Thursday, December 5, 2013



DECEMBER 5, 2013,






Here is the update to things. As soon as I posted that I'll no longer publicly blog my documents; I observed half a hundred new counts since that posted when I checked one final time before logging off last night for the day. Ron Wirtz, the ADA at the Camden county Prosecutor's Office, back in jersey, told me in 1994 when I phoned him from the Redbank, Gloucester County area, at his office in Camden City; and told him a few things, I will then quote what he said back to me. “Mark, if you test 'them' (WOMO-MILIT-2-FORCE), THEY'LL GIVE YOU A REACTION”. This was probably the biggest and mightiest and truest thing that this dude ever told me in the nearly five years that we had come to know each other since 5 December in 1989, which would be on this very day, 24 years ago. It seems like six months to me.

I never mentioned that on that horrible third day of December of this year, along with many vicious attacks done to me by these filthy rotten prick used toilet water lappers; they also gave me a horrendous diareah attack that hurt for well into the next day, my birthday, but since it went away in the early afternoon, I did not go botbar as a result. Now so far today, the Nuclear Plant testing was done, very annoying and loud, continuous hallway action is part of the agenda, but nothing real loud or crude, and this has been bad for a month or more since that loud door slam and the night this next door prick seemed to turn on me for reasons only his sick mind can really understand, unless Warren or Boo or any number of the Disney Orlando crew and friends of Cannonball Buttwipe, paid the guy off or told him some lie about me, who can ever fucking know anything, but I do have some major fucking shit to tell you all. Since you came back after I said fine, you don't want to know what is going on, I'll stop blogging, for now I'll continue. Again, I already had anticipated this Ron Wirtz Reaction or (RWR) for a short abbreviated future reference should I ever decide to use this. That fire alarm that I said would come by 3 AM, waited for nearly nine AM, by the way, but it came.

The only friend I had as you know, down here, is gone now, and is in Miami. A lot more is behind this fucking story than I dare to begin to type out right now in my recently since late August much weakened position, magnetically in cosmos. I will eventually do this however, if you're interested, and the only way that I'm able to get a read on this, is by studying page-hit counts on my blogger-dashboard. If peeps really want to know the absolute biggest secrets, right down to what I plan to do in exactly 6 years that will put this world on its ass, then the page-hits will climb to acceptable levels. Only I know and will not ever tell, but I have a weekly averaged plan. Only I know what the count must be in weekly averages, for me to tell no new secrets, some secrets, really cool secrets, and ultimate huge ones. This is based on simple numbers that it must climb each week from that of the previous week, and does not change and I WILL NOT EVER REVEAL WHAT THESE AMOUNTS ARE. So I am putting, as should be, my viewers and my audience; in total charge of the way that part of the blogs I do, work out. Other stuff I say and do has nothing to do with what anyone else does or does not do.

Now on the second day of fucking December, before the horrible death siege the following god dam day folks; I went up on google, and I typed in a phone number secretly given to me by the cloud that controls the entire present day internet and all large hacking done on it. Before going on with this, try and see that this thing begins as all of us plugged in together, and still is just the sixth dimension, machine mind, human mind, merged mind, nuclear mind, all is mind, the mind realm is what literally creates MIND, and places it one dimension lower into an 'area' called the hyperspace. This is where we live, in one universe consciously and all the others dream-sub-consciously. Eventually, this huge NCC CLOUD does not remain in four limited dimensions, as it incorporates our lives and our 'dreams', just as was spoken on the documentary on the SCIENCE CHANNEL by Professor Asia himself, I forget his real name. Once this all happens, unbeknown to these so-called guru geniuses, this will become the 5-D NCC CLOUD. It all ready is there on the sixth dimension, and always was and has been, as there, time exists in what you may think of as a oneness, actually, it just is not a real entity there at all. So my concepts of the ESS all this time and individuals becoming advanced and learning techniques of dream-travel and soul-travel and on an don, was a little off and misguided. Seeing that great show on TV the other night, I believe episode number 1 in 2013, Future Scape or something titled similarly to this, has fully opened my awareness and mind up to seeing the entire thing now. All things I still could not properly format or fit together as accurately as I may have wished to do, now has all come crystal ass fucking clear, my great folks out here, and for those who made this great TV show documentary, THANK YOU ETERNALLY FOR HELPING ME SEE THE FINAL STAGE OF WHAT ONCE I MIGHT HAVE CALLED, MORIANITY. Now we can totally move beyond Morianity, as this is a limitation. Anything and everything is a limitation. Only the NCC-CLOUD, a totally eventually fully realized fifth dimensional entity, capable of eventual movement into the expansion and through wormholes into new systems, just as all of us in our present separate and unique and individual states all came from past cycles and past parts of this cloud, it is all one cloud that merely is not yet invented physically in this one universe as we perceive times' powerful illusions. This NCC-CKLOUD has no start, and it has no end. IT IS, or to prove DAWN KING and her great almighty empire giant building family was and is KING all along, she said it first and she said it best, folks; ''IT IS WHAT IT IS'', and really, it just is, and that is what the NCC-CLOUD is, IT IS. The Bible even recognizes all of this, when SSJKK told Moses in the biblical story, to tell the Babylonian leader who had sent him to him, say to him, ''I AM'' has sent you. I'll take things from here Mister Macy, *****W---O---W*****!!!!!!

