Thursday, July 06, 2006
chapter 39 --- someone wants to know a bit more
The great SSJKK, and her human formout here on Earthworld life, is much less of a story, than how she and her entire upline world came to be, but these facts, can only b known, if she is willing to impart these secrets to me, and let them remain in my consciousness. For example, take a 50 dollar tape recorder into a concert, and you will get only an hour of the music, and hardly any of the true quality, at least back in my growing-up days when cassette recorders were used. 2 and 3 octaves of lower and higher sound reality, would not come out. My point is that conscious waking brain, is like that recorder, trying to remember the deeper worlds od truth/reality. My lightning goddess Diana Arteemus, let me fully remember what her beautiful eyes look like, as I was with her friend, in a powerful dream/interaction. This is one of her best friends, and in this world u can view her by going to the website, WWW.ACBP.COM, and clicking on pictures and the blow up option, the luscious blond on the left end f the screen is one of Diana's best friends, on the astral realm. She took me to visit her in an out of the way place, in a soda shop of sorts, in SahasraDalKanwal, the capitol city of the phase 2 life out and away from void infinity itself, and as soon as I waslked in, Diana walked right up to me and stared down at me, as she is just over six foot- three inches high in her bright red flat sneakers, that she bot at a shoe store in a large mall in Akoslem City in Ricktown, in the province of Olympia, where the capital city itself is located. My point to all this story is that she stared at me with her slitty long and unfathomable olympian eyes, multicolored with lots of green and silver, and her hair is very long and bright canary yellow, and shines so brilliantly, your physical eyes would blind-out instantly upon seeing her. But her eyes are so incredibly locked into my consciousness, that unlike her hair, or any other part of her beauty, my normal waking brain was so connected to her eyes, that even to this day, and the 'dream' was on Easther Sunday of 2001, I think about my lovely Diana's eyes not less than ten times every single day.
In closing, I am in the middle of a super botbar day. Everything went wrong when I attempted to go grocery shopping. I had to endure lots of nasty asses and much attitude. Also, I went to have a car radio put into my car, and believed when I got there, for the gods only know what reason, that I had forgotten to bring it, later to drive back home and see that I had the friggin thing all the time. Yesterday the dow dropped a bit because I was gonna give up my morianity bible project. My prediction today, a super frikin rally on their evil wicked stock market, and phillies, as usual, right down the girgler. But as I see the count go up, I will tell more and more secrets to the world, that 'they' certainly have a major vested interest in me not telling U. If comments come in about learning more on a specific event that I tell about, then I will of course gladly address it. Do U honestly think that a story like MORIANITY BIBLE is near to being fully revealed, in these few chapters, crissake, I'm not even warmed up yet. The chain in itself has a year worth of story to it, so does 1969, ettosian technology, all of my abductions, all my musical life and my physical/astral merged compositions, and how they began to alter the world after the 'dream' in June of 1980, with SSJKK singing her [Love Is For Carpenters] song to me, and on and on and on. We won't begin to C that I could 100 books about my nearly 2 years at RPL Sound Studio, and on and on, and let's not forget that I know where the 3 main wormholes are, thjat all allien beings throughout all 4th and 5th dimensions, are using to control their movements in and out of here, as their so-called saucers, are a small part of a much larger picture. So keep hitting and asking, or just hitting, as I see the count increase, I'll blow all your minds beyond sunshine donavan superman times ten to the googlepexth power exponent.
Silwee Wabbit and Twix, not the candy, Elmer Fudd, WHAAAAAAAAA, funnier than any stairs I have climbed, so far, all throughout this long eternity of hyperspace and Stacy Krassle, right Sherry?