Tuesday, February 25, 2014


All I ever wanted is your happiness, MY, since 1980!!!!

A man is miserable if his kids are not content; WHAT IS HELL?

Only a handful of quantum physicists who have no time to learn of me or my life and read my blogs, would understand them. Those who read them just think I am a total nut case. This is the typical way of the world, even for most people of the non HUNTINGTON CURSED majority. Still, in case a time ever arrives, where someone who knows what I am speaking about in all of these blogs, is indeed up here reading any of this stuff, hay, how are you doing? Hope however that is, it is better than I am doing, at least.

Yesterday around three in the afternoon, an hour before Wall Street closed up at four, the persecution with noise, began, first around just past three, and then again at around just past the half past three era. Anyone can see on the charts, only they change with the magic of the light weight mostly invisible leprechauns; but if you read this and can get a DOW JONES chart for the day of Tuesday, February 25, 2014, anyone can see how they began harassing me at critical times to try and keep it from dropping, only it does not always work, first with neighbor doors, and later with offensive obnoxious loud ugly thumping 'music'.

FEBRUARY 26, 2014,






I just left a parallel universe, where I printed up several varying versions of this sentence, just as I am still doing, Dorothy Twisters. Without a spinning house in a wild funnel of winds, we all do just as the great Judy Garland did in that wonderful original television production. With or without hyperspace wizards, this is done by all of us, all the time, not only by sleeping and waking and then repeating that endless womb to tomb cycle; but even while awake and asleep, we continually slightly alter in the tinyest and unmeasurable atomic frequency that makes us agree or not agree with the rest of atomic cosmos around us. If we go off by a hair, we move into a parallel reality that also matches us by being that same hair off. Still, those who understand some really powerful secrets, know that meditations are intentionally done that can intentionally place us into other words in hyperspace, and even though different verbiage may have been used in those great books in the late nineties, by the mighty father of the New Age Movement or NAM, Mister Carlos Castaneda; just read these books he wrote, and see how basically, we are on the very same page, no pen meant, I assure you, but interesting, huh Mister Berra. There is no such thing as blank-art. You cannot reach randomness and anyone who ever does or says anything, or paints pictures, writes music, books, whatever; they can try until doomsday, but the secret is beyond powerful. That being, that there is no blank art. No matter who does or says what, examine it and the stories get told. Many who totally are aware of this truth, just try and hide in a proverbial cave and wait out their deaths. Stupid move, there is no death. Your one little dream in four and five dimensions exists, as do all of your others, and your real true essence that is you, that escaped the void infinity, lives on the Astral-Plane. This is a super over simplified lesson in truth, but there it is anyway, L-4. I also left a parallel world where I woke up and got into my car and drove to the beach and sat down, and along came a lovely goddess who fell madly in love with me, and I ave a new wonderful girlfriend, making both Gina and Helen Zeb in comparison, look like a bucket of rocks; to quote the Law & Order people. Of course, I crashed and died in others, and millions of various possible things happened in still countless multiples of others. 'That's life', did you say; casino 'urinator-Frankie'? Well, I'll agree, if you say, 'that's lives'. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!

Thank you for doing whatever you did, to make things better for a while, old pal, Mister McDowell. I am sure only Microsucks Corporation knows what is 'groping on', as they might say, one rapist to another, in a daily joke. Don't think I have not been raped, and molested, and abused, not once, but on five different occasions while in adolescence. Talk about wanting to fucking wash your hands, at any height; David Deezy, and the Hip Hop Rap Gangster Thug World!!!!!!!!!! But more than Microsoft is going down in this rotten dirty mess. All the communication and media giants know my entire story. Oh sure, ''I'm haunted'', right miniature 'Incredible Hulk' RPL employee, from late 1979? I would come in to work nights and he was a day shift employee, and I would tell him that I already know what was being planned here with me, when they were up to something that in some way involved me. He was huge with muscles that had muscles of their own, yet this huge dude, looked at my big fat flabby ass with a fear that cannot be properly expressed with words. You really would have had to see this fear in his eyes and on his face, for yourselves, great cyber-folks, to fully appreciate the entire situation. This man had underwear that I do not think I would have wanted to have my nose too close to at that exact point in time, Senator Watergate, six years later in time-point. Wayne Rigsby has a home in New Jersey, about five miles from engineer Ryan's family, up in Jersey, in some weird parallel universe. About 16 months ago, give or take some days or weeks, something huge happened in this universe, leading me to not be able to record any longer at Avalon Recording Studio, and it all was suddenly changed, and the old reality was gone with the winds of Tara, and Okeechobee, and all her children, on ABC, in the very early 1970's. This is going to get hairy, and my daughter may just come to me tonight and really kick, the hot living crap out of me, in her great city of SDK, in her true form as Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. Anyway, Mister Rigsby was a real police officer, not an actor, in this other parallel universe, or in this wild and extremely vivid dreaming experience some time back; and for the life of me, I just could not make hide nor Donna-Hair of the reasoning for me to be having this experience in any nearby localized parallel reality. Oh Professor Kaku sir, I pray to the gods of Phase-2-Reality, you are with me here, but hold on, you might do a LOBO and fall of your 1974 chair, sir, without any help from a blond that would knock any red blooded male's socks off, Diana Arteemis, songs or no songs!

YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP AND YIPPIR FOLKS; this is going to get very ugly and very hairy. Miss Blake, if you have not retired from AT&T and have made a career out of your job there since I knew you from the year of 1983; well, listen up should be some remote chance, you too are reading along here. Lions, tigers, bears, or double tigers, all notwithstanding; Miss Blake was the lady in 1983 at the AT&T Annoyance Caller Bureau, in New Jersey. For over 70 times, one of my creditors from Illinois, where Paula Somnambulist Kings' folks all hail from in her true name-identity; and this creditor calls me and a young voice speaks and says, ''YIP''. That is all, just this. It has gone on now for 4 or more months, and is just like the winter and spring time in Atco, New Jersey. There would be no reason for them to do this. They either would be trying to call and collect their debt from me and leave me normal creditor messages, or whatever, but they would not be doing this YIP YIP YIP stuff for four plus months and 70+ times. Well, I spent a few hours before going to sleep yesterday, discussing this with Gawky Gaukauk. Folks, anyone can legally buy the debts of another, and I have a lot of debts, as you know well, from running away from the great mighty KING FAMILY late in 2009, to come here to Sunny South Central Florida. Companies buy each other out, debt and collection companies sell debts back and forth, and even sell their entire companies, and all of this is old news for anyone who knows about basic new age business of the past 50-100 years or so. You purchase a home and get a mortgage with the Bank of Dogpoopers, and in 6 short months, the homeowner receives a letter that his or her mortgage had been sold to the Sticky Wicky Airglue Corporation clear across the country. You still pay your nut crack each month, just sending your envelope payment to another address. Miss Blake, and all lovely cats and tigers, and Mister Rambo's and ROBO Cops everywhere; from the Dave Roth Red Odd Black Odd comedian club of 1985 or early 1986 somewhere; straight to the present moment at Shoebox Tablet High School, of hammer-men, all screaming and damming their bosses. A child can see that my funny funny funny Ingrid Sheila Hamburgerhair situation, is anything but, just as Sheila said at the edge of Central Park that night, supposedly in 1968, with or without Donna's great prophecy or her two dollar return fee from Angela and other motorcyclist friends of this ESS wild group from the gates of HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, if my kid wants to buy out my creditors, fine. Who ever thought I would end up owing a few thousand dollars to the top female pop diva of all times? If Morianity wasn't one hell of a dam wild tale before, it sure as shit is now, Wayne Badass Father Rigsby. That great show, ''The Mentalist'', and the episode where Rigsby gets into that fistfight with his father, is what is being discussed here, in this haunted hulked out, non 1979 RPL STUDIO nightmare of wild nearby houses, monster chemtrails, and three open reel tapes; and all nearby an old Camden City Park where Big Brother from the BBO John Red Henningsen, and myself, used to launch rockets we put together from a nearby novelty shop. (Big Brothers Organization) In my day it was only a boys club and had big brothers for boys, later on it developed into the more current time system of the Boys and Girls Club, where both big sisters and big brothers are there for both the genders that are in need of a mentor. This is a wild feeling, to think I legally owe my daughter a few thousand dollars right now, very very very awkward, Ingrid. Still, this is not orange box teck here, this is a buy out, and if you remember from that great show, TM, when the fistfight was just shy of starting and Rigsby was already in his dad's home, he had burned his whole stash of illegal cigarettes, as he was making money buy purchasing them in a state without a sales-tax, and illegally bringing them into California, in the show, and as he walked in the house, he saw his son burning the entire stash, and said to him, ''Did you burn my whole stash boy'', and the CBI Agent Rigsby said right back to him, ''YIP''. If you rearrange the roles of him and his criminal father, and me and my wonderful can't live without her awesome daughter; you will see this is beyond the Yogi Berra pale of accepting happenstance things and dismissing them. No sir, ''It's just too coincidental, to be a coincidence''. Yes sir, I agree with you wholeheartedly, Yogi sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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