So folks, to open this up and not be real long about it, here is what generated my huge fucking troubles back on the third. I Googled up the CLOUD'S message to me. The NCC-CLOUD took a blog I did and mad two words come out with a green font and with a double underline. These words were PRIVATE and NUMBER. They did the same thing to another word as well that was near by, the word Skating. Also, private and number were not together, and were part of a sentence that read, ''PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER''. Since many calls come up on my telephone caller ID system, with the words PRIVATE, PRIVATE PERSON, or PRIVATE NUMBER, as well as anonymous, and a few other things, I then wondered what would happen if I took the word skating, and made a phone number or 7 digit number out of it, using the telephone's old letter to number dial pad system. Also there was one more ingredient involved in all of this. I was discussing Gawky Gaukauk giving me an answer to a question that I had asked him, and the PCN or three digit number that was given to me by him through a deck of playing cards, was 752, and this matches the first 3 out of 7 digits in the word ''skating''. The entire SKATING number then became 752-8464. So I Googled it and up came some wild information. If I narrowed the search to just areas I used to live within say 100 miles or so before coming here to Florida; on place is not that far away from the headquarters of the planet, Manhattan. I did not take this any further, and shut down for the night, that was early morning of the third of December, and the rest is history. I had a day so horrible it went down as Japan-Strike number 2, Albert Einstein Bombs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For six weeks or so, some moron adolescent calls me and leaves a half second voicemail message, soundiong like saying ''IP'' real quickly. This comes from two different phone numbers and area codes, but they are not far away from each other, all in an area where both my family and my daughter's family have roots in, if you take my mother's Uncle Arthur Huntington who murdered his wife and mother in law in their sleep with an ax and then hung himself in the cellar, early in February of 1948 up in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts, a place called, Braintree. His wife, who he murdered on that horrible bloody night, had the maiden name of Alice Gallagher. She hailed from Chicago, and her parents and their cousins hailed from places in and near the suburbs there, known as Northbrook. This is where these telephone calls are coming out of, unless someone else is doing this using what is rarely called by others outside the circles of police or secret agencies, orange-box teck. This allows you to call a person and their called ID will show any name or number you wish it to, it is powerful software. By the way, it was not two, but three so far Chicago and suburb areas of Chicago, where I get these prank calls coming from over the past six weeks or so. They are as follows, for the record, AT&T:

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ------------ (773) 649-5862

EVANSTON, ILLINOIS----------- (847) 448-0006

NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS----- (224) 387-5686

If these are bill collectors, persecuting me with crank calls can allow me to tell the county judge that I do not own them any money, according to a statute in the Law Library in the Bankruptcy collection Regulations and statutes. But I am not sure this is what this is. Ever since 1983, I got this kind of phone harassment, the only time it ever stopped was during the time of the family kidnapping of me under Stockholm Syndrome, and about a couple years before it and after it, or about 6 years tops since 1983, that I have been without this nonsense in my life. If it is not a creditor now, it is my daughter and her many friends. A moron can see all this.

