, and this doesn't apply quite the same. Your superior is your superior, plain clothes civies, or fully uniformed. My point in all this is simple. I have great boxers respect for the ESS, as I know how real it all is, and how much damage that they are able to do to me and my life, totally invisibly and covertly. I have no power to stop any of it, and for that matter, get anyone to believe in anything I try to tell about all of this. A still shorter version of all this is that I know fully well, I AM SCREWED. I have lots of respect for anyone or any group who can fully screw me and wipe out my life and walk away by flashing across hyperspace and boom, leave not a tiny little trace. Respect, YES. Do I respect them as in someone I would look up to or think of as heroic? Not on your milf lapping life, lads and lassies. I think that this odor could be a result of forcing me off my meds that I have been on for more than 30 years. Somewhere, some powerful attorney just might be able to get some justice for me. A large sum of money awarded to me for all I'm being put through would by no means be a hand out, but totally fair and just. Enough to invest properly and live comfortably off the interest in peace, somewhere isolated where people don't have to fuckiGN smell my stinky old diseased rotten body. I don't want to be around any of you either, so it all comes out fuckiGN cunt eating even. But I feel some remunerative compensation is more than deserved after being put through so much hell, and plan to seek some legal advice. I have a tiny bit put away to make a few legal appointments. A lot of things are going to go down in this 2015 year, but them I knew that back when I said we're moving towards it!

Don't panic folks. My Document 6 is still going to be posted. Right now, other things such as this is taking precedence. I learned long ago that providence is running this show. When that bag came down with me to Florida with my daughter's tape, rather than all the ones I wanted to bring, as back then, I didn't have a clue what was going on since 1980, but yes; I need no church or angel coming down from a saucer or a carpet, to tell me that providence is a reality. Those that scoff at such things; well, may the gods and goddesses bless them all. I couldn't possibly live that mother fuckiGN blind to the truth all around me, and that much I do know, and not much else.


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