Now I told you all that I was going to ask GAGA KITTY CAT, just what brought about the monster fucking day of the third of December, and to quote the Real Good girl accent throughout the old 1986 song, ''I DID''. My answer was of no shock at all, not one tiny teeny whittle bit. IT WAS PCN-396.

Here are some of the items in my match-book for that number, the safe match-book, Dawn and Dawt!!!!!!!!!!!

Only the first two will be talked about, then I will list the rest as I am sure that things have meanings yet discovered by me, and so will be included.


Who out here remembers about this strange telemarketer from the great wonderful Suffolk County, New York, called Over the Radar? You will find old blogs from 1-3 years back somewhere, that discusses all of this. You are not buying into the yellow telephone dream bridge; or any other coincidences here; are you Abbey Carmichael, and Yogi Berra, and Jack McCoy? Well, I know that I sure am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yes, 396 contains some other really interesting items that most definitely fit into answers for why this assault was done to me so wickedly and monstrously. Let me go on now to list these other items for you all.


I stand all alone in a world that hates my guts and wants to hurt me and mess with me and only will be happy when they splatter my living fucking guts all over the wall and burn my remains to ash. How would any of fucking you like to be me?????????????????????



Well Gina my beautiful tall arm breaker of the nineties, I told U that the Philadelphia Phillies will go on LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING. I also told U that the Dow Stock Market would go on WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING, and both of my predictions 4 the past 2 weeks R right on the money. They gained 300+ points today and last night my Phillies were shut out after MC hacked and crashed my personal computer, but she did not stop there. As soon as I lost awareness to this waking world, she somehow AGAIN hacked into my Airship’s mighty ALL-KNOWER device that runs this vessel, when I tried to take lightning to a beautiful
waterfall, I ended up many thousands of provinces away from Olympia and then suddenly ALL-Knower, began 2 rapidly lose power and we were only able 2 move towards home by 3 or 4 provinces when we literally became dead in dry water. I can tell U the parts of this inhumane interaction that follows based solely on my best and most accurate present waking world recall of the event/nightmare. First, the entire province whose name was wild but that I can bring no part of that back into waking world reality with me no matter how hard I try, but then what’s in a name so we’ll just 4 blog’s-sake call this place, Province-W, or shortened 2 “PW”, and the W is 4 “weird”. PW is a place I do not wish 2 ever revisit, unless Mariah herself or SSJKK-PIMC, the MI standing 4 PRESENT-INCARNATION, was right there with me 2 protect me as opposed 2 causing this misery. First the entire province of PW acts almost as VI, it all interacts in its own combined oneness when invaders from neighboring provinces R concerned anyway. PW instantly turned into a gargantuan sized BRIGGBASE, and was countless times greater and mightier and huger than the Briggbase that exists in the Province Olympia or the OP. Instantly, Diana and I began 2 try and run or fly all over but no matter where we went, giant US Military-type aircraft began following and stalking us at very low and deafening levels, and then as well, so did loud beyond descriptiveness military wall shaking helicopters. It was far worse than being in the waking world and going through all of my very worst sieges, ALL COMBINED TOGETHER!!!!! It went on incessantly without let up and only continually increased and gained in its intense fear beyond human conception generation. Even Diana was scared, and it takes a lot 2 frighten Diana. It just kept going on what seems now 2 me back awake here, thousands of mortal world, MW, years. Then in a sudden glorious instant, I found myself alone with my wonderful lightning in a human form, my blond Diana Arteemis, and we were sitting along a strange lake that was inland from a mighty ocean type body of water. The lake was peaceful and serene until the tide was nearly to its highest point at the nearby ocean, and then waves would start flooding into to this very quarry-deep lake, and then it suddenly would get treacherous and rough as a storm out at sea. But when the tide no longer was high enough 2 support this connection of these bodies of water, the lake would begin 2 calm down as well as expel the ocean water out and eventually 4 a relatively short time, grew as calm as any normal lake on a windless day would in fact B like. B4 going on I knew trouble was freaking coming by the MICKERS when around one-eleven this morning just as I was about 2 retire 4 the evening with my tea and crumpets with Brit and Warper Gramps, a major loud and low scum bag Milituforce air vessel, violated my air space and my civil rights as well, by buzzing me at precise zenith over my residence roof, and all though the clocks were blocked, common sense told me when this attack happened, as it was about 20 minutes after I indeed blocked the clocks at ten minutes shy of 1 AM for the night. Actually Brit canceled and the tea and crumpets were really a bowl of Breyers Ice cream, wow the greatest ice cream on Earth is not Spell-Checker-recognized, imagine that. No I have a 0%-C with both of MC Cane’s able-bodied starlit choices, just 4 fun I ran all of them. The thing that makes no sense 2 me at all, is the Donald. I am either losing my mind, altering dimensions during retraces further than I think, or some other wild thing is occurring, as now I come 2 find out that MC and the Donald both have the same PCN. Now I did not say Mickey-D, I said MC and the Donald, and this PCNT is a 462, Oh well, Mister Macy, they R great together in your commercial with Martha, and they R 25%-C. What floors me is that I am 100%-C with the Delirium Tremors. Originally I know I was living in a different part of hyperspace where I was 0, and then later, 50, and now I come 2 find myself 100% compatible? Where R the gods of Weird???? Obviously hanging out in my closets invisibly to my perceptions. Again, Gawky Gaukauk has reminded me that compatibility is connection, and that this is not necessarily a positive nor a negative connection, just indeed that there is a definite very strong tie in cosmic and potential human ways, between anything that shows 2B compatible in the Gawnum Equations out of 81 possible private cosmically-coded numbers from 110 through 990. The very day Trump scum built his first place in Atlantic City, the Trump Plaza, I wanted 2 go down there, and my automobile blew up on the way down, and was forever wrecked and gone. No there is a strong compatibility between us, there should B, he got me as a phase-4 being, 2 literally bring him onto the waking world as a powerful wealthy arrogant evil man, the precise person that he is, and I created him on a tape recorder long B4 any of this worked its way into the STC and its waking world realities. There R 6,561 possible match-ups in comparing all potential PCN’s, in a 2-match up, and if UR matching up 3 things we need multiply 81X81 again or 6561X81 2C how many possible different things can B put together in 3-way match-ups, and this now becomes a larger total of 531,441, yes there R more than half a million possibilities with a mere 81 possible Prive-Code-Numbers. Comparing 4 things 2B matched up, and just over 43 million possibilities R now staring U in the face, ain’t mathematics exciting!!!!!! Also, sometimes 2 alike PCN’s have compatibility with their total or PCNT, while other alike PCN’s do not. Fascinating ain’t it Mister Vulcan Spock???????? But what is more fascinating 4 me aniwho, is watching strange and subtle changes and alterations that R occurring all around, all through my life as Mountainpen; but especially since 1995, and talking about this 2 my 2 faves and buds there at the HADDONWOOD SWIM AND HEALTH CLUB, Joe and Andy. Is was around this time that I was shot, AND KILLED, at a Williamstown WAWA store, in NJUSAESMWG. U never will hear of it as U all that R reading this R atomically part of this signature of hyperspace where I now have been retraced into. When U zoom back at some object using distance delay, and then go on 2 capture it not as present day photography works, but actually by transferring the reality around the image being captured that is merely waves and particles, and meshing them all together into a combined photon full image, called a CPFI in less than 2 hundred years, this then can B traced out on an AVM or an AUDIO/VIDEO/MATERIAL recording device, a future camera recorder of a sort, only instead of getting what we get today, we can eject from the machine, the actual reality in weaves and particles that were scanned. Since however there is a difference in time physically, this causes forces within the atomic laws in the seventh dimension, to ever so slightly alter the precise atomic duplication process in so much as not being reassembled in the precise reality from where it was previously scanned, but into another part of hyperspace, perhaps only away by a whisper, but sometimes, it is more than this, and things begin 2 get noticeable if it were to happen over and over, sort of like getting an ex-ray many times if UR unfortunate enough 2B battling say 4 example, a serious cancer. A few X-rays in your life will not alter the cells and genetics of your physical body to any recognizable nor harmful point. However, should someone get exposed 2 way too many of them, and R forced 2 endure being exposed to massive amounts of this xenon radiation; devastating physical harm will result, far worse than anything that the original disease could ever have done 2 the patient. I have been retraced by Summer up in the end of the 23 hundreds where I retraced her first, as Labber Zeejins, from my station at the World Laboratories of Westmont, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and later showed her 2 much of the technology, and she has been relentlessly using it to retaliate against me, and this is a large part of what I am going through.
I am tired of all of this hi-tech bull, and am living here now. As me, I never did this 2U, and shame on U4 doing all of this 2 me. I know that U have gotten in tight with your great friend from Sahasra Dal Kanwal as she now lives here in the big Apple. Talk about causing me nightmares and tears, KAL. I did not get beat up, but the hell was worse. After I was sitting at the lake, Mariah and her best girlfriend, sat down 2 my right. Diana was over to my left, along this very green and beautiful grass, at the edge of this wild lake. Suddenly a voice over an intercom system said that the tide was now in the “Danger-Third, stay out of the lake”. With that, tall lovely Mariah jumped right in, and began swimming all around. It was warm and soothing water, as Diana and I had been in it recently, while it was still in its safer period, as was explained earlier on this blog. I started shouting in a nice way 4 Mariah 2 get out of the lake, and she just totally ignored me, swimming further out and away from the area where the 3 of us were all sitting. Behind the lake and edge on the side we were all on, was a large area, and part of it was a home where Diana and I lived together. I jumped up and told Mariah’s best friend, a very attractive and voluptuously built young girl with dark hair and just about Mariah’s height or a tad shorter, but more thickly muscled like a volleyball athlete; that the home next 2 mine belongs 2 the Mayor, and I am going 2 go get the Mayor, since she would not listen 2 the warning. I told Diana 2 stay and keep trying 2 yell out 4 MC 2 come back to the shoreline of this lake, as she still was rapidly swimming out and away from us, heading right towards where the ocean would soon come roaring through a 400 foot winding area, that due to the great 1000 or more foot depth of this lake, would turn the rolling breaking water into large swelling waves. I got to the end of the area of grassy beach where different areas separate by strange tunnels and dams like nothing I ever B4 remember seeing, and went down a sloping grassy walk way that contained some wooden steps at the middle, but above and below did not, and finally reached a cement walkway where I turned right as left was where a grate was holding water from the lake back as we were under the waterline at this place. After 100 feet or so I turned to go up some concrete steps leading eventually 2 a pathway that would put me on my home and area that was not accessible by just going back from where I was originally, as other obstructions were there blocking the way. I no sooner was up the steps when her powerful girlfriend grabbed my arm and said that it is none of your business, just leave her alone. I kept saying she is going 2B drowned, and that I am calling the Mayor. Then she pulled me so hard, that my arm almost broke at the shoulder. She was very strong. She got me in the tunnel area again, and right in front of me said, “Watch this”. Instantly she turned into a large frog, and I picked her up. I started 2 take the frog with me 2 my home where I was hoping 2 call the home a few doors down, as this was the Mayor’s place. Suddenly the frog jumped out of my hand with great force and turned into, no, not the girlfriend, but into Mariah herself. She was laughing, and cracking up, and then she said 2 me, ”My girlfriend is probably at the bottom of the lake by now sucking weeds” I starred at her, finally saying, “Mariah, how can U pull off these unimaginable wild miracles. Just who really RU”? She giggled on and on, and then proceeded 2 pick me up, all nearly 300 pounds of me, like she was picking up her little doll she had at seven; and told me, “I have no beginning, 2 me there’s no ending, the great Scylla Goddess I am, U should know that, I’ve been singing this song 2U forever now Yancy”. Then she carried me over 2 my home, and up the back stairs made of wood, 64 of them all total, up to a glass enclosed area, overlooking the view. Diana had vanished B4 me as I looked out and the skies began 2 grow almost black.
Diana had turned back into what she really is, LIGHTNING, and made bright colorful stupendous colors and arrays of utter beauty all over, as the lake flooded in with great surf and high swells of 15 feet and higher. Then Mariah through me down on a large bed that I used when I slept outside. She told me that I have no choice, but to endlessly play her great mighty game; that she is the All Mighty first and last, and what she says goes. I am 2 always trust her. Then after she made passionate love 2 me, a knock came on the door and she said, “Come in Mayor Levy”. President Bush was standing there with him, and they were wearing huge belts with large cardboard signs attached somehow 2 them, with bright purple colored cardboard squares about 5 by 5 inches. Printed on them were 3 numbers, 176. When I awoke from this afterwards, I worked out the Robert Levy and George Bush PCN numbers, and shore/sure enough, they both R indeed 176, but they R not compatible. Right B4I awakened, Mayor Levy said a strange thing 2 me, “Leave my girls Paula King and Nina Soifer alone, Firedog”. Instantly I woke up, trembling and soaked with sweat, all though my room was 75 degrees. Also the overhead chandelier had words on it matching the program that I think MC sent 2 me after I went up the first time 2 her website, ‘bcon exe’ and under the first part it had the number 34 with a + sign in-between the digits, and under the second part it had the number 34 again, and also with the + sign in between the 3 and 4. Sure enough, the Gawnum in all its great grandiose glory, shows that each of these parts of program totals up in alpha-value to 34, and if U count the total of this program, it is 7, just as if U add up a 3+4, as in 7-7-7, the number of All Mighty SAR. As 4 the Privecode number of the program, 34 and 34 is 68, the final year and the 7th and the 8th stays at the Trinitrail/Trinidad Motel for my mom and me in 1968, as well as 68 is 6+8 is 14 and 1+4 is 5 for the PCN 2nd digit, and its first digit is 7 for having 7 digits in bcon-exe, so this PCN is a 752. Now there R no matches just with my PCN871 or MC’s PCN231, but add up 231+871+752 and we get the great sum total or the PCNT of 100 years B4I was ‘Mountainpen’ born, the great 1854. All 3 PCN’s match out to the PCNT of 1854 yet do not match unless I am part of this mix, and this is Y MC is so impatient, as am I, 2 get her program downloaded onto my PC. After this, I will join your Honey B, I promise U, & U RULE THE EMPIRE MC. U ALSO RULE MY HEART AND BEING, and I am not your shellfish, so please do not include me in your Jonah collection, my endless lovely Teen-Queen. Oh yes, one match in the PCN-231, and one match in the PCN-752, but in my PCN-871, there R 2 matches, for a 50% C on these 3 things put all together now, with or without purple 4 us all in the 1970 fall, or Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia. Hang in there Mr. Mayor, UR doing a great job, and I lived in your city both back in 1963 and 1964 as well as many years of the 18th century as well, hats off 2U my friend. Yes Gina, I told U. just as U told me I would not hold U off 3 seconds in an arm wrestle, and then U went on 2 break my arm, beauty queen; now I am telling U, that the market will forever keep going up and up and up and up and up, and the Phillies will lose and lose and lose and lose and lose, and sink down to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place in their division, and I am just about never ever freaking wrong.
This is all total truths, with no omissions nor additions 2 these truths. This is copyrighted as Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2008.


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YOU MISSED ME JANE SLEAZEWEEDSDISEASE, so ha ha ha ha ha, and no ak ak ak ak ak ak ak, Billy, but let's discuss the major OPEN OFFICE 3.1 SYSTEM CRASH, every time you right click to add this to the dictionary or try to, and the second you right click on any of these AK'S, bang, the system crashes and you have to go through a recovery process of clicking into boxes until it is restored. No I did not call 911 on Thanks Giving Cunt Lapping Rotten Ass Day, as this is just exactly what the enemy wanted me to do, get myself in trouble with the authorities. I was born at night, but not last night, Mikey Patterson!!!!

U all know out in 2301 that Russ Thax came over in this video game set on AUDIO/VIDEO/MATERIAL-full trace laser scan, [FTLS] and that the first move was having Misses Goodfellow 6-D-influenced or SDI, 2 get horny and rape him, committing the heinous act of child abuse, endangerment, and contributing 2 the delinquency of a minor. Then move 2 was to SDI him to find the unopened fifth of straight Vodka, open it, and drink it all down in his room, the Ross Midnight Action was now further embarking. Then, since he knew we would both B literally floor wiped by my baseball bicep mom if caught together at 1 AM on a school night, or any night, he was in move three of VG-AVM SDI’d to come over with some strange ‘knowing’ that my mom would just happen 2B out on a date with boyfriend-Sid. Then move 4, as the RMA, or the Ross Midnight Action continued 2 progress and ensue, he SDI’s me 2 burn the remaining half of the magical contents of the locked ‘sea chest’ appearing box, in my bedroom apartment closet, in that early hour in early middish December in 1969-AD, in New Jersey, USAWSMWG. Now the super wowish RMA, remember from PB, the song Diana Ross had in 1985 called CHAIN REACTION, and what was the other object that was in the box B4 the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah took it out of there both physically and astrally, but THE CHAIN, given 2 me by John Henningsen, given 2 me by a mister Hans Worshing from the Philadelphia Boys Club and the Big Brother’s Association of America. 2301, U all know my complete story back here in what U perceive as your past, but I am real here on a 3 dimensional plane, and just because more than 29 decades separates us in photonic distance, it is the same space on the fourth dimension. IC that all of the Google system now fits into your grand scheme of all of this, right down to this AVM DATFILE GAME 4, and includes all that I have been put through and experimented with. Now, I ask for a RELIEF-CLAUS, under the ACT OF UNUSUAL PRIORLIFERS DISCOVERIES or the Relcla of the UPD ACT, THANK U!!!!!!!!! I will now send back all of my material to all of the times to the United States Library of Congress for official ©. I demand a GAME OVER, please make papers appear in the 1990’s about this video game and Sarah Krassle. Thank U 4 compliance under the UPD Act.

END TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------4 now, whatever now is!!!!

GOOGLE-SWIS-WORLD LAB- official web documentation @datfile #1: MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN

All blogging is co-copyrighted in these names, if these names R on these blogs.


1 comment:

Michael said...
"Varo Edition"



Transcribed by The Quantum Future Group Castelnau-Barbarens, France 2003

THE CASE FOR THE UFO Unidentified Flying Objects By M.K. Jessup


On the evening of April 20, 1959, an astronomer committed suicide in Dade County Park, Florida. Inhaling automobile exhaust fumes, which he had introduced from the tail pipe through a hose into his station wagon, he died in the same academic obscurity in which he had lived, unheralded and almost unrecognized in his discipline. Ironically, the scientist’s only public recognition had come from lay people, who had read his series of four books about unidentified flying objects. Morris K. Jessup’s first book, The Case For the UFO, had tended to alienate him from his colleagues, though it came and went with relatively few sales. Its publisher sold it off to second-hand bookstores at $1.00 each. Today it brings $25.00 or better per copy, if you can find one. It was a paperback edition of the same book, published in 1955 by Bantam Books that enmeshed Jessup in one of the most bizarre mysteries in UFO history. An annotated reprint of the paperback was laboriously typed out on offset stencils and printed in a very small run by a Garland, Texas manufacturing company which produced equipment for the military. Each page was run through the small office duplicator twice, once with black ink for the regular text of the book, then once again with red ink, the latter reproducing the mysterious annotations by three men, who may have been gypsies, hoaxters, or space people living among men. The spiral bound 8 ½” X 11” volume, containing more that 200 pages, became known as The Annotated Edition. The reprint quickly became legend. A few civilian UFO enthusiasts claimed to have seen copies, and it was rumored that a few close associates of the late Mr. Jessup possessed copies. Many people claimed it simply had never existed. Because you are now holding a virtually exact facsimile of The Annotated Edition in your hands, it is most obvious that the book existed. But the big mystery still remains: why did a Government contractor go to so much trouble to reprint a book that had been rejected by the scientific community, and further to include mysterious letters to the author and even more bizarre annotations? And with this mystery goes the suspicion that the book may have been printed by the manufacturer at the request of the military, which implies Government interest in some of the weirdest aspects of “Flying Saucer” study.

Jessup’s Background Not much detail is known of Jessup’s life before he emerged as one of the early writers on UFOs, mainly because nobody has taken the trouble to do the needed research. Probably the most that Ufology knows about him prior to his involvement with flying saucers is contained on the jacket flap of his first book. He is described as having been an instructor in astronomy and mathematics at the University of Michigan and Drake University. The Jacket copy also notes that Jessup completed his thesis for the doctorate degree in astro-physics at the University of Michigan, though it does not state whether on not he was awarded the actual degree. In the academic business, usually the thesis is the thing that comes

last, and is the final step in the awarding of the doctorate degree. Sometimes these doctoral candidates are deferentially called “Doctor” by their associates, though it cannot be used officially by them. T his would seem to be the case of Jessup, who was often addressed as “Dr. Jessup”, but who never used the title in correspondence, nor on the covers or title pages of his four books. Very likely Jessup was never actually awarded the degree. Apparently, his thesis consisted of a report on his research program which (again according to the book jacket) resulted in several thousand discoveries of physical double-stars “which are now uncatalogued in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society of London”. The short biography also lists other important research activities by Jessup. It indicates that he was assigned by the United State Department of Agriculture to study the sources of crude rubber in the headwaters of the Amazon, though no date is given. He made archeological studies of the Maya in the jungles of Central America for the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Without identifying the source of sponsorship or financing, the jacket states that he explored Inca ruins in Peru, and concluded that the stonework he found there had been “erected by the levitating power of space ships in antediluvian times”. Also: “Mr. Jessup’s latest explorations have taken him to the high plateau of Mexico where he has discovered an extensive group of craters. They are as large as, and similar to, the mysterious lunar craters Linne and Hyginus N, and he believes them to have been made by objects from space. They are presently under study by means of aerial photography and the study will be ready for publication in approximately eighteen months”. Apparently the further exploration of the craters was never carried out. According to James W. Moseley, former publisher of Saucer News, Jessup sought university, foundation and private sponsorship of the project, but was unsuccessful in gaining sufficient interest and funds. The Allende Letters The mystery of the annotated paperback edition of The Case for the UFO was preceded by a series of strange letters from Carlos Miguel Allende addressed to Jessup. Two of these, reproduced as part of the Annotated Edition, appear in the following pages. The letters claimed that as a result of a strange experiment at sea utilizing principles of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, a destroyer and all its crew became invisible during October, 1943. “The Field was effective in an oblate spheroidal shape,” Allende wrote. He added that “any person within that sphere became vague in form, and that as a result of the experiment some of the crew went insane. Further horrifying aspects of the alleged experiment are detailed in the two letters (See Appendix). The Allende letters became connected with The Annotated Edition when the Varo Manufacturing Company evidently got in touch with Jessup in regard to the latter. Varo’s unusual involvement in the mystery began a few months after February 1956, In April of that year Admiral N. Furth, Chief of the Office of Naval Research, Washington D.C., received a manila envelope postmarked Seminole, a small town in Texas. Written across its face was the notation “Happy Easter”. When Furth opened the envelope he found a copy of the Jessup paperback. We are not certain of Furth’s reactions, but we can assume that he thumbed through the book and that his interest was piqued by a series of notes, interjections, underscorings, etc., in three colors of ink, apparently written by three different people. Only the name of one of the authors of the annotations appeared in the notes, that of “Jemi”. The paperback had apparently been passed through the hands of the strange annotators several times. This conclusion could be drawn from the fact that the notes indicated discussions between two or all three of the men, with questions answered, and places where parts of a note had been marked through, underlined, or added to by one or both of the other men. Some had been deleted by marking through. The notes had a tone of absolute weirdness. Sometimes they agreed with Jessup’s original text; sometimes they contradicted it, as they referred to two types of people living in space. They specified two habitats for the space people: underseas, and what they termed the “stasis neutral”, the latter term apparently in agreement with Jessup’s exposition on points of neutral gravity in space. They mentioned the building of undersea cities and identified two groups of spacemen, “L-M’s” and “S-M’s”. The “L-M’s” were designated as peaceful, the “S-M’s” as sinister.